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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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1 hour ago, DiStru_ said:

How does one use the Analysis -> Shots screen effectively? What exactly should I be looking at?

You can use it to check if your players are shooting from dangerous areas, if your strikers are getting good opportunities to shoot. Basically you should aim to have a 50% ration on shots/shots on target. If that is not happening, this screen helps you understand why.

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2 hours ago, DiStru_ said:

How does one use the Analysis -> Shots screen effectively? What exactly should I be looking at?


I misinterpreted this screen so just to make sure you're not maing the same mistake I am - the white bit is the frame of goal. So right there you've had a lot of wide shots, a few sky-high, one towards the bottom right of the goal that is excellent (I hope it was a goal?) , three low and central...and so on.

Basically if you see the same squad number for all the off-target ones you might want to do something about it (at Lyon I noticed a lot of my sky-high ones were Memphis shooting from closer to half-way than the box so I sold him). If you notice you have a lot on frame of goal but are not scoring on the other hand, maybe your chances are being rushed or your strikers aren't making good decisions. 

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Is there any way to offer a player on loan to a certain country? Trying to loan an Argentine to Spain to get him European status but not getting any loan offers from Spanish clubs unless I specifically offer him to the entire 2nd division which takes forever.

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53 minutes ago, Mactier said:

Seen in an older thread things called widgets.  See pic.  how do i turn these small side widgets on?  I have FM17



When you are in a match in the pitch view there is a small button next to the settings button that allows you to put these up.

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1 hour ago, Cal585 said:

Is there any way to offer a player on loan to a certain country? Trying to loan an Argentine to Spain to get him European status but not getting any loan offers from Spanish clubs unless I specifically offer him to the entire 2nd division which takes forever.

Nope. Just make sure to block domestic clubs when you're offering him out to encourage foreign bids. You can try to get a foreign affiliate - if you've been at the club for a couple of years you get to pick.

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2 hours ago, Cal585 said:

Is there any way to offer a player on loan to a certain country? Trying to loan an Argentine to Spain to get him European status but not getting any loan offers from Spanish clubs unless I specifically offer him to the entire 2nd division which takes forever.

If you can't get any 'organic' offers from spanish clubs, maybe you can try setting up an affiliate club and send players there.

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Automatic duties. They work like the role in a defensive duty with contain and defensive team mentalities, support when using counter, standard or control or attacking when using attacking or overload. Is this the case with PIs too? For example, if I use an automatic automatic wingback and tell him to cut inside with the ball, this PI is overwritten when I use an attacking mentality as WB/A has run wide with the ball? Or if I use CM on automatic, and tell him to get further forward, this is overwritten when I use defensive mentality as CM/D has get further forward "blocked"? Only certain knowledge please.

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4 hours ago, juusal said:

Automatic duties. They work like the role in a defensive duty with contain and defensive team mentalities, support when using counter, standard or control or attacking when using attacking or overload. Is this the case with PIs too? For example, if I use an automatic automatic wingback and tell him to cut inside with the ball, this PI is overwritten when I use an attacking mentality as WB/A has run wide with the ball? Or if I use CM on automatic, and tell him to get further forward, this is overwritten when I use defensive mentality as CM/D has get further forward "blocked"? Only certain knowledge please.

@Rashidi I'm pretty sure here but want to double check with you - it's just individual mentality that changes when using a role with auto duty and we change team mentality, not the actual role/duty itself right?  So a wingback (auto) doesn't suddenly become a wingback (attack) with all it's associated PIs when switching to the Attacking mentality, it's still just a wingback (auto) but with a more attacking individual mentality (as viewed on the PI screen).

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2 hours ago, herne79 said:

@Rashidi I'm pretty sure here but want to double check with you - it's just individual mentality that changes when using a role with auto duty and we change team mentality, not the actual role/duty itself right?  So a wingback (auto) doesn't suddenly become a wingback (attack) with all it's associated PIs when switching to the Attacking mentality, it's still just a wingback (auto) but with a more attacking individual mentality (as viewed on the PI screen).

Okay hmm. The reason why I am asking is that it would make possible to have roles that get further forward but have a defensive mentality. such as CM/aut with get further forward even though their mentality is defensive.

edit. and this of course isn't possible with defensive duties, as I think all defensive duties in the game have get further forward blocked. I actually find this annoying at the moment as I would like to find something that is defensively between WM/S and a WB, the former is nice when pressing high up the pitch but does not follow runners when inside our own half, and the latter drops too deep to make it pretty much a flat back five which is not aggressive enough and leaves too much space in the middle.

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How important determination attribute? I have 2 players with pretty good technical and mentality attribute (Jonathan Tah and Kai Havertz), but their determination only 10. Should I buy new player only to tutor them to increase their determination? or just leave it as it is?

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My BWM(def) takes the field as my Midfielder (centre right)


Now keep in mind I'm a novice manager and until now was a set'n'forget pre-fab tactic enthusiast.  Now I'm trying to think on the run without training wheels apart from what I glean of advice from the forum's threads.

My BWM (def) functions like a DM but he's tends to dwell towards right of center.   Since he is my midfield bulldog do I need to adjust somehow when the opposition's star playmaker is e.g. an AMCR or even an MCR ?  A bit out of reach for my bulldog yes?

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6 hours ago, wkdsoul said:

If i play a back 3 (cbs) with a half back in front, wil this become a back four or a cluttered 18 yard box wide defence line? 

You could easily figure this out by trying, but no, not really. HB tends to stay in front of the back three, holding his position there close to the center backs in possession. When defending, he will also start from that position, covering the center backs. However, you can make him more aggressive by setting him to close down more and/or mark tighter if your tactic needs it, but often it is better to have a holding player guarding the area in front of the defence that does not venture too far off his position.

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Meet Giovanni Simeone


He is my Poacher in the save for the Poacher Tactical Challenge. He's quite decent at it given the general levels of mediocrity (Federico Chiesa aside) that surround him in lowly Fiorentina - 38 goals in 56 games (something like 55 of those are starts). However, he scores in fits and starts - a sequence will be something like 1,1,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,3. Even given my tactical tinkering and the varying quality of our squad an opposition I thought this was a bit problematic so I looked in his report


Problems. The big matches thing doesn't seem too bad for now - we have like one derby with Juventus who will beat us anyway until I get better players or a lot of luck, and he recently put 5 past Roma in as many days. However the "Fairly Inconsistent Performer" thing is causing us problems. He's 23 so probably could be tutored by Fabio Quagliarella again, who doesn't have these traits, but is that the only way to get rid of them? The inconsistency especially? As I only have 6 months then to tutor him out of it and if Quagliarella's reputation has become too low I can't do anything. Or can a player become more consistent with time? Like if I keep laying them on a plate for him eventually he'll just come better like some strikers do in real life, or will he just remain frustrating for all eternity?

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1 hour ago, zlatanera said:

Problems. The big matches thing doesn't seem too bad for now - we have like one derby with Juventus who will beat us anyway until I get better players or a lot of luck, and he recently put 5 past Roma in as many days. However the "Fairly Inconsistent Performer" thing is causing us problems. He's 23 so probably could be tutored by Fabio Quagliarella again, who doesn't have these traits, but is that the only way to get rid of them? The inconsistency especially? As I only have 6 months then to tutor him out of it and if Quagliarella's reputation has become too low I can't do anything. Or can a player become more consistent with time? Like if I keep laying them on a plate for him eventually he'll just come better like some strikers do in real life, or will he just remain frustrating for all eternity?

Tutoring can only change attributes which affect personality / media handling.  Neither Big Matches nor Consistency affect personality / media handling so Tutoring won't make any difference there.  They can change over time but it's not guaranteed.

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Playing FM17.

What does player mentality affect for a given role and duty?

Take an MC playing a support role in a highly structured team. As the team mentality changes from contain to overload, the MC's mentality will also increase.

But what does that mean for how the MC (s) plays? What changes in his playing behaviour can we expect to see?

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FM17:  Coach advisor for selection of team.   My dumbest coach is always the one who seems to be pre-selected and to change him to my smartest coach I have to reset the guide-lines every time.   How can I set in stone my #1 coach as the team selector?   

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On 16/03/2018 at 11:31, peter_b said:

Playing FM17.

What does player mentality affect for a given role and duty?

Take an MC playing a support role in a highly structured team. As the team mentality changes from contain to overload, the MC's mentality will also increase.

But what does that mean for how the MC (s) plays? What changes in his playing behaviour can we expect to see?

Mentality affects a lot of things. I like to think that it works in combination with the other instructions. A player with a higher mentality positions himself higher (both in attack and defence), makes more forward runs, look for more forward passes, tries more through balls, tries to beat his man more often and so on. Again, this is combined with the other instructions. An achorman will not make darting runs into the box on an attacking mentality as he is told to not make forward runs. Neither will he look to regularly attempt 50 meter through balls to a striker as he is told to take less risky passes. Instead, you would see him try to make more forward passes to more advanced midfielders and wingers on an attacking team mentality, whereas with a defensive team mentality he would go safety first and pass more sideways and backwards passes to the fullbacks and center backs.

Of course this does not mean that attacking mentality is better as they try to look for more decisive passes and make something happen. Often on attacking mentality your team can become wasteful, attempting passes when they are not on, getting the ball forward too quickly so your midfielders don't have time to catch up and support the striker and so on. The key is to have the rest of the tactic suit the chosen mentality, and possibly balance things out. For example, I often see players using attacking mentality and higher tempo, but attacking mentality has a really high tempo already by default, so sometimes using lower tempo with an attacking mentality might be better if you want to be a bit more patient and get more players into attack.

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How should I interpret Pace and Acceleration stats?

I assume Acc is how quickly player can reach hes full speed, and Pace is how fast player can run when he already reach hes full speed. But this definition making me confused. For example:

Player A: acc:20 pace:10

Player B: acc:10 pace:20

Maximum speed of payer B is 2 times faster than player A.

Player A can reach 1/2 of Player B full speed 2x faster. 

So if they both start a short run (not long enough to exceed Player A top speed), will they running exact the same? 


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8 minutes ago, yau said:

How should I interpret Pace and Acceleration stats?

I assume Acc is how quickly player can reach hes full speed, and Pace is how fast player can run when he already reach hes full speed. But this definition making me confused. For example:

Player A: acc:20 pace:10

Player B: acc:10 pace:20

Maximum speed of payer B is 2 times faster than player A.

Player A can reach 1/2 of Player B full speed 2x faster. 

So if they both start a short run (not long enough to exceed Player A top speed), will they running exact the same? 


Ehm I do not think 20 pace is twice as fast as 10 pace in terms of speed, and the same for acceleration. Imagine, a player with 20 pace would be able to run four times the distance in the same time as a player with 5 pace! Just isn't realistic, as differences in pace are not that big in real life. Aubameyang is fast, I think he is close to 20 for pace and acceleration in game. Mertesacker, on the other hand, is probably around 10 for each in game. If Aubameyang runs 100 meters in around 11 seconds, do you think it would take Mertesacker 22 seconds to run 100 meters? For sure not, as slow as he is he can probably do around 14-15 seconds.

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That's why its misguide me. If 20 passing is not 2x better than 10 passing, why we are using this numbers? how can I imagine how good my player is when I can't compare him to other players?

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I asked this in the general discussion thread, but it probably makes more sense here over in tactics on the stupid questions thread, would appreciate any help here:

I can't figure out how to get a match plan to work.

I've installed a match plan. The tactic we play (selected on the tactics screen) is my "Attacking" tactic. I want to play my "contain" version for the first 25 minutes if drawing; at any time where I am up 2 goals; and any time I lead by 1 after 70 minutes.

I have this as my "Default (Next Match)" match plan:



My youth teams are playing with my first team tactics, managed by the youth team manager. When I go to the Under 23 or Under 18, Tactics, Match Plan it shows up. At the bottom it says "Use vs. Walsall" the next U23 opponent.

When the game sims, the match plan isn't used. I've purposely changed the formation as a test after seeing it not work, I want it to use my "flip" version instead of "contain" so it would be obvious watching back the match if the other tactic was being used.

I don't see any evidence of the match plan being used in reading the match report, like when you switch from contain to attack in a game and it says something like, "Everton is now in a more attacking mindset".

Do these not work with youth teams? The main reason I want to do it is that my attacking tactic is quite intense, and I don't want them to play it for 90 minutes. But I don't want them to play the whole game on contain either.

Is there something I need to do to make these work? :seagull:

Thanks for any help.

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17 hours ago, yau said:

That's why its misguide me. If 20 passing is not 2x better than 10 passing, why we are using this numbers? how can I imagine how good my player is when I can't compare him to other players?

I wouldn't necessarily use a "x times better than y2 logic for attributes. What is defined as "twice as good passing", that's a bit hard to translate to real-life.

Think of it as an evaluation of the player's skills. If he has a 20 for passing that means his passing is some of the best there is. A 20 pace players means he's one of the fastest players in europe/world/whatever.

Regarding pace we could theorize about minimum and maximum speed a player can run, however that logic can't be applied exactly the same way to other attributes.

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FM17> Formation 4123 or 4231> What midfield role is best for my on-field general who is my ball distributer in possession?

And what player traits suit the role that I can train him to do?  I'm thinking switch flank, killer balls often.  There is also dictates tempo>  if time allows for more training do I add dwells on ball?

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22 minutes ago, Mactier said:

FM17> Formation 4123 or 4231> What midfield role is best for my on-field general who is my ball distributer in possession?

There is no "best", only what balances with the rest of your system.  If you want a playmaker who your other players may seek out to give the ball to there are all kinds of options.  For your 4123 you could position him in the DMC position as a DLP or Regista to launch those Pirlo-esque passes; or perhaps as an Advanced Playmaker in the MC position as you may associate with Iniesta; or perhaps as a Toure type playmaker who'll run into dangerous positions before giving a killer pass as a RPM might do.

In the 4231, perhaps a DLP in the MC position to fire balls to both wings or through the middle; in the AMC position take your pick from AP, Enganche or Trequartista to release killer through balls for your striker or winger to run onto.

It's up to you and how you see your team playing.

27 minutes ago, Mactier said:

And what player traits suit the role that I can train him to do?  I'm thinking switch flank, killer balls often.  There is also dictates tempo>  if time allows for more training do I add dwells on ball?

You don't have to give him a Trait to do anything.  Before you do anything, decide on the role you want him to play and look at the Player Instructions that come with the role.  For example, why tell your Advanced Playmaker to try killer balls often if the AP role already tells him to do it.

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I have a few stupid questions if i may?

1 - I notice a lack of tackling in the game (FM18). I this lack of aggression? Or instructions?

2 - Eric Dier - I'd like him to be more of a Anchor Man, but can never get role re-training to work. Do I play him as this, or as the preferred role? As BMW (S) he gets ahead of my other midfielders. In short, i rather the other 2 over him in the box taking shots!

I'd argue do i keep Dier? He's 3/4 on Defence, and i rarely play a DMC

3 - Finally Opposition instructions - How crucial are these? Against obvious players i use them (Hard tackling on weak\tired players,, close down on wingers\full backs if good crosser, almost always close down opposition MC's)

Playing as Spurs, 4-2-3-1, 4-1-2-3 main formations.

Cleon's 4-2-3-1 deep is on my list to try.....


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55 minutes ago, plcarlos said:

I have a few stupid questions if i may?

1 - I notice a lack of tackling in the game (FM18). I this lack of aggression? Or instructions?

2 - Eric Dier - I'd like him to be more of a Anchor Man, but can never get role re-training to work. Do I play him as this, or as the preferred role? As BMW (S) he gets ahead of my other midfielders. In short, i rather the other 2 over him in the box taking shots!

I'd argue do i keep Dier? He's 3/4 on Defence, and i rarely play a DMC

3 - Finally Opposition instructions - How crucial are these? Against obvious players i use them (Hard tackling on weak\tired players,, close down on wingers\full backs if good crosser, almost always close down opposition MC's)

Playing as Spurs, 4-2-3-1, 4-1-2-3 main formations.

Cleon's 4-2-3-1 deep is on my list to try.....


1) Hard to say.  When you say lack of tackling, how does your in game data stack up in comparison to real life stats?  Is it causing you any issues in game (other than it looks odd)?

2) You don't have to train someone in a role for him to be able to play that role successfully.  Role training is nothing more than developing the attributes which happen to be associated with that role.  If you think Dier can play as an Anchor Man, play him as an Anchor Man.

3) They're not crucial (in fact I never use any).  Some people can find them useful but if you do use them don't over do things.  Too many and you'll start to destroy your tactical set up.

4) If Cleon's 4231 deep is on your list to try, be careful with that.  Cleon doesn't put up tactics for other people to copy, he aims to discuss the principles involved of the system to help others go about setting up their own systems.  Copy it by all means, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work for you.

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1 hour ago, herne79 said:

1) Hard to say.  When you say lack of tackling, how does your in game data stack up in comparison to real life stats?  Is it causing you any issues in game (other than it looks odd)?

2) You don't have to train someone in a role for him to be able to play that role successfully.  Role training is nothing more than developing the attributes which happen to be associated with that role.  If you think Dier can play as an Anchor Man, play him as an Anchor Man.

3) They're not crucial (in fact I never use any).  Some people can find them useful but if you do use them don't over do things.  Too many and you'll start to destroy your tactical set up.

4) If Cleon's 4231 deep is on your list to try, be careful with that.  Cleon doesn't put up tactics for other people to copy, he aims to discuss the principles involved of the system to help others go about setting up their own systems.  Copy it by all means, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work for you.

Thanks for the reply's!

1 - Just the sight of players closing, but barley making challenges... i find it strange - I'll review a bit more tonight on my next few games..

2 - Thanks! Good to know - I see Dier playing that role more, and as a Spurs fan, he's normally at the base of an attack, vs going ahead of Dembele etc..(Well,   Locatelli, Arthur, and Winks at the moment)

I'm also concerned about concentration being 13 for a central defender, i put that high on my list.

3 - Thanks again - I was thinking about the effect on the tactics, recently - I've experimented with reducing this vs weaker teams, but not vs higher teams. Again - On the list to try out tonight

4 - Completely agree - I've got a lot more reading and learning to do on that, but it's a consideration for me, as i have a few players that could fit that kind of role, and i play a 4-2-3-1 anyway, so it's not a major adjustment.

I've been lurking a bit, reading a lot, so playing catch up  - I think my main take-home is less is more at this stage. I've previously been to opposite and used many instructions, which has only worked in seasson's 6+ when I've poached the top youth players on intake day - Much harder this version.


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Hi friends, long time player since fm 07, stopped watching football completely, and now I'm back with 18.

Shameful to admit that I still have no idea what different team shapes do exactly.

I understand that mentalities for players are more staggered in structured while more universal in fluid. Am I wrong to assume that it affects the team's compactness vertically and fluid moves more as a unit then? Since width controls horizontal compactness.

My question is, is there any reason to actually not want your team move as a unit? Which essentially is asking is there any reason to use structured over fluid? Cause to me it seems vertical compactness is just better in almost every tactical situation I can think off, passing, pressing, transitioning, defending, good players/bad players

Must be something I'm not seeing.

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22 minutes ago, Elwood said:

Hi friends, long time player since fm 07, stopped watching football completely, and now I'm back with 18.

Shameful to admit that I still have no idea what different team shapes do exactly.

I understand that mentalities for players are more staggered in structured while more universal in fluid. Am I wrong to assume that it affects the team's compactness vertically and fluid moves more as a unit then? Since width controls horizontal compactness.

My question is, is there any reason to actually not want your team move as a unit? Which essentially is asking is there any reason to use structured over fluid? Cause to me it seems vertical compactness is just better in almost every tactical situation I can think off, passing, pressing, transitioning, defending, good players/bad players

Must be something I'm not seeing.

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure with a fluid team shape, players will break position and roam more often with and without possession. Imo this can definitely be a negative with poorer-quality players (e.g. they may have worse positioning/off the ball/decisions, so a more structured team shape would probably be better suited). 

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19 hours ago, Elwood said:

Hi friends, long time player since fm 07, stopped watching football completely, and now I'm back with 18.

Shameful to admit that I still have no idea what different team shapes do exactly.

I understand that mentalities for players are more staggered in structured while more universal in fluid. Am I wrong to assume that it affects the team's compactness vertically and fluid moves more as a unit then? Since width controls horizontal compactness.

My question is, is there any reason to actually not want your team move as a unit? Which essentially is asking is there any reason to use structured over fluid? Cause to me it seems vertical compactness is just better in almost every tactical situation I can think off, passing, pressing, transitioning, defending, good players/bad players

Must be something I'm not seeing.

Have a look at this


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1 hour ago, Mactier said:

What real-life EPL teams today play 4-3-1-2?

None as a first choice formation. But a few have played it over the last decade or so (e.g. Ancelotti's Chelsea, Rodgers' Liverpool, van Gaal's Man United). It's never been very common in England.

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Whenever I read a thread about a tactic or download one of those pre-made tactics the Fullbacks are either set on support or attack or defend.  However there is another option - "Automatic".  why is it avoided in any discussion?  Will my FB/WB act as an inferior player if set to 'auto'?

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I notice that a lot of people seem to use wingbacks but I have always preferred complete wingbacks(a). Is there any real difference between between the two?

I have also finally got round to buying FM18 and I was wondering if anybody could tell me whether most of the tactics from FM17 still work on FM18? I haven't played any matches yet so I don't know if there's any significant changes to the ME.

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8 hours ago, Mactier said:

Whenever I read a thread about a tactic or download one of those pre-made tactics the Fullbacks are either set on support or attack or defend.  However there is another option - "Automatic".  why is it avoided in any discussion?  Will my FB/WB act as an inferior player if set to 'auto'?

Setting a role to "auto" will reflect the team mentality you choose: Defensive mentality = defend duty; counter/standard/control = support duty; attacking = attack duty.

3 hours ago, Carlos92 said:

I notice that a lot of people seem to use wingbacks but I have always preferred complete wingbacks(a). Is there any real difference between between the two?

I have also finally got round to buying FM18 and I was wondering if anybody could tell me whether most of the tactics from FM17 still work on FM18? I haven't played any matches yet so I don't know if there's any significant changes to the ME.

The main difference is in the default Player Instructions, with the CWB being a little more adventurous than the WB.

Some tactics will work, some won't.  There are changes in the ME but good tactics based on sound principles tend to work no matter how old they are, albeit perhaps with minor tweaks.

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One thing I'm really struggling with at the moment is dealing with front 3's when the AI decides to really go for it. The most common is a 4-2-3-1 in which the wide men really push on and usually come inside as well, or just in a straight up front 3 which happens from time to time. 

Seeing the gaps is generally not much of an issue, but exploiting it is. One of the common tendencies is for me to analyse the game and see something like this:



This is Arsenals 4-2-3-1 in which they absolutely mangled me as I horribly misjudged it. To negate their pace I dropped the defensive line deeper, and in order to make it harder for that central block of 4 players I went more narrow. This had the opposite effect to an extent, because once I won the ball back which I did a great many times - the team was still overwhelmed when trying to get something going the opposite way and this was more what I couldn't resolve. Probably compounded by my changes to try and make it harder for them in the first place, although I was hoping to draw more forward for a devastating counter.

I wanted my side to quickly move the ball to the flanks and bypass midfield, but I really struggled to get that from the players. I didn't feel like a higher tempo was right because I just wanted the defensive players to clear their lines quickly, not expedite the whole team efforts. The passing combinations to my mind suggest they're over-committing on the attack, so is there some advice on how to better deal with this kind of situation anyone can share with me?

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Has anyone here got an idea whether there  is a set limit to the growth of an individual attribute? Let's say I have a youngster with a tackle attribute of 4 that would otherwise be a good BWM, are there any limits other than PA to stop him from getting something like 15-20 in tackling if I was to train him intensively on tackling for five years? And could for example a young striker with only 7 or something in finishing get up to near 20 over many years if his PA makes room for it?

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On ‎24‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 14:28, kensteidel said:

Has anyone here got an idea whether there  is a set limit to the growth of an individual attribute? Let's say I have a youngster with a tackle attribute of 4 that would otherwise be a good BWM, are there any limits other than PA to stop him from getting something like 15-20 in tackling if I was to train him intensively on tackling for five years? And could for example a young striker with only 7 or something in finishing get up to near 20 over many years if his PA makes room for it?

The limit to the growth of an attribute is 20.  The likelihood of a player reaching that number is governed by a whole host of things such as PA, age, starting point, personality, training facilities, coaching ability, match time, injuries.  So yes in your examples that could happen but is not as simple as saying train him in tackling/finishing for a period of time.

9 hours ago, rosscouk1 said:

Quick question - how do you check an individuals mentality? I was reading a thread yesterday (can't find it now), where it showed the effect team mentality had on individuals but I could not find a way to see this in-game. Thanks.

In the Player Instructions screen.

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12 hours ago, Mactier said:

Trying to adapt FM18 4132 tactic to FM17. Midfield trio - CAR <AM-att> MEZ. what do u suggest for FM17 to replace the CAR + MEZ? 2 x CMs? And set to su-att?

For the MEZ, a CM/a may be the most similar option. If you want you can add some PI.

For the CAR, I'd go for either a B2B/s or a BWM/s, depending on what you had him do the most. Was he mainly a supporting player or was he useful for closing down.

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Page.32 -Bust the Net FM Tactics Handbook - Tactic = Cutthroat 4231.  The diagram of players does not match the roles described.  GK-d or SK-s?  WB-s or WB-a? I am FM17 & so I cannot access the tactic link.

Can someone advise plz.


(Ignore the passing map.  Don't vknow how to delete it)


Edited by Mactier
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On ‎04‎-‎04‎-‎2018 at 15:38, kensteidel said:

Do people feel that there is any point to hiring data analysts for the U23s and U18s? Will their performances improve in any way?

I don't even use Data Analysts for the first team... I don't know if it's a bug, but they tend to compile reports on players I asked to be scouted. I want a scout report, not an analyst report. I don't use any of their data so I rather not having them at all.

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Is there a way to ensure that your fullbacks keep their width when defending crosses? I keep conceding from crosses to the back post due to fullbacks tucking in instead of just staying with their man. The only plus point is that AI teams seem to have the same problem

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38 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

When loaning a youth player out, is it better if hes getting game time in the un-agreed position over no time at all? 

It really depends. Is he developing? If he isn't, then its a hard no. If he is, are the attributes that are improving the ones that you want to improve? 

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