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I also set my players creative freedom between 3 and 6 for all players but non the less most of the time my team just started to hammer the ball forward every time we got it back.

The strange thing was that even after I was leading with 3 goals I played direct attacking game while Atletico was passing the ball around the back keeping possession and a sensational 91% passes completed.

So maybe anyone can help me see flaw in my tactic to why I'm not able to keep possession?

Low creative freedom means you aren't harnessing the full power of all those awesome players hence why your players may be lost for an option and end up hoofing it upfield (they are probably quite predictable of movement and so struggle to create space particularly as you are packing the central area with players). The target-man instruction no doubt exacerbated this problem but I would imagine it might still exist without TM selected.

I would guess Atletico are farting around with it at the back because that is where the space is. If you use normal or low closing down then their defenders will be under no immediate pressure and there won't be many options further forward anyway as you pack that central area.

I guess at 6-0 you'd be tempted to say why do you need to change anything? Unless it is just a test of what is possible, in which case the scoreline becomes irrelevant anyway.

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Low creative freedom means you aren't harnessing the full power of all those awesome players hence why your players may be lost for an option and end up hoofing it upfield (they are probably quite predictable of movement and so struggle to create space particularly as you are packing the central area with players). The target-man instruction no doubt exacerbated this problem but I would imagine it might still exist without TM selected.

I would guess Atletico are farting around with it at the back because that is where the space is. If you use normal or low closing down then their defenders will be under no immediate pressure and there won't be many options further forward anyway as you pack that central area.

I guess at 6-0 you'd be tempted to say why do you need to change anything? Unless it is just a test of what is possible, in which case the scoreline becomes irrelevant anyway.

You're right it was just a test since I tried to get as much possession as possible and wanted to condense space between players for easier passing options, then have them move up the field as a compact unit. You are also right that the problem still is there it's not as bad as before but I still struggle even reach 50% possession let alone the 90% passing success I was keen to achieve.

Btw what would be your advice in terms of possession, I mean I know possession isn't really that valuable in FM since I usually play my best attacking games when I only have 4x% of possession since my team is always going forward but still it's a major annoyance that even for a test I can't achieve high possession no matter what settings.

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Pass to feet, retain possession, work ball into box all increase my possession. Pushing higher up further compacts the pitch and can be helpful. As can hassle the opponents to win it back. Some games you just won't get as much though, if a team wanted to play possession against Barca and managed to evade their heavy pressing game then Barca would have less possession even though they would still be an excellent passing team and might even win the game 6-0.

Your players need to be well blended,, I think favoured personel helps (this is just an educated guess though). Your players need outstanding anticipation, positioning (yes this helps possession), off the ball, decisions, work rate, teamwork & creativity as well as technique, passing & first touch to keep the ball (strength & balance is also helpful - a demanding list of attributes). Any player without these may be a liability if possession is your sole objective (my top player is dreadful at keeping possession as all he wants to do is dribble & shoot but regularly scores around 30 league goals a season from AMR). Your players also need to be adept at winning back the ball so they need work rate, stamina, tackling, anticipation, decisions & positioning as well.

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Pass to feet, retain possession, work ball into box all increase my possession. Pushing higher up further compacts the pitch and can be helpful. As can hassle the opponents to win it back. Some games you just won't get as much though, if a team wanted to play possession against Barca and managed to evade their heavy pressing game then Barca would have less possession even though they would still be an excellent passing team and might even win the game 6-0.

Your players need to be well blended,, I think favoured personel helps (this is just an educated guess though). Your players need outstanding anticipation, positioning (yes this helps possession), off the ball, decisions, work rate, teamwork & creativity as well as technique, passing & first touch to keep the ball (strength & balance is also helpful - a demanding list of attributes). Any player without these may be a liability if possession is your sole objective (my top player is dreadful at keeping possession as all he wants to do is dribble & shoot but regularly scores around 30 league goals a season from AMR). Your players also need to be adept at winning back the ball so they need work rate, stamina, tackling, anticipation, decisions & positioning as well.

Hey furiousuk thanks your constant help always informative to read your posts.

The thing is I got my possession form around 4x% to around 6x% and passing most of the games above 85% through well just building the same tactic I used before with modern tactics. I still used the classic tactics most of the time until now but there seams to be a lot of difference in the way they play while still having the same settings for team and players.

One of the major differences seams to be that the players actually go for the back passing option if there is no better option available something that I never saw while playing a classic tactic they either took a run or played a through ball even though I set through balls and running with ball to rarely.

This is pretty surprising for me at least because I never thought the differences in how those two tactic styles perform would be that big.

One other question that I have is about the player roles let's see if someone can answer this.

Does the player role you chose influences the way your player behaves on the field even though you adjust all other settings manually? For example I play Messi as a Trequartista up front but have all his settings adjusted to what I think works best for him, now if I change his role to Poacher and leave all the other settings as they are would I still see a change in his behavior? Would he instead of dropping deep and playing through balls to the inside forwards now try to break the offside trap and look to just score instead of passing?

Or would his playing style be just the same as before because the role is just a preset for his settings?

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I think that if you manually adjust all settings in advanced tab, you will not see a difference when you change the player role. Those manual settings are overriding the default ones. IMO even the shouts won't have any effect.

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i think this qualifies as a stupid question but i HAVE done a search and read all the stickies and still cant find my answer, so here goes: how do i upload a tactic? i'm playing a very bizarre (?) 41311 and someone's requested i upload it so they can try it out but i've never uploaded a tactic and have no idea how to go about it........


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If you don't have your own webspace then I think you can upload it to a file sharing site (a quick google search will work for finding one). I believe there are a number of free options and there will be instructions about how to then create a link to your uploaded file.

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If you don't have your own webspace then I think you can upload it to a file sharing site (a quick google search will work for finding one). I believe there are a number of free options and there will be instructions about how to then create a link to your uploaded file.

thanks i'll give it a try. i seem to remember something called "imageshack" being mentioned before, i'll google that.

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Guest nik1313

I cant find the way that my professionalism improves. i dont know if anyone follows his profile's stats during his career- you know with fmscout- I mean, i know what drops the professionalism stat, but i didn't find for FM2011 what were the actions to raise it. no way i could find it.anyone please?

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I cant find the way that my professionalism improves. i dont know if anyone follows his profile's stats during his career- you know with fmscout- I mean, i know what drops the professionalism stat, but i didn't find for FM2011 what were the actions to raise it. no way i could find it.anyone please?

I'm guessing it would change depending on your media and player interactions - i.e. after a loss you congratulate the other manager and say something along the lines that 'the other team were better on the day'. Same with player interactions.

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Hiya guys; kinda funny that my first post will be a stupid question, but oh well, here goes:

Since there are so many people here that have gone into awe-inspiring detail on FM's mechanics and since the same people that are making FM made the legendary CM3, do you guys know if some of the player attribute stuff described on these message-boards holds true for CM3 as well? I'm affiliated to a CM3 updating team and I'd appreciate it immensely if someone could be of help :) Thank you.

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can someone plees tell me good training schedule??

All shedules are aqually good. The difference is in what you want yourt players to learn. I can gice you the ones i created, but there's no sense to it if you ask your players totally different things on the pitch. Maybe you can tell what you're looking for whit a bit more detail?

Wich roles do your players have, what is your standard formation, what is your phylosophy,...?

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All shedules are aqually good. The difference is in what you want yourt players to learn. I can gice you the ones i created, but there's no sense to it if you ask your players totally different things on the pitch. Maybe you can tell what you're looking for whit a bit more detail?

Wich roles do your players have, what is your standard formation, what is your phylosophy,...?

philosophy: rigid

strategy: control

formation: 4-2-3-1 deep (gk goalkeeper defend, drl ful back support, dc defender defend, dmc defensive midfielder support, amrl winger attack(but set to cut inside so finishing is important), amc trequartista attack, st complete forward)

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4231 pack.tsh

there you have it

Pre Seasons would be obvious

Fitness is used when players are returning from injury until they are match fit again (this helps them not to lose too many physical atributes)

GK: Goalkeepers

DC: Central Defenders

FB/WB: Full Backs

DM/MC: Defensive Midfielders

MC/PM: Playmaking Midfielders

AM: Attacking Midfielder (scorer)

TQ: trequartista

IF: Inside Forward

WGR: Winger

PO: Poacher

TM: Targetman

Note that the tactical attributes are given the most consideration throughout the team.

Good Luck!

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Anyone know why my scouts are not able to scout certain countries some of the time? I know that they can go to these countries because I can see in their scouting history.. Is there an enforced minimum wait between scouting the same country twice?


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What situations do you change your defensive roles in terms of cover, stopper and defend.

I play defend vs 2 strikers or 1 defend and 1 stopper vs 1 striker?

Am I doing it right, or can anyone think of better ways to evaluate when.

Against a faster striker I'd have one defend and one cover making sure the cover defender matches up against the fast striker...if both strikers are fast then a deeper defensive line...if the strikers are slow compared to your defenders I use defend+stopper

the stopper/defend/cover instruction just affects pressing I think so you can also manually adjust pressing if you want

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I play a 4-2-3-1 with Lille in the FM 12 Demo, i got a good team, and i seem to score lots of goals but my tactic feels weak in defense, i would like some suggestions to improve my defense.

Edit: I observed that i seem to dominate the teams that play 4-4-2, the teams that play the same tactic as me or other variations i have problems with them.

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Thanks, can they be saved, for future use on the same formation? (to save time)

It's a strange one actually and I wish they could be saved.

With FM10 I used the same OI's every match because in the lower leagues, 90% of the time I was facing 4-4-2, they somehow managed to "stick". That's to say, I'd go to the OI screen and they'd already be set.

Now as far as I can remember, there wasn't a way to save the OI's in FM10. So how they managed to be pre-set each match, I'll never know. I also remember asking one of the SI guys if they knew how I'd done it. They didn't know either and couldn't replicate it. So it might simply have been a glitch... albeit a very useful and time saving one! :D

The option to save positional OI's would be very useful indeed, for those that prefer to set them that way. I would quite like to be able to save standard OI's I tend to use against certain formations, which I then tweak a little to account for specific individual players, who I feel deserve a little "extra" attention.

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It's a strange one actually and I wish they could be saved.

With FM10 I used the same OI's every match because in the lower leagues, 90% of the time I was facing 4-4-2, they somehow managed to "stick". That's to say, I'd go to the OI screen and they'd already be set.

Now as far as I can remember, there wasn't a way to save the OI's in FM10. So how they managed to be pre-set each match, I'll never know. I also remember asking one of the SI guys if they knew how I'd done it. They didn't know either and couldn't replicate it. So it might simply have been a glitch... albeit a very useful and time saving one! :D

The option to save positional OI's would be very useful indeed, for those that prefer to set them that way. I would quite like to be able to save standard OI's I tend to use against certain formations, which I then tweak a little to account for specific individual players, who I feel deserve a little "extra" attention.

If you ever find out be sure to let me know. (still on FM10)

I was very pleasantly surprised when someone mentioned Positional OIs were an option in FM12, maybe there will be an option to save them in FM13 which, hopefully, will be the next version I get. :(

At least you won't have to keep as close an eye on the Oppo. formation for subs and positional changes, particularly the crazy changes some AI managers make when trying to rescue a match!

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If you ever find out be sure to let me know. (still on FM10)

I was very pleasantly surprised when someone mentioned Positional OIs were an option in FM12, maybe there will be an option to save them in FM13 which, hopefully, will be the next version I get. :(

At least you won't have to keep as close an eye on the Oppo. formation for subs and positional changes, particularly the crazy changes some AI managers make when trying to rescue a match!

Unfortunately they don't seem to work properly or I'm doing something wrong...early days though

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when we playing with playmaker (advanced playmaker attack) must we put player in the playmaker box?? what is diference if we have player (advanced playmaker) but not selected him in the team instruction? is good or bad or what can someone explaine plisss a litle

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when we playing with playmaker (advanced playmaker attack) must we put player in the playmaker box?? what is diference if we have player (advanced playmaker) but not selected him in the team instruction? is good or bad or what can someone explaine plisss a litle

You don't have to tick the playmaker box. The playmaker role sets up a series of instructions for that player (there is nothing wrong with 2/3/4 playmakers in a team).

If you tick the playmaker box then all the other players will be more likely to pass to the designated playmaker. If it is unticked then they'll be free to pass wherever they want (there might be someone in a better position than the playmaker).

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You don't have to tick the playmaker box. The playmaker role sets up a series of instructions for that player (there is nothing wrong with 2/3/4 playmakers in a team).

If you tick the playmaker box then all the other players will be more likely to pass to the designated playmaker. If it is unticked then they'll be free to pass wherever they want (there might be someone in a better position than the playmaker).

thanks for that :)

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It's a strange one actually and I wish they could be saved.

With FM10 I used the same OI's every match because in the lower leagues, 90% of the time I was facing 4-4-2, they somehow managed to "stick". That's to say, I'd go to the OI screen and they'd already be set.

Now as far as I can remember, there wasn't a way to save the OI's in FM10. So how they managed to be pre-set each match, I'll never know. I also remember asking one of the SI guys if they knew how I'd done it. They didn't know either and couldn't replicate it. So it might simply have been a glitch... albeit a very useful and time saving one! :D

The option to save positional OI's would be very useful indeed, for those that prefer to set them that way. I would quite like to be able to save standard OI's I tend to use against certain formations, which I then tweak a little to account for specific individual players, who I feel deserve a little "extra" attention.

The oi's you have set (in fm11, don't know about the 12 demo, haven't tried this yet) get saved when during a match you set your oi's in tactics, then re-ssave your existing tactic during the game, making sure not to change the tactic name, so it completely overwrites your former tactic, including your opposition instructions.

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Yeah I realised that, just thought I'd try here on the off chance, to avoid adding what would quickly become another pointless thread, just to ask a question. Maybe there should be a thread like this in each forum. Thanks anyway.

No, ask in the correct forum that's why we have different forums.

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I feel a bit embarrassed asking this, but I guess this is the perfect place to ask! I currently have an exceptionally fast and physical player in my team, but who has limited technical ability. What I wanted to clarify is this; do the stats for 'pace' and 'acceleration' only really apply to running without the ball (ie the players pure physical ability when running without the ball). And if so, what other stats should I be looking at to determine his ability to 'run fast' with the ball? I was thinking; dribbling, technique, balance and possibly things like determination and work rate. The reason I ask this is that I quite often see him get caught/or fail to get away from defenders that (based purely on physical stats) would appear to have no business being able to keep up with him. I think I know the answer to this, but I'm essentially asking for confirmation. cheers.

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I feel a bit embarrassed asking this, but I guess this is the perfect place to ask! I currently have an exceptionally fast and physical player in my team, but who has limited technical ability. What I wanted to clarify is this; do the stats for 'pace' and 'acceleration' only really apply to running without the ball (ie the players pure physical ability when running without the ball). And if so, what other stats should I be looking at to determine his ability to 'run fast' with the ball? I was thinking; dribbling, technique, balance and possibly things like determination and work rate. The reason I ask this is that I quite often see him get caught/or fail to get away from defenders that (based purely on physical stats) would appear to have no business being able to keep up with him. I think I know the answer to this, but I'm essentially asking for confirmation. cheers.

no pace and acceleration will also apply when running with the ball...you could add anticipation, off-the-ball, first touch and strength to your list I should think...I remember SFraser talking in detail about this very subject, possibly in his Meet the Striker thread

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very stupid question that i cannot seem to find anywhere. how do you ask a player to train for a different position? As in AMC to AMR/L.

Go to a players profile, click the training tab and you can choose train new position there :)

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Thankyou for that :) can they say no they dont wan't to train there or will they just accept my managerial decision?

I've had players — especially older ones — being unhappy with having to learn a new position. But I'm guessing poor hidden attributes would be a factor in this. The only way to know for sure is to start positional training and check on his training happiness after a couple of weeks.

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Okay I'm struggling with a few basic issues with the new interface. Firstly, Managing tactics. The Manual says this should be on the top right and should allow me to save/import etc with tactics. I don't see that tab though in the bar on the left, under the selected tactic clicking 'options,' seems to have the same effect.

More importantly, under Team instructions I cannot find the 'Show Advanced Instructions,' button. Which is absolutely infuriating as I cannot tweak passing distance etc beyond the available defaults. Looked in vain for screenshots and the manual is useless. Any help would be appreciated.


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