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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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17 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

Do you change anything late on in the game to hang on to the lead @LCFCEaves31?

Last time, no. As I have tried in the past and that didn't work either. I had created a tactic the same postionaly/formation wise as my starting one, but more reserved, ie. balanced mentality, counter press was turned off, slightly slower tempo etc. 

I honestly feel like the game is stuck in a loop at the moment. Even in the championship, I am creating  2/3xG every game, and drawing or losing, missing penalties, I am just stuck in a rut with this save.

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2 minutes ago, LCFCEaves31 said:

Last time, no. As I have tried in the past and that didn't work either. I had created a tactic the same postionaly/formation wise as my starting one, but more reserved, ie. balanced mentality, counter press was turned off, slightly slower tempo etc. 

I honestly feel like the game is stuck in a loop at the moment. Even in the championship, I am creating  2/3xG every game, and drawing or losing, missing penalties, I am just stuck in a rut with this save.

If you need some detailed help, create a thread a post a picture of your tactic on the Tactic board and explain as best you can, what''s happening 

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Is there any way to get players stationed in this sort of area from attacking corners? I feel like I'm always being countered on after our own corners because the ball is headed into this area, usually the wider areas, and opposition players pick up the ball first and end up with acres to run into.



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8 hours ago, ElJefe4 said:

Is there any way to get players stationed in this sort of area from attacking corners? I feel like I'm always being countered on after our own corners because the ball is headed into this area, usually the wider areas, and opposition players pick up the ball first and end up with acres to run into.



Instead of having just 2 players back, you can add one more so when a counter occurs, one of the 3 will step up early 

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On 22/05/2022 at 16:58, mikcheck said:

@herne79that's a interesting post and I'd like to bring this back again for two situations I have in my team.


I successfully make my BWM(d) to learn the trait to get forward, as I had him on support but I didn't like how forward he was going, even with the "hold position" PI added. So I'm trying to make him still go forward but not as forward and not as much as I was seeing, because I need him to always be a passing outlet. So with that trait, even on a defend duty, we'll still go forward sometimes, depending on the situation and attributes like decisions, right?

The other situation is my AM(a). He is like a Messi kind of player, with good off the ball, creativity, flair, pace, agility and balance. Normally that role is on support duty, but I thought I was wasting his potential with a balanced mentality, as I think that kind of player deserves a more aggressive mentality, so that's why I changed him to attack and made him learn comes deep trait. So the same goes for this situation. Even though he has an aggressive mentality, we'll still comes deep, depending on the situation and attributes, correct? 


Yes x2.  Careful giving a player in the DM position and a defend duty that trait though, his first job is to screen the defence so make sure he’s not being caught out of position too often.

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4 horas atrás, herne79 disse:

Yes x2.  Careful giving a player in the DM position and a defend duty that trait though, his first job is to screen the defence so make sure he’s not being caught out of position too often.

Yes, I understand that. He's fast, good decisions and positioning, also good passing, concentration and composure, that's why I decide to teach him that trait. Otherwise, I don't think I would.

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As the tactics screen shows how the team sets up defensively, should I set up a 4-3-3 on the tactics screen to look more like a 4-4-1-1?  Ie two IWs in the winger?  So in theory it looks like a 4-3-3 in attack?

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I have doubts regarding acceleration and pace with central midfielders. I know it is important for attackers and defenders, but what about central mids? I have 2 intelligent but rather slow MCs (11/11 acc pace). I want to use them in a double pivot on a medium to high block

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il y a 16 minutes, bosque a dit :

I have doubts regarding acceleration and pace with central midfielders. I know it is important for attackers and defenders, but what about central mids? I have 2 intelligent but rather slow MCs (11/11 acc pace). I want to use them in a double pivot on a medium to high block

I think it can be important in a pressing style because they can step up more quickly

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2 hours ago, Fieldsy said:

As the tactics screen shows how the team sets up defensively, should I set up a 4-3-3 on the tactics screen to look more like a 4-4-1-1?  Ie two IWs in the winger?  So in theory it looks like a 4-3-3 in attack?

Just bare in mind, the tactic screen shows your team as "neutral". Say a 4-4-2 with a Support duty striker, won't be defending as a 4-4-2 as the Support striker will have dropped into midfield. Same as in attack, a 4 at the back won't keep in line if playing with 2 wingbacks on Attack. I'm not sure what you mean about the 4-3-3 and 4-4-1-1 though 

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7 minutes ago, fraudiola said:

a left footed right winger

He will already have some tendency to cut in onto his stronger foot. Having the trait will make him want to cut in more often than running wide. Player Traits takes preference over instructions. 

Your question is about what he will do and there I am not sure. If he's getting covered well by a defender (which depends on how you've set up) then it might make it difficult to do what he'll naturally want to do.

As it is a W/A, it will depend on where/when he receives the ball. If he has space, he'll want to cut in and should be successful in doing so. Deeper into the final third, it might become more difficult.

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In real life, if I were to ask one of my coaches to scout a player it would detract from the time he could spend coaching.  Does it work the same way in FM?  Will his workload go up and his "coaching time/effectiveness" go down?  I have some coaches with good JPA/JPP and would love to be able to use them but don't want to jeopardize the effectiveness of my training sessions.

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19 hours ago, Toronto Blizzard said:

In real life, if I were to ask one of my coaches to scout a player it would detract from the time he could spend coaching.  Does it work the same way in FM?  Will his workload go up and his "coaching time/effectiveness" go down?  I have some coaches with good JPA/JPP and would love to be able to use them but don't want to jeopardize the effectiveness of my training sessions.

I guess it would myself, have never done it but it's something you could try 

18 hours ago, fraudiola said:

any reason why a club legend, breaking records year after year, would get demoted to an icon? 

Maybe he disgraced himself off-field? :D Have never seen it myself, did someone else get bumped up to legend status? 

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1 minute ago, fraudiola said:

like a former man city & sunderland player or blackmailing a teammate? lol no, the guy was top of the legends list then was at the bottom of icons list at the start of the next season

It's only a cosmetic thing and won't affect anything so just go with the black mailing in your head, he's let the club down :lol: 

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9 minutes ago, bahmet said:
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Why PI Less Often if i use TI Much More Often?

Mentality Balance-Atacking

Because he's on the maximum pressing (because of the TI) but will still press is little less than other roles, like the BWM or PF.

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Do the AI's pressing levels have anything to do with our tactics? Reason I'm asking is that I've played almost 3 straight seasons facing nothing but max (Much More Urgent) pressing tactics, and trying to figure out if it's something I'm doing, or just a broken tactical AI.

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6 minutes ago, RCCook said:

Do the AI's pressing levels have anything to do with our tactics? Reason I'm asking is that I've played almost 3 straight seasons facing nothing but max (Much More Urgent) pressing tactics, and trying to figure out if it's something I'm doing, or just a broken tactical AI.

What tools you have in your disposal (Data Hub, Analysts etc), same for AI. If AI will see that you have problems with high pressing, then will press you more. Another reason is that you facing AI managers with preference in high pressing.

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21 minutes ago, fc.cadoni said:

What tools you have in your disposal (Data Hub, Analysts etc), same for AI. If AI will see that you have problems with high pressing, then will press you more. Another reason is that you facing AI managers with preference in high pressing.

I wouldn't say I'm having problems with it- my team has won 17 of 20 so far this season, and won a quintuple the previous season. I looked at the pressing preferences for the other teams in my league, and only 7 of 17 have "More Often" as a pressing style, with all the others as "Balanced." But if you watched the matches, you'd think every team was managed by Marcelo Bielsa.

My concern is that every match feels the same, and it's taking a lot of the fun out of the game for me, even though I win around 80% of the time. There's just no tactical variation at all.

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12 hours ago, RCCook said:

Reason I'm asking is that I've played almost 3 straight seasons facing nothing but max (Much More Urgent) pressing tactics, and trying to figure out if it's something I'm doing, or just a broken tactical AI.

How do you know they're at maximum pressing? You can check the AI profiles for play styles, if they're all set to Gegen then something funky's going on :D

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Quick one I hope.


My tactic hasn't changed but all of a sudden my centrebacks are regularly getting bad ratings. Like 6.3-6.5 on average whereas they were much higher.


The only change is I bought a new CB. Could it just be that he isn't suited to any of his partners and both their ratings are being dragged down as a result?

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Could be that the guy needs a bit before he gels with the rest of the team, so your defence is a bit messier than it should be. How is your team performing? If you're doing well it could also simply be that your CDs hardly get involved in play and thus get no chances to boost their ratings. Especially smaller CDs tend to suffer from that, as winning headers is the easiest way to get good CD ratings in this FM.

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Think I've just had a lightbulb moment

Long and short of it is, I brought this 19 year Inside Forward, who had 10 Finishing, so I trained him as an IF(A) hoping to get his Finishing up but played him as an IF(S)

4 years on his, his finishing is still 10

I figured his Finishing "maximum" was 10 ie he could just never get better at it

But, because I've played him as an IF(S) has that stunted his Finishing?


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13 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

But, because I've played him as an IF(S) has that stunted his Finishing?

It shouldn't have done, no. The training schedules for both IF roles include Finishing, so it should not have hampered him. I try and add an individual focus if I want to try and target specific attributes. I assume you didn't do that?



4 years on his, his finishing is still 10


I assume that his other attributes (probably mostly physical attributes, right?) increase though? I wonder if his physical attributes increased fairly quickly, still being young and he hit his peak, so won't see more improvement.

17 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

I figured his Finishing "maximum" was 10 ie he could just never get better at it

By the way, technically no attribute is capped, so it definitely wasn't the reason.

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19 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

It shouldn't have done, no. The training schedules for both IF roles include Finishing, so it should not have hampered him. I try and add an individual focus if I want to try and target specific attributes. I assume you didn't do that?

I'm off the game right now but I didn't think IF(S) training trained the Finishing attribute, it's basically the difference between the suitability of an IF(S) and IF(A)

That's right, I didn't use any additional focus because I thought having him train the IF(A) role, his Finishing would be covered 

19 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

I assume that his other attributes (probably mostly physical attributes, right?) increase though? I wonder if his physical attributes increased fairly quickly, still being young and he hit his peak, so won't see more improvement.

Yeah, he's developed really well all round really, he's been a first teamer since day one so plenty of chance to develop

He's had glowing coach reports lately letting me know he's a leading player in the league and can still develop (I think, I'm relying on memory here)

I'm sure his other Technical attributes have had an increase in this time but the one I've taken most notice of is his 10 Finishing

19 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

By the way, technically no attribute is capped, so it definitely wasn't the reason.

Great, that rules that out then. Jumping Reach is capped though isn't it? I thought it may have worked like that, like, how it's unlikely a player at 16 with 4 for Passing will have 20 for Passing by the time he's 25

I'll try and get some screenies up later, I really should've started a thread for this, but I'm certain his Finishing hasn't increased at all, ever  

My lightbulb's gone out now, I've no idea why it hasn't increased in all this time. When I signed him, he had a fair bit of potential so I wanted to steer his development toward an IF(A) but play him as an IF(S). I was short at right Wing a couple of years ago so I trained him for a few months at Winger (A)

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7 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

Jumping Reach is capped though isn't it?

I should have been more careful with my wording!  :D

Yes, that is kind of capped based on a player's height. Quite correct.

8 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

I thought it may have worked like that, like, how it's unlikely a player at 16 with 4 for Passing will have 20 for Passing by the time he's 25

Yeah, highly unlikely. It's also much easier to progress from 4 Passing to 5 Passing than it is to go from 19 to 20, so starting at 4 even if there isn't a cap, will be almost impossible to get to 20.

18 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

I've no idea why it hasn't increased in all this time.

Me neither, if I'm honest. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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15 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

My lightbulb's gone out now, I've no idea why it hasn't increased in all this time.

Because it’s not guaranteed to.  Sometimes attribute development just stalls.  Not because of anything we have or haven’t done, but because it’s part and parcel of the player progression model and the variety built into it.  We can influence the likelihood of development but we can never guarantee it.

Fun fact - I had Moukoko playing in my first team for 2 seasons with an individual training program assigned and he didn’t develop at all during that time.  Not a single attribute even though he was nowhere near his potential.  But in a different save I developed him into a global superstar.  It can be frustrating when it happens, especially if we’ve invested heavily in training facilities etc, but tbh I’d rather have variety of uncertainty than do x and y will always happen.

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3 minutes ago, herne79 said:

Because it’s not guaranteed to.  Sometimes attribute development just stalls.  Not because of anything we have or haven’t done, but because it’s part and parcel of the player progression model and the variety built into it.  We can influence the likelihood of development but we can never guarantee it.

Fun fact - I had Moukoko playing in my first team for 2 seasons with an individual training program assigned and he didn’t develop at all during that time.  Not a single attribute even though he was nowhere near his potential.  But in a different save I developed him into a global superstar.  It can be frustrating when it happens, especially if we’ve invested heavily in training facilities etc, but tbh I’d rather have variety of uncertainty than do x and y will always happen.

Cheers, I just read similar from yourself posted just over a month ago in another thread :thup:


A very interesting read and makes a lot of sense but yes, it's annoying :D

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Actually, Pace/Accel are capped as well in FM22 apparently. Quickness is one of my go to individual focusses in FM for roles that don't inherently train it and in FM22 I've been seeing quite a few cases where the game tells me that their individual focus can't further increase pace or acceleration, just like how it does with jumping reach.

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15 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

How do you know they're at maximum pressing? You can check the AI profiles for play styles, if they're all set to Gegen then something funky's going on :D

I checked the opposing manager profiles for the league, and only see one that has Gegenpress as his preferred style. What I'm seeing most often is that the AI seem to use a lower LOE and defensive line, but in conjunction with an extremely high press once my team get into the attacking third. Not sure what style that is...

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are there any tactics that generally lend themselves to a specific passing style AND tempo ? 

(i know with exceptionally quality players you can make pretty much any style work, but what i'm asking is that, if you have generally average players , are some tactics much more suited to certain widths, passing directness and tempos ? and if so, what are some of them ?


is the 4-3-3 dm wide a naturally short passing tactic ?

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8 hours ago, RCCook said:

I checked the opposing manager profiles for the league, and only see one that has Gegenpress as his preferred style. What I'm seeing most often is that the AI seem to use a lower LOE and defensive line, but in conjunction with an extremely high press once my team get into the attacking third. Not sure what style that is...

Well, that's going to happen once your hit their defensive third, I don't think there are many teams that won't restrict space and close down your team once you get their  

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18 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

I'm off the game right now but I didn't think IF(S) training trained the Finishing attribute, it's basically the difference between the suitability of an IF(S) and IF(A)

I was wrong on this one @HUNT3R, IF on Support training does cover Finishing

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16 minutes ago, fraudiola said:

PPMs to make a CM/d spray passes like a DLP/d without the magnetism of movement of a DLP/d

- Tries killer balls often

- Tries Long Range Passes (Can't remember the exact PI here)

- Switches ball to other flank

- Comes Deep to get ball 


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1 hour ago, mikcheck said:

When you guys are looking for a more attacking fullback, do you prioritize off the ball, dribbling and crossing for example?

Acceleration and Pace for me so he can get forward/back asap

But yeah, other than that a good mix of Crossing, Passing, Off the Ball, Vision, Work Rate, Anticipation, Decisions etc 

I favour height/ Jumping Reach too to snuff out crosses and set pieces,  I don't want no 5' 5 guy having to deal with high balls :D

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I've had this problem in the last few versions but never got round to raising it so here goes;


Despite being in overall control of my Reserve/Youth squads individual training, more often than not some of my players additional focus training defaults to 'None'.


It is quite frustrating as it affects their development as it can go months in game before I notice.


Any ideas?

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14 minutes ago, Rino72. said:

I've had this problem in the last few versions but never got round to raising it so here goes;


Despite being in overall control of my Reserve/Youth squads individual training, more often than not some of my players additional focus training defaults to 'None'.


It is quite frustrating as it affects their development as it can go months in game before I notice.


Any ideas?

Keep an eye on injuries, I’ve noticed this too and have a suspicion it defaults back either after an injury and when they return from holiday pre season. 

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I'm using this formation. I have talent down the middle and speed down the flanks.

I want to have the ball down the middle to hopefully draw opposition there and then release it to my speedy flank players.

Does it make sense to ask them to play very narrow?


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1 hour ago, bosque said:

I'm using this formation. I have talent down the middle and speed down the flanks.

I want to have the ball down the middle to hopefully draw opposition there and then release it to my speedy flank players.

Does it make sense to ask them to play very narrow?


I am not very sure about width (especially in attack).

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Il y a 3 heures, bosque a dit :

I'm using this formation. I have talent down the middle and speed down the flanks.

I want to have the ball down the middle to hopefully draw opposition there and then release it to my speedy flank players.

Does it make sense to ask them to play very narrow?


Personally I reduce width when I use a double pivot, so there is no forward movement from my DMs/CMs. To compensate, I want my wide midfielders closer to the striker and use WBs to give some width.

If one of my DM or CM is allowed to join the attack, I want to give him space so I don't reduce width. In your case, if you play very narrow, I think Bellarabi and especially Diaby won't be on the flanks but closer to the middle.

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15 hours ago, mikcheck said:


I know there's no exact answer for this but playing with max width in a balanced mentality could be similar to the normal width in a attacking mentality?

I'm pretty certain that's right, Balanced mentality is balanced everything, then every time you move mentality up or down, you're adjusting passing, tempo, lines and width up or down 

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9 horas atrás, Johnny Ace disse:

I'm pretty certain that's right, Balanced mentality is balanced everything, then every time you move mentality up or down, you're adjusting passing, tempo, lines and width up or down 

Thanks, but that's not exactly what I've asked, maybe. For example if I put maximum width in a balanced mentality, would that width be similar to a normal one used with an attacking mentality for example?

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9 minutes ago, mikcheck said:

Thanks, but that's not exactly what I've asked, maybe. For example if I put maximum width in a balanced mentality, would that width be similar to a normal one used with an attacking mentality for example?

Yeah, that's pretty much what I said :D

Balanced with two notches up on the Width would have the same or similar width to Attacking 

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