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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Is there any penalties/deductions on player's abilities ratings or CA due to the status on field position. What I mean is the following:

(Random example)

Player A is a natural as Left Defender and decent as Left Miedfielder.

Does this means his CA and ratings will be the same at Left Backl and will be penalised as Left Miedfielder?

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Is there any penalties/deductions on player's abilities ratings or CA due to the status on field position. What I mean is the following:

(Random example)

Player A is a natural as Left Defender and decent as Left Miedfielder.

Does this means his CA and ratings will be the same at Left Backl and will be penalised as Left Miedfielder?


last few pages have FM 09 stuff in there.


covers how multiple positions affect weightings

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i have a question regarding scout reports:

most ppl suggest that if the opponent is generally playing a short passing possession style game i should set my team up to play directly and vice versa. won't my team benefit from a set style rather than changing it every game and doesn't me playing the opposite style also make me vulnerable for the opponents style, since the argument is that by playing a different passing game i'm forcing the opposition into an uncomfortable style or am exploring a possible weakness?

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I guess this belongs here -

When I play 4312 with 3 CM and then a AMC behind the two forwards having him as the playmaker and free role ticked he always gets less than a 6 on his rating despite being a natural AMC and one of my best players, any ideas?

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1. My coaches are their to give 7 Star ratings, but their level of discipline, motivation ETC are, on the whole, pretty shocking. Therefore I brought in two coaches whose level of discipline, motivation, and determination were high and assigned these guys to everything. Does this help or was this completely pointless?

2. Does it help to ask you forward to 'place his shots' or not?

3. In a one striker formation where I want my striker to act like a target man when the play is very congested and like a poacher on the wrong side of the defence when we are on the counter attack; are their any preferred moves that would be beneficial?

4. Can you recommend so preferred moves for different positions that you have used and have been effective?

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I guess this belongs here -

When I play 4312 with 3 CM and then a AMC behind the two forwards having him as the playmaker and free role ticked he always gets less than a 6 on his rating despite being a natural AMC and one of my best players, any ideas?

i only found this out when looking on data editor but 'free role' is deemed almost a completely different position - for example Kaka might be 'natural' (20/20) in CAM, and also a 20/20 in free role, but some one who is not as motivated/determined without as much positional sense might have CAM natural (20/20), but be the equivalent of unconvincing as Free Role (maybe 8/20). Don't tick free role, just (if you want) give him more creative freedom.

It could also be because of his instructions. If you are one of the worse teams in the league, then 'run with ball' is rarely a good idea because they are just tackled easily by better players (esp. in the middle of the park). if not try a more defensive mentality for him so he comes and collects the ball from the midfield, rather than acting as a second striker (which is difficult if, like many CAM, he can't head the ball, or is not very strong)

If generally you are not having much success it might be because you are not playing with wide players. IMO this is crucial to success (esp if you are playing as one of the better clubs in the league)

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i have a question regarding scout reports:

most ppl suggest that if the opponent is generally playing a short passing possession style game i should set my team up to play directly and vice versa. won't my team benefit from a set style rather than changing it every game and doesn't me playing the opposite style also make me vulnerable for the opponents style, since the argument is that by playing a different passing game i'm forcing the opposition into an uncomfortable style or am exploring a possible weakness?

I don't agree with 'most ppl'!!! choose you style and stick to it.

BTW it depends on where you are in the league. if you are expecting to take every game then don't change, but it is worth changing depending on whether you or your opponent is the clear favourite.

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Is there any penalties/deductions on player's abilities ratings or CA due to the status on field position. What I mean is the following:

(Random example)

Player A is a natural as Left Defender and decent as Left Miedfielder.

Does this means his CA and ratings will be the same at Left Backl and will be penalised as Left Miedfielder?

If you look at Data Editor, each player has a positional rating out of 20. The way I think that it works is if he has, e.g CA 200, if you play him in a position where his rating is 19, his CA will be 190 (19/20 x200), or if his positional ability is 10, then his CA in that position is 100.

But how well he plays in that position is also strongly effected by his stats - if you get a natural LB who can't dribble or cross or basically attack, and tell him to act as an attacking LB, he may not play as well as say, Vargas, who is only accomplished at LB, but is still one of the best attacking LBs around.

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I've seen plenty of people who say to get 7 star coaching you need 20+ of one thing and 14+ of another (e.g defending and tactics respectively).

Well I get those stats but it doesn't come out as 7 star. I take it this is because there are other basic attributes that need to be at a certain level (e.g. motivation, discipline).

Can someone please tell me which attributes are required at a certain level in all aspects of coaching?

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Hey people, I'm sorry, but this is an absolutely-stupid question (which is why it belongs here, I guess):

Where do you access Team Options? I can't seem to find it... Sorry, I'm a total newbie to FM game but I'm quite familiar with the FMH version though. :)

Cheers mates!

*Team options: to specify your assistant manager's range of discretion such as creating friendlies and handling the media.

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will training a left winger (guardado) to a new position (MR) effect his performances in his original position? and do i have to try him in the new position during games?

it's only so i can possibly use winger swapping in the future.

It wont affect his performance in his natural position. You don't need to try him in the new position, though he accomplishes the new position quicker if you do.


I was wondering if training a player to play in a different position uses up some CA.


Johnny has a PA of 180, and CA of 150.

Johnny is a DC. I want him to cover for RB, so I retrain him as a RB.

Will his CA still be 150 after he becomes an accomplished RB (given his stats don't rise)?

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Very silly question, but one that has irked me since last October. If i want to change a scout to a coach (Lennartson, Sbragia et al) how do I go about it? Whenever I try they always say, no interest in the job you're offering even if they are already at the club.

Any help much appreciated.

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What kind of tactic would you use when you're playing a team of similar quality in Europe?

Home game was a 2-2 draw and now i've got to play them away... there's no room for mistakes. Average team vs Average team and a 0-1 would be great!

I do rate the other team a bit better.

Would you go all out attack from the whistle or just defend untill the last 20 mins and then try to unleash hell

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Very silly question, but one that has irked me since last October. If i want to change a scout to a coach (Lennartson, Sbragia et al) how do I go about it? Whenever I try they always say, no interest in the job you're offering even if they are already at the club.

Any help much appreciated.

Anyone? Can anyone help?

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Ok. This has been bugging me for a while.

What is the relation between team instructions and the player instructions? I would have thought that if you put in specific player instructions, then it overwrites any team instructions, ignoring the team instruction? Otherwise, what it the point in having the option to follow the overall team instruction or have a specific player instruction?

Or is it the case that the team instructions merely influence the "level" of the instruction.

Example, if I had my attacker with mentallity high up on attacking, and the team mentality set to defensive, does the fact I have set the individual players mentality means that that player ignores the team instruction, keeping with his original mentality level or does it just influence his set mentality, and have a slightly more defensive mentality (ie set mentaility is combination of both).

Anyone know?

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Stupid question......What does CA stand for and what is it?

CA = Current ability, a hidden attribute in the game, between 1 and 200, giving an overall level as to how good the player is.

However, a player A with 170 CA may play better than player B with a CA of say 180, if player A's spedific attributes that he uses are higher (For example, if you use him just for crossing and player A's crossing is better).

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Hey, guys. I need your help!

I just signed this player:


He is a natural Full Back, but for me he looks like a good striker, too. What do you think? Should I retrain him on a new position. Could he also play good in the midfield or as a winger? Thanks in advance.

I'm playing in the 3rd Spanish Division btw (actually it's called Segunda Division).

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I need help with my strikers guys, don't know if I post this right but I hope so.

Right now my attacking setup is Sergio Agüero - Fernando Torres I even have Aquino/Marquinhos and some regans. The big problem I have is that none of my striker produces so many goals like the use to do, or should I say Agüero since I just bought Torres 1 season ago, Agüero won the Ballon d'Or three years on a row and Worlds best player two of this three years. The first season I used Agüero - Marquinhos and they both was in the top of the goalscoring in the league but none of them score any goals this days. I try to change the instructions on both ST setup but nothing successful since they still won't do any goals.

Someone that have a good conclusion what I should do ? ; )

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I'm new to the FM09, having sticked with 08 for now. I'm doing quite well, having played two seasons with Liverpool winning the league the first season and runner-up the second year. However theres a problem I haven't had in any of the previous versions:

My lads come out of the blocks firing, and are usually 1-0 up inside 20 minutes. We keep playing the other side off the park until halftime, usually hit the woodwork two or three times. Then they take their foot off the pedal and allow the other team in. I either win 1-0, or draw 1-1. I must be doing something wrong, but I've no idea what...

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I have some questions.

I have tried asking this twice i think, and whatever I try I cant seem to make i work.

How do I sign young players (under-18s) to my squad. Im playing with Barcelona and Im

keen to sign young talent from across the world (lets just say, since i love the underdog, I wanna sign a Djibouti player, a Brazilian player and a Slovenian player, which are all 16 years old). In actual fact, i found a player in Argentina that was highly recommended. I payed 4.3M for him, but since he is 16, i get him in 2 years. Now, Im assuming that his Argentine team does not have the same traning facilities as does my Barcelona, so WHY do i have to wait for those two years.

I was told that i can sign young players and compensate the club. Does this mean SIGN or Purchase? Also, players which are without clubs, and under-18, why cant i get them to sign for my youth team?

ANY help with this would be more than welcome. Its been bugging me since I got the game.

The other question I have is Clarification about status. I have some good players which have been rotting on the bench for me, but have played a couple of games. Since my top defenders are injured now, I have been using this player more and more, and getting some good victories. So, how do I change his general happiness/status?

Thanks for this (I tried searching for this, but it was not fruitful).

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Ok. This has been bugging me for a while.

What is the relation between team instructions and the player instructions? I would have thought that if you put in specific player instructions, then it overwrites any team instructions, ignoring the team instruction? Otherwise, what it the point in having the option to follow the overall team instruction or have a specific player instruction?

Or is it the case that the team instructions merely influence the "level" of the instruction.

Example, if I had my attacker with mentallity high up on attacking, and the team mentality set to defensive, does the fact I have set the individual players mentality means that that player ignores the team instruction, keeping with his original mentality level or does it just influence his set mentality, and have a slightly more defensive mentality (ie set mentaility is combination of both).

Anyone know?

I've often wondered this myself.

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Have a question about FM tactics and are afraid it will be flamed or ignored if you open a thread?

Write it in here and hopefully one of our many members will find time to provide an answer.

Only just bought FM09 and everthing is going ok played a couple of matches, but I can't seem to get the 3D screen as it shows on the box. Is there a 'How to' thread on the forum?

Cheers, Davejey

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another question I have is to do with Affiliated Clubs.

If i am with a club that has many affiliated clubs, but no benefits, what's really the point? Perfect example are Australian A-League teams. I played a game with Adelaide, and some teams are just on the list without having any benefits to my club?

Also, if Im playing with bigger clubs, like say Barcelona, can I manually look for feeder clubs?


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Not sure where to post this but I guess here will do.

Could there be a sub forum for people who want to post their tactics. I have zero interest in these topics and imagine other people feel the same way yet they clutter up the board.

I do enjoy the theory discussions a lot.

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OK, so I'm not much of a tactical genuis so I tend to download tactics and put them into the folder to allow me to use them in the game. Usually, I have no problems with this. However, with the FM10 demo when I download a tactic into My Computer -> C: -> Program Files -> Sports Interactive -> Football Manager 2010 Demo -> data -> tactics and load up the game there's no sign of the tactic in the tactics folder.

Any ideas why this isn't working?

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Try putting them in the corresponding directory in My Documents.

I have a question. Is it possible to re-enter the tactics creator once you have created a tactic in order to tweak it or do you have to do it manually by using team/player instructions?

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Do I have to use youth and goalkeeping coaches?

If I have senior squad coaches with decent stats can I assign them to keepers or youth instead or as well?

I'm managing leyton orient which allows only 4 coaches. At the moment I have 1 assman, 1 general coach, 1 GK coach and 1 youth coach.

Ideally I would like to have 1 assman and 3 general coaches as long as it doesn't create problems later or with controlling the squads. I notice that the youth training appears to be completely seperate .I could use some advice before I start hiring and firing

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How do I sign young players (under-18s) to my squad. Im playing with Barcelona and Im

keen to sign young talent from across the world (lets just say, since i love the underdog, I wanna sign a Djibouti player, a Brazilian player and a Slovenian player, which are all 16 years old). In actual fact, i found a player in Argentina that was highly recommended. I payed 4.3M for him, but since he is 16, i get him in 2 years. Now, Im assuming that his Argentine team does not have the same traning facilities as does my Barcelona, so WHY do i have to wait for those two years.

FIFA rules. My understanding is that players under 18 are not allowed to move countries, except within the EU (so I'd assume your Slovenian should be OK). Someone else correct me if I've got that wrong.

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In FM09 we had to drag the list of target men / playmakers into a box under team instructions. Is that still something you need to do in FM10 as I can't find the list anywhere now ! Or is it automatic after setting someones role to target man ?

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In FM09 we had to drag the list of target men / playmakers into a box under team instructions. Is that still something you need to do in FM10 as I can't find the list anywhere now ! Or is it automatic after setting someones role to target man ?

Go to team instructions. At the bottom of the screen it has 3 boxes - playmaker, target man, target man supply. Tick the target man box and then you select which position. I think this year is more about selecting a position to be target man rather than a certain player.

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I suppose this counts as a training question:

I have this keeper - I'm sure you've all heard of him by now - Alphonse Areola. For him to develop, he needs to have a higher Determination stat and the only for that to go up is by tutoring. Now he's only 17, and I have two other goalkeepers. So why is it that when I got to his Player Interaction screen, I do not have an option of saying he should be tutored by someone or the option to even select a player to link him with? It's quite annoying considering he won't develop into the keeper he can be with such a low Determination stat. I don't know if it's because he was tutored by Fabiasnki in the first season which in the end didn't work out, or what, I just don't know. I though players could be tutored by two people?

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I have a real problem with shots on target....only about 20% at most go on target.....often resulting in 2 or 3 on target after 12 or so shots. I even made most of my players shot from distance rarely and that has made no difference.

So annoying....dont know if anyone else has this problem or a good solution.....(i am newcastle btw so i cant afford new strikers yet)

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Another question I have is to do with Affiliated Clubs.

If i am with a club that has many affiliated clubs, but no benefits, what's really the point? Perfect example are Australian A-League teams. I played a game with Adelaide, and some teams are just on the list without having any benefits to my club?

Also, if Im playing with bigger clubs, like say Barcelona, can I manually look for feeder clubs?



- buying regens from feeder clubs at low prices.

- sending your own players on loans. especially useful if you have youngsters nobody wants to loan because your feeder clubs will always accept any loans.

- extending your scouting knowledge. the scouting knowledge of your feeder club is added to your scouting knowledge pool

You can search for feeder clubs manually later on in the game, after a few seasons with your club - at least that is how it was in FM09. When searching for feeders I usually look for teams, which lead to increase in merchandise sales. You pay them around £1 mil a year and get about £10 a year from merchandise sales.

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