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An idea to spend your managers wage packet?

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Explain exactly what you would do as chairman (I've enclosed a postage stamp:D)

Well friend, i could say a lot of obvious thinks, but the main is, I think each one have or had a desire you create a club or take your fav team and get control of it all and continue playing with the team for a many years, not having fear of being quit of your team and YOU trying to do the team growing up more and more. This is my idea. But about how would be that control, it would depend. Could be you controlling all the parts, as tactics, financial, marketing, buy/selling players, training camps... or you would take care of one of those parts only. For example, you could, only, control the "on the field" part: tactics, training, with you being also the team owner, or you would stay on the "backstage".

Well, my ideas:

-You have a money to buy/create a club and to be a chairmain or manager/chairman (but in game, you would be a chairman if u had a "x" money to create a club or depending the team you wanna buy, a minimum value for that to negotiate).

-Useless things (cars, houses, jewells, clothes, eletronics, those things, and could create a online table with the richest managers in the world)

-Betting (even being illegal, then you would get more mone, but you take risk of being taken for illegal attitude)

-Coaching course (you improve your way to command the team, the tactics, trainning, managing the staffs)

-Language course (you improve a language you choose, making easy the communication with the players and staff. You could contract also a translator to stay with you)

-Pay a referee or opposite player "to make easy" your game

-Put the money in the bank and depending the country economy, you would get "x" % a month.

-You would help your club putting money.

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Well, my ideas:

-Pay a referee or opposite player "to make easy" your game

Are you serious ?

Ok, but if the player fails the bribe he won't be able to play FM12 for six real months. Ok, now who is the brave one to give it a try ?

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see id like something like this implemented

say im manager of a "big" club with a "big" wage, ive been there a few years 5-6 maybe more and my "savings account" is looking very healthy now, so id like to be able to invest some of my money back into the club, or maybe ive got all that money in my "account" and im bored at the top level, so ill go to league one and invest some money into a club there.... surely this wouldnt be that hard to do?

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Pretty sure implementing it would be cakewalk but its left out for a reason..

Lets say you invest money in a club.. that means you cant be manager any more.. so what do you do now? this is football manager.. not chairman manager..

if you where to invest money in a club and then get sacked.. what would happen to the money?

I don't see it ever get added to the game.

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sorry, why can i not be manager anymore? didnt peter reid invest some of his money in plymouth last/this season? im just saying that it would be nice to be able to do something with all that money, if I invested it into a club it would be a "gift loan" and would not be repayable and if i got sacked then its my own fault, i should have used the extra money in a better way!!

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If you apply for jobs while under the contract, the higher your wage the more the club would need to pay in compo. Thus affecting your chances of landing a new job without giving up the security blanket and resigning first. Not to mention it helps dictate your own job security.

Wages are important to the above points as they should be given the basis of the game. But as stated a few times, this comes up regularly and some of the utter drivel that is suggested is mind-boggling.

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I think they should introduce the option to try and bribe referees etc., but make it so that if you get caught, you're banned completely from football forever and FM doesn't even load anymore unless you buy a new copy of the game.

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I think they should introduce the option to try and bribe referees etc., but make it so that if you get caught, you're banned completely from football forever and FM doesn't even load anymore unless you buy a new copy of the game.

This. It might fade out the people who come up with the ideas to use your wages :D

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I don't know that an aspect where your success as a manager has an impact on gameplay. Maybe it lets you know where you live, or what kind of car you drive, or where you vacation. Theoretically, if you make/save enough money over the years, you can "retire" into a partial ownership position, or just buy a low-tier team outright. Right now, the game doesn't much differentiate between you being a Jose Mourinho vs a Bruce Arenas. But they obviously have a much different impact on the sport.

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sorry, why can i not be manager anymore? didnt peter reid invest some of his money in plymouth last/this season? im just saying that it would be nice to be able to do something with all that money, if I invested it into a club it would be a "gift loan" and would not be repayable and if i got sacked then its my own fault, i should have used the extra money in a better way!!

No he didn't invest money in them. He merely paid a few bills for them out of his own pocket purely because it was needed to keep the club in existance. Personally I'm against any sort of "spend your wages on this or that" in FM, because for me, it just wouldn't add much, and likely wouldn't work.

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Because if youre at a big club your few million that ay have earned won't be worth investing, and if youre at a sall club it is unlikely that you would have earnt enough money to make a difference by investing.

And, when, but in extreme cases, has a manager invested in the club that he works for?!?

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I don't get all these people bringing up the suggestion of them as the manager helping the club financially. Seems like a pretty daft notion to me.

Let's say that you've managed lifetime earnings of £5m, obviously this is before tax so that needs to be deducted, you then need to make deductions for general living & of course the quality/cost of living will rise as you get more successful so I would ask of that £5m how much do you actually have left?

It's not as simple as pumping in all your earnings because irl you will not have that money, as many people including myself have said this is not something that SI should spend any time developing.

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I kinda think some of you are missing the point, I agree, outside of FM, a manager has tax, bills etc to pay so its highly unlikely, however, in FM (which is a GAME after all) your money just sits there having next to no impact.

Now if I had been managing man utd (for example) for a number of years, had won everything and was wanting a new challenge, I might move to a championship/league one club to turn them into the next man utd,

I'd like to be able to invest some of my own money to kickstart my new club.

Whats honestly wrong with that? I agree with not being able to spend it on cars/houses/women but I think investing it back into the game is a good idea and its something I'd really like to see implemented in future FM's

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UEFA FFP means that what you are proposing is against the rules, obviously they are of little concern to a club that are not challenging for a European place but I fully expect that a similar rule will be implemented to all domestic clubs once the FA/FL introduce a league license system & of course there may well be countries were such a proposal is already against the rules.

In short why should SI dedicate time to a feature that would be defunct before or shortly after release?

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UEFA's FFP regulations do not prevent equity injections or donations. It just (very basically) states that if you want to compete in a UEFA competition, you cannot spend more than you earn. There's no evidence to suggest the FA will implement anything any time soon. UEFA has plenty of rules the Football League and Premier League don't have.

UEFA's FFP regulations are attempting to stop irresponsible spending. If this feature existed, it could be that all this money could only be spent on infrastructure but not transfers, for example. UEFA's FFP doesn't stop that, which is why City can in theory undergo its large-scale regeneration programme, despite the fact that they clearly have a vested interest in it anyway.

In addition, it could be an equity stake rather than a donation, meaning the manager becomes a manager-chairman-CEO of sorts, as he actually partly owns the club. Then you run into the wonderful world of running the club. Which is of course a different story and another commonly-requested feature request.

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UEFA's FFP regulations do not prevent equity injections or donations. It just (very basically) states that if you want to compete in a UEFA competition, you cannot spend more than you earn. There's no evidence to suggest the FA will implement anything any time soon. UEFA has plenty of rules the Football League and Premier League don't have.

UEFA's FFP regulations are attempting to stop irresponsible spending. If this feature existed, it could be that all this money could only be spent on infrastructure but not transfers, for example. UEFA's FFP doesn't stop that, which is why City can in theory undergo its large-scale regeneration programme, despite the fact that they clearly have a vested interest in it anyway.

In addition, it could be an equity stake rather than a donation, meaning the manager becomes a manager-chairman-CEO of sorts, as he actually partly owns the club. Then you run into the wonderful world of running the club. Which is of course a different story and another commonly-requested feature request.

FFP is actually about preventing what Platini has called financial doping & as a by-product maintaining the status-quo, any spending by a club must be done from their normal commercial revenue (this is why Man City's Ethiad sponsorship is being investigated), ex-gratia cash injections are exactly what they are trying to outlaw.

Your final paragraph is a valid point in terms of how a cash injection would work (I expect clubs to make use of IPO's & private share offerings to by-pass FFP) but as you've stated once that door is opened then we are going down the route of full club ownership within the game & this is Football Manager not Football Tycoon.

I tried to play FIFA Manager once, I used my manager's wages to buy a copy of FM so he could learn how to manage properly.

:D that is all

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Maybe cheats (no transfer windows, etc) like in some of the earlier games?

Of course, I'm entirely aware that some people prefer LLM and other styles of play, and aren't interested in taking over a large club and steamrolling their way to a string of predictable league victories, and that linking this to money earned as opposed to Skill/Manager Points wouldn't be the best way of doing it...

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usm is a ledge of a game with the building of stadium and shops etc. Back on topic though, isnt it everybodys dream to own there own football club? can't recall details but there have been a couple of owners over the last decade who have been chairman/manager. ok i remember neither worked out but who's to say with wages what they are now that todays top footballers arnt going to do that? I think a chairman option is needed to add more input into club if needed. okay there arnt many managers who have a huge say in off field matters but im sure they would like more input. I for one hate it when i get offered a new contract of £150k min a week. All it does is take money from my club. How about fm comunity do a league with managers uploading there career earnings? Top 5 (mod free) at beggining of new fm get game for free? that way you get somthing for being succesful! (or over paid :D )

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Only if everyone starts in the Northern Irish 2nd division & does not cheat, too easy to earn loads of money if you start at Barcelona & use GenieScout, :D

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The only thing wages could ever be used for in my opinion is the ability to learn a language.

If after a season or two you get sacked, you have the option of learning a new language to help improve acceptability and adaptability into a new country


Also,maybe there could be a bonus based on the money earned throughout your career...if you have 10 millions or more,you could manage two games in the same day thanks to your own private jet!

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Ive only read 3 posts because i knew how the thread would turn out, but the only way i would like to see the 'wage' used is to buy a soccer school thing like Martin Allen has done with Pro something. I don't know how they would put it in the game but more players and managers are setting these up. We don't even have to do anything we could go to managers page click build camp in Spain and we get first access to the players we have picked up.

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Ive only read 3 posts because i knew how the thread would turn out, but the only way i would like to see the 'wage' used is to buy a soccer school thing like Martin Allen has done with Pro something. I don't know how they would put it in the game but more players and managers are setting these up. We don't even have to do anything we could go to managers page click build camp in Spain and we get first access to the players we have picked up.

Top idea. (this and language courses).

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Self made academies sounds like a good idea. And also just to reward long term managers you could have some ridiculously expensive items to act like an achievement. I mean, most of these things to do with manager wage spending are a bit stupid but it just gives that extra depth into the game I think. And adds more reasons to come back and play it a little more.

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Didn't Sven do something with his money, invest in Notts county and then managed them? I'm sure I read something along those lines, I may be wrong.

Sven didnt put any of his money into Notts, we owed him money but he told us to forget about it and he received shares in the club and got given the role of life president(or similar role)

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Only thing they could do with the wages is use it within the press conference a bit more.

Example - "Mr X, you're recently signed a new contract they pays you 120k a week, do you think you're worth it?"

or as a news story leading to pressure on your job status.

"Fans unhappy with new contract for Mr X, they feel his ability doesnt demand such a wage"

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Pretty sure implementing it would be cakewalk but its left out for a reason..

Lets say you invest money in a club.. that means you cant be manager any more.. so what do you do now? this is football manager.. not chairman manager..

if you where to invest money in a club and then get sacked.. what would happen to the money?

I don't see it ever get added to the game.

But i think if you invest a part of your money for a club, the directors of that club would have to give you a "credit" for that, you are helping. But this would be a help for you have money for players, wages and other things, for you continue in the club, will depend of your manager ability, as always.

Are you serious ?

Ok, but if the player fails the bribe he won't be able to play FM12 for six real months. Ok, now who is the brave one to give it a try ?

I think they should introduce the option to try and bribe referees etc., but make it so that if you get caught, you're banned completely from football forever and FM doesn't even load anymore unless you buy a new copy of the game.

Oh easier, if you get caught, depending you can be banned of a league, of the team, or in a serious case, of the save/career, having to start a new save. If you are banned of a league by a period, you can use that time to negotiate with some club/country.

I kinda think some of you are missing the point, I agree, outside of FM, a manager has tax, bills etc to pay so its highly unlikely, however, in FM (which is a GAME after all) your money just sits there having next to no impact.

Now if I had been managing man utd (for example) for a number of years, had won everything and was wanting a new challenge, I might move to a championship/league one club to turn them into the next man utd,

I'd like to be able to invest some of my own money to kickstart my new club.

Whats honestly wrong with that? I agree with not being able to spend it on cars/houses/women but I think investing it back into the game is a good idea and its something I'd really like to see implemented in future FM's

+1 I don't see nothing wrong with that too and I think a good reason to use our money.

The only thing wages could ever be used for in my opinion is the ability to learn a language.

If after a season or two you get sacked, you have the option of learning a new language to help improve acceptability and adaptability into a new country

+1 Even because is quoted always in the interviews about the language of a player or of a manager, asking if it will difficulty or not the perfomance, the training, the communication... Could be shown the percentage of what the manager/player has learned of that language.

Only thing they could do with the wages is use it within the press conference a bit more.

Example - "Mr X, you're recently signed a new contract they pays you 120k a week, do you think you're worth it?"

or as a news story leading to pressure on your job status.

"Fans unhappy with new contract for Mr X, they feel his ability doesn't demand such a wage"

+1 but if you see the first question, it is related with "what can be done with the wage", in the future, so what will serve you ask for a higher wage? For the second question, it's very well.

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