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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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OK, king of all questions involving stupidity here. I'm actually embarrassed writing this... how high should I be looking to set the overall training workload? Medium? High? Should I just keep pushing up on the general schedule until the players complain and use that as a guide?

What I have found that works best is to create new schedules for each position, i. e. GK, CB, FB, DMF, MF, WG, AMC, and ST. For each schedule, have the slider stop at the right end of "medium". If you go to heavy, the players complain and they don't perform well in games due to being fatigued. Hope this helps.

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What I have found that works best is to create new schedules for each position, i. e. GK, CB, FB, DMF, MF, WG, AMC, and ST. For each schedule, have the slider stop at the right end of "medium". If you go to heavy, the players complain and they don't perform well in games due to being fatigued. Hope this helps.

It really depends on your facilities, the quality of your coaches and the physical and mental attributes of the player though. I'd say it is impossible to recommend a general training level to put all of your players at. It is a balancing act really. More determined players, and players with higher values in "natural fitness" will more likely respond well to a heavier training intensity. Moreover, it isn't really worth it to put 30-year olds on intense training schedules since they take longer to heal and are less likely to experience CA increases.

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OK, here's a stupid question.

I have a full back who just won't unlearn the "Dives Into Tackles" PPM in the last month he's ended up not getting paid due to 2 red cards due to violent 2 footed tackles.

What would happen if I can get him to learn the "Does Not Dive Into Tackles" PPM?

Would he stay on his feet more often?

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Does CA develop continually (ie fluidly), or does it update at certain point(s) in the season? Ie if a player starts a season with a 150 CA and a 180 PA, when will his CA change to reflect training influences, match time, tutoring, etc?

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During the game when my ass. man says teams play a defensive formation I normally do the oppsite ie attacking.

However in game they might change to either a slightly more offensive style or attacking style. Does that mean their formation has changed or just mentality.

How do you know when they change formation in game?

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I apologize if this has been answered already, tried a quick skim through on some of the pages but didn't see it.

I am using Tugs training at the moment. I bought in Diego Renan in July 09. He is a defender/wing back Right and Left. His natural position is Right back. He can play Left back but he is only accomplished in that area. I put him on full back training from tugs schedules and I put him on defender left under new schedule. Positional ability said accomplished at the time. I left it there and roll forward until May 2010, he still only says accomplished.

So my question is, how long does it take? Am I doing anything wrong? Should I be doing anything else? Or does it just take that long?

Secondly, in my first season I bought a lot of 16-17 year olds with good potential. I usually stick them in under 18 and let them play some League Cup/Fa games. But technically not many games. Should I be sending them out on loan to teams in the lower divisions, teams that say that they will be valuable members of the squad, or will they progress better with the under 18s?

Thank you for any help, much appreciated :)

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During the game when my ass. man says teams play a defensive formation I normally do the oppsite ie attacking.

However in game they might change to either a slightly more offensive style or attacking style. Does that mean their formation has changed or just mentality.

How do you know when they change formation in game?

i normally say they changed to a sim style r back to there normal style

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How long do you guys wait before putting a new player into a squad? Do you put him into reserve games for a while before you let him play a league game?

When I sign a player, he's usually to fill a specific gap or cover a weakness, so he usually goes into the squad fairly sharpish. But I'm starting to think that others may do it differently, what's the best rule of thumb for bringing new players into the squad?

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How long do you guys wait before putting a new player into a squad? Do you put him into reserve games for a while before you let him play a league game?

When I sign a player, he's usually to fill a specific gap or cover a weakness, so he usually goes into the squad fairly sharpish. But I'm starting to think that others may do it differently, what's the best rule of thumb for bringing new players into the squad?

I normally give him half a game or last 20-30 mins of game, to get used to squad, system etc...

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Cheers mate, I'll ease them in more.

Just asking as I just signed a great looking AM who I wanted to get the best out of, so I'm being proper meticulous in how I'm handling him.

Try giving him a few games in the reserve squad too, or if you're in pre season, give him a few friendly games to get used to playing first team football. Also, a seperate training schedule which will allow him to comfortably arrive in the first team is desirable. Again, if you're in preseason, the schedule can be intensive but make sure it is light out of pre season or you'll get injuries:thup:

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Probably is a stupid question but; the "wide play" instruction that you can set, does this control a players wide play when he is in control of the ball, or off the ball. If I set a player to "hug touchline" will he do this when he gets the ball by dribbling down the line or will he stay wide when his team mates have the ball.

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I have a number of very stupid questions about team instructions. Their basic workings are only explained very briefly and I feel unable to select my instructions with confidence as I've never fully understood their effects.

For example:-

Counter-Attacking: I've heard conflicting explanations as to how this actually works in practice. Some say it actually makes the team more defensive - that they will only make a meaningful attack when the opposition team is stretched. Is this the only effect the option has? Or will the team come forward and pass quicker/more directly on the counter? And when the opposition are on the ball will the team automatically play deeper? Or do you set these options seperately?

Closing down: Will it just be the opposition player who is on the ball who is hustled and harried or will the entire team press their opposite numbers?

Mentality: How does this affect player behaviour exactly? Their position on the pitch? (but that's already defined by formation, forward runs, etc) Their passing? (There's already a slider for that) The tempo at which they play? (ditto) It's said to affect their willingness to take risks. What sort of risks? Also, if you set, for example, an attacking formation, do you need to set an attacking mentality to go with it? (I think the ai seems to)

Zonal v Man-to-Man Marking: I know how each of these works but what are the benefits/disadvantages of each of these systems? And what situations would make you choose one and not the other?

I hope someone can answer some of these questions that have bothered me for years. By the way, I think this thread is the best on the forum by far. :)

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Hi. I have a problem that when I start a new game I go on a good run of results. Then all of a sudden i just start losing even though i play with the same approach. Can someone tell me why this happens and possibly help me? That would be great.



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Hi. I have a problem that when I start a new game I go on a good run of results. Then all of a sudden i just start losing even though i play with the same approach. Can someone tell me why this happens and possibly help me? That would be great.



The reason is that the AI changes their approach. When you start, the club has a hidden Reputation attribute that fluctuates depending on your level of success. So, for example, let's say you take over Hull. I don't know their starting reputation, but lets say it's 5000. The game recalculates club reputations after a certain amount of time. It used to be once in the middle of the season and again at the start of the next season, but that may have changed. At any rate, let's say you've navigated Hull to 6th place. Because you're success level is well above your reputation, the computer raises your reputation to say 7000 (it won't be that dramatic). Before the re-ranking, a team with a reputation of 5500 may play a Standard or even Attacking strategy against you because they feel they are at least at your level. But now, that same team will likely take a defensive posture against you.

Did that make any sense?

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The reason is that the AI changes their approach. When you start, the club has a hidden Reputation attribute that fluctuates depending on your level of success. So, for example, let's say you take over Hull. I don't know their starting reputation, but lets say it's 5000. The game recalculates club reputations after a certain amount of time. It used to be once in the middle of the season and again at the start of the next season, but that may have changed. At any rate, let's say you've navigated Hull to 6th place. Because you're success level is well above your reputation, the computer raises your reputation to say 7000 (it won't be that dramatic). Before the re-ranking, a team with a reputation of 5500 may play a Standard or even Attacking strategy against you because they feel they are at least at your level. But now, that same team will likely take a defensive posture against you.

Did that make any sense?

Yea, it kind of makes sense. I ll give it a try and let you know what happens. I mean this has been happening to me throughout all the football managers. Thats about the best explanation ive heard so far. I usually take control of higher reputation teams as it. Thats my only concern with your explanation. If you or anyone else has anything to add it would be much appreciated.



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FM09 question:

I was just wondering is there any way to stop a transfer once it has been confirmed. Ie, i offered a contract to a player, he accepted and he is to move during the winter transfer window. Now, can i terminate this agreement in any way? The reason im asking is i had a rather crappy scout doing my scouting during the early season and then when i managed to get a better scout, the player i was looking at was no longer the prized player but rather worthless....


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Stupid question:

When I click on Training, my players form (presumably) is down, all of them have yellow arrows pointing down. It has been like this several weeks. Most of the players are listing "Unhappy with the level of training he is getting" What is wrong? Coaches not good enough?

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Hi everyone,

loooong-time FM uber-addict but I've always been a "role-play" manager and have never really paid attention when people talk about PA and CA. I'm aware of what they are and how high they go, but that's pretty much the extent of my knowledge of them.

Lots of stupid questions...

Is PA permanently fixed or can it change with good/bad tuition?

How much does CA change during a season and during a whole career? Maximums and minimums?

If a player signs for a team with good facilities in his late 20's while his CA is 100 points below his PA, will it be possible for his CA to ever reach his PA?

Is a player's CA updated constantly or is it once per month or once per season?

Thanks in advance,


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Is there like a difference in scoutings reports? I mean, will a scout with a higher rate of Tactial knowledge give better scoutingreports? The scoutingreports on your next opponent that is.

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Playing as Ipswich I get off to a great start and after nine or ten games I am usualy well within the playoffs.

Every single time I get to about game ten and it all goes wrong. I cannot win a game from then on in and usually get sacked another ten to fifteen games later.

I appreciate that it's difficult to say what it might be without you know tactics etc. But given it happens every season is there something im not doing?

Have the opposing teams figured out how to deal with my tactics? Should I shake it up every so often? Change the target man?

Thanks for ANY suggestions


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Ive just found out how to stop becoming complacent against smaller teams. Now im having a problem with being "overawed" by teams with a higher reputation than my own. Does anyone have any idea how to sort this? Any help at all is welcomed.

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Playing as Ipswich I get off to a great start and after nine or ten games I am usualy well within the playoffs.

Every single time I get to about game ten and it all goes wrong. I cannot win a game from then on in and usually get sacked another ten to fifteen games later.

I appreciate that it's difficult to say what it might be without you know tactics etc. But given it happens every season is there something im not doing?

Have the opposing teams figured out how to deal with my tactics? Should I shake it up every so often? Change the target man?

Thanks for ANY suggestions


I used to go through a similar thing. In my opinion its the team talks and press conferences that sort the problem. Your team might not be well disciplined and you may become complacent against smaller teams after a while. Be harsh to your players with your team talks.Theres some good threads in here somewhere that explain team talks well.

Always keep an eye on the match odds so you know what strategy to go out with as well. These are the key points that helped me. Hope it works for you.

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Hi is there any link to good tactics for the non leagues. I know the sensible advice woud be a 4-4-2 direct would could do with reading about successful lower league tactics in more detail. I rmember ther used to be many good tactics and guides to being sucessful in thelower leagues. Are there any for FM10

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I've opened a thread, but it got no replies, so I try again here.

How do I stop my striker(s) from playing wide, almost like Wingers, or even Side Midfielders?

How on earth can they score if they're running along the touchline?

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I've opened a thread, but it got no replies, so I try again here.

How do I stop my striker(s) from playing wide, almost like Wingers, or even Side Midfielders?

How on earth can they score if they're running along the touchline?

Check their setting for Wide Play.

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Hi guys. I'm still new to FM and to soccer, so bear with me please. I'm running a Southampton save and enjoying it very much. We're almost through our first month of our first season of league 1 play. Every time I get to a match and try to submit my selections the game tells me "You have selected X substitutes outside the match squad" (X being the number of subs I selected). But if I just hit OK it lets me continue into the match. What does this mean?

Thanks in advance.

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Has anyone got a link to a guide telling me the most important atributes for each position? I'm asking because my scouts say I have a promising 18 year old, but he's a natural DM and an accomplished CM. His personal section says he's a midfielder but I'm not sure where I want to focus my training.

If his DM attributes are better than the ones needed to be a CM, I'll train him as a DM. And if it's the other way around, I'll train him as a CM.


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