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My Amazing Striker (Only against Celtic)

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Not everybody cheats like you. Like I said I use x64 processor and if you ever have the misfortune to use one you might find that almost every program has problems. Even if I wanted to use fmm the chances are it would not work as I find small programs made by amatuers dont work.

That aside I would not have played until 2014 and only won three league titles if I was cheating. Hell if I wanted to cheat I would have edited all my players and just won 20-0 each match and sat with the undignified glory of empty hollowness. Now im not saying I have not cheated before. I myself have reaped the anti-rewards of saving and restarting to win tough games in the past, not on this edition and ill go on to tell you why. If I do get to a CL final and get pumped 10-0 by Barca I can sit quite happy with my head in my hands and think ach well so close but no cigar. Ill buy a new left back and should be better next year. I can bask in the subdued glory of just reaching the final and trying to go one better the next time. Some can't. But if I find that im winning too easily ill either resign or start a new game. I play FM for a challenge and cheating is not a challenge is just a waste of time.

And another thing I have played Football (Champ) Manager since 1992. I had an amiga 500 with a massive half meg memory upgrade lumped on the back of it.... (an Amiga 500 is an old comp young pup). I have tried to buy Des Walker from Sampdoria back in the days you couldn't even buy foriegn players if you managed to work out how too. Ive managed Man U to league titles with Bryan Robson as captain and Brian McClair as my main striker. Ive managed some random lower league team (Tranmere) I think under the name of Mr Bulgaria. As the old timers will know gave you a starting balance of an incredicle at the time 50mill. Ive even reached no.1 in my gamer world on FM Live (Captainoamerica FC not loggged in for months so might not be active anymore) before slowly losing interest. So Ive got 16 years playing this fine stable of titles games ive probably seen more missed release dates than you have years on this earth concerning Champ/FManager. I have played this game longer than most football pro's careers last.

So to have someone like you come in here and accuse me of cheating is insulting. Like I said I have cheated but I find after cheating the game goes stale quicker than milk in the sun. I play the game for what it is and if you get your head out of fmm and other programs you might just find you get a sense of achievment out of it. And besides im the biggest anti cheat preacher all my friends that cheat one way or the other and I tell them the exact same. As soon as Olly comes up with a rolling auto save during games so if you quit out at 2-0 down at 70 mins... it loads up to the same point ill be a happy bunny. It will at least give the cheaters a fair crack at have some real and deserved enjoyment from what is truly a modern masterpiece.

Too all those that like editing to play how they want that is fine... if you want to cheat that is fine... if you want to add yourself to be the best player in the world that is fine... accusing me of cheating that is not fine... that aint me babe.

Peace out

Find it hard to beleive it is just Celtic your pumping with tim player ratings of 3-5 but hearts always were huns without bus fares so you are unbeleivable show us yer games against the super rangers are ye not pumping them? cos they are pish in my game ( without me editing them) you are just a closet who cant afford to go to ibrox

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strange he had two jobs at one club before going to leicester

01/07/05>24/7/10 First team Coach

23/08/08>24/7/10 Coach

conflicting positions that is strabge now surely he cant have two roles at one club

your own screen shot confirms it

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