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FM12: Joao Moutinho

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Does anybody have any ideas how to play this guy?

I bought him to slot into centre mid for my spurs team (as part of a midfield 3), and he is surrounded by players (Bale/Kranjcar/Tevez/Sandro/Parker) who are playing well, and averaging well above 7, but this guy averages about 6.5 over the 12 months i have had him, and doesnt score/assist

I have tried (starting from a MC spot and set as playmaker): Advanced Playmaker (Support and Attack), Deep lying playmaker (Support), Midfield (Attack), even tried amending all his settings to try and make him sit there and just be a Xavi, but still plays very poorly.

Alternatively i can put Jake Livermore in this positions and he does miles better!

Any help would be greatfully recieved

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How do you play the players around him?

How does he actually play? Oftentimes my deep lying playmaker is doing well, good distribution of passes, but not that many assists and thus not a very good rating.

I play 2 ways mainly,

version 1 is Sandro as a ball winning midfielder either alongside or as an anchorman behind him, Bale as a defensive winger on the left mid, krancjar/van der vaart as an inside forward on the right, and Tevez in the hole dropping deeper

version 2 is Sandro just behind him as an anchoman, parker alongside as a centre mid, with 2 wide players and 1 striker

But the crazy thing is, i can put much worse players in that position, and they do miles better, is there a tailored position for him? I havent got a screenshot of him at the moment cos i am at work

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