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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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10 hours ago, AceCream said:

Does the Underlap/Overlap make sense in a system without wingers/wide players?

It makes sense only as a way to slightly increase the fullback's (or wing-back's) individual mentality, but will not produce actual overlaps or underlaps because there are no other wide players within the system. 


10 hours ago, AceCream said:

Does the Underlap/Overlap only instruct the Fullbacks/Wing-backs to do so?

OL/UL affects both the related FB/WB and the wide forward or wide midfielder. If you have only FB/WB (but no other wide player in front of him), then OL/UL will only slightly increase his mentality and nothing else. If you have only wide MF or wide FWD (but no FB/WB), the instruction will only slightly reduce his mentality and nothing else.

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My assman have ideal for me preferred formation and style of play but he is very low in JPA, JPP and tactical knowledge. Should he lead general training or mentioned attributes are important for trainings too? 

*sorry for bad English) 

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53 minutes ago, Rashidi said:

@spiritdonkeyGeneral consensus amongst most people is that you should do training yourself. However if you want to keep things simple, you can let him handle training, just make sure you do match preparation training before games.

So his JPA, JPP and other attributes don't matter, I should look just into his style of play and preferred formation? 


Usually I let one of my coaches (depends from preferred formation) do overall training and just add or remove some details

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6 minutes ago, EnigMattic1 said:

What takes priority? PI or TI? For example, if I have the TI 'dribble less' selected, but tell one player to 'dribble more', what would he do? 

AFAIK Preferred Moves > PIs > TIs

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On 17/04/2020 at 21:04, KlaaZ said:

is there any reason why players in the AML and AMR slot don't track back when full backs overlap? I've tried a lot of things, including tighter marking and specific man marking, but I can't get them to defend properly.. 

Can depend a lot on attributes, my wingers have high work rate and always seem to track back even when on an attack duty, sometimes mark player or specific position helps but in most cases I don’t need to use it.

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4 minutes ago, mikcheck said:

Can jumping reach be improved or only happens if the young player grows taller?

Yes it can. The Strength Addition Focus in individual training specifically lets you train strength + jumping reach. So you can train it, but there are obvious limits as to what it can become, taking into account the height of a player.

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12 minutos atrás, HUNT3R disse:

Yes it can. The Strength Addition Focus in individual training specifically lets you train strength + jumping reach. So you can train it, but there are obvious limits as to what it can become, taking into account the height of a player.

Thanks. I actually didn't notice jumping reach in additional focus, that's good to know. I'll be happy if he increases it by 1, so he can have it on 15 :D

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Hey I have 2 questions:


1/ Can we really classify roles into: Generic roles and speciialist roles ?

2/ Can we say that this is true ? 

Very Rigid
: 4-5 specialist roles


3-4 specialist roles


2-3 specialist roles


1-2 specialist roles
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44 minutes ago, who_is_it said:

Can we really classify roles into: Generic roles and speciialist roles ?

They are already classified by such criterion.  


45 minutes ago, who_is_it said:

Can we say that this is true ? 

Very Rigid
: 4-5 specialist roles


3-4 specialist roles


2-3 specialist roles


1-2 specialist roles

Sorry, but I don't understand this last question at all :idiot:

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10 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

They are already classified by such criterion.  


Sorry, but I don't understand this last question at all :idiot:

I believe the question is based on wwfan's fm guide where he suggested assigning a number of specialist roles dependent on the team shape used.

I would say since team shape has been scrapped you can safely disregard the guideline of how many specialist roles to include in the team based on team shape, however you should understand the message being that in a more 'total football' style fluid system where players are asked to contribute in all phases there will be less room for specialist player simply because the system requires them to play in a demanding way, whereas in a more structured system i.e. players are expected to fulfill a specific job, there is much more scope for specialist roles such as a poacher or ball winning midfielder.

So I would say don't take it as a hard-fast rule but just understand the message behind it - different styles require different skillsets/'roles' (in the literal sense rather than FM roles) from the players.

Edited by wixxi
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52 minutes ago, wixxi said:

I believe the question is based on wwfan's fm guide where he suggested assigning a number of specialist roles dependent on the team shape used

Huh, that thread was from 2013. So much has changed since. 


38 minutes ago, who_is_it said:

Sorry, but how do you know the game classified them ? 

It's widely known. Specialist roles are: sweeper-keeper, BPD, NCB, libero, wing-back, inverted WB, complete WB, half-back, anchor, volante, BWM, BBM, carrilero, inverted winger, winger, inside forward, wide TM, SS + all striker roles (PF, DLF, F9, CF, TM, poacher and AF) + all playmaker roles (DLP, regista, AP, wide PM, enganche and TQ).

The rest are generic. 

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2 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

Huh, that thread was from 2013. So much has changed since. 


It's widely known. Specialist roles are: sweeper-keeper, BPD, NCB, libero, wing-back, inverted WB, complete WB, half-back, anchor, volante, BWM, BBM, carrilero, inverted winger, winger, inside forward, wide TM, SS + all striker roles (PF, DLF, F9, CF, TM, poacher and AF) + all playmaker roles (DLP, regista, AP, wide PM, enganche and TQ).

The rest are generic. 

I think Rashidi's reply is very convinving

Threads that seek to reintroduce the specialist/generalist distinction actually do more harm than good, because they encourage people to believe that a certain number of roles are required for specific shapes, when no such thing was ever coded into the game. The only relevant information is the number of duties we should be using.  Finally there are so many generic roles now that can play as "specialists" now, for example the Raumdeutuer and the Regista, both these roles can be replicated with the use of PIs to some extent. I have already created the mid raumdeuter, one that operates from midfield

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1 hour ago, Seb Wassell said:

Injury Risk is quite literally the risk of injury.

So for example I can achieve the same intensity level with much lower injury risk using Recovery sessions instead of Rest? I'm confused because in Medical Centre's Risk Assessment there is Training Load which seems to be one of the factors of Overall Risk.

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Best PPM for him to learn to finish chances better?


He is playing AMR Winger-A. He is playing really well, having 3-4 goal scoring chances per game but constantly missing them. So he ends with poor average rating in the end.

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How do I stop conceding from set pieces? Every game I concede a set piece or a corner. I've tried man marking, I've tried zonal, I've tried combinations of both while having my players stay on their feet. If I don't concede a free kick/corner the game haunts me and gives up a phantom penalty.

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12 hours ago, safcrhys said:

Can two pressing forwards work well together? One on support and one on attack? Or is it advisable to have more varied roles?

Yes. PF-Su will be holding up play and harrying opposition midfielders, while PF-At will be attacking like an Advanced Forward, while also pressing opposition defenders.

That said, PF-At does have a slightly lower starting position than AF, due to his defensive responsibilities, so if you find having trouble with penetration, maybe PF-Su and AF-At could work better. Plus, you have one striker free for counter-attacks at all times.

10 hours ago, Aksi92 said:

Best PPM for him to learn to finish chances better?

Given his Composure, Finishing and Technique, I'd go with Places Shots. Likes To Round Keeper could probably also work, since he's a decent dribbler with good quickness. See which one of those your best coach agrees with, they're usually quite good at suggesting appropriate traits.

A video on finishing traits: https://youtu.be/PKdmZ0Sc1BI

9 hours ago, mike_stoklasa said:

How do I stop conceding from set pieces?

Set pieces can be quite tricky this year, there's a lot of threads complaining about the same issue. That said, you can still mitigate the issues to a degree, with making sure you have aerially good players covering the back post area and scheduling set piece training sessions.

You might find this article useful: https://www.fmrensie.net/2020/04/21/fm20-conceding-from-the-set-pieces/

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5 hours ago, Zemahh said:

Given his Composure, Finishing and Technique, I'd go with Places Shots. Likes To Round Keeper could probably also work, since he's a decent dribbler with good quickness. See which one of those your best coach agrees with, they're usually quite good at suggesting appropriate traits.

A video on finishing traits: https://youtu.be/PKdmZ0Sc1BI

Yeah I already trained him to place shots. Was thinking going round keeper too, but my conclusion was that he is coming in chances from angle and wont use that at all.

That video is actually very good.

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1 hour ago, who_is_it said:

Do you change players roles according to your opponent ?

It depends on how much min-maxing you're willing to do. Some people change things around for every opponent, some stick to the same tactic at all times. There's no right or wrong, really.

It's generally easier to build one coherent tactic than make constant changes though, so if you're not sure you know what you're doing, it's probably better to stick with one tactic that's built around your strengths. Changing your AP to BWM, for example, could have a lot of consequences for your whole build-up play, even though it's just a single role change. That said, if you're comfortable with the tactical creator (and can be bothered doing it :D), adapting to opposition can definitely be useful. Things like using a playmaker in the area your opponent vacates, using a BWM on the side of the opposition playmaker to disrupt him, using wingers against aggressive full-backs, etc.

Here's an example: https://community.sigames.com/topic/486970-tactics-gymnastics-lyon/

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How much do player traits play a part in getting better results? For what I mean is say you just use the standard Control Possession tactic, which squad would get the better results, assuming it's the exact same squad ect. 

Squad A where no player has a player trait

Squad B where players have a player trait

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3 minutes ago, Elitee said:

How much do player traits play a part in getting better results? For what I mean is say you just use the standard Control Possession tactic, which squad would get the better results, assuming it's the exact same squad ect. 

Squad A where no player has a player trait

Squad B where players have a player trait

It's dependent on the match between the trait and the style of play however the correct traits will have a noticeable impact on performance. For example in a control possession tactic having multiple players with 'Plays One-Twos' and a playmaker who has 'Dictates Tempo' will aid in build-up and chance creation.

Of course traits can have a negative impact too, for example if you need a fullback to stay back and he has 'Gets Forward Whenever Possible' or vice versa (a wingback you need to provide width has 'Stays Back At All Times').

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14 hours ago, who_is_it said:

Two other questions


1/ to press the defence line, we should use the opposition instructions ? 


2/ when my assistant set instructions for players' opponent, should I set the rest as position instructions ? 

No answer ? 

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14 hours ago, who_is_it said:

Two other questions


1/ to press the defence line, we should use the opposition instructions ? 


2/ when my assistant set instructions for players' opponent, should I set the rest as position instructions ? 

You can do that, in theory the Higher LOE settings should help too.


I don’t understand the question.

If AM sets them he does. Otherways set them as you like them to be.

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4 hours ago, safcrhys said:

When it comes to team instructions, is it often the case that “less is more”?

Unless you really know what you're doing with them I'd say yes since adding a bunch of them without understanding both what they do individually and how they will interact with the rest of the system can cause you to be a bit lost when trying to understand what's happening on the pitch. Roles, duties and mentality are much more important for setting up a successful tactic.

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4 hours ago, safcrhys said:

When it comes to team instructions, is it often the case that “less is more”?

It's a case of, if it's needed, it's fine. Some seem to tack on a million TIs and PIs before seeing anything play out yet and can become a nightmare to analyse what exactly the issue is. I'd say start with minimal or no instructions and work your way up to more, IF it's needed.

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@beverage1982 Unfortunately, your question also requires a separate thread because it cannot be answered properly without seeing the whole context of your tactic, so I had to remove it. Please start your own thread and (preferably) post your whole tactic there (because no role works in isolation).

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1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

@Keyzer Soze I had to remove your question because it requires a separate thread. So please start your own thread and ask it again there :thup: 

No problem. :thup:

In any case, i try the tactic with the poacher for a couple of games and did not work very well, so went back to the original setup with the DLF(a) up front.

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I am aware that there are some hardcoded differences between player roles in that it is not possible to make a CM(s) play like an RPM just by giving him the same PIs as an RPM. However I was wondering, are there also those hard differences between the same role with a different duty?

I am currently trying to get more attacking movement out of my IW(S) and therefore decided to switch them to IW(A), which only adds the "Get further forward" PI to the player. Would just adding "Get further forward" onto the IW(S) achieve a similar effect than swapping the duty from support to attack or does the duty switch have a bigger influence besides the PI as it also changes the individual player mentality?

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27 minutes ago, Murcon17 said:

I am aware that there are some hardcoded differences between player roles in that it is not possible to make a CM(s) play like an RPM just by giving him the same PIs as an RPM. However I was wondering, are there also those hard differences between the same role with a different duty?

I am currently trying to get more attacking movement out of my IW(S) and therefore decided to switch them to IW(A), which only adds the "Get further forward" PI to the player. Would just adding "Get further forward" onto the IW(S) achieve a similar effect than swapping the duty from support to attack or does the duty switch have a bigger influence besides the PI as it also changes the individual player mentality?

You basically answered your own question - it's not the same. Because "get forward" PI does not increase the player's individual mentality, whereas changing his duty to attack does. 

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Can a striker hold up the ball without high strength? Looking at using a more technical lone forward (probably as a DLF) and wondering if he will use his agility or balance or something to retain possession under pressure if strength is lacking

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