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FM12 Tactics Creator

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Just starting my FM12 game and one of many things that's driving me nuts is using the (STUPID) tactics creator. My assistant is bugging me to start preparing back-up tactics. My first tactic is 4-2-4. My intended back-up is 4-4-2. The problem is that the tactics creator is dragging all my players out of position.

For the avoidance of doubt I can set up a tactic AND adjust all my player instructions AND adjust all my team instructions in about 30 seconds flat!!!

It's probably something simple that I'm missing of course but I'm very frustrated so if anyone has any idea what's going wrong I'd appreciate it very much indeed.

(n.b. this could be an FM11 thing rather than a problem specific to FM12 for all I know)

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Have you made sure that the other tactics you are learning are 'not the starting tactic'? You can make sure this by clicking the little icon on the match prep screen were it tells you the tactic you are learning.

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