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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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26 minutes ago, Joey Numbaz said:

I have one player, newly signed in the last month or so, who every few days has his training switched from MC-Roaming Playmaker back to MC-position training. I cannot figure out why this keeps happening. It's only this one player. Is there some obscure staff responsibility option that I'm missing? Or something else. It seems like this might be killing his development, the constant back and forth. Nearly everything is down .4 or .2 points in the last month. He's only 22.

I very often get two development emails for the player from the same coach on the same day too.


So we know it's a bug. That's good. Seems to happen when you play a player at a different position (though I never noticed it with any of my other players and I move them around a lot).

@Seb Wassell does this have impact on development? The constant switching? Or is it only an inconvenience (having to change the player back)? Thanks for any insight.

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1 hour ago, Joey Numbaz said:

So we know it's a bug. That's good. Seems to happen when you play a player at a different position (though I never noticed it with any of my other players and I move them around a lot).

@Seb Wassell does this have impact on development? The constant switching? Or is it only an inconvenience (having to change the player back)? Thanks for any insight.

This won't harm his development. Drops in attributes would not be related to this issue. Putting someone on X individual training defines how they develop rather than if they develop.

On the issue itself - my apologies that you are experiencing this, it is something we have identified and have under review internally. To combat this in my own save I set up a note to myself, sent weekly, that reminds me to check and amend individual training.

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Quick question about the pass combination chart guys...Let's say my system is a 4-4-2 with the two in front are a SS and a T (SS in AM slot and Trequartista in the ST slot) and i aim that the SS is the one coming to get the ball in the midfield, then goes foward and tries to link up with the T who is in space already.  Does the fact the pass combination chart doesn't show lines or bold lines from my 2-man midfield to my SS but to my T is showing that what is going on in the match is the opposite of what i want or i have to see other stats?

I saw the first 20min in full and then on extended...I guess the only way to know is to see the full 90 minutes? 

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2 minutes ago, Snorks said:

Yeah, I guess what's happening is that your midfielders are seeing the Treq in space and simply passing to him. Do you have a Playmaker in MC?



yes, a DLP-de and the other CM-su with PI: hold position

didn't put too much TIs for attacking as i want to focus on defense and letting the players figure out how to counter or to attack

any issues you see about the tactic? just curious about your advice :) 

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Am no tactic guru, but the Higher D-Line and Much Lower LoE feel like they work against you - you compress the formation vertically so there is very little room between the lines for your SS to find the space to receive balls from Midfield. This would  also bring the pass to the Treq to a 'medium length' for you DLP rather than a 'Long Pass' which means it is less risky and more likely to happen. 

The Counter as well encourages the ball to get forward quickly once it is won, and if the Treq is in space to receive while the SS is in tight space.......

I don't want to delve too deep into the individual roles and duties as I am not experienced with a 442 and it's requirements but that's my initial impression overall. I might look to find a combination of front-two roles that works more like you want, but try the instructions first.

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Okay i see thanks, the explanation about the vertical compactness -even if i wanted it- and the SS's tight space is pretty logical and plausible...I'll observe my DLP and my front two behavior in the match and see if that's what is going on

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5 hours ago, gam945 said:

Okay i see thanks, the explanation about the vertical compactness -even if i wanted it- and the SS's tight space is pretty logical and plausible...I'll observe my DLP and my front two behavior in the match and see if that's what is going on

Best way to find a solution :thup:

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6 hours ago, gam945 said:


SS paired with a TQ can be a nice combination in a counter-attacking 4411 (provided both players have the right attributes and traits for the roles), but then you need to set up other roles and instructions in a proper way, rather than looking only at these two guys in isolation. 

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8 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

SS paired with a TQ can be a nice combination in a counter-attacking 4411 (provided both players have the right attributes and traits for the roles), but then you need to set up other roles and instructions in a proper way, rather than looking only at these two guys in isolation. 

Nice to hear that lol, I finally thought about a good combination by myself. However curious about  your opinion on the other roles. Which roles do you think I have to replace and to keep? My idea behind the tactic was a direct passing (not long balls, more like how germany played in 2010) in possession, solid defense and counter-attack when not in possession. So my back 4 is a classic one, the 2 CMs have to defend/link defense and wingers/attack without committing themselves too much i attack, and for the wingers, one attack the center and the other the flank, depending of the positions of the asymmetrical front 2. For the front 2, i thought the SS would come deep and get the ball from midfield, then find either the wingers or the TQ in space and finally goes into the opposition box. The wingers would either have to cross/pass to the SS in the box or the TQ in space and in the box also, or the TQ and the SS would have to combine to score.

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16 hours ago, gam945 said:



30 minutes ago, gam945 said:

curious about  your opinion on the other roles. Which roles do you think I have to replace and to keep? My idea behind the tactic was a direct passing (not long balls, more like how germany played in 2010) in possession, solid defense and counter-attack when not in possession

Can't remember how Germany played in 2010, but okay :)

Given that I don't know your players - and therefore I cannot know if you assigned all them to suitable roles (in terms of their attributes, traits and footedness) - please take my suggestions with a pinch of salt. 

So this is what I would change if I wanted to achieve the style of play you described:

- mentality is okay :thup:

- the Counter TI in transition as well :thup: :thup:

- would play an IW on support behind the SS, and winger (or perhaps even WM) on attack on the opposite flank (IW on support cuts inside and then has potentially 3 nice attacking passing options)

- would change the DLP's duty from defend to support, and that of the other CM from support to defend (so that the DLP would be encouraged to play more forward and risky passes by increasing his mentality)

- depending on the keeper's attributes, would consider changing him into a SK (duty would depend on how good he is at passing, vision, decisions, first touch and technique)

So "my" setup of roles and duties would (most likely) be:



Wat      CMde    DLPsu      IWsu


FBsu     CDde    CDde    FB/WBsu



As for the team instructions:

- would definitely add (slightly) more direct passing and higher tempo

- would also consider adding the Hit early crosses TI

- not sure why you opted for float crosses; I would likely leave them on default (mixed) and let the players pick the option they deem the most suitable in a given situation

- pass into space would also be an option occasionally (not as a part of the primary tactic)

- in terms of defensive instructions, vertical compactness is always welcome, but without going to extremes; therefore, either a combo of higher DL and standard LOE, or standard DL and lower (not much lower) LOE

- if you opt for the latter combo - standard DL/lower LOE, another instruction that can be considered is tighter marking (or instead of TM as a team instruction, you can tell only your 4 midfielders to mark tighter via their PIs)

- would reduce pressing urgency to default (standard), in order to keep more solid defensive shape (get stuck in may be considered as an option, but always be careful with aggressive tackling)

For more suggestions, I would definitely need to know a lot more about your players.

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1 hour ago, mikcheck said:


Why some players with lots of potential left take so long to increase an individual attribute you make them train for? 

Because attributes don't increase in a linear fashion.  It can be far quicker for example to increase an attribute from 11 to 14 than it can be to increase the same attribute from 17 to 18.  Other factors can also have an effect such as quality of coaches/facilities; player personality; match time and so on.

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First of all, I apologize for asking a outdated question. I have been informed that Tutoring no longer exists in Football Manager.

But I'm still with Fm2018 and Cambridge United. I have this great youth prospect Leon Davies, who could become a world beater with proper tutoring.

The problem is. He don't wanna be tutored. In Squad Dynamics he is listed a "rival" of me, probably because i have been suggesting tutoring so many times and he always rejected it.

Is there anything to do any more or should I just give up and release him ?


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1 hour ago, axelmuller said:

First of all, I apologize for asking a outdated question. I have been informed that Tutoring no longer exists in Football Manager.

But I'm still with Fm2018 and Cambridge United. I have this great youth prospect Leon Davies, who could become a world beater with proper tutoring.

The problem is. He don't wanna be tutored. In Squad Dynamics he is listed a "rival" of me, probably because i have been suggesting tutoring so many times and he always rejected it.

Is there anything to do any more or should I just give up and release him ?


Yeh sometimes players just don't want to know.

Have you tried talking to the Tutor first and then inviting this youngster in to discuss it?  Or trying with not so ideal Tutors at first (for example somebody who is perhaps "Balanced") to start him off.  Occasionally starting a player off that way can at least get him away from his really bad personality traits before moving him onto a better Tutor.

One other thing - even if he never gets Tutored, how is he developing and performing in matches?  He may be a bit of a handful to manage, but so long as he's developing and turning in performances that's what really matters.

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1 hour ago, herne79 said:

Yeh sometimes players just don't want to know.

Have you tried talking to the Tutor first and then inviting this youngster in to discuss it?  Or trying with not so ideal Tutors at first (for example somebody who is perhaps "Balanced") to start him off.  Occasionally starting a player off that way can at least get him away from his really bad personality traits before moving him onto a better Tutor.

One other thing - even if he never gets Tutored, how is he developing and performing in matches?  He may be a bit of a handful to manage, but so long as he's developing and turning in performances that's what really matters.

as far as I recall, yes. Everything's been tried with no success.

Too bad he also has a casual approach to training and is regressing. Such a shame to see a promising youngster wasting his talent like this

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Not really a tactic question but probably a stupid one. I just started a Blackpool save and went to sign a player for the first time, and when I went to offer them it came up with an error message saying 'Cannot Sign Player: No transfer activity is allowed for Blackpool in this transfer window'. I looked everywhere throughout the menus and cannot see anything about a transfer ban, and can't see anything online about one yet it won't let me sign any players. What is going on?

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3 hours ago, Lucas_26_7 said:

Not really a tactic question but probably a stupid one. I just started a Blackpool save and went to sign a player for the first time, and when I went to offer them it came up with an error message saying 'Cannot Sign Player: No transfer activity is allowed for Blackpool in this transfer window'. I looked everywhere throughout the menus and cannot see anything about a transfer ban, and can't see anything online about one yet it won't let me sign any players. What is going on?

I would hazard a guess that you’re in late 2018 early 2019 in which case it’s almost certain that it’s connected with the High Court putting Blackpool into receivership.

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I assumed I had this right but possibly been doing it wrong.

When choosing which players you want to take corners on the right Ive been selecting players whose preferred foot is right, is this the wrong way of doing it, should I be selecting those with Left as the stronger foot ?

Thanks for the replies.

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12 minutes ago, User0912 said:

I assumed I had this right but possibly been doing it wrong.

When choosing which players you want to take corners on the right Ive been selecting players whose preferred foot is right, is this the wrong way of doing it, should I be selecting those with Left as the stronger foot ?

Thanks for the replies.

There is no right or wrong here. Choose who you want, but preferably with good corner taking ability :thup:

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16 minutes ago, User0912 said:

I assumed I had this right but possibly been doing it wrong.

When choosing which players you want to take corners on the right Ive been selecting players whose preferred foot is right, is this the wrong way of doing it, should I be selecting those with Left as the stronger foot ?

Thanks for the replies.

It doesn’t matter really ... do you want in-swinging or out-swinging corners or a mixture of both?

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19 minutes ago, Hovis Dexter said:

It doesn’t matter really ... do you want in-swinging or out-swinging corners or a mixture of both?


Ill be honest I had no idea what in/ out swinging corners were but am now educated (watched a couple of videos), would prefer in swinging corners.

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58 minutes ago, User0912 said:


Ill be honest I had no idea what in/ out swinging corners were but am now educated (watched a couple of videos), would prefer in swinging corners.

Left footer takes from the right to produce in-swinging corners, vice versa for the other side.

I have found in-swingers to the near post and out-swingers to the far post or penalty spot can be effective - if you have the right players in the box.


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4 minutes ago, Snorks said:

Left footer takes from the right to produce in-swinging corners, vice versa for the other side.

I have found in-swingers to the near post and out-swingers to the far post or penalty spot can be effective - if you have the right players in the box.


Thanks Ill make the adjustments.

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Two questions:

Do you normally use the option of having U19 team using the same tactic as the main team? Or you let the U19 coach decide that?

If they use the same tactic as the main team, it's just the tactic or all the instructions too?


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I've promised a player I'll reach the 'latter stages' of the Champions League. What exactly does this mean? Just making it out of the group? Quarter Finals? Semi-Finals? Final? 

ironically he's wanting this because he believes PSG will win it...reality would suggest otherwise haha

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41 minutes ago, zlatanera said:

I've promised a player I'll reach the 'latter stages' of the Champions League. What exactly does this mean? Just making it out of the group? Quarter Finals? Semi-Finals? Final? 

ironically he's wanting this because he believes PSG will win it...reality would suggest otherwise haha

In my opinion its anything past the group stage, I was thinking the quarter finals would be enough but I'm thinking the semis would be the minimum.

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4 hours ago, mikcheck said:

Do you normally use the option of having U19 team using the same tactic as the main team?

Yes. I want them to familiarize with my style of play, so that they would be well-prepared for it once they are moved to the senior squad (i.e. those of them whom I decide to promote). 


4 hours ago, mikcheck said:

If they use the same tactic as the main team, it's just the tactic or all the instructions too?

Instructions are an integral part of a tactic, so I don't really understand your question.

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2 horas atrás, Experienced Defender disse:

Yes. I want them to familiarize with my style of play, so that they would be well-prepared for it once they are moved to the senior squad (i.e. those of them whom I decide to promote). 


Instructions are an integral part of a tactic, so I don't really understand your question.

Thank you.

I was asking if it's is just the tactical scheme and then all the instructions  (mentality, team instructions, etc)  are U19 coach decisions?

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20 minutes ago, mikcheck said:

I was asking if it's is just the tactical scheme and then all the instructions  (mentality, team instructions, etc)  are U19 coach decisions?

No, it's not just the same formation but the tactic as a whole (mentality, roles, duties, TIs). I am only not 100% sure about PIs.

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Apologies if in the wrong thread.

Had a similar issue in FM18 and never sorted it.

Not sure if I should be concerned or not but I'm finding I have a lot of shots and a good amount of shots on target, played 5 games so far and the team has had 66 shots and 28 on target.

Only scored 9 goals, just started the season so maybe it will get better.


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11 minutes ago, User0912 said:

Not sure if I should be concerned or not but I'm finding I have a lot of shots and a good amount of shots on target, played 5 games so far and the team has had 66 shots and 28 on target.

Only scored 9 goals, just started the season so maybe it will get better

Well, 9 goals out of 28 shots on target is not necessarily a bad ratio. Not each shot on target is a goal-scoring opportunity. For example, you may have a lot of SoTs, but from distance (or from angled positions, which are difficult to score from). A bigger problem is if you are missing a lot of clear-cut chances.

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Just now, Experienced Defender said:

Well, 9 goals out of 28 shots on target is not necessarily a bad ratio. Not each shot on target is a goal-scoring opportunity. For example, you may have a lot of SoTs, but from distance (or from angled positions, which are difficult to score from). A bigger problem is if you are missing a lot of clear-cut chances.

Yes some were outside of the box (18 yard box), 1 of the stats is the team have had x amount of shots but not scored from outside of the box.

Ok thanks, Ill monitor it and see what happens.

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Question from me: I'm playing against a side who is slightly better then me. Im using the formation 4123 wide with a cautious-balanced mentality. I'm 1-0 . 2-0 behind. So I'm changing the mentality to Positive to take more risk and to get players faster forward. Does this change in mentality is good whenever you are behind? After that I've scored a goal, 2-1. Does your players go faster forward if you change mentality? 

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8 hours ago, ultrAslan said:

Question from me: I'm playing against a side who is slightly better then me. Im using the formation 4123 wide with a cautious-balanced mentality. I'm 1-0 . 2-0 behind. So I'm changing the mentality to Positive to take more risk and to get players faster forward. Does this change in mentality is good whenever you are behind? After that I've scored a goal, 2-1. Does your players go faster forward if you change mentality? 

A mentality change directly affects:

- tempo

- passing style (primarily in terms of risk)

- attacking width

- DL


- pressing urgency

And in a more subtle manner also affects:

- creative freedom

- freedom of movement

- intensity of tackling

So whenever you change the mentality, you need to bear this in mind.

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2 minutes ago, Novem9 said:

Any notes for this tactic please?


The thread is supposed to be for short, quick-fire questions and answers that doesn't really "deserve" a whole thread. Something like this is quite subjective and you haven't given any insight into 1)why you chose what you chose, 2)if there are any issues or 3) what you would like advice on. It's really better to open a new thread for tactical advice etc and it would be better if you add as much detail as you can.

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On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2019 at 08:23, ultrAslan said:

Does your players go faster forward if you change mentality


On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2019 at 16:35, Experienced Defender said:

A mentality change directly affects:

- tempo

- passing style (primarily in terms of risk)

- attacking width

- DL


- pressing urgency

And in a more subtle manner also affects:

- creative freedom

- freedom of movement

- intensity of tackling

So whenever you change the mentality, you need to bear this in mind.

Just to add, changing Mentality also directly affects individual player mentality (you can see this in the Player Instructions screen).  So yes, it can encourage (or discourage) your players to get forward if you change Mentality but as ED rightly points out there are a whole host of other things to consider if you do so.

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Hi guys, wanted a quick advice about youth abilities assessment. I'm trying to develop an idendity for my team, and I want all my players from U18 to Senior to have good rating on certain attributes. However, I have trouble judging them...what is the rating treshold that I should use?

Spoiler: some rating attributes of U18 Serie B side



For my first team, I think 12+ in 10/12 attributes would be acceptable or even maybe 11+ for Rotation players. But now I'm in november, 2 months still for the transfer window, and I'm trying to see which U20/U18 players will be part of my project, so I know which players I don't have to renew contract, which I have to sign pro, which positions I have to sign players for, etc.

I've read some youth development threads inhere but it's still really messy in my head, and I have no clue about how to approach the youth development. If there is some guides (other than Caixa thread), I'll be happy to be redirected to the guides. And sorry if that's the wrong place, seen the Caixa thread in here so figured youth development could be part of Tactics&Training.

Thanks in advance guys :) 

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On 23/07/2019 at 11:24, herne79 said:


Just to add, changing Mentality also directly affects individual player mentality (you can see this in the Player Instructions screen).  So yes, it can encourage (or discourage) your players to get forward if you change Mentality but as ED rightly points out there are a whole host of other things to consider if you do so.

But the point where I'm struggling in my head is when I play against a bigger side and set my mentality to 'Cautious' and play with some attacking duties their mentality is set to 'positive'. What does this mean for my attack duty players? Will they bomb forward or go slowly forward? I know there are whole other things to consider, but I want to counter fast forward when I have possession. So if I play a cautious mentality and a low defensive line with a 4-1-2-3 , what will happen to my attack duty players because their mentality is set to positivie(not attacking or very attacking)?

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2 minutes ago, ultrAslan said:

But the point where I'm struggling in my head is when I play against a bigger side and set my mentality to 'Cautious' and play with some attacking duties their mentality is set to 'positive'. What does this mean for my attack duty players? Will they bomb forward or go slowly forward? I know there are whole other things to consider, but I want to counter fast forward when I have possession. So if I play a cautious mentality and a low defensive line with a 4-1-2-3 , what will happen to my attack duty players because their mentality is set to positivie(not attacking or very attacking)?

Tactical instructions are not actually "instructions", meaning they are not something which dictates to players "you will always do this or that".  They are actually nothing more than tendencies, so players my tend to do something more or less.

So with an attack duty player (following your example) he'll tend to be more forward thinking than an equivalent defend duty player or - in this particular case - he'll tend to be a little less forward thinking due to your selected mentality.  He's still going to look to get forward, he may just pick and choose his moments a bit more.  There are of course other influences to consider, such as the player's attributes and Traits, but that's the general gist.

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What does Dictates Tempo mean in the context of play. What does that sort of player look to do ? When is it good, and when is it a bad trait ? 



I have a very talented AMC with the attributes to be a great midfield runner.  zi think the dictates tempo trait might be preventing that and holding him back. 


Thank you. 

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4 hours ago, DownTheFrank said:

What does Dictates Tempo mean in the context of play. What does that sort of player look to do ?

It means exactly what is says - the player will look to either slow play down or speed it up a bit as he sees fit.


4 hours ago, DownTheFrank said:

When is it good, and when is it a bad trait ? 


It's generally welcome for playmakers, which does not means that you have to use the player in a playmaker role. 

When it's bad? I would say only when the player lacks relevant mental attributes (decisions, vision, anticipation).

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With mentality and passing, would shorter passing on anything below 'balanced' be more likely to pass short in their own half as opposed to mentalities above balanced where they might be more likely to pass short up the field? 

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2 hours ago, 3LionsFM said:

With mentality and passing, would shorter passing on anything below 'balanced' be more likely to pass short in their own half as opposed to mentalities above balanced where they might be more likely to pass short up the field? 

Basically yes, because mentality affects the appetite for risk. Lower mentalities will see the players be more cautious in all aspects including passing. However, on lower mentalities - precisely because of this risk-aversion - you'll more often see defenders clearing the ball long when under pressure even if passing is set to shorter (of course, this partly depends on the player himself).

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Is it nonsense to teach my striker both comes deep to get the ball and gets into opposition area whenever possible? He's really smart player, so why not give as many options as possible?

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