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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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8 minutes ago, sporadicsmiles said:

This is not really a tactics or training question directly (sorry). But it does relate to a thread I have on here, and I figured you guys would know. 

How on earth do I either save a .pkm file of a game I have already played. Or else how do I actually upload things to YouTube? I do not see a "save replay" option anywhere. Likewise, I can record clips, get told upload options will happen after the end of the highlights, but nothing ever happens. It is quite frustrating, as I want to show things that happen in matches, but I cannot work it out. 

Personally I use either the built-in Windows 10 recorder or that thing from Nvidia (whatever it's called.  Shadowplay?).  When using the in game recorder, my clips always came out looking wonky.  Although admittedly I haven't tried it for a while so perhaps it's been updated now.

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1 hour ago, herne79 said:

Personally I use either the built-in Windows 10 recorder or that thing from Nvidia (whatever it's called.  Shadowplay?).  When using the in game recorder, my clips always came out looking wonky.  Although admittedly I haven't tried it for a while so perhaps it's been updated now.

That is the other option. I seem to remember having similar problems before. It is probably easier to do it myself.

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On 11/11/2008 at 07:17, Ranbir said:

Are pass backs to the keeper from the opposition half normal? Occasionally ignoring the free defenders between?

No it should be very rare.

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My inside forward has "arrives late into opposition area" PPM. I would like him to be a main attacking threat, so I tried to get him to unlearn that. However my coaches think it "adds to his game". I can't see how would IFa want that trait. Am I missing something?

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7 hours ago, OWD said:

My inside forward has "arrives late into opposition area" PPM. I would like him to be a main attacking threat, so I tried to get him to unlearn that. However my coaches think it "adds to his game". I can't see how would IFa want that trait. Am I missing something?

Your coaches give you advice based on their coding.  They don't really know what you are trying to achieve, although their advice can be good especially if players are unsuitable for certain Traits.

In this instance your coach is probably right in that it will add to his game by giving him more variety and options in how to play, it's just that your coach doesn't realise you want the player to be your "main attacking threat" and so advises you accordingly.  Before you go ahead and get the player to unlearn the Trait, have you actually noticed this Trait hindering his performance at all?  If he isn't playing how you want then go ahead and have him unlearn it (assuming he can, it's not guaranteed he will) but if he is playing how you want him to then why bother?

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17 horas atrás, herne79 disse:

Honestly I don't know what to say.  When you start to create somewhat unique formations such as this you're kind of in your own world with whether it'll work or not.

There's no reason why it can't so long as you still consider ball and player movement.  So for example, how do you see the ball moving from defence to attack?  Why do you want 2 playmakers?  Why such an attacking right flank?  But of course the biggest thing that's missing is all the tactical settings.  You might be best playing a few games, seeing how it plays out and starting a new thread if you see issues.


I understand, but I was just asking if, in theory, those roles and duties make sense. I haven't the chance to play yet.

As for the two DM's being playmakers it's not only because I want them to dictate the game from deep but also because they have attributes for those roles. It'd be a waste if I don't use them that way xD 

Also, does it make sense the striker to be offset like that, or should he be central?


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Sorry another stupid question. My assistant keeps telling me during a game we are giving up too many chances defending set pieces. We should focus on this in future match preparation. 

Does this mean I need to change how am defending set pieces ? Thanks

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20 minutes ago, lfc7 said:

Sorry another stupid question. My assistant keeps telling me during a game we are giving up too many chances defending set pieces. We should focus on this in future match preparation. 

Does this mean I need to change how am defending set pieces ? Thanks

My interpretation is that he’s saying you should have more training about defending set pieces. Rightly or wrongly I always ignore any such advice.

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How are people dealing with wingers getting so narrow in the final third when they're in the attacking midfield strata? Any time a team defends even slightly deep against me, the only width I can get is from my fullbacks. If I move them deeper I struggle to press as high as I'd like.

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13 hours ago, lfc7 said:

Sorry another stupid question. My assistant keeps telling me during a game we are giving up too many chances defending set pieces. We should focus on this in future match preparation. 

Does this mean I need to change how am defending set pieces ? Thanks

I never listen to anything any staff member says.

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16 hours ago, lfc7 said:

Sorry another stupid question. My assistant keeps telling me during a game we are giving up too many chances defending set pieces. We should focus on this in future match preparation. 

Does this mean I need to change how am defending set pieces ? Thanks

Are you conceding goals on set pieces? If so change it?

If your not, leave it.

The only advice i take major note of is Medical

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4 hours ago, Tiger666 said:

I never listen to anything any staff member says.


49 minutes ago, plcarlos said:

Are you conceding goals on set pieces? If so change it?

If your not, leave it.

The only advice i take major note of is Medical


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On 28/04/2019 at 15:04, Shwinerz said:

Hey there, I have 2 questions!

1. When training a player in a role (eg Inside Forward AMR) after some time the player stops training in the role, and only starts training in the position (AMR). Sometimes the training position might not even be the same, it could be LM or something like that. This 'new' position isn't always the one the player is natural in. Why does this happen? How can I prevent it from happening?

On staff responsibilities I am in charge of all individual training on every squad. The above situation can happen with players who haven't been made availble for reserves/under 19 squad or anything.


2. When on opposition instructions, if I have instructions set on position, will they always be on when viewing opposition instructions for players?

Ie if I toggle between the two are both active, or is it position OR player?

Does a mod or anyone else have any answers to these? Especially 2!

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2 minutes ago, Shwinerz said:

2. When on opposition instructions, if I have instructions set on position, will they always be on when viewing opposition instructions for players?

Ie if I toggle between the two are both active, or is it position OR player?

All OIs you have set up are active, but you cannot view them all at the same time. You view only those OIs you click on at the moment. For example, you set the "Always mark tighter" for a STC position, and then set "Show onto weaker foot" for their player who plays in the position. When you click on the positional OI for the STC, it will show only the "Always mark tighter", and not the Weaker foot player-related OI. And vice versa when you click on the player OI - will show the weaker foot but not tight marking. However, both are active because you have set them up.

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On 08/04/2019 at 21:05, plcarlos said:

Can you post a pic of the ste piece routines, that you notice this in? It will help to spot any erorrs.

If there are none, I'd log this under bug reports - match engine

sorry for late reply.

here's my set piece settings.


and here's sample of their "disobedience", both are center backs (DCL and DCR respectively)


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11 minutes ago, BadAss88 said:

Can you save OI's? Or do you have to implement them for every new opposition/match?

Go to Tactics>>Opposition Instructions>>Positions and you can set default OIs for every match

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The Morecambe Shrimps seem to be terminally bad at finances. I'm aiming to loose more than a million dollars for the first year, despite being $200k under payroll budget. Assuming the board still likes me, does this really matter? If it does, How can I approve attendance besides just playing better?

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5 hours ago, Dewar said:

The Morecambe Shrimps seem to be terminally bad at finances. I'm aiming to loose more than a million dollars for the first year, despite being $200k under payroll budget. Assuming the board still likes me, does this really matter? If it does, How can I approve attendance besides just playing better?

You're better off asking this in the General Discussion forum.  This thread is for tactics or training questions so you'll likely get a lot more ideas if you make a new thread in GD :thup:.

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So is this assumption right - Roam from Position will tell the player to leave his position and move towards the side where the ball is. If a B2B is on MCL he will have tendency to move on the right side of the pitch if the balls is played there.

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32 minutes ago, Armistice said:

So is this assumption right

Don't think so. Roam tells the player to move around looking for pockets of space, not necessarily to move one way or another. In the case of the B2B, stay wide or run wide with ball would have the effect you describe.

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2 hours ago, warlock said:

Don't think so. Roam tells the player to move around looking for pockets of space, not necessarily to move one way or another. In the case of the B2B, stay wide or run wide with ball would have the effect you describe.

Doesn’t make sense. If I use a B2B on MCL and the ball is on the other side of the pitch (on the right) Stay Wide or Run Wide with the ball (which is in possession instruction anyway) would make the B2B to move closer to the ball on the right side of the pitch?

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Players will naturally move toward the side of the pitch where the ball (focus of play) is at the moment. Instructions serve only to encourage certain types of behavior, but are not set in stone and should not be understood literally. So a player who is told/asked to stay wider will not stay wider all the time, but only when (he thinks) that makes sense and when the ball is on his side of the pitch during an attack. 

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35 minutes ago, Armistice said:

Doesn’t make sense. If I use a B2B on MCL and the ball is on the other side of the pitch (on the right) Stay Wide or Run Wide with the ball (which is in possession instruction anyway) would make the B2B to move closer to the ball on the right side of the pitch?

If the ball is on the right and the B2B at left of midfield has the instruction to run wide with the ball how is that going to encourage him to run to the right if he doesn't have the ball?  He may move a bit towards the right naturally because that's where the ball is, but that's nothing to do with that instruction.

Anyway, instructions to encourage players to move towards (or stay on) a flank tends to be aimed towards their nearest flank.  You won't find a left back running over to the right, similarly a player at MCL would tend to move towards the left more often than he might the right.  Players right slap bang in the middle (eg., AMC or MC) won't favour one flank over the other.

Of course these and other movement related instructions are only going to be carried out as well as a player's own attributes allow.  Off the ball will be an important one here.  Instructions tell a player to do something, his attributes dictate to what degree he's actually able to carry out those instructions.  So you can tell a player to roam from position as much as you like, but if his off the ball movement is naff he won't find those all important pockets of space very often.  Likewise if you tell your team to get stuck in, they'd better be bloody good at tackling.  Want your defender to mark tightly?  Make sure they can actually mark players then.  And so on.

(Note: in case you then wonder how you can tell low league players to do these things successfully, it's because everything is relative.  You won't be telling a 4th division player with crap marking ability to mark Messi - you're telling him to mark a 4th division striker with just as crap off the ball movement).

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Question 1: Maybe a bit of a weird one, but do you guys had cases, where a certain team was basicly perfect for one of the preset tactics? Without transfers or anything? For example, Liverpool/dortmund would be perfect for gegenpress, Barca maybe for tiki-taka? Did you guys have instanced where it was perfect, and usable as a good tactic without any tickering during the season? Im curious on examples of teams per pre-set tactic. Curious on what kind of preset would be perfectly fitted for a leicester city type playstyle in their league winner season.


Question 2: If you could name any preset tactic, what would be the perfect fit for atletico madrid and real madrid? Very curious !


Question 3: Did you guys have any succes with other tactics than possession based tactics? I feel like all my saves come to the point where possession/gegenpress-ish based tactics are the only ones that works. You guys had any succes with teams playing counter attack football or cattenacio?


Question 4: What sites do you guys use to recreate real life teams their tactic? I remember their being a site with "charactiristics" and you could basicly use them as a way to form your TI's. 



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32 minutes ago, Jeroentjee said:

Question 1: Maybe a bit of a weird one, but do you guys had cases, where a certain team was basicly perfect for one of the preset tactics? Without transfers or anything? For example, Liverpool/dortmund would be perfect for gegenpress, Barca maybe for tiki-taka? Did you guys have instanced where it was perfect, and usable as a good tactic without any tickering during the season? Im curious on examples of teams per pre-set tactic. Curious on what kind of preset would be perfectly fitted for a leicester city type playstyle in their league winner season.


Question 2: If you could name any preset tactic, what would be the perfect fit for atletico madrid and real madrid? Very curious !


Question 3: Did you guys have any succes with other tactics than possession based tactics? I feel like all my saves come to the point where possession/gegenpress-ish based tactics are the only ones that works. You guys had any succes with teams playing counter attack football or cattenacio?


Question 4: What sites do you guys use to recreate real life teams their tactic? I remember their being a site with "charactiristics" and you could basicly use them as a way to form your TI's. 



Check whoscored. Dont base everything on whhoscored but it shows some things at least.

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56 minutes ago, Jeroentjee said:

Question 3: Did you guys have any succes with other tactics than possession based tactics? I feel like all my saves come to the point where possession/gegenpress-ish based tactics are the only ones that works. You guys had any succes with teams playing counter attack football or cattenacio?

The answer would depend on what you define as "success". Is success only when you win a trophy? Or is any over-achievement a success from your point of view. For example, if you manage a team that is expected to be relegated, and they finish the season in a safe mid-table position, is that a success or failure?

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7 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

The answer would depend on what you define as "success". Is success only when you win a trophy? Or is any over-achievement a success from your point of view. For example, if you manage a team that is expected to be relegated, and they finish the season in a safe mid-table position, is that a success or failure?

Hmmm Well for instance, playing a counter attack quick tactic with a team like Manchester United, or Real madrid. Was the tactic succesfull? They have the players for it, but when i try it i will always get 1-0. 1-1 or 0-1 or in worst case scenarios have a last minute goal against me. 

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29 minutes ago, Jeroentjee said:

playing a counter attack quick tactic with a team like Manchester United, or Real madrid. Was the tactic succesfull?

I am managing Man Utd in one of my saves. While I don't play defensive counter-attacking football, I don't play a possession style either. I play a sort of "hybrid" that I would call "progressive possession football" (as opposed to slow and patient/boring possession styles), which utilizes counter-attacks as a tactical weapon to a great extent. I would like to play a typical counter-attacking style with Utd, but the problem is that most opponents play very defensively against me, so they rarely leave space behind for counters to be fully effective. So I had to find some optimal "mix" between different styles.

We are currently sitting at the top of EPL undefeated, though the season is still underway.

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32 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

I am managing Man Utd in one of my saves. While I don't play defensive counter-attacking football, I don't play a possession style either. I play a sort of "hybrid" that I would call "progressive possession football" (as opposed to slow and patient/boring possession styles), which utilizes counter-attacks as a tactical weapon to a great extent. I would like to play a typical counter-attacking style with Utd, but the problem is that most opponents play very defensively against me, so they rarely leave space behind for counters to be fully effective. So I had to find some optimal "mix" between different styles.

We are currently sitting at the top of EPL undefeated, though the season is still underway.

Kinda curious on how you bring that into realization. Do you mind uploading your save or tactic? If you dont i understand, i'm just curious. Looks like every tactic i make turns into the same thing you know. I never can bring it up to make stuff like a 4-4-2 work, or a 4-3-1-2 (altho i had more experience with the last one, but in FM 18)

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What's the point of the move "placing shots"? You need good Finishing, Technique, Composure etc to learn it. I can't help thinking that if the player has good Finishing, Technique and Composure, surely they're able to finish perfectly well without it?

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4 hours ago, Jeroentjee said:

Kinda curious on how you bring that into realization. Do you mind uploading your save or tactic? If you dont i understand, i'm just curious. Looks like every tactic i make turns into the same thing you know. I never can bring it up to make stuff like a 4-4-2 work, or a 4-3-1-2 (altho i had more experience with the last one, but in FM 18)

Unfortunately, I cannot upload a tactic because I play FM on another computer, which is not mine. Also, my tactics are never plug-and-play. Instead, I tend to create what I call a primary tactic, and then make slight adjustments, both prior to and during matches. But I can tell you what may preferred setup looks like for Man Utd in my primary system (5-2-1-2), along with player selection:

F9    AF/PFat


DLPde     CAR

CWBat                                WBsu

CDde   CDst   BPDde


My preferred starting 11 in this system and the PIs I use:

GK - de Gea

DCL/CDde - Bailly - stay wider, take fewer risks

DC/CDst - Smalling or Jones - take fewer risks, mark tighter

DCR/BPDde - Lindelof - dribble less

WBL/CWBat - Shaw or Tierney - no PIs

WBR/WBsu - Mbabu / Valencia / Young - sit narrower

MCL/DLPde - Matic - mark tighter, dribble less

MCR/CAR - Herrera - mark tighter, dribble less

AMC/TQ - Pogba or Mata - mark tighter, close down more

STCL/F9 - Sanchez - roam from position, close down more

STCR/AF or PFat - Rashford, Martial, Lukaku, Lingard - stay wider, close down more (occaionally shoot more often)

But this setup is not fixed, and can be modified from situation to situation.

My secobdary (reserve) system is 442 narrow diamond:

F9     AF/PFat


MEZat      DLPsu


WBsu      BPDde    CDde     CWBsu


Preferred player selection and PIs:

GK - same

DL/WBsu - sit narrower (same players)

DR/CWBsu - no PIs (same players, but Mbabu as the first option)

DCL/BPDde - Lindelof - dribble less

DCR/CDde - Bailly - stay wider, take fewer risks

DM/HB - Matic - dribble less, mark tighter

MCL/MEZat - Pogba (not always on attack duty though) - mark tighter

MCR/DLPsu - Herrera - mark tighter, dribble less

AMC/AMsu - Mata - roam from position, take more risks, close down more

STCL/F9 - Sanchez - roam from position, close down more

STCR/AF or PFat - same players, same PIs as in the 1st system

But as in the 1st setup, I tend to make tweaks, so some roles can be modified in certain situations. For example, I sometimes play Pogba or Lingard as AM on attack in the AMC spot (or even SS). But in such cases, I adjust some of the other roles.

Basic (starting) team instructions are same in both systems:

mentality - positive

in possession - shorter passing, play out of defence, higher tempo, be more expressive, work ball into box, overlap right (sometimes underlap right)

in transition - counter, distribute to CBs and FBs (and sometimes counter-press)

out of possession - higher DL, standard (sometimes higher LOE), default pressing, use tighter marking, use offside trap

And one more thing - this is the tactic that I created specifically for Man Utd based on my analysis of the squad. So there is no guarantee that it would work for other teams. I hope it can help you get some ideas, but do not recommend you to just copy and paste the tactic.

Also, in tougher games, I tend to be a bit more conservative.

If you have any questions, you are welcome :thup:


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2 hours ago, OWD said:

What do you think about Deep Lying Playmakers with Vision, Passing, Technique, etc, but with very low Flair?

Flair is not necessary for a DLP (though it's not bad if he has some). Attributes I would look for a DLP - along with pas, vis & tech - are: first touch, decisions, anticipation, composure, teamwork, off the ball. Defense-wise, it's advisable that a DLP has good positioning and tackling, as he also need to help in defense. And concentration is always welcome. 

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@OWD @Experienced Defender It depends what you want him to do, doesn't it? If its a DLP-De I'd agree with the point on Positioning, can take or leave Tackling though. 

If you want them to just keep possession ticking over calmly, playing simple passes to other midfielders then low flair suits them (I can't think of a DLP-De example, but most people trying to recreate Pep's Barcelona use a low Flair player as a DLP-Su to mimic Xavi). But if for example you want them to play some long balls to cut open a defence from DM, without the more aggressive positioning of a Regista, then you might want a bit more Flair. 

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15 minutes ago, zlatanera said:

It depends what you want him to do, doesn't it? If its a DLP-De I'd agree with the point on Positioning, can take or leave Tackling though

Well, if you play him as a lone DM, tackling would be more than welcome IMO (not necessarily extraordinary, but at least decent). Even more so if you use him in a 4231.

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14 hours ago, Tiger666 said:

What's the point of the move "placing shots"? You need good Finishing, Technique, Composure etc to learn it. I can't help thinking that if the player has good Finishing, Technique and Composure, surely they're able to finish perfectly well without it?

It could be useful for players that are cutting inside from wide positions. They will generally have a better chance of scoring if they place their shots into the far corner, rather than blasting it, since their shooting angle will be tighter.

You can also check your player's Shots analysis, to see if they would perhaps benefit from that PPM. If you, for example, have a striker that is consistently getting a lot of good chances, but is failing to convert them, that screen could help you figure out why. If most of his shots tend to go down the middle, perhaps he would do better if he started placing them.

While attributes matter a lot, PPMs are moves that are sort of in player's nature. That is, why of course you have to think them through carefully, but if you do it right, they can improve your player.


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55 minutes ago, Zemahh said:

It could be useful for players that are cutting inside from wide positions. They will generally have a better chance of scoring if they place their shots into the far corner, rather than blasting it, since their shooting angle will be tighter.

You can also check your player's Shots analysis, to see if they would perhaps benefit from that PPM. If you, for example, have a striker that is consistently getting a lot of good chances, but is failing to convert them, that screen could help you figure out why. If most of his shots tend to go down the middle, perhaps he would do better if he started placing them.

While attributes matter a lot, PPMs are moves that are sort of in player's nature. That is, why of course you have to think them through carefully, but if you do it right, they can improve your player.


Great reply, thanks a lot.

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26 minutes ago, Novem9 said:

how acceptable to play in positive mentality if I want to play by counter attacks and/or by underdog team?

Something like this


If you're at all interested in sitting deep and hitting teams on the counter, this should be your bible:


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2 hours ago, Novem9 said:

how acceptable to play in positive mentality if I want to play by counter attacks and/or by underdog team?

Something like this


You absolutely can play counter-attacking football on a high-risk mentality, but I don't see the point of focusing play down flanks and wide att width. The only instructions in your tactic that suit counter-attacking football are lower LOE and (logically) Counter. The rest is questionable (to say the least).

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Dear FM community. Recently i ve experienced my most sudden drop of performance of a player in all my years of playing FM. My striker, Moise Kean went to world cup in 2022 being my top player and after he came back the second half pf the season was a disaster. He scored only 1 goal and had 2 assists and total rsting of 6,45 or something like that (he was still just below 7 for the whole season which speaks how huge the trop was). I manage Celta Vigo for the 3rd season and ended up on 4th place. I didnt change my tactic neither did I notice other teams playing much more defensively against me. Kean is only 22 he didnt have any injury or my physios didnt say he was jaded. I rotate quite a lot so I assume he wasnt very tired overall. His stats dropped a little only at the end of the season. I have never seen such prolonged drop of performance from a player and my question to you is is it something you experience more often than before in fm 19?


Looking back I should have benched him earlier but I tend to stkck to undeprefrorming players for quite some time cause usuallh they regain form. Oh and also Kean is descrived as consistent performer in the scouting report and from mh own exoerience those players usually outperform their visible attributes. At least after all my critique of him his determination grew by 2.

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Is the defensive line instruction affect the defenders when we have the ball, or when the opponent does? In nearly all Rashidi's guides he says when you have the ball, and I'm kinda confused why it exists in the defensive shouts? Aren't defensive instructions for when the opponent is in possession? 

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30 minutes ago, OElite said:

Is the defensive line instruction affect the defenders when we have the ball, or when the opponent does? In nearly all Rashidi's guides he says when you have the ball, and I'm kinda confused why it exists in the defensive shouts? Aren't defensive instructions for when the opponent is in possession? 

Your question is quite logical - given that it's an out-of-possession instruction (as you correctly noted) - but Rashidi is right. D-line tells your back-line how close to the halfway line they should (look to) be positioned when you are in possession (which is not set in stone in terms of positioning, of course). Once you' ve lost the ball, they will start getting back and look to position themselves in the best possible way defense-wise. And this will also be affected by other instructions (pressing intensity in the first place).

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6 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

Your question is quite logical - given that it's an out-of-possession instruction (as you correctly noted) - but Rashidi is right. D-line tells your back-line how close to the halfway line they should (look to) be positioned when you are in possession (which is not set in stone in terms of positioning, of course). Once you' ve lost the ball, they will start getting back and look to position themselves in the best possible way defense-wise. And this will also be affected by other instructions (pressing intensity in the first place).

Aha, I see. So How can I control how deep I defend? And Are there other instructions that work in a different way than the one written in the game?

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When do you guys promote a 'youngster' to 'hot prospect' status?

Based on PA? When he's getting ready for some First team action? Or is it just a higher salary thing? Or something completely else?

Just thinking out loud how to handle the new batch of youth intakes, some great potential, but nowhere near the first team right now.

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9 hours ago, OElite said:

Aha, I see. So How can I control how deep I defend? And Are there other instructions that work in a different way than the one written in the game?

By using defensive line and LOE, which work in conjunction with each other. I already explained you how d-line works. LOE on the other hand tells your players (advanced ones) where on the pitch you want them to start pressing the opposition when you are defending. And the distance between DL and LOE defines your vertical compactness when defending. The smaller the distance, the higher vertical compactness of your team.

Pressing urgency then tells your players how early and aggressively (or passively) you want them to close down an opposition player who has the ball at the moment (just bear in mind that this instruction affects all your players, because it's a team instruction). There is also pressing urgency as an individual player instruction, which you can use to fine-tune the pressing level(s). But take into account that it works in conjunction with the related team instruction.

Get stuck in / Stay on feet are about tackling intensity. Here you also have the individual player instruction as an additional option.

Tighter marking (both team and individual) tells your players to look to stick more closely to an opposition player that has entered their (defensive) zone of responsibility and thus try to prevent him from receiving the ball from his teammate that is currently in possession.

Prevent short GK distribution tells your more advanced players (strikers, wide forwards and sometimes attack-minded midfielders) to come closer to the opposition defense and press them in order to discourage the opposition from building their attacks from the back.

For more details, you can take a look at my thread on basic principles of defending.

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my players keep getting injured in training the day before a match, when the training schedule the day before matches is only "match tactics" and "match preview"


is there anything i'm doing wrong? why is someone twisting an ankle when i'm just doing what i thought were film sessions?

neither of these activities have injury risks attached to them, so any help would be appreciated

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7 minutes ago, arsenal3459 said:

my players keep getting injured in training the day before a match, when the training schedule the day before matches is only "match tactics" and "match preview"


is there anything i'm doing wrong? why is someone twisting an ankle when i'm just doing what i thought were film sessions?

neither of these activities have injury risks attached to them, so any help would be appreciated

Do you follow Physio (medical) recommendation on individual levels of advisable training intensity for each single player in the Rest section of Training?

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I’m a long term player who has done well in past versions but really struggling with the current one. However, I plan today to read all the tactical threads from the likes on f Cleon, Herne78 etc and have Inverting the Pyramid arriving today :)

To help me out, can anyone give me an idea as to what some of the issues with the ME is? This is not to start moaning etc but just so I have a general idea in terms of tactics and behaviours that I may see.

For example, blocked crossing seems to be an issue, I have heard attacking mentality and IWBs are the go to elements. 

As I have said, this is not a post to moan or list a 100 things that are wrong or could be improved. Just a few general behaviours that have been seen with the current ME

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