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On 10/10/2018 at 01:30, Experienced Defender said:

Flair representsĀ a player's tendency to try (and do) something unpredictable, so it's not only about passing but also (and even more so) about dribbling, shooting, crossing... For a def mid flair is nowhere near as important as for more advanced players, even if he is a playmaker (DLP). In order for a DM to play good and useful through balls, more important than flair are his vision, technique, decisions and anticipation (in addition to passing of course). And if he also has good flair, the better (but again, flair is not necessary for this type of player).

Awesome. Thanks for the help! :)

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I use a tactic that at home, my wing backs are on attack/overlap and so I set my AMR and AML to IF to give them space and not get in each other's way.Ā  Is there any way to instruct them to use their common sense and not cut inside all the time, usually ignoring the large gap into which the overlapping WB has now run?.Ā  Even if the WB is not close, they appear to cut inside at all times.

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9 hours ago, FrazT said:

I use a tactic that at home, my wing backs are on attack/overlap and so I set my AMR and AML to IF to give them space and not get in each other's way.Ā  Is there any way to instruct them to use their common sense and not cut inside all the time, usually ignoring the large gap into which the overlapping WB has now run?.Ā  Even if the WB is not close, they appear to cut inside at all times.

Just to clarify it...Ā when you say that your WBs are "on attack/overlap", does overlap in this context meanĀ that you also selected the "Look For Overlap" in Team Instructions, or you simply expect the WBs to naturally overlap because they are on attack duty? And which duty/duties are your IFs on?

And when you say the IFs cut inside all the time, are they doing that only when they have the ball or are drifting inside even without the ball? If the latter is the case, you can tell them to "Stay Wider" via Player Instructions.

Finally, what are their (IFs) attribute ratings for decisions, vision, teamwork and anticipation? Do they have any PPM that might be the cause of the problem of cutting inside all the time?

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@FrazT, I also generally use an IF/S with the same footedness as the side he's on, so a right footed player on the right. It makes it less natural for him to cut inside. With that role and the footedness, I get a bit of a hybrid. Someone who cuts inside if it's obvious and the space is there, but for the most part, either passes or runs down the line. They type of player to get assists and goals and also pick out an overlapping fullback.

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I really want my team to playĀ SUPER short passings, having as much ball controll as possible. Best case scenario would be where the passings of the ball make kind of exalted orbs off the ball's path, making it as hard for the enemy team to contest the ball as possible. It sounds perhaps a little bit weird but this is what I like to see the most, for no reason lol. It's just like you would buy poe currency and have fun with all the higher grade items.

The only problem I have with this strategy is that for some reason even though all the settings would indicate my team is going to play a ball control focused playstyle, they struggle to get 50%+ ball controll over the course of the entire match. Maybe the reason is they're not particularly great players and I should commit and buy exalted players, like some of the high-end ones. But how does one afford a SINGLE player like this, not even talking about a FEW....

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11 minutes ago, polabersz said:

The only problem I have with this strategy is that for some reason even though all the settings would indicate my team is going to play a ball control focused playstyle, they struggle to get 50%+ ball controll over the course of the entire match. Maybe the reason is they're not particularly great players

If your tactic is set up in the right way to encourage such style of play and it still doesn't work, then it's probably up to the quality of your players. So I'd like you to tell me the following:

- which formation do you use?

- how many support duties do you have and in which particular positions?

- which mentality and team shape?

- what team instructions are you using? (I guess shorter passing, but what else?)

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I always start a game with standard mentality. I have found that change the mentality during the game can really make a huge difference. For example, when the opponent is dominating the highlights, sometimes I drop the mentality and hit them on counter really effective but sometimes it just makes things worse. And the same goes for increase it to control or attack. It feels like gambling. How can I judge whether I am playing with the correct mentality based on match events?

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10 hours ago, Jonathon1990 said:

I always start a game with standard mentality. I have found that change the mentality during the game can really make a huge difference. For example, when the opponent is dominating the highlights, sometimes I drop the mentality and hit them on counter really effective but sometimes it just makes things worse. And the same goes for increase it to control or attack. It feels like gambling. How can I judge whether I am playing with the correct mentality based on match events?

First, you cannot rely exclusively on mentality. There are other tactical settings that need to be taken into account as well.

Second, you should not play against each opponent in the same way. You can use the same formation (or switch between a couple of them), but certain instructions, roles and duties need to be adjusted and adapted. Pay attention to whether you are the favorite or underdog in a particular match, then whether you play at home or away. Also look at the odds. Do not disregard scout reports of your next opponent. Plus, analyze each opponent - go to their schedule section, choose a match they played against an opponent similar to you, look at highlights to see how they tend to play, where their strengths and weaknesses are, how they both score and concede. Then analyze their passing combinations, clear-cut and half chances, mistakes, shots, interceptions, action zones...

Last but not least,, when deciding on a general style of football you want your team to play (not the mentality, but the overall tactical approach), be careful not to ask your players to do things they aren't capable of (look at their attributes) or willing to (PPMs). For example, when you want to put a player on attack duty, the first thing to watch is his Off The Ball. If he's a winger for example, he'll also need good acceleration, dribbling, crossing... and at least decentĀ balance and first touch. Make sure your roles and duties are well-balanced across the formation, providing enough defensive cover at any given moment.Ā 

There is a lot more, but these are basics IMO.

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7 分钟前, Experienced DefenderčÆ“:

First, you cannot rely exclusively on mentality. There are other tactical settings that need to be taken into account as well.

Second, you should not play against each opponent in the same way. You can use the same formation (or switch between a couple of them), but certain instructions, roles and duties need to be adjusted and adapted. Pay attention to whether you are the favorite or underdog in a particular match, then whether you play at home or away. Also look at the odds. Do not disregard scout reports of your next opponent. Plus, analyze each opponent - go to their schedule section, choose a match they played against an opponent similar to you, look at highlights to see how they tend to play, where their strengths and weaknesses are, how they both score and concede. Then analyze their passing combinations, clear-cut and half chances, mistakes, shots, interceptions, action zones...

Last but not least,, when deciding on a general style of football you want your team to play (not the mentality, but the overall tactical approach), be careful not to ask your players to do things they aren't capable of (look at their attributes) or willing to (PPMs). For example, when you want to put a player on attack duty, the first thing to watch is his Off The Ball. If he's a winger for example, he'll also need good acceleration, dribbling, crossing... and at least decentĀ balance and first touch. Make sure your roles and duties are well-balanced across the formation, providing enough defensive cover at any given moment.Ā 

There is a lot more, but these are basics IMO.

The main reason for my preference of changing mentality during the match is that mentality can have a comprehensive influence on my team (passing directness, widtn, close down, etc.). For me the most difficult thing is always understanding highlights and make tweaks accordingly.Ā Thanks for your explanation. It helps a lot.

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19 hours ago, polabersz said:

I really want my team to playĀ SUPER short passings, having as much ball controll as possible. Best case scenario would be where the passings of the ball make kind of orbs off the ball's path, making it as hard for the enemy team to contest the ball as possible.

The only problem I have with this strategy is that for some reason even though all the settings would indicate my team is going to play a ball control focused playstyle, they struggle to get 50%+ ball controll over the course of the entire match. Maybe the reason is they're not particularly great players and I should commit and buy exalted players, like some of the high-end ones. But how does one afford a SINGLE player like this, not even talking about a FEW....

High possession % requires two things: looking after the ball (encourage safe passes, with plenty of available options nearby) and winning it back as quickly as possible when you do eventually lose it.Ā 

It doesn't require especially good players. You don't need a high Passing attribute to play 5 yard sideways passes back and forth in midfield.

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9 minutes ago, swansongs said:

It doesn't require especially good players. You don't need a high Passing attribute to play 5 yard sideways passes back and forth in midfield.

Well, it depends on who you are playing against. If you play against a strong side that is pressing you like crazy, short passing can prove extremely risky if your players aren't good enough ( technically, tacticallyĀ and in terms of movement).

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3 hours ago, wkdsoul said:

Roam from position - Complete Wing Back.

Does this mean roam within the restrictions of the role ie under or overlap, sit inside or out.Ā  or will he bugger off and follow the ball?Ā 

Roam from Position does not mean the player will run everywhere across the pitch like mad and without any sense. The instruction actually allows the player some more freedom of movement in order to make him better available for a pass from his teammates. So basically you can define it like "Ā roam within the restrictions of the roleļ»æ", but doing so with a very clear and logical purpose. So depending on the situation and his position on the pitch at a given moment, he will sometimes move more to the central areas, sometimes will go backward a bit and so on.Ā  And the higher his off the ball attribute is, the better (along with anticipation and teamwork),


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2 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

Roam from Position does not mean the player will run everywhere across the pitch like mad and without any sense. The instruction actually allows the player some more freedom of movement in order to make him better available for a pass from his teammates. So basically you can define it like "Ā roam within the restrictions of the roleļ»æ", but doing so with a very clear and logical purpose. So depending on the situation and his position on the pitch at a given moment, he will sometimes move more to the central areas, sometimes will go backward a bit and so on.Ā  And the higher his off the ball attribute is, the better (along with anticipation and teamwork),


As i thought, cheers (although why i'm still trying tactics in 18, knowing full well i'll get to play about 2 months game time before 19, i'll never know #addicted)Ā  :)Ā 

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23 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

Roam from Position does not mean the player will run everywhere across the pitch like mad and without any sense. The instruction actually allows the player some more freedom of movement in order to make him better available for a pass from his teammates. So basically you can define it like "Ā roam within the restrictions of the roleļ»æ", but doing so with a very clear and logical purpose. So depending on the situation and his position on the pitch at a given moment, he will sometimes move more to the central areas, sometimes will go backward a bit and so on.Ā  And the higher his off the ball attribute is, the better (along with anticipation and teamwork),


This is all true - assuming his decisions attribute is high. If it's low and he lacks footballing intelligence - be prepared for some fun!

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Hey guys. I have a situation where my too striker got upset at me not fulfilling a promise (challenge for title, I was second in play almost till the end). Now he lost trust in manager. The situation lasts for a year already during which I managed to win the title. From your experience is there any chance of him getting over it at some point?

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Hi There,

I was watching the FM19 steam a few days ago and was curious that the guys was using the Tactical Briefing. Its something I didn't really understand, didn't use, and then forgot about

So a couple of questions.

- What are the pro's and con's of this feature?

- Am I actually doing anything wrong by using the "Skip briefing" for every match?

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5 hours ago, demodave said:

Hi There,

I was watching the FM19 steam a few days ago and was curious that the guys was using the Tactical Briefing. Its something I didn't really understand, didn't use, and then forgot about

So a couple of questions.

- What are the pro's and con's of this feature?

- Am I actually doing anything wrong by using the "Skip briefing" for every match?

For FM18 it's a pointless feature which has no discernible impact.Ā  So "Skip Briefing" is perfectly valid.

For FM19 we don't yet know if this has changed, so something to try out when it arrives.

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8 hours ago, demodave said:

- What are the pro's and con's of this feature?

- Am I actually doing anything wrong by using the "Skip briefing" for every match?

Well, sometimes players will react positively or negatively toĀ what you tell them in the briefing, so I assume it has some kind of (albeit minimal) effect on players' morale or body language. Maybe even on tactic familiarity, if your players aren't familiar with it yet?

As for FM19, from what I've seen on the stream, functionality didn't change much. The only thing that seems to be different is how the actual screen looks.

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Are there any under-the-hood instructions for the False Nine position? I know that playmakers, target man, half back and carrilero all have special settings but I'm not aware of anything else.

Been tinkering with a False Nine in a 4-1-2-3 on FM18 but it just seems to play like a DLF(s) without the holds up ball in possession. This is what the role instructions would seem to suggest but not the description. I'm having more luck playing strikerless with a SS.

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How can I have very attacking full backs/wing backs that don't cross very often, at least until they've reached the by line? The cross more often PI is hard coded on every fb/wb role with attacking duty and only FB(A) doesn't have aĀ  hard coded cross from deep PI

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5 hours ago, 91427 said:

How can I have very attacking full backs/wing backs that don't cross very often, at least until they've reached the by line? The cross more often PI is hard coded on every fb/wb role with attacking duty and only FB(A) doesn't have aĀ  hard coded cross from deep PI

In FM18 I used WB(s)Ā with run wide with ball(now default in FM19) and cross from byline PI.

It was the the dribbling I hated most about WB(A), so FB(A) was fine for meĀ as well, I didn't find they went overboard with their crossing.

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On 16/10/2018 at 07:58, herne79 said:

For FM18 it's a pointless feature which has no discernible impact.Ā  So "Skip Briefing" is perfectly valid.

For FM19 we don't yet know if this has changed, so something to try out when it arrives.

Still seems pointless, I haven't given a single one and I'm blitzing sides for fun.

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8 hours ago, 91427 said:

How can I have very attacking full backs/wing backs that don't cross very often, at least until they've reached the by line? The cross more often PI is hard coded on every fb/wb role with attacking duty and only FB(A) doesn't have aĀ  hard coded cross from deep PI

If the players are halfway decent mentally, they'll cross when the situation is right. If you open up ways to run and players are running into the box instead of waiting there, most attack minded wingbacks will run to the line and only cross early during direct counters.Ā 

Right now I have the following setup on my left flank: A WB(A) with the PPM 'Plays One-Twos' and good speed and the instruction to overlap.Ā In midfield a Wide Playmaker(Support) and a running MCL (Mezzala or Box to Box). If all goes well the WB should try to link up with the midfielders who create rooms and open up the flanks. In the final third either the WB can cross dangerous balls from the line or the midfielders can finish through the middle.Ā 

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2 hours ago, Karel08 said:

How to make our wide players make in-swinging crosses? (Left footed players crossing from deep from right side) for our wide players?
my inside forwards never cross often (also in FM 19)

So you want your left-footed AMR (for example) to cross from deep to your AML, right? Set AMR role to either IF on support or APM on support, tell him to cross from deep in his player instructions, cross aim far post, and set his passing to mixed or direct. Your AML should be on attack duty, preferably as RMD or IF with the "Sit narrower" PI, though winger on attack should also be O.K. But note that for this to work effectively your deep crosser (AMR) would need to have good vision, crossing and passing (as well as technique), while the AML needs good off the ball and at least decent anticipation. Of course, this does not mean that AMR will cross to AML all the time, so these are just the instructions that should increase the probability of such crosses. Creating an overload on the right side is also helpful in this case.

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  • SI Staff
59 minutes ago, Taipan said:

Where has SI hidden the PPM's in the individual Player information screen?

Same for training. Can't seem to find them mentioned anywhere.




'Development > Tactics'

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  • SI Staff
4 minutes ago, Taipan said:

Thanks Seb.Ā  Ā Appreciated. Now I see the list of existing ones the player has. :)

And If I want to train a new one? Is there a drop down hidden somewhere?



This is via an interaction. An option for which I believe appears on either that page, their individual training page or their profile depending on resolution. Shout if you can't find it and me or @herne79Ā will set you straight.

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No,except good man management needed for chief scout

6 hours ago, pauly15 said:

Does a chief scout need any attributes that a regular scout doesn't?


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32 minutes ago, 91427 said:

I know playing with a dm means the cbs will be deeper than otherwise, is this still the case when you play a regista? I'd prefer that role over a DLP(D) in the cm position but not if it'll affect my cbs

Playing a DM doesn't make your Defensive line Deeper,the DM will always stay ahead of your CB regardless of role.

The DM only go deeper than CB usually to help build-up/switch plays to or between flanks.

After he did that,he will get back to his DM position.Especially Regista who likes to dictate tempo and less defensive compared to most DM duties.

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In FM19, how do I best go about training a new position? Setting the player to train the new position like in FM18, and playing him in the position, but beyond that? Does including more training sessions which focus on Role/Position/Duty (Like for instance Attacking Shadow Play, which has it as one of only 3 Familiarity categories) help speed up the process? Or training sessions which focus on the attributes associated with Individual Role (LikeĀ Attacking Movement/Defensive Shape)? The first one seems more likely to me, but it's also not entirely obvious. Or doesn't it matter one way or the other?Ā 

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  • SI Staff
58 minutes ago, Lathund said:

In FM19, how do I best go about training a new position? Setting the player to train the new position like in FM18, and playing him in the position, but beyond that? Does including more training sessions which focus on Role/Position/Duty (Like for instance Attacking Shadow Play, which has it as one of only 3 Familiarity categories) help speed up the process? Or training sessions which focus on the attributes associated with Individual Role (LikeĀ Attacking Movement/Defensive Shape)? The first one seems more likely to me, but it's also not entirely obvious. Or doesn't it matter one way or the other?Ā 

Set the player to train in the position/role as you say. Also, place him in the appropriate unit. Spending more time training on sessions that have his unit working on their "individual roles" can help, but that might be a bit too broad of an approach to take with the entire squad just to benefit one player.

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I am trying to retrain an attacking left winger into a left midfielder by training the left midfielder role and my assistant manager has now said that I should stop training that position now has he cannot get any better than competent in that position.

Is that right or can he get to accomplished/natural?

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20 hours ago, M4nager1a said:

Playing a DM doesn't make your Defensive line Deeper,the DM will always stay ahead of your CB regardless of role.

The DM only go deeper than CB usually to help build-up/switch plays to or between flanks.

This is not what I've heard and also not remotely logical. A dm could easily make the defensive line drop deeper and still stay ahead of itĀ 

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58 minutes ago, 91427 said:

This is not what I've heard and also not remotely logical. A dm could easily make the defensive line drop deeper and still stay ahead of it

Yes, using a player (or two) in DM position makes your back line drop slightly deeper, regardless of your DM's role. The role only affects how he will behave on the pitch (regista will be more offensive, anchorman and half back more defensive, standard DM somewhere in between etc.). And a player's PPMs will also largely affect this, so that's something you also need to pay attention to.

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7 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

I'll rephrase - does it sound illogical to you to be able to tell your keeper to distribute to anyone it the back line?

No it doesn't sound illogical ,and I am glad its not a bug.

Thanx for the immediate response

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