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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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I personally never listen to my assistant managers advise. Nevertheless, assigning more through balls and perhaps more direct passing to your midfielders will encourage more forward balls. also, make certain that your mentality is not too defensive.

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Alright. I have very good center forwards but I don't get nearly enough goals from them. I have a very good defensive record but I'm tired of 1-0, 1-1 results constantly. They often blaze balls over the crossbar or the keeper makes great saves. Any tips on getting some more goals out of my target and secondary striker?

Oh yeah, I've looked at the theorems thread already. I do the mentality thing and everything.

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Is there a way to promote non-active teams? For example, in Norway, the Premier Division's 2nd teams are allowed to play in the third tier, the lowest active Norwegian league. But if my reserve team is playing in the fourth tier (and is therefore not playing any matches), is there a way that I can help it promote? Will better players actually make it easier to promote or is it just pure randomness?

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Alright. I have very good center forwards but I don't get nearly enough goals from them. I have a very good defensive record but I'm tired of 1-0, 1-1 results constantly. They often blaze balls over the crossbar or the keeper makes great saves. Any tips on getting some more goals out of my target and secondary striker?

Oh yeah, I've looked at the theorems thread already. I do the mentality thing and everything.

It would have been easier to help if you give enough info like the formation you use. Anyways, from what I can understand from your post is that you play with 2 strikers up front: one being a secondary striker. I can split your problem into two parts: Either your strikers do not get enough chances (which could lead to your formation and tactics) or they do not have the necessary skills in the right places (for example a striker who has a very good composure will unlikely get under pressure instead will coolly slot home the chance)

If your strikers are not getting enough chances to score, then, you need to closely look at your tactics and formation and try to twist to favor the men upfront. Watch some matches in either 2D or 3D to see how much they get in to action.

If they do get chances but miss a lot then surely it is their quality rather than your tactics and/or formation. I know you said you have very good forwards but do you consider the quality of your opposition? Are your strikers better than your opposition defenders and goalkeeper?


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I use DarkStarr's training schedule. Until just now, I realized I've assigned all my full/wing backs to the wing back (WB) schedule. But then I came to wonder, what's the difference between the two? My tactic doesn't use wing backs, so should I then assign all of them to the full back schedule instead?


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I use DarkStarr's training schedule. Until just now, I realized I've assigned all my full/wing backs to the wing back (WB) schedule. But then I came to wonder, what's the difference between the two? My tactic doesn't use wing backs, so should I then assign all of them to the full back schedule instead?


Just look at the schedules to see the difference?

At a guess WB more emphasis on set pieces re crossing and ball control re dribbling. Which to choose depends on what you want. Just apply some logic and it'll be fine :thup:

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This is probably answered somehwere else but cant find the answer anywhere.

Ihave to reformat my computer but really dont want to lose the game I have been playing for ages - is there anything I can do? I am onsteam if it makes a difference?

many thanks

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This is probably answered somehwere else but cant find the answer anywhere.

Ihave to reformat my computer but really dont want to lose the game I have been playing for ages - is there anything I can do? I am onsteam if it makes a difference?

many thanks

Stick the save game and database (if custom) on a usb/dvd/external hard drive. When reinstalling ensure you patch to match the save game (if it was saved ith 9.3, patch to 9.3) otherise it won't load.

Reinstall then star the gam to create the user folders D:\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009, put your save in D:\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009\games and if applicable related custom database in D:\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009\db.

Then click 'Load Game' and away you go.

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Is the only way to increase your rep through competitions?

Like say I was a third division team and I beat say Man U in a cup match, would my rep improve?

Yes but only marginally (10 to 15 points, max rep is 10000).

Rep is relative. If you're predicted 20th and finish 5th your rep will increase. Winning leagues will give a bigger boost but you will still get gains for finishing above and beyond expectations. Unfortunately the nature of the system means starting as a low rep club (BSS predicted 20th for example) and gaining rapid promotions will leave you trailing. For example if you gain promotion to say League 2 from BSP and are challenging for promotion again, clubs originally/still in League 2 but significantly lower in the league will still be seen as 'bigger clubs' by players.

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I know I read this somewhere before but I dont remember right now, the question is the following...is it good to put your forwards (ST) to make forward runs?...Im playing with Lyon and I have Oscar Cardozo and Artem Milevski playing in the attack, so, none of them are fast or very talented with the ball on their feet, they are there to send the ball to the back of the net.

If i think in terms of getting rid of the defender I should use the forward run, but if i think in terms of ending too deep in the area and getting far from the guys in the midfiled I start doubting...thats my main doubt nowadays...thanks!

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Hey guys, i quick question as i have grown uneasy over it for some reason :

Who are my youth coaches actually coaching ? (a) All players in the youth team, (b) all players on youth schedules, © all players up to a certain age or (d) some mix of it ???

cheers, Mario

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How much is too much training? (I'm playing 9.3.0 with 9.30 DB

I'm really struggling with training levels. I tried to work with personalized training schedules, but at the begginning I set them too low, light aerobic and strength and just a notch over the medium overall training level, and all my players decayed like corpses (losing 2-3 points per attribute) and injured like matchsticks (9 injuries at worst), in my second season, I increased the training level, aerobic and strength at the first bar setting it to medium, and the overall one notch before heavy, leaving it at overall medium workload, they improved just a little bit, but at least didin't worsen, everything seemed to be fine with 2 injuries, until the middle of the season, when I got 9 injuries in a month, leaving the team effectively crippled.

I'm (was?) enjoying the game but this injury thing drives me crazy, my fitness coach got an 18 in fitness, my physio is a 19 physio, 17 determination.

I've checked training schedules in the forums and I've seen heavy training and heavy workloads with excelent results.

Any help for a newbie? =(

I'd love to see some advice from your coaches when you are over training your players (If I have an 18 fitness coach I'd love to hear from him if you keep running that boy, you're going to break it or something like that)

Thanks a lot for the advice

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Medium overall training levels should be fine. Maximum aerobic and strength training is in the middle between medium and high.

Hire the maximum number of physios your board allows.

Another thing to note is the condition of your players during a game. Try not to allow them to go below 70% in a game. Control the tempo to save energy and prevent injuries.

You may be just unlucky and sign a lot of injury prone players.

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Hey guys, i quick question as i have grown uneasy over it for some reason :

Who are my youth coaches actually coaching ? (a) All players in the youth team, (b) all players on youth schedules, © all players up to a certain age or (d) some mix of it ???

cheers, Mario

Youth coaches work with your youth players, and olny your youth players. Usually, when you sign a youth player, he will be automatically be assigned to the Normal youth training schedual.The coahces assigned to this schedual will coach the assigned players, and no more. So, (from what i gather), coaches only coach players that are assinged to thier (coach) training regimes.

Hope this helps (ready to be correcded)

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The match engine is corrupted pure and simple!! All my players are corrupted every game so that they play crap game after game.....this is not a game but a TOTAL joke!!!! Trying 1000 of tactics and spending hours to play a game!!!

WTF I am not paid the $millions managers are paid but have to suck up to this game and watch all the charade!!

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OK, king of all questions involving stupidity here. I'm actually embarrassed writing this... how high should I be looking to set the overall training workload? Medium? High? Should I just keep pushing up on the general schedule until the players complain and use that as a guide?

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Is there anyway to replicate player instructions? ie. replicate AMR ins. to AML as well, without me going through it all?


is as good as it gets. Pain in the arse to set up but once done can be a great time saver.

Not sure if that's what you meant though. Would be nice to have a 'Ctrl' mechanism to change settings simultaneously or a way to 'anchor' mentality so all can be shifted relatively using the Team slider.

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Is it possible to play FM and also see your windows toolbar, so you could just minimise FM and go back to desktop, then return to FM? (i think i have seen screenshots where people have this).

If so, how do you do it??

Search for 'windowed' on the forums and there should be a few detailed posts:thup:

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I have a question: If I have 2 tactics for my team, a home tactic tactic and a away tactic; when is the proper moment to change between the tactics? After I submit the team?

I would be grateful for any help!

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What's a band of two tactic?

This is from the Tactical Theorems and Frameworks 09 thread...

Bands of Two

Manager Type: Alex Ferguson

Sir Alex is the first manager that deviates from a very tight control methodology. Manchester Utd's system, most especially in the Queiroz years, operates through four bands of play. While the central defenders are predominantly instructed to defend (unlike when playing for Capello, Ferdinand stays back) the full backs and defensive midfielder offer deep support for the front line alongside their defensive duties. The attacking midfielder and wingers have become virtually interchangeable, switching roles in the high support band, and are usually allowed their creative heads. The final band is the spearhead forward, ideally a complete player who is comfortable playing with the ball at his feet or in the air.

GK: 8

DC: 8

FB: 10

MCd: 10

ML/R: 12

MCa: 12

FCs: 14

Credit: wwfan & Millie

Basically, it's a system where each key part or "band" of the team, GK and defense, defensive midfielder, wingers and attacking midfielder, attackers... are split by two clicks of the mentality slider.

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currently in my 2nd season with Arsenal with a quality squad of players. have had a fair bit of success (won prem league & champ league) but struggle to dominate possesion in many games (especially at home) although do normally manage to win comfortably. usually play a standard 4-4-2 so what sort of passing style & tempo should i use?

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I feel my questions may be a bit hard for some to answer and may include some opinion or interpretation but here goes:

I made a tactic set back in FM05, it works at every level and I've only changed it from FM05 to FM09 by using MCd/MCa and FCd/FCa partnerships. The tactic set has five tactics, situation dependent: against top half, mid table and bottom half teams. I also have tactics for going all out attack to get a goal and for shutting up shop so as not to concede a goal.

After 11 seasons in FM09, I've just grown tired with the 4-4-2 and I've changed to a 3-5-2. However, it's been so long since I've made tactics I just don't know how to achieve what I want from them. In my 3-5-2, the attack seems disjointed from the rest of the side, but this is improving with instructions from the wingbacks and PPMs they have learnt.

My tactic set works fine but I'm striving for a better - more attractive, creative - playing style if you will. I guess what I'm asking is how the sliders work with each other?

Obviously, tempo is linked with passing style - shorter passing favoring a slow tempo, but does this also mean higher time-wasting? How do I link these three sliders together when creating a tactic?

Width - I've got no idea what to do with this. I assume it means how much of the pitch you use in width, the higher this value, the more of the pitch you're using. But does having a lower width restrict the opposition to using this area too, or leave you vulnerable on the flanks? I guess I'm a bit lost with what to do with width considering I'm using wingbacks. They are what provides the width in my team by travelling from the edge of my box to the byline of the opposition. However, they are the only wide players in my team, there are two in wide positions in a 3-5-2 and four in a 4-4-2 so does this mean I should use a narrower style, or wider to encourage my wingbacks to get up the flanks?

I think that's enough for you to be getting on with :).

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My interpretations... a target man is is usually a forward who the team look to get the ball to in attacking moves, the focus of their passing, usually to head, to feet or to run onto via through balls. A playmaker is usually the most creative player in the side and is usually a midfielder or forward. This player will normally be the focus of creativity and attacking moves and one who can unlock defenses with a killer pass.

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Is there a way to promote non-active teams? For example, in Norway, the Premier Division's 2nd teams are allowed to play in the third tier, the lowest active Norwegian league. But if my reserve team is playing in the fourth tier (and is therefore not playing any matches), is there a way that I can help it promote? Will better players actually make it easier to promote or is it just pure randomness?

You just swap your b-team with another team in the second division.. More info could be found in the editors hideaway.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've downloaded a training regime, why can I only use it for my youth team and not my senior team?

By the way I'm AFC Telford and my players are on a part-time training schedule.


Because the routine you downloaded was a Youth routine? They are two separate entities and as as far as I know the game adds (Youth) to the file name to highlight this, so I'm guessing whoever uploaded them renamed them removing the name add on.

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Does anyone know whether using a global mentality and not tinkering with tactics too much during a match makes the game uninteresting? Because I have just totally lost interest in FM and cannot put my finger on the reason.

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