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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Is there a reason why a young player (19 years) will suffer a drop of several attributes (0.4 in two months) without suffering and injury? Before that period, he's been constantly developing.

During this period, he's been out with the U-19 nationall team for some tournament. Could this be the reason if he has low adaptability? (just guessing here)

His personality is "Professional".

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Is there a reason why a young player (19 years) will suffer a drop of several attributes (0.4 in two months) without suffering and injury? Before that period, he's been constantly developing.

During this period, he's been out with the U-19 nationall team for some tournament. Could this be the reason if he has low adaptability? (just guessing here)

His personality is "Professional".

With drops that small, it could just be fluctuations that are normal over the course of the season. Since they are a *bit* larger than you would expect to see with normal variation, it could be the training regime. Training distributes the CA points, so wherever there are gains, something else will drop if his CA stays stable. In this case, if he has been away with a national team, they probably are not training him as you would and this could account for the drops. Is he gaining anywhere?

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With drops that small, it could just be fluctuations that are normal over the course of the season. Since they are a *bit* larger than you would expect to see with normal variation, it could be the training regime. Training distributes the CA points, so wherever there are gains, something else will drop if his CA stays stable. In this case, if he has been away with a national team, they probably are not training him as you would and this could account for the drops. Is he gaining anywhere?

I'm used to see drops in some attributes while gains in different ones. This time I saw only drops in several attributes. I will post a couple of screenshots when I get back home.

Thanks for the reply!

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Is there a TI/combination of TIs that stop your players chipping passes instead of playing them on the floor? Trying to work out what's wrong with my tactic by watching the full highlights and so many times the players lob the ball when there's absolutely no need and I lose possession because the receiving player has to head it instead of get it under control.

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I'm used to see drops in some attributes while gains in different ones. This time I saw only drops in several attributes. I will post a couple of screenshots when I get back home.

Thanks for the reply!

Here are the SSs:



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I don't really see anything to be alarmed about here. You said you checked on the training graph and it was a drop of .4 at the most? This looks fairly normal-I noticed that recently he had a good stretch of injuries, and so it is possible that there was a small CA dip which could cause slight drops. Otherwise, you are in July and drops like that are normal in the off season while players rest. It should right itself once you get the into the pre-season with a few friendlies under your belt.

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Where is the weakness in a 4-1-3-2 Wide? I always seem to have problems, I'm thinking wings so play wider, but will that make the AMC more of a threat. Suggestion would be sweet.

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Not sure where to put this, but I think it's the right place.

I would like to see AI tactics, as I'm trying to analyze some stuff. So I've been wondering whether there are any skins out there, so I could check on what AI is doing?

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Where is the weakness in a 4-1-3-2 Wide? I always seem to have problems, I'm thinking wings so play wider, but will that make the AMC more of a threat. Suggestion would be sweet.

Are the three Center mids pushed up into the AM strata? If so, try the middle of the park - you have one DM screening the centerbacks so you might try overloading the middle

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I appreciate this would have been answered somewhere but.... what is the breakdown between General training and Individual training as a percentage? Is it 50/50? I was under the impression that the higher the intensity under general the more time was dedicated to it but it seems that the players still train for example 1 hour general but the intensity for that hour is increased not the amount of time.

Iv found so far that;

General training needs to be kept the same for 90 days minimum to have an impact.

Match training even if set to low (half day) still has the same impact as Match training for 3 days (minor boost to Def Pos or Attack Movemenet etc)

Additional training is seperate and done in a players own time

So if it set average intensity Balanced general training, then set my CB to Limited defender training under individual what time is spent doing these two activities?

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When applying to "Mark specific player" PI, does that mean on set-pieces or in open play?

Open play- marking assignments for set pieces can be done in the set piece creator, but I don't think there is any way to set it to specific players (not 100% as it's been awhile since I looked at it).

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What are the instructions which may affect on how players stick to free-kicks and corners instructions? I can think only of creative freedom, maybe there are any others?

The problems is that the team takes free kicks and corners exactly how I told them only in 30% of all free kicks and corners in the game. And there is no logic in how they do it - I instructed them to take short kicks but they can take a long kick from the center of the field (while the opposition is taller than my players and there is no chance for my players to win an areial challenge) and make a pass when taking a kick from the edge of penalty area instead of a direct shot...

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I wonder if a 3-5-2 (like herne's formation in his save with Valencia) can also work good in FM15 version?

Yes, but like everything it'll come down to the set up.

Do staff personalities have any influence on the overall squad personality?

Indirectly. Staff personalities, especially the Head of Youth Development, will have an influence on newgen personalities. So over time, and with young players coming through to your first team, overall squad personality can change.

What are the instructions which may affect on how players stick to free-kicks and corners instructions? I can think only of creative freedom, maybe there are any others?

The problems is that the team takes free kicks and corners exactly how I told them only in 30% of all free kicks and corners in the game. And there is no logic in how they do it - I instructed them to take short kicks but they can take a long kick from the center of the field (while the opposition is taller than my players and there is no chance for my players to win an areial challenge) and make a pass when taking a kick from the edge of penalty area instead of a direct shot...

Your team will never just stick to your corner/free kick routine over and over again, that wouldn't be realistic. You could save more than one routine to add a little more of your own variety, but even if you have 10 routines your players will still sort themselves on occasion.

In terms of what influences players to make their own routines, I've never thought about it :p. Unless someone else knows, there is an "Ask SI Anything" in General Discussion if you really want to find out?

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Indirectly. Staff personalities, especially the Head of Youth Development, will have an influence on newgen personalities. So over time, and with young players coming through to your first team, overall squad personality can change.

Quite aware of the HOYD affecting youths, but I'm talking about the effect first team coaches have on the overall squad personality, not just regens.

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I have a fairly good handle on how to manage a game where I'm protecting a lead, but I'm still working out my approach to chasing the game.

Let's say I'm playing 4-4-2. Will changing my wide midfielders from ML and MR to AML and AMR make my team more offensively oriented, or will that primarily change where they play when we're not in possession?

I understand that changing my team's mentality to a more adventurous one, such as Attacking, will have an effect, and that I can also change my players' roles and duties.

Thanks, in advance.

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Is there an option to select a specific scout when creating a new assignment? I can't seem to find that option.

Thanks in advance.

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Yeah. At the bottom when you are about to finalize and start the scouting assignment you'll see some drop-down menus: Scouting Range, Scout, Duration, and Priority. It's under the Scout drop-down.

Thanks. Now I have seen it. I was assigning a scout to the next opponent team and it seems that in this case I cannot choose the scout I want to send. Can you help me with that, too? Am I right?

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I have a fairly good handle on how to manage a game where I'm protecting a lead, but I'm still working out my approach to chasing the game.

Let's say I'm playing 4-4-2. Will changing my wide midfielders from ML and MR to AML and AMR make my team more offensively oriented, or will that primarily change where they play when we're not in possession?

I understand that changing my team's mentality to a more adventurous one, such as Attacking, will have an effect, and that I can also change my players' roles and duties.

Thanks, in advance.

It's a little of both. Your formation is your defensive formation, so having someone at AML/R will mean they start from a more advanced position when trying to defend. Conversely of course they'll be a little higher up the pitch when you start an attack. Personally I'd focus more on mentality, roles and duties as you already point out.

Thanks herne.

A player with high flair will keep trying to do unexpected things even with a structured shape? I believe so because it's the player natural tendency?

Correct. They won't have quite so much creative freedom as in a more fluid system but they'll still use their natural tendency as you put it.

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How is tactical familiarity determined in international management?

I currently manage Canada and Toronto FC. I run the exact same trio of base tactics, mentalities, shape, PI/TI, set piece instructions etc at both. My Canada squad currently has 12 TFC players of which 8 are in the starting lineup, yet the familiarity is 'awkward' (about 33% full), while for TFC its perfectly fluid for all three.

Obviously I'm not expecting fluid, but I'd think accomplished at a minimum based on my heavy club reliance (and the fact that I've called basically the same squad for two years now so the other players have also had 20-ish matches over that time span with the tactics.

I guess the follow-up is, does it even matter?

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Remember the good old set target man - run on to ball from years back that worked wonders with pacey poachers on the counter? Any way to replicate that?

I remember reading somewhere that the poacher role is supposed to get run onto ball supply by default, is that the case? If so, structured + counter + hit early crosses + low crosses (+ pass into space + more direct passing)? If picking aim crosses at target man for the full backs will they serve the poacher or ignore the instruction as i'm not using an actual TM?

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How is tactical familiarity determined in international management?

I currently manage Canada and Toronto FC. I run the exact same trio of base tactics, mentalities, shape, PI/TI, set piece instructions etc at both. My Canada squad currently has 12 TFC players of which 8 are in the starting lineup, yet the familiarity is 'awkward' (about 33% full), while for TFC its perfectly fluid for all three.

Obviously I'm not expecting fluid, but I'd think accomplished at a minimum based on my heavy club reliance (and the fact that I've called basically the same squad for two years now so the other players have also had 20-ish matches over that time span with the tactics.

I guess the follow-up is, does it even matter?

To answer the follow up first, tactical familiarity doesn't matter quite so much as you may think. Of course it helps, but if your tactic is properly thought through and balanced it'll still play alright. And don't forget that whilst you may not have good familiarity, nobody else will either.

For international matches as far as I am aware club tactical familiarity doesn't impact on international familiarity.

Remember the good old set target man - run on to ball from years back that worked wonders with pacey poachers on the counter? Any way to replicate that?

I remember reading somewhere that the poacher role is supposed to get run onto ball supply by default, is that the case? If so, structured + counter + hit early crosses + low crosses (+ pass into space + more direct passing)? If picking aim crosses at target man for the full backs will they serve the poacher or ignore the instruction as i'm not using an actual TM?

If you are referring to previous versions of FM where you could select any player as a "Target Man", then no that's no longer possible. There is only the Target Man role now that will attract the ball in this manner.

As far as Poachers go, the in game description is pretty much sums it up "The Poacher sits on the shoulder of the last defender looking to break the defensive line and run onto through balls from midfield".

Hello guys.

I'm trying to do a strikerless system that uses 3 CD and i'd like to know your opinions if the roles and duties of this formations are well balanced? http://lineupbuilder.com/?sk=bx50t

I put arrows in those players who will be attacking the box or at least i hope so. I've played only one game and i didn't dislike it.


There's only one way to find out :brock:.

On the face of it there are a lot of attacking duties there, but without knowing the rest of your set up it's impossible to say.

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Hello guys.

I'm trying to do a strikerless system that uses 3 CD and i'd like to know your opinions if the roles and duties of this formations are well balanced? http://lineupbuilder.com/?sk=bx50t

I put arrows in those players who will be attacking the box or at least i hope so. I've played only one game and i didn't dislike it.


Personally I'd say you may get stuffed by teams that play with double wide-men - Fullback/Wide Midfielder combo for example. You will be in 1v2 situations there and the outer of your 3 CBs will drop narrow and deep on defence, creating a big hole behind your WM's. As soon as one of the outer CBs adjusts and runs wide to close down the opposition wide man it leaves a hole for a striker to exploit (or two if you're facing a 4-4-2) - one cross in and you're toast.

In theory of course. All that said, I've seen/used many a tactic work on FM that shouldn't.

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I almost always play a simple 4-4-2 formation. Sometimes I play with a (very) structured team shape, sometimes I play with a (very) fluid team shape. I don't like lots of possession, I like to counter the opponent. But I'm having difficulties to create the playing style I want. In a structured team shape, my team plays 'slower' football, no matter how high I put the tempo setting. In a fluid team shape, my team plays faster and directer (more forward runs, more risky passes, more dynamic, like I want), but I tend to concede always at least one goal a game with a fluid approach. It's very difficult for me to keep consistent clean sheets with non-structured tactics. Even without a lot of team instructions, even without a lot of closing down. Not that it's easy to keep clean sheets with a structured approach.

But that wasn't a question.

Is it possible to create a counter tactic with a fluid team shape that can make me keep a lot of clean sheets? Or do the higher creative freedom levels make that more (or too) difficult?

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There's only one way to find out :brock:.

On the face of it there are a lot of attacking duties there, but without knowing the rest of your set up it's impossible to say.


I see TQ more like a support duty because he comes deep and moves horizontally. However i dont like the fact that he runs too much with the ball and does not press defenders. I'm thinking about changing to a AM(s)

Personally I'd say you may get stuffed by teams that play with double wide-men - Fullback/Wide Midfielder combo for example. You will be in 1v2 situations there and the outer of your 3 CBs will drop narrow and deep on defence, creating a big hole behind your WM's. As soon as one of the outer CBs adjusts and runs wide to close down the opposition wide man it leaves a hole for a striker to exploit (or two if you're facing a 4-4-2) - one cross in and you're toast.

In theory of course. All that said, I've seen/used many a tactic work on FM that shouldn't.


Well i guess that's the downside of that formation or any 3-5-2/3-1-4-2 with no WB. I hope that with 2 DM it can be less prominent

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The game ended 1-1. Why did this happened?


This is an absolutely impossible question to answer. If you want tactical help to deal with results like this then post a proper thread about it. Just posting a score and match stats tell us nothing of any value.

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No mate is not that... My tactic has been excellent this season... With 26 games played in the league, 45 goals scored, 18 goals suffered... But im entering that phase of the season where im only playing with weaker sides than mine... i dont know if this is some kind of complacency...

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No mate is not that... My tactic has been excellent this season... With 26 games played in the league, 45 goals scored, 18 goals suffered... But im entering that phase of the season where im only playing with weaker sides than mine... i dont know if this is some kind of complacency...

Can be complacency, can be fatigue, a combination of both, can also be that teams are sitting back against you and hitting you on the counter. Can't know from what you've posted.

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Aren't "Retain possession" and "Pass into space" contradictory instructions (they are not marked as contradictory in tactival editor)?

As far as I understand "retain possession" - shorter passing, less risky passes, while "pass into space" - more risky passes. But I can pick both of them at the same time.

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Aren't "Retain possession" and "Pass into space" contradictory instructions (they are not marked as contradictory in tactival editor)?

As far as I understand "retain possession" - shorter passing, less risky passes, while "pass into space" - more risky passes. But I can pick both of them at the same time.

Yeh I understand where you're coming from and on the face of it there is some contradiction there.

Think of it this way - you want to create a shorter passing system without losing tempo or through balls.

You could use "Shorter Passing" TI (lowers tempo and decreases passing length) plus "Higher Tempo" TI to add back in the tempo you lost.

Or, you could use "Retain Possession" (decreases passing length and risky passes) plus "Pass into Space" TI to add back in the through balls.

The deeper you look into the tactic creator, the more subtle combinations such as this you can find.

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I read that the more cautious the Mentality, the less verticality you will inherently have, so Structured or even Highly Structured in a neutral or low-end Mentality remain pretty passive.

So just to clarify my thinking a control mentality has players further apart than a counter mentality, if you then went with a fluid shape the players would be brought closer together but have more creative freedom?

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Yeh I understand where you're coming from and on the face of it there is some contradiction there.

Think of it this way - you want to create a shorter passing system without losing tempo or through balls.

You could use "Shorter Passing" TI (lowers tempo and decreases passing length) plus "Higher Tempo" TI to add back in the tempo you lost.

Or, you could use "Retain Possession" (decreases passing length and risky passes) plus "Pass into Space" TI to add back in the through balls.

The deeper you look into the tactic creator, the more subtle combinations such as this you can find.

Yeah, I've come up to using "Retain possession" and "Pass into space" and it really produces some wonderful combinations against certain teams while it results loosing the ball too often against the others, so it made me think that I've made something wrong and these instructions shouldn't be used together. But now I see, there is no problem in that, thank you.

By the way, turning on/off "Pass into space" team instruction should affect "More/less risky passes" player instructions, right? I was a bit confused that some roles (such as advanced playmaker for example) have "More risky passes" enabled always regardless of team instruction.

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By the way, turning on/off "Pass into space" team instruction should affect "More/less risky passes" player instructions, right? I was a bit confused that some roles (such as advanced playmaker for example) have "More risky passes" enabled always regardless of team instruction.

Yes. The Team Instruction governs what everyone on the team will do, but this year they are stackable, so the hardcoded PI's are still modified. So your AP in this instance will probably end up with a neutral through ball settings, which is basically sometimes. It works that way across the roles.

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Hello guys. I'm playing FM15 and i use the same method in training as Cleon used, rotating individual training focus every 3 or 4 months. However i have some players who didn't raise the attribute and i don't know if i should keep it training it or change it to another one after those 3 or 4 months.

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Hello guys. I'm playing FM15 and i use the same method in training as Cleon used, rotating individual training focus every 3 or 4 months. However i have some players who didn't raise the attribute and i don't know if i should keep it training it or change it to another one after those 3 or 4 months.

The rate at which attributes increase will be determined by such things as a player's professionalism (and some ambition); quality of training facilities; quality of coaches; playing time; injuries. How did the players get on in all of those areas?

If I was to run with a narrow 3 front line, would I be able to have two as Advanced Forwards, peeling off into the channels, and a Target Man for them to aim at?

It would be unusual, and you'll still need to balance the strikers with the rest of your tactical setup. Only one way to find out ;).

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If I was to run with a narrow 3 front line, would I be able to have two as Advanced Forwards, peeling off into the channels, and a Target Man for them to aim at?

Depends on the rest of the team. If isolated it makes little sense to have a Target Man in the middle - receiving crosses and long passes - if the outside Advanced Forwards are running away from him into the Channels between the Central Defenders and the Fullback.

The Movement into Channels could work in opening space for an onrushing player from the Central or Advanced Midfield to to enter to take advantage of knock downs from the Target Man however...

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The rate at which attributes increase will be determined by such things as a player's professionalism (and some ambition); quality of training facilities; quality of coaches; playing time; injuries. How did the players get on in all of those areas?

Thanks for the reply.

Well since i'm only in my second season and not much money to spend, my team personality its still very very far from what i want. However for that period of training time, one of the 1st team players increased 2 values (personality is reasonably loyal) and the other also 1st team player didn't develop and his personality is balanced.

Training facilities are good and coaches are ok, i think only one category is 3,5 stars and the rest 4 and 4,5.

I guess that's really how it is. One is younger and probably with more PA to fill in, that's why he develops faster

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Thanks for the reply.

Well since i'm only in my second season and not much money to spend, my team personality its still very very far from what i want. However for that period of training time, one of the 1st team players increased 2 values (personality is reasonably loyal) and the other also 1st team player didn't develop and his personality is balanced.

Training facilities are good and coaches are ok, i think only one category is 3,5 stars and the rest 4 and 4,5.

I guess that's really how it is. One is younger and probably with more PA to fill in, that's why he develops faster

Weaker personalities (i.e. Balanced) may not develop as well as someone who is reasonably professional, it's always good to try and fix their personalities while you train them via tutoring.

As for individual focused training, it depends entirely on your view. In FM16 the player will tell you on the training screen if he feels the training has stopped being beneficial. You may as well switch it around at that point and switch it back later if you think he still needs to work on it.

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