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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Hi all, new to the forum, bought fm2009 today. First since CM 01/02. **** me its got a lot harder!

Have recently bought a Mac, still getting used to it but one thing is driving me mad.

As I have no right mouse button, how do i do forward runs on the tactics screen on a mac?

Sorry for the crap question but I'm getting to the point where I want to scream! Ta :)

Arrows have changed. They are now just forward runs. Option one would be to use the FWRs slider to set arrows. Option 2 would be to ctrl click to access the right button functions on a Mac mouse. However, you can't drag arrows at angles any more, so don't expect to be able to do that.

Hey, guys. I need a a very defensiv tactic to minimize the chance of a loss for my team. I'm currently playing with Nepal U20 and have to play against Japan U20. Japan has some real good players and is playing with an offensive 3-5-2 formation. With which formation should I play against them?

The most important thing to do is use OI to target the extra MC in a 4 v 5 midfield match up.

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Stupid question of my own, actually 2 stupid questions....

is there any instruction or Preferred Move training that can be given to strikers to make a run to the near post instead of constantly making for the back post or penalty spot when my wingers cross? Or is it down to their decisions and positioning attribute?

(I'm having to make do with Lee Miller and the dubious talents of Darren Mackie for Aberdeen so I'm perfectly willing to accept that it's their lack of intelligence)

Secondly just how do you go about training a player for a Preferred Move anyway? I can't seem to find that option on the training screen.


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DandyDon - don't know the first one, but the second, training PPMs is in player interaction.

Jamie - Offside goals can be for a number of reasons. Off the ball, decisions and anticipation allow the player to judge when to make a run well. You might also try reducing the mentality of the player, or reducing the number of forward runs

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Erm. What do the arrows on the "Players - Training" table under the training section mean? A youth player of mine has had four of his attributes go down, but all of those arrows are upwards. Are they directly linked at all? I'm trying to work out why his stats have dropped, essentially.

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DandyDon - don't know the first one, but the second, training PPMs is in player interaction.

Jamie - Offside goals can be for a number of reasons. Off the ball, decisions and anticipation allow the player to judge when to make a run well. You might also try reducing the mentality of the player, or reducing the number of forward runs

Cheers for that

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My players keep scoring offside goals, how do i resolve this?

What kind of Coach should i sign to help wit aerobics and strength?


1. Change their "forward runs" from often to mixed. If that doesn`t fix it 100%, then also lower their mentality.

2. Fitness.

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Can anyone give a quick explanation of how positional training works? e.g If you train a DL to WBL and then stop retraining his position or retrain him in another position, does his WBL ability deteriorate?

Generally yes it will start to deteriorate - but that will also depend on if you are using him in the WBL position still and also what his adaptability rating is.

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Erm. What do the arrows on the "Players - Training" table under the training section mean? A youth player of mine has had four of his attributes go down, but all of those arrows are upwards. Are they directly linked at all? I'm trying to work out why his stats have dropped, essentially.

Anyone? I've searched but can't find the answer.

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I'm not sure one exists to be honest. I used to access it on fm-britain, and I know that a lot of the information is still relevant to FM09, although people have said that the team talk options and how players react to them have been tweaked

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I don't want to make a new thread, for one question, so here's a question(not stupid, IMO).

If I have two players who are of similar skills, but one is better Mentally, whilst the other is better technically, who should I give a Free Role to...

I was thinking the Mental player should get it, because he has both great Creativity, Great Flair, and is a good decision maker. He is also technically brilliant(just not as good as the other).

The other is only slightly better for Technical skills, and doesn't suit the FR as well, IMO.

So, bearing this in mind, what is more important for a Free Role?

Technical or Mental?

Are the Flair, Creativity and Decisions more important than Passing, First Touch and Dribbling?


EDIT: If you would like to know who the players are, it's Ronaldinho and Seedorf.

Seedorf being the Technical one...

Kaka is currently injured, by the way.

Erm. What do the arrows on the "Players - Training" table under the training section mean? A youth player of mine has had four of his attributes go down, but all of those arrows are upwards. Are they directly linked at all? I'm trying to work out why his stats have dropped, essentially.

What do you mean they are upwards? On his profile?

If so - He hasn't trained well recently, is why they are down on the training screen.

But they are up because, overall, he has improved.

In the short-term, he's worse.

Long-term, he's improved/improving.

Hope that helps.

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My question regard team talks... I play a calsh against rival team. Before match I told to do it for the fans, in the half time the score is goalless after 50-50 first half - what would you do? Repeat the for the fans thing? Tell them they can win, or make them know you are disappointed?

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What defensive qualities are needed in order to employ an effective offside trap in FM?

I was thinking that I need defenders with excellent decisions, positioning and anticipation. In the manual, it also says that the players should play together well and so therefore I wondered if team gelling was also an aspect to look out for.

I'm currently playing in the BSS with 2 fairly slow centre-backs with underwhelming mental stats so I was going to avoid playing offside even when pushing up the D-line.

Any thoughts?

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What defensive qualities are needed in order to employ an effective offside trap in FM?

I was thinking that I need defenders with excellent decisions, positioning and anticipation. In the manual, it also says that the players should play together well and so therefore I wondered if team gelling was also an aspect to look out for.

I'm currently playing in the BSS with 2 fairly slow centre-backs with underwhelming mental stats so I was going to avoid playing offside even when pushing up the D-line.

Any thoughts?

The only thing i can think of is ensuring you have two quick centre backs. They won't always succeed in catching someone offside and will need to be fast to recover.

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Ok, so stupid is as stupid does....

When you start a new game, are players' CA and PA pre - determined - i.e the same every single time you start a new game?

and even more stupid I guess, but can a players PA ever increase without starting a brand new game?

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It depends on the player. Some are preset with values between 0-200 for both PA and CA. Others have a negative value set that defines a range that the player's PA and CA can take. For these players their PA and CA will vary slightly between games. If you want to make changes to the PA you need to use an editor for the Database, or a savegame editor if you want to make changes to a game you have already started

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The only thing i can think of is ensuring you have two quick centre backs. They won't always succeed in catching someone offside and will need to be fast to recover.

Decisions, teamwork and anticipation are all important - pace is only needed if the offside trap goes wrong and you have to catch the striker

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Is it possible to improve a player's foot rating?

I know that the ability to use both feet is reflected in the weighting of attributes - and this is clear to see in all the 'amazing regen' threads in other forums where nearly every player posted is described as either 'left foot only' or 'right foot only'.

I have a right foot only DR (right foot very strong, left foot weak) who I am training as a DL to see if I can improve his ability with his left foot. I haven't been able to run this long enough yet to see any effects though. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge they can share on this?

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I don't know if this question is stupid or not...

How come only some 'preferred moves' are available for my players? I can't teach Asley Young to 'get into opposition area', but I know Cristiano Ronaldo already has this as one of his preferred moves.

Is there any way I can teach Young (and other players, of course) this move as well?

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How do I stop them standing still!

About half the goals I concede are from my players standing and waiting until they have the ball taken from them.

They usually ignore easy passes first, and the few seconds they hold on to it allows the other players to get forward, which leaves us open!

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Is it now possible to train a player to natural in a position. I thought you couldn't but i thought i read in the forums someone saying they did but the player went back to accomplished if they stopped retraining the position.

I am trying to train Veloso to MC natural because assistant says he isnt nearly as good there as DM

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I don't know if this question is stupid or not...

How come only some 'preferred moves' are available for my players? I can't teach Asley Young to 'get into opposition area', but I know Cristiano Ronaldo already has this as one of his preferred moves.

Is there any way I can teach Young (and other players, of course) this move as well?

Certain PPMS cannot be taught. 'Curls ball' is another PPM that cannot be taught.

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hi guys, ever since I started playing the FM series I absolutely loved them, But ever since I got FM 2009 I completely struggle to figure out a tactic:D. so I wandering if there is a thread in this forum or maybe on a different website that can help not just understand tactic, but maybe also to help build a tactic.?????????

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Hi all,

Having now finally finished the "unfinished business" (very long-term saves I had) with FM08, plus a slightly better internet connection here in rural Spain, I've finally decided to buy FM09.

Just a quick question or two...

Any "major" tactical differences to FM08 I need to be aware of? Arrow usage is different I see so far.

Anything I should be aware of with player instructions influencing things more?

Just to let you know that I'm trialing a tactics set I imported from FM08 which was extremely successful, but I didn't post as with others I uploaded before. Call it a "pet project" I was toying with. If anyone wants this set for FM08, they can PM me. The improved AssMan reports are giving me some food for thought, especially regarding "too much space between defence and midfield that could be exploited by our opponents". Has this improved feature made much difference to anyone's tactical tinkerings?

Anyway, initial testing with the unpatched FM09 seems very good in some pre-season games. I've got a friend to download the second patch for me, but might wait until the third patch before I post any proper tactical work I've done. With this in mind, are there any "major" tactical aspects or changes for me to consider resulting from the different patches?

That's about it. I'm looking forward to being "active" again on the forums with some more tactical input, as I've enjoyed doing so for FM08 & FM07 in the past.

Regards - Heath

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A couple of questions.

1) Is there a reason why there isnt an off-topic thread like there was last year?

2) Has it ever been considered to have a sub-forum for downloadable tactics that way discussions would stay on the front page and hopefully encourage more?

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