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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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3 hours ago, Karrincha said:



3 hours ago, Karrincha said:

@Experienced Defender what do you think about that ? I want to play progressive possession

You first need to post the screenshot in English, because otherwise I cannot understand anything.

But this thread is not meant for that type of questions anyway. So please start a separate thread, post a screenshot in English there and I'll be glad to offer some opinion and/or advice :thup:

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3 minutes ago, stevenvdijk said:

I want to play a ‘classic’ 433 with winger who simply pass by there man, and give a cross. But ingame they always end up with endless dribbles... 

Any suggestions?

Give him players to cross to.

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On 03/03/2020 at 16:23, Experienced Defender said:

If you don't tick any of these, your players behave according to other regular instructions and of course their roles and duties (which is all also affected by the team mentality btw). 

Thank you for your response.

If i might ask another question, ...What are the keys (to use in tactics) to beat strong teams (in away games). So where to focus on to make a chance against them...? 

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Just now, f.zaarour said:

Thank you for your response.

If i might ask another question, ...What are the keys (to use in tactics) to beat strong teams (in away games). So where to focus on to make a chance against them...? 

A simple answer would be - solid and tight defense, and then hit them quickly on the break.

A more complex/detailed answer would require you to start a separate thread with a screenshot of your tactic. because this one is not for that type of questions.

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Does the match preparation training affects only the next match? And i have to set it before each game?

Cause in the match preparation area in the general training screen, it shows that the match preparation that i trained for the last match, still active.

I thought @Seb Wassell can reply me

english is not my first language

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7 hours ago, h3nrique_SEP said:

Does the match preparation training affects only the next match? And i have to set it before each game?

Cause in the match preparation area in the general training screen, it shows that the match preparation that i trained for the last match, still active.

I thought @Seb Wassell can reply me

english is not my first language

Only the next match, yes. I believe the section you are referring to shows what has been trained that week. @Andrew James will be able to clarify if needed.

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Hopefully a quick question.


I'm trying to build a possession / wingplay hybrid. Basically we play ball out of the back, work it through a midfield 3, then get it wide before crossing into the box.

Would it be as simple as putting "play out of defence" and 3 x support midfield duties on a 4141 wingplay preset?

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28 minutes ago, beverage1982 said:

Hopefully a quick question.


I'm trying to build a possession / wingplay hybrid. Basically we play ball out of the back, work it through a midfield 3, then get it wide before crossing into the box.

Would it be as simple as putting "play out of defence" and 3 x support midfield duties on a 4141 wingplay preset?

I fear that for this type of question you would need to start a separate thread if you want to get any meaningful answer/advice (aside from speculation).

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If I train a striker to learn both 'Comes deep to get ball' and 'Likes to try to beat offside trap' PPM's, will this help his attacking movement (e.g. he'd initially come deep and THEN sprint to the box beating offside and taking advantage of space created) or those traits are considered conflicting?

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1 hour ago, kandersson said:

If I train a striker to learn both 'Comes deep to get ball' and 'Likes to try to beat offside trap' PPM's, will this help his attacking movement (e.g. he'd initially come deep and THEN sprint to the box beating offside and taking advantage of space created) or those traits are considered conflicting?

They are not conflicting IMHO. A player can come deeper in the initial phase of attack, but when the attack reaches the final third, he'll naturally look to be there and get involved. Just make sure he has the right set of attributes so that these traits would make sense.

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5 hours ago, kandersson said:

If I train a striker to learn both 'Comes deep to get ball' and 'Likes to try to beat offside trap' PPM's, will this help his attacking movement (e.g. he'd initially come deep and THEN sprint to the box beating offside and taking advantage of space created) or those traits are considered conflicting?

Yeah I really like the idea of this. I might try this with my False 9, train the two PPM's you mentioned here so he comes deep in build up but then attacks the box like a poacher, could be interesting to watch. False 9 kind of does this anyway but these two PPM's would encourage it further. 

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Hello all,

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but it concerns tactics and is most definitely a quickfire question with (hopefully) a quickfire answer. If this isn't the right place then I apologise.

I might be making this up, but I seem to remember that there used to be like a "formation analysis" screen that analysed all of the formations you've used over so many games. It would tell you chances created vs conceded (against weaker, the same ability and better teams individually I think), goals scored and conceded assist locations (like on some for of pitch map split into own half, both flanks, in front of and inside of the box) and goals scored and conceded locations (as per the assists). I'm quite sure this existed, but I can't find it anywhere. It would be greatly appreciated if some can first clear up whether it does indeed still/ever did exist and if so, where can I find it?


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hi guys,

any idea what the phrases in the 1st youth intake message mean? 'looks promising', 'has the ability to go far', 'showing great potential', ' etc. what do they mean in terms of potential ability?

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7 hours ago, Hovis Dexter said:

I’ve not got the game open at the moment but you need to go to the squad assessment section and then look under the analyst report.

Absolute legend

Cheers mate

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Random question...

I am setting up a new tactic and going through the PIs for my wingers (and full backs) and notice the 'aim cross' for instruction.

Near post/far post etc are self explanatory but if you select 'Target Man' - how does that work? Is it just the furthest forward at the time (or in the tactic)?

Or is there somewhere else in the TC where you 'nominate' a Target Man?

Might be a stupid question and I may well be getting mixed up with the old FM/CM games from back in the day where you could set team instructions like 'Use Target Man' or 'Use Playmaker'...

Edited by BrickCommo23
Phrasing it better!
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4 hours ago, BrickCommo23 said:

Near post/far post etc are self explanatory but if you select 'Target Man' - how does that work? Is it just the furthest forward at the time (or in the tactic)?

If you tell a player to cross to target man, but you do not use a target man, the ME will basically interpret the instruction as if it was left on default.

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18 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

If you tell a player to cross to target man, but you do not use a target man, the ME will basically interpret the instruction as if it was left on default.

By 'Use a Target Man' do you mean give a forward that player role? As in, Advanced Forward, Complete Forward, False 9 - etc etc?

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11 minutes ago, BrickCommo23 said:

By 'Use a Target Man' do you mean give a forward that player role?

If you use a target man, it means that at least one of your players is given a TM role. Theoretically, you can play with 3 strikers and set all them to a TM role. Or you can even play with 2 TMs up front and 2 wide TMs on the flanks (in a 424). So yes, I was referring to a target man as a role (not the type of player).

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29 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

If you use a target man, it means that at least one of your players is given a TM role. Theoretically, you can play with 3 strikers and set all them to a TM role. Or you can even play with 2 TMs up front and 2 wide TMs on the flanks (in a 424). So yes, I was referring to a target man as a role (not the type of player).

Gotcha - thank you

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1 minute ago, xHoffefan said:

I set up my OI and wonder why it doesn't get applied in game. Does anyone know why? Am I doing it wrong?


It does apply, The first screenshot shows positional OIs. The other one (below) shows player-related OIs (which you obviously haven't set). 

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Hello all,

Just a quick question about a player. Do you think he'd be suitable for an attacking WB? I'm at a point in my save where is very difficult to find a good attacking left WB. This one is a central midfielder but he is left footed and I think he's got some nice attributes for a WB.

He is 18 y'old, 2 star ability with a 4 star (maybe even 5) potencial.


Thank you.

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2 hours ago, mikcheck said:

Hello all,

Just a quick question about a player. Do you think he'd be suitable for an attacking WB? I'm at a point in my save where is very difficult to find a good attacking left WB. This one is a central midfielder but he is left footed and I think he's got some nice attributes for a WB.

He is 18 y'old, 2 star ability with a 4 star (maybe even 5) potencial.


Thank you.

If you are referring to a WB on attack duty, I fear this guy may struggle in this kind of role (poor composure and teamwork, poor crossing, fairly poor dribbling, only average mental attributes overall and not particularly fast). Although it's relative to the level of the league your team competes in.

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Playing in Serie A where a lot of teams have a flat defence (3 x DC) plus Wing Backs.

What's the most likely scenario if I instruct some of my players to Move Into Channels against that type of defence:

- will they look for channels between DC and WB?
- will they look for channels between central and wider DC's ?
- will they try and move into areas where those channels otherwise normally occur when they see a suitable gap?
- will they ignore the instruction and not even try to do it since there are no channels between DC and FB?

I was trying to read it during the game but I failed to notice much movement like that but it might be due to one of the above as well as player's quality or another issue within my tactic so hopefully someone more proficient at how FM works will shed some light.

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21 horas atrás, Experienced Defender disse:

If you are referring to a WB on attack duty, I fear this guy may struggle in this kind of role (poor composure and teamwork, poor crossing, fairly poor dribbling, only average mental attributes overall and not particularly fast). Although it's relative to the level of the league your team competes in.

Thank you, you've helped my. I won't buy him. Will try to see other lad for the role!

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22 hours ago, right_winger said:

will they look for channels between DC and WB?
- will they look for channels between central and wider DC's ?

Both of these. But how effective the instruction will be in practice depends on both the player and your tactic as a whole (because no instruction works in isolation, therefore the overall tactic needs to make sense and be conducive to such kind of movement). 

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Another question about traits, one I just thought about having finally managed to get a player to un-learn 'Dwells On Ball'.

Do the attributes of the coach, in terms of their relevance to the move being trained, affect the success of trait training?

i.e. If I want to train an attacking to 'Move Into Channels' should I select my coach with the best combo of Attacking and Tactical training, whereas if I wanted a player to learn 'Marks Opponent Tightly' I'd choose a coach with good Defending and Technical training? 

An addendum - if this is the case, does it make a difference if said coach is also assigned to those training sessions in the Training module?

Edited by zlatanera
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Quick questions here guys, thanks for your time in advance

1. Can we get a 4-4-2 DM to defend with 2 lines of 4, as a normal 4-4-2 would be? If yes, even if the 1 or 2 DMs have a Defend duty?

2. Would a Half Back in the wide DM position would still take the space between the CBs or he would take the space behind him? meaning the CB behind him would go more to the center and the HB goes between the CB and the FB, as De Jong did with Ajax?

Answers like "depends on your system" or just "yes/no" are fine for me, I want to experiment myself but not waste my time to try something the game won't allow. Thanks again!

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2 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

Really depends on your system, mate :)

I suggest you start a separate thread and post a screenshot of your tactic there if you want some more meaningful and specific advice.

This answer make me hopeful for the system I want to put in place lol, thanks. I'm gonna experiment in pre-season and gonna come back here and start a thread if I can't figure it out by myself, thanks!

btw, for the HB question, it also depends on the system? Wasn't sure if it's hard-coded that the HB goes between the CBs..

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Just now, gam945 said:

for the HB question, it also depends on the system? Wasn't sure if it's hard-coded that the HB goes between the CBs

HB does drop between CBs, but only in the initial phase of attack. He does not stay there when the attack reaches later stages (sometimes, depending on how the attack progresses as well as your overall tactic, he can even end up pretty high up the pitch (near the opposition penalty area). 

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1 minute ago, Experienced Defender said:

HB does drop between CBs, but only in the initial phase of attack. He does not stay there when the attack reaches later stages (sometimes, depending on how the attack progresses as well as your overall tactic, he can even end up pretty high up the pitch (near the opposition penalty area). 

Thanks mate! ;)

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Hey everyone,

I'm new on football manager and i have a question about positioning a player at a place that he is not comfortable with (red) but has the attributes to play it.

For example i wanna play in a 442 formation with vinicius Jr at le left side of the midfiels but he's red. Is it very bad, does it really affect his performances ?

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3 minutes ago, Craig002 said:

Hey everyone,

I'm new on football manager and i have a question about positioning a player at a place that he is not comfortable with (red) but has the attributes to play it.

For example i wanna play in a 442 formation with vinicius Jr at le left side of the midfiels but he's red. Is it very bad, does it really affect his performances ?

If he has the attributes, you can play him in that role, regardless of what the role suitability circle suggests :thup:

What is his positional suitability for the left midfield position (accomplished, competent, unconvincing etc.)?

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22 minutes ago, Craig002 said:

Hey everyone,

I'm new on football manager and i have a question about positioning a player at a place that he is not comfortable with (red) but has the attributes to play it.

For example i wanna play in a 442 formation with vinicius Jr at le left side of the midfiels but he's red. Is it very bad, does it really affect his performances ?

I looked him up in my game which is in 2027 and he's showing as natural in the AML position so I'm guessing that he's a natural AML in your game as well. I generally play with a flat 442 and find it difficult to find natural MLs and MRs and so regularly move natural AMLs and AMRs one position deeper.

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34 minutes ago, Craig002 said:

He was ineffectual at the start and now unconvincing

Anyway, as long as a player has the attributes, you can play him there. The only thing that may be slightly affected is his decision-making (not the attribute, but only decisions he makes during a match when he's played in that position), but only to a really minor degree.

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35 minutes ago, oakesypvfc said:

Moving on from the above question, is there really not much point training a player in that position then?

When it comes to individual training, I tend to train each player in the position I intend to play him most of the time. But when it comes to role training within that particular position, then I usually train him for the role that targets most of the attributes I want him to develop, even if I may never play him in that particular role. 

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