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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Hi everyone,

Is this setup suits for this guy? Or is it a contradiction CMR wit defend duty because I gave him too much attacking mentality, aim is when in possesion using two MC as much as attacking but while defending his good defensive attributes help to cover middle by giving him Defebd duty. Waiting for your ideas?



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I've got a bit of a problem with player search, no players are showing up what so ever, same with all my scout reports, i've probably changed something without realizing, just got no idea how to get it back to normal.


Can anyone help ?

EDIT: Just realized i'm on a transfer embargo (take over in process) would this be the reason behind no players in search ?

Edit: Problem solved, it was the transfer embargo that did this, i feel a right plonker now

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I imagine this has been answered somewhere else, but a quick search didn't find anything particularly useful.

Is there a benefit in having more than one coach training a particular training categeory? For instance, in my current save I have enough coaches so that each category is covered by one coach (Setting aside the GK for now). The star ratings are at either 3 1/2 or 4 stars, which I'm happy with for the time being.

If I then replace a 4* coach with a 5* coach, but have enough coaching 'slots' allowed by the board, is there any benefit in bringing in a second coach? Does it reduce the workload further and provide better player improvements as a result?

(I've been playing FM for years, so I should really know this, so apologies for the silly question).

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I have a question on scouting. I only have the one scout who as JPA 12 and JPP 13 Level of displine 17 determination 15, i Play in the lower leagues, blue square south so the states i think are pretty awsome. I have been looking for players for my first team so my scout has been looking for chaps with current ability ratings.

I signed two guys who the scout had rated 5 stars. lucky for me both was on a free. Once they had joined my club my assistant manager rates them both on 2 and half stars current ability. now im i right in thinking my Assman is a fool, and he is wrong and the scout is right ?

My assman stats are:

Level of displine 10

determination 11



Or is any other reason why the player i signed drop stars when they join.

Thx for the help

I would think you trust the scout's opinion over your AM's given his poor scouting stats. It's one reason I always try and get an AM with scouting stats that are in line with my scouting team as I don't want to have to be second guessing what my AM's reports are saying.

Hi everyone,

Is this setup suits for this guy? Or is it a contradiction CMR wit defend duty because I gave him too much attacking mentality, aim is when in possesion using two MC as much as attacking but while defending his good defensive attributes help to cover middle by giving him Defebd duty. Waiting for your ideas?



By manually changing every setting for this player you've made the role and duty you gave him irrelevant. The only thing that role and duty affects are the players sliders. Override them and they have no effect. I would think with those settings you'll find he's generally too high up the pitch to offer much of a defensive option in front of your back 4. I would have thought he'll end up chasing the opposition's defence and DMC around.

I imagine this has been answered somewhere else, but a quick search didn't find anything particularly useful.

Is there a benefit in having more than one coach training a particular training categeory? For instance, in my current save I have enough coaches so that each category is covered by one coach (Setting aside the GK for now). The star ratings are at either 3 1/2 or 4 stars, which I'm happy with for the time being.

If I then replace a 4* coach with a 5* coach, but have enough coaching 'slots' allowed by the board, is there any benefit in bringing in a second coach? Does it reduce the workload further and provide better player improvements as a result?

(I've been playing FM for years, so I should really know this, so apologies for the silly question).

As far as I know (someone will correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure) but I think the only reason to have more than one coach in a category is to reduce the workload on them. I'm not sure if the overall coaching rating (when you have multiple coaches in one category) is an average of their ratings or if it just takes the higher. If it's an average then having an inferior coach helping a superior coach is actually a bad thing and should only be done if needed to reduce the workload.

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why do i train defend set pieces for over half a season, yet still concede to the same crazy rubbish from set pieces (random player scoring from a header)

and why are my players beahving competly differant away from home. doesnt matter who i play they play terrible.

I can't answer the second question without a lot more detail, I suggest if you want an answer to that you make a separate post giving details of your tactics and formation as per the rules here http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/327822-Asking-For-Help-PLEASE-READ-THIS

As to the first one, the match training only gives a small boost to that area. I'm not expert on set pieces but you need to make sure you have good aerial presence, marking and positioning on your players defending the corners. If your players are good at jumping and strong but with poor heading they'll win the first ball but likely only head it right to the feet of an opposition player on the edge of the box who will then have a good chance to score. That's how I concede most of my set piece goals.

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why are my players beahving competly differant away from home. doesnt matter who i play they play terrible.

I guess they are trying to behave the way you have set them to . The opponent ,on the other hand, is always more aggressive when at home .This gives you the behavior you described .

Even when playing as a big team you must consider altering your strategy a bit for away games

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Hi everyone, just wondered if someone might be able to give me some advice regarding strategy. I have setup 3 formations within my tactic section 4-1-2-2-1 with a standard setup, 4-2-3-1 with a control setup and finally a 4-4-2 with an attacking setup. I thought that by applying 3 different attacking strategys when i changed a strategy in game i wouldn't lose the teams familiarity level of the mentality part of the tactic. Say i am playing with my 4-1-2-2-1 which is a standard strategy setup and i change to attacking all tho the attacking strategy is not setup with this actual 4-1-2-2-1 shape i still seem to lose the mentality team familiarity even tho a tactic with this type of strategy is being trained.

I just thought that as long as a specfic strategy was being trained the teams familiarity level would not be affected if it was changed during the game. Im thinking i might be better perhaps setting up 3 tactics all the same shape but with 3 different strategys

What do you think?

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Hi everyone, just wondered if someone might be able to give me some advice regarding strategy. I have setup 3 formations within my tactic section 4-1-2-2-1 with a standard setup, 4-2-3-1 with a control setup and finally a 4-4-2 with an attacking setup. I thought that by applying 3 different attacking strategys when i changed a strategy in game i wouldn't lose the teams familiarity level of the mentality part of the tactic. Say i am playing with my 4-1-2-2-1 which is a standard strategy setup and i change to attacking all tho the attacking strategy is not setup with this actual 4-1-2-2-1 shape i still seem to lose the mentality team familiarity even tho a tactic with this type of strategy is being trained.

I just thought that as long as a specfic strategy was being trained the teams familiarity level would not be affected if it was changed during the game. Im thinking i might be better perhaps setting up 3 tactics all the same shape but with 3 different strategys

What do you think?

Yes, probably the best option imo.

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I use 3 CMs in my current formation. One of them should stay closer to the defense. I think I could achieve that by lowering his mentality, right? The other two are supposed to play wider and protect the flanks. How can I get them to do that?

Thanks in advance

Maybe with 'Hug the touchline'?

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When I'm managing a team I usually select teamwork for match preparation at pre-season and keep it until my ass. manager stops saying my players need blending. After that I change it depending on who I'm facing next. My question is: does team blend goes only so far as the ass. manager shows, or there is benefit in keeping teamwork/team cohesion troughout the season and other match preparation only for important matches?

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Hello everybody,

I was just wondering, but this thread is made for really stupid questions so here some of mine. I'm playing for a while now but I still can not have a clear mind about set pieces....and the relation with attributes

1) Set pieces takers

My question is not so stupid...I know that it's better to choose player with high skills in Corner or Free Kick...well I'd like to have my mind clear about other attributes..


IMO Corner taker should be good in Corner,in Technique (The higher the range is, the higher the player can curve the ball)...

Then what's about: Crossing (a corner is or isn't a kind of crossing? And does the corner attributes includes it?)..well is there any interaction in that case) and Passes please?

IMO Crossing needs to be good too.

B/Free kick

IMO also need to includes Long shots, finishing...what's about technique and crossing?

2/ Set pieces offensive Duties.

I'm not looking for a combo as I know that doesn't exist. Let's take away now the fact that I'm not going to talk about Heading attributes but I know that it's one of the first to look for.

Attacking In the near post I'll use player with high level of Anticipation, Off the ball, Agility, Acceleration, Bravery and Strength.

Attacking In the far post or waiting in the near post, in the case I need to play a Corner in the near post : a player with quite the same attributes but just not as good as the first one.

A player with high skills in long shots/finishing/technique : Out of the area

A player with high level of Finishing/ Composure far post: Just in case of a second ball....I think that in that case Positioning and Agression are helping, aren't they?

Does he also need agility .

Anyone else with the best skills in Agression/Bravery/Strenght to disturb the GK, does it really need strength? I think Marking hasn't influence and Positionning might, could anyone help me to clear my mind please?

About the others one I don't really care...the best in Agression/ Jumping/Head in the front of the goal...I think Positionning could be helpful. If not,or out of the area to try to clear the space (I mean IMO defenders will mark them )

The other ones 2 stay behind. With poor level of heading but good defending skills...usually the fullbacks.:rolleyes:

Thanks in advance to help me to clear my mind....If there is any thread about it, please give me the link. Was going to open a new thread, but I've decided not to...as my english is not good enough for this.

3/ One more interaction I was wondering about

Tackling and Technique. IMO a good tackle needs a good technique, is it so IG? Or tackle IG is just a matter of Strenght, Agressivity, Courage and Decision?


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hi everyone,

this is my MC® and as the screenshot shows he's sitting deep on the middle of the park however I want him to spend his time by creating chances in the redzone I made it bymyself in photoshop. what settings keeps him deep I couldn't find and for you here is the screenshot of his settings. Please advice. I assume his own area-closing down setting keep him deep on the heat map.



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hi everyone,

this is my MC® and as the screenshot shows he's sitting deep on the middle of the park however I want him to spend his time by creating chances in the redzone I made it bymyself in photoshop. what settings keeps him deep I couldn't find and for you here is the screenshot of his settings. Please advice. I assume his own area-closing down setting keep him deep on the heat map.

The cynic in me tells me I should just say this and be done: 'if you don't know the answer to your own question then you shouldn't be tweaking instructions as heavily as you are'.

However, I'm not very cynical (the above quote is true though) ;)

If you think of Runs From Deep as Forward Runs then the instruction makes more sense (for me anyway). What you're doing is keeping him deep (well, you're not actually but thats the short story).

The closing down will have some affect on his overall positioning but it won't be keeping him deep, normally players like to close down those opposition infront of them so they'll move forward usually when closing down and your closing down isnt that low to keep him passive most of the time.

The attacking mentality will drag him forward of course but positioning is a lot more than just mentality. For a start, positioning relates to space. If you're playing narrow then the AMR may tuck in and cramp that space so there will be less room to move forward. If you're playing deep then everyone will be deeper.

My biggest advise would be to use a more standard TC roles, but, barring that, have a look at your forward runs setting and the settings of the other 'front 6' players, their positioning will affect the guy you're wanting to change.

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The cynic in me tells me I should just say this and be done: 'if you don't know the answer to your own question then you shouldn't be tweaking instructions as heavily as you are'.

However, I'm not very cynical (the above quote is true though) ;)

If you think of Runs From Deep as Forward Runs then the instruction makes more sense (for me anyway). What you're doing is keeping him deep (well, you're not actually but thats the short story).

The closing down will have some affect on his overall positioning but it won't be keeping him deep, normally players like to close down those opposition infront of them so they'll move forward usually when closing down and your closing down isnt that low to keep him passive most of the time.

The attacking mentality will drag him forward of course but positioning is a lot more than just mentality. For a start, positioning relates to space. If you're playing narrow then the AMR may tuck in and cramp that space so there will be less room to move forward. If you're playing deep then everyone will be deeper.

My biggest advise would be to use a more standard TC roles, but, barring that, have a look at your forward runs setting and the settings of the other 'front 6' players, their positioning will affect the guy you're wanting to change.

I got your point but if the opposition team closing him down heavily, so he lay passes but stay deep because of the heavy press or is this another issue?

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I got your point but if the opposition team closing him down heavily, so he lay passes but stay deep because of the heavy press or is this another issue?

Yes this is perfectly possible. The shape of the opposition will have an effect (as it should) on the shape of your team.

But if he is consistently too deep then it is something that either the player or your instructions are creating.

What I forgot to mention is check his PPM's. Some players like to stay deep and that is just their preferred style of play.

I suspect in your case that with 4 aggressive, high, attacking players your midfielders will be mindful of leaving your defence exposed (as they should be) so this will further restrict his enthusiasm to move forward.

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Yes this is perfectly possible. The shape of the opposition will have an effect (as it should) on the shape of your team.

But if he is consistently too deep then it is something that either the player or your instructions are creating.

What I forgot to mention is check his PPM's. Some players like to stay deep and that is just their preferred style of play.

I suspect in your case that with 4 aggressive, high, attacking players your midfielders will be mindful of leaving your defence exposed (as they should be) so this will further restrict his enthusiasm to move forward.

Thank you furiousuk :) problem is heavy press when I check the match report it is obvious also I changed his ''run with ball rare to sometimes'' it helped.

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Ok here's a stupid question. How can I learn more about football? Specifically, how would you teach an alien from another planet enough about football that they could develop tactics and style in Football Manager? Some background: I live and grew up in the USA. The only playing experience I have is recreation-league U10s, so the extent of the coaching I've received is along the lines of "don't look at the ball when you dribble". I've been able to pick up a fair bit from watching World Cups, playing FIFA, etc., but the focus of these sources is entertainment, not education. I'm really enjoying FM13 so far, but I don't understand the game well enough to know why what I'm doing on the field is wrong or right (I can handle the office-side of management well enough though). I'd love to (eventually) get to the point where I can develop my own tactics and style of play, and diagnose my own problems. Can anyone recommend some good sources?

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Ok here's a stupid question. How can I learn more about football?

Have a look through the links thread stickied to the top of this forum. Great resource for FM but all of the more verbose threads linked to have a healthy portion attributed to real-life football - some of the threads could infact omit the FM related stuff and just be great posts on football in general.

Beyond that have a look at zonalmarking.net. Michael has loads of great articles on there (about real-life football), most with a heavy tactical slant.

There's loads of sites out there, and some good books too. Have a trawl through a bookstore (or amazon) for references to football tactics. Football has a heavy tactical slant so there's loads of pretty dry involved books on the subject - try and look for the fun ones!

Oh, almost forgot to mention, you'll get a decent response in here so post away when you get stuck! With FM it's all about diving in and watching what happens.

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I am halfway through season and just noticed that some of my players are complaining about "level of training he is getting" (https://www.dropbox.com/s/33tbcexnuagc4l6/training02.jpg). At least couple of weeks ago (game time) none had that status text. What causes this? My team training is set up like this https://www.dropbox.com/s/iukwsgjei136zad/training01.jpg Can't be due to amount of training because that status text is "unhappy with the workload" or can it?

edit: To answer my own stupid question: Yes, it is the ammount of training they are getting... It's too little :D Mental note to check backroom advice before posting stupid questions

edit2: When I give the unhappy players heavy individual focus, their workload changes to heavy. Is this bad? I don't want to overtrain my players (especially as the guys complaining are my key players)

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Is this tactic? I seriously need help. I've tried so much and It just seems like no matter what I do it just wont work. I've read so much and really tried put it into my tactic.

I feel like giving up soon on this game. :/

I've only looked at this screenie and, in the spirit of simplicity, there is nothing wrong with that tactic. (keep an eye on the poacher though)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have question that regards the playing style, or better the difference between rigid and fluid. Let's say I have my team and two set-ups, formation, player's roles and duties, strategy, passing style etc. All alike. The only difference between the two would be once the team would have fluid style, while the other time it would be rigid. What would be the difference while playing?

I have read the description, about players taking part in more (or less) phases etc. But I just cannot imagine it.

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Hello! I was searching for something I want to try myself but can't find the answer:

Is there a way to let my ass man take charge of generic training and not only pre-match preparation? I want him to take care of all the training including the area, the level for all the teams of my club...just to check it out if he can do better than me somehow and what improvement he could achieve compared to my work throughout a whole season. Thanks alot for your cooperation. :-)


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Hello! I was searching for something I want to try myself but can't find the answer:

Is there a way to let my ass man take charge of generic training and not only pre-match preparation? I want him to take care of all the training including the area, the level for all the teams of my club...just to check it out if he can do better than me somehow and what improvement he could achieve compared to my work throughout a whole season. Thanks alot for your cooperation. :-)


After you click on training, click on individual training, then there is an option to let the ass man decides what to train. Some players may be on 'none' after using that option, just scroll and check.

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One quick question, do player preffered moves override the tactical instructions given?

For example, if i have a left winger with ppm ''dribbles past te left side of the pitch'' and i give him the instruction ''cut inside'', what would he do?

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One quick question, do player preffered moves override the tactical instructions given?

For example, if i have a left winger with ppm ''dribbles past te left side of the pitch'' and i give him the instruction ''cut inside'', what would he do?

He will still do both.

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I have 3 questions I'd like to enquire about.

1) What do you all change/do when your tactics become stale or should I say ''second season syndrome'' occurs? When the space you had in the first season is barely there?When teams play you more cautiously and try to play on the counter more. I still have all the possession in the world but my space and chances have vanished. What should I change? Strategy? Player Instructions? I'd like to know what you all think and how do you all plan/prepare for the next season?

2) How do you deny space to a striker who is exploiting the space in the channels? I recently came up against Spain in FM 12 versus Switzerland and we played quite well but couldn't convert the chances we had , the only problem I had was that I had problems against Bojan who likes to move into the channels. On about 3 occasions he drifted into the channels to create chances for Spain because Silva had supplied him with the ball while cutting inside and providing that dangerous diagonal ball. So I was wondering how you'd stop this?

3) How would you nuliffy inside forwards such as Robben, Ribery, Silva , Iniesta etc. ?

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

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Question regarding learning new positions, and losing the newly acquired position.

M'vila is a DMC by default, I use him as a central midfielder so I retrained him to be a CM. He became accomplished in that position after a while. I decided to teach him a PPM, which took up a decent amount of his training, so I stopped teaching him how to be a CM while he was learning the new PPM.

Unfortunately, despite playing as a CM every week, he dropped down to being "competent" in the position. This doesn't really make any sense, but it's something I'll have to remember.

However, my question is the following: If you retrain a player's position, and he becomes "natural" in the new position, can you safely stop training the position without him regressing back to "accomplished" or even "competent?"

Logically, it should be fine, since the player is now a natural in the position, but I have some doubts seeing as M'vila regressed from "Accomplished" to "competent" despite continuing to play as a CM.

Thanks :)

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Question regarding learning new positions, and losing the newly acquired position.

M'vila is a DMC by default, I use him as a central midfielder so I retrained him to be a CM. He became accomplished in that position after a while. I decided to teach him a PPM, which took up a decent amount of his training, so I stopped teaching him how to be a CM while he was learning the new PPM.

Unfortunately, despite playing as a CM every week, he dropped down to being "competent" in the position. This doesn't really make any sense, but it's something I'll have to remember.

However, my question is the following: If you retrain a player's position, and he becomes "natural" in the new position, can you safely stop training the position without him regressing back to "accomplished" or even "competent?"

Logically, it should be fine, since the player is now a natural in the position, but I have some doubts seeing as M'vila regressed from "Accomplished" to "competent" despite continuing to play as a CM.

Thanks :)

If they continue to play in that position then they should stay natural, if you play them in a different position (even just 1 game) then they can lose natural. I don't think this mechanism has changed recently, and it is annoying.

It'll depend also on how adaptable they are to learning new positions - it'll be mainly down to a hidden stat, probably versatility but I'm not sure what all the hidden stats are these days. There's probably a number of stats at work when adapting to a new position.

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Direct Free Kick takers.

I just received a very promising youth through my youth intake, who is going to be a long term fixture in my team.

Question. For direct free kicks, what else apart from the 'Free Kick Taking' attribute should you try to maximize to create a deadball specialist?

Below is his screenshot from the day he entered my youth team. He also has the PPM 'Hits Free Kicks With Power'.


Currently thinking to increase his Long Shots & Technique, but very interested to hear others views on this.

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I'm playing 4-2-3-1 with Arsenal.

I have Ramsey and Arteta in the midfield, both playing AP (support). And I have Cazorla behind the striker, also playing AP (attack).

The team is playing well so far and I had some decent results. However, I'm not sure whether 3 AP's are a good idea.

What do you think?

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is there a way in FM13 to let his pace and acceleration drop so I can increase some other attributes with the then-free CA?

Your best chance is when this guy gets old (say 30 years or older) and he starts dropping his physical attributes due to aging, then depending on training, he could start shifting some of his CA to other attributes, mainly mental ones. Until then, I would focus on improving his strength and his decisions (via role training), and teaching him some awesome PPMs. BTW, he looks like a beast of a player as AMC.

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I'm playing 4-2-3-1 with Arsenal.

I have Ramsey and Arteta in the midfield, both playing AP (support). And I have Cazorla behind the striker, also playing AP (attack).

The team is playing well so far and I had some decent results. However, I'm not sure whether 3 AP's are a good idea.

What do you think?

Nothing wrong with 3 AP's (I've used 4 before!) but I think in your case you'd need to watch very carefully the movement of the midfield 2. All players can probably play the role (AP isn't actually particularly demanding and so long as the player is smart they'll play it well) but, for me, the midfield 2 should be holding (preferably deep) in nature and I don't think AP provides this. 2 DLP's with Cazorla as an AP sounds good and is functionally very similar though. Just a thought.

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