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A suggestion for the tactics thread

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I fail to see the point.What about the majority of the tactics that will actually fall inbetween, the tactics made with the TC and then tweaked so that shouts cant be used anyway? Surely,as its not the look of the tactic that is the decider, these tactics should then be posted in the classic section as they work ( plug & play, no shouts ) the same way.

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I fail to see the point.What about the majority of the tactics that will actually fall inbetween, the tactics made with the TC and then tweaked so that shouts cant be used anyway? Surely,as its not the look of the tactic that is the decider, these tactics should then be posted in the classic section as they work ( plug & play, no shouts ) the same way.

No, they wouldn't be in the new section because shouts would be available, if ineffective.

I only want to play with classic tactics, I hated the whole rehaul and feel it offers less, so I'd like to see a classic only section.

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All shouts do is provide a way to quickly alter the sliders, they don't provide anything additional you cant do by simply clicking on the tactics tab while the match is happening. As such I don't really see a difference between classic and non-classic tactics. The match engine certainly dosn't treat them any differently.

What I do support is having a separate sub-forum for each version of the game - not everybody is considerate enough to put FM10/FM11/FM12 in their thread title....it's also extremely annoying on then good team and player guide forum.

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