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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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I have two stupid questions... What's the difference between an a) Complete Forward; Support and Deep-Lying Forward; Support, and b) Roaming Playmaker and Box-to-box Midfielder?

Teammates pass to Playmakers more often, and Roaming Playmakers will have more expansive passing instructions than a simple Box to Box player.

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Hi, sorry if this has been asked/discussed elsewhere, but I didn't have any luck searching for it.

Firstly let me state that I'm still running FM2014 so things may be a bit different in more recent versions.

In my current save, I'd like to delegate the Team, Individual and Match Training Schedules to my staff (via Staff Responsibilities menu). I have a good AssMan, decent coaches and HOYD, DOF etc. Now I know the attributes that impact training (Determination, Discipline, Motivating plus coaching area), but which attributes should help me decide which of my staff is the best person to manage the actual training schedules for the 1st, Reserve and Youth Teams? Who would know best which Team, Individual and Match training should be scheduled?

There are lots of guides that tell you how to get your coaches up to 5 stars etc, but i can't seem to find anything to help me decide whether my AssMan would be the best choice, or one of my Coaches who you would perhaps expect to have more knowledge in training matters.

I know most people like to do training manually (i do normally as well) but in this save, I wan't to involve the staff more and do less micromanagement.

I'm guessing a big factor will be Man Management - but is that all there is to it?

Thanks in advance for any tips!

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Bit of a conspiracy theory question here but interested to find out anyway. Over the years some of us have been frustrated from one patch to the next because our tactics sometimes stop working. Do SI look at some successful tactics that are uploaded to the forums and study them and the way that they are successful against the ME to tighten up certain areas of the ME thus potentially nuking your tactic? Basically if you create a really good tactic are you better off keeping it to yourself?! :D

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Bit of a conspiracy theory question here but interested to find out anyway. Over the years some of us have been frustrated from one patch to the next because our tactics sometimes stop working. Do SI look at some successful tactics that are uploaded to the forums and study them and the way that they are successful against the ME to tighten up certain areas of the ME thus potentially nuking your tactic? Basically if you create a really good tactic are you better off keeping it to yourself?! :D

Nope it's all in your head.

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It's a very common complaint about this year's match engine.

Have noticed a lot of crosses to the far post being finished off by my IF on the opposite wing. Could say if I have a WB on the right and a IF on the left then I'd expect to score many goals this way.

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It took me 3 years to get from Lega Pro to Serie A using always the same 4-4-2 tactic on FM15. Now that I am in the top league, I get asked the "XX know how you are going to play, ..."-question every pre-match conference.

Now I'm wondering whether this is the game's way of saying that my tactic has been "cracked" and that I should change up?

We're really struggling after 12 games, but I hadn't expected anything else with a squad that's average Serie B quality at most. I once played a 3-5-2 away to Napoli though and promptly won 1-4. They still outshot us 35-11, so I consider this one more luck than tactical cunning. I've built my squad for 4-4-2 and can't really switch tactics at the moment, but if that formation is compromised, I guess there's nothing else to do...

Any thoughts?

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It took me 3 years to get from Lega Pro to Serie A using always the same 4-4-2 tactic on FM15. Now that I am in the top league, I get asked the "XX know how you are going to play, ..."-question every pre-match conference.

Now I'm wondering whether this is the game's way of saying that my tactic has been "cracked" and that I should change up?

We're really struggling after 12 games, but I hadn't expected anything else with a squad that's average Serie B quality at most. I once played a 3-5-2 away to Napoli though and promptly won 1-4. They still outshot us 35-11, so I consider this one more luck than tactical cunning. I've built my squad for 4-4-2 and can't really switch tactics at the moment, but if that formation is compromised, I guess there's nothing else to do...

Any thoughts?

Tactics aren't "cracked", so that isn't what's happening. If you're having issues, it's best to create a thread with as much info and detail as you can.

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my assistant report during a match always shows ''our midfield is heavily outnumbered''. why is that so? im playing 41(dm)3(CM)2(st). and prozone shows i have a solid midfield. why does it keep appearing game after game? is it a poor assistant manager or is my tactic really an issue?

or should i just ignore it as a bug?

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my assistant report during a match always shows ''our midfield is heavily outnumbered''. why is that so? im playing 41(dm)3(CM)2(st). and prozone shows i have a solid midfield. why does it keep appearing game after game? is it a poor assistant manager or is my tactic really an issue?

or should i just ignore it as a bug?

Fire your assistant, he's drunk on the job.

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Which TI's would be good for a counter attacking mentality? I always seem to be punished. I know a lot of different factors are in play, but just general hints would be appreciated

The answer to that is none really. TIs are just for when you are not counterattacking. When you are on the counterattack, no TIs will be used but the tempo will be at it's highest. You have to now figure out how to play when you are not counterattacking and I can't really answer that for you.

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my assistant report during a match always shows ''our midfield is heavily outnumbered''. why is that so? im playing 41(dm)3(CM)2(st). and prozone shows i have a solid midfield. why does it keep appearing game after game? is it a poor assistant manager or is my tactic really an issue?

or should i just ignore it as a bug?

Yes, ignore. Typically, I disable tactical advices through the settings on the top right.

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What would be best role for my forward in this formation:







Mentality: Control

Team Shape: Flexible

TI's: Lower Tempo, D-Line Slightly Higher, Closing Down More, Play Out of Defense, Roam From Position, Whipped Crosses

At this moment i'm playing with a DLF(a), but in many games the foward gets the lowest rating in my team.

Any ideas?

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What would be best role for my forward in this formation:







Mentality: Control

Team Shape: Flexible

TI's: Lower Tempo, D-Line Slightly Higher, Closing Down More, Play Out of Defense, Roam From Position, Whipped Crosses

At this moment i'm playing with a DLF(a), but in many games the foward gets the lowest rating in my team.

Any ideas?

Yes but are you winning the games? If the IFs are scoring plenty and your striker provides assists to the assists, he's doing fine. I have a similar set-up with my striker as AFa but a lot of the goals are crosses from on flank to be tapped in by the other winger/IF.

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I have a question. Is there a way to make a player gravitate to one side of the field using instructions (not PPMs)?

I only ask because I'm trying to create a tactic emulating what Klopp is using currently at Liverpool and everything seems pretty intuitive so far (two CDs, Moreno as a WB (A) and Clyne as a WB (D) with CM (D) - Can and B2B (S) - Henderson, a WM (A) on the right for Lallana/Milner and a WP (S) on the left for Coutinho/Lallana. However I'm having a hard time figuring out what the two up front would be. I was thinking AM (A) for Firmino and a DLF (A) for the striker (of CF (S) maybe) but I've noticed in games that Firmino tends to naturally gravitate to the right side of the pitch allowing for overlap/interplay with Lallana/Henderson quite often.

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Yes but are you winning the games? If the IFs are scoring plenty and your striker provides assists to the assists, he's doing fine. I have a similar set-up with my striker as AFa but a lot of the goals are crosses from on flank to be tapped in by the other winger/IF.

Yes, i'm winning games, but at home against weaker teams i'm having some difficulties, especially if i can't score a early goal.

My goals distribuition is very spread.

The IF(a) scores a good amount, followed by the IF(s) and the BBM(s).

The DLF(a) plays better in away games and against stronger opponents. Against weaker opponents is when he plays the worst.

Do you think that in my setup an AF(a) could play well? Manly against weaker teams that play with 2 players in the DM strada.

I ask this because around 80% of the teams i play against use the 4213 or the 4231 formation (but always with 2 players in the DM strada).

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How do you encourage more through balls? I assume you need the space and runners from deep. I using a narrow 4-1-3-2 and I'm exploiting the middle. I have an F9 and a DLF(A) up top. In midfield from left to right I have a B2B, CM(A) and a RPM. I'm not sure I have the correct roles in midfield though to create what I'm looking for. Thanks for any help. Oh and the F9 has likes to beat offsides trap.

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My goal is to have my team play more one-twos, as I don't see very many. To me it's integral to the beautiful attacking play of Barcelona, for example.

To encourage this, which player do you need to have the PPM - the person who initiates the 1-2, the person who receives and passes back, or both? Second, what else can encourage this? Are particular roles more likely to do this? If noone has the PPM, are there particular attributes that would result in players doing this more (vision, decisions, passing, other?) And are there any tactical instructions that would encourage more one-twos? Do you get more from your mentality? From being "more expressive"? Does "look for overlap" help create them between winger/IF and fullback? Anything else?

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How do you encourage more through balls? I assume you need the space and runners from deep. I using a narrow 4-1-3-2 and I'm exploiting the middle. I have an F9 and a DLF(A) up top. In midfield from left to right I have a B2B, CM(A) and a RPM. I'm not sure I have the correct roles in midfield though to create what I'm looking for. Thanks for any help. Oh and the F9 has likes to beat offsides trap.

Pass Into Space is the obvious answer.

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Stupid Question: Is it viable to effectively set up a pressing defending style (bayern-like) with a team that has poor overall Aggression and average at best Bravery? Work rate seems solid enough, not a single player in the squad has less than 11.

If not, would it be more effective to use a standing off defending style? I'm currently playing a possession-focused tactic so I'm not sure whether this would work or not. Also, whether can players, particularly CMs, play recycling roles like Regista, Half Back, DLP?

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In FM16, when setting team instructions, some of the ''buttons'' affect the slider bars. For example, putting mentality on defensive will make the close-down bar shorter and also makes the defensive line slider shorter.

But sometimes, I notice that one particular ''button'' is being compressed more than others. For example, the defensive line shows the bar/button for '' slightly deeper line'' as a very, very thin strip, while the other bars (normal line, slightly higher line, deeper line) are all normal. What does the game want to tell me by making one particular button/bar very small or thin? Does this mean the game considers it an illogical instruction combined the TI's you already have selected? Or the opposite, is it telling you ''pick this one, it suits you''?

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In FM16, when setting team instructions, some of the ''buttons'' affect the slider bars. For example, putting mentality on defensive will make the close-down bar shorter and also makes the defensive line slider shorter.

Each Mentality has default settings. From Contain through to Overload, closing down and D-line will increase with each Mentality, for instance. So closing down 'sometimes' will be less on Defensive than it is on Standard. All you're doing with TIs is to adjust those defaults. There is not best or ideal TI setting. It (as always) depends on the entire setup.

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what do i have to tell my fullbacks to cross in this situations, i don't want them to get into the area too often as they simply lose too many 1vs1 dribblings just like in this situation, he dribbles and the outcome is a corner because the defender gets in the way - and as you can see we have a perfect positioning inside the box .


in this specific situation he is a WB(a) with no added PI's

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Can someone answer me if Play Narrower in FM15 also make the team play through the middle? I know that's not the case in FM16 but not sure about 15.


In FM15, yes it does.

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what do i have to tell my fullbacks to cross in this situations, i don't want them to get into the area too often as they simply lose too many 1vs1 dribblings just like in this situation, he dribbles and the outcome is a corner because the defender gets in the way - and as you can see we have a perfect positioning inside the box .

in this specific situation he is a WB(a) with no added PI's

Change his role to FB(a). FB are usually more direct, in terms of quick crosses, when compare to WB(a).

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what do i have to tell my fullbacks to cross in this situations, i don't want them to get into the area too often as they simply lose too many 1vs1 dribblings just like in this situation, he dribbles and the outcome is a corner because the defender gets in the way - and as you can see we have a perfect positioning inside the box .


in this specific situation he is a WB(a) with no added PI's

More info is needed here. You should post the entire setup or at least list the Mentality and Team Instructions.

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Retain possession & shorter passing will impact how readily a player will look or & be willing to play that final ball, what about the player instructions?

It might not even be a tactical issue, is the player capable of seeing an angle to get the cross in & do they have the ability &/or confidence to deliver that ball? Worth posting their attribute & information screens. Also do you recall what the player's body language was at that moment in time & had you used any of the sideline teamtalk options?

Edit: Just as important, what did the player actually do?

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well this was the player:


he is the best attacking full back in my squad and gets a lot of assists but also wastes too many chances to cross... could it also be the "cuts inside" ppm?

i dont remember the body language but he normally is composed in most games

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Does "Gets into Opposition Area" PPM makes a F9 less effective or is it OK to have the PPM? I want to have a system without attack duties (41221 DM wide) but my striker has that PPM. He's also more of an advanced forward tbh but if I give him the role he'll get too nuts trying to score.

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Does "Gets into Opposition Area" PPM makes a F9 less effective or is it OK to have the PPM? I want to have a system without attack duties (41221 DM wide) but my striker has that PPM. He's also more of an advanced forward tbh but if I give him the role he'll get too nuts trying to score.

I don't know about less effective but he'll be more likely to get forward into the box than an F9 normally would. He'd still play with the same mentality and other instructions of an F9, though. The PPM will just overwrite one aspect of the role (movement in the final third).

Could be good, could be bad, depending on a lot of other factors.

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I don't know about less effective but he'll be more likely to get forward into the box than an F9 normally would. He'd still play with the same mentality and other instructions of an F9, though. The PPM will just overwrite one aspect of the role (movement in the final third).

Could be good, could be bad, depending on a lot of other factors.

He's not my main creator That's for sure. I can afford him getting further forward, but i cannot afford giving him an attack duty. So all good I guess? Perhaps could play him as CF(S), AFAIK it works well with a IF(S) and AP(S) on the flanks. Used to play Lukaku that way and he did wonders.

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