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how do you guys actually 'nuture' a youth player?


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like the above mention, how do u guys actually nuture the young and youth players? if there anyway to do it around other than hiring 7 stars coaches and set their training load to light or average? if there actually a 'system' to go about it be it the player becomes a star or a failure...

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Tutoring seems to help a lot, it does more than just impart player moves.

I use a set of training schedules as well (CM Frenzy set, only has 4 different ones) but recently started modifying them on an individual basis if a player wasn't showing much improvement, eg if they had low composure then I'd ramp up the shooting...)

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Nurturing youngsters is indeed a tricky business. I have had a few mishaps with some of my Marseilles youngsters but over the last 10 years my success has been resounding. ( I'm 2026). These are a few tips.

1. Constantly monitor growth and improvement.

2. Call up to first team at least twice a year (preferably December and season-end) although you might not give them playing time at all.

3. Constantly organize youth team friendlies with progressively stronger sides to see how they match.

4. Also organize some friendlies with senior team and invite promising youngsters.

5. For clubs in Club World Cup, the best make up of the team would be 70-30 i.e. 70 first team players and 30 percent youth players. The competition atmosphere helps you notice facets of their personality. (likes, dislikes, relations with other players. All those facts play a big role in youth development.

6. As already mentioned use the tutoring system. However, always check to see if there are ANY differences in personality between the two players. If there are, forget it.

In the end it comes down to the player's PA. Nevertheless, I usually organize youth friendlies against the youth teams of other European powerhouses and that's how you know what your boys are worth. In stacked 8 against Barca and 10 against Arsenal. That's why my boys will rule Europe in 4 years.

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