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Match preparation - some people claim, that once you reach fluid on everything, it can be set to very low, as the intensity doesn't have any influence on the match performance. Others tell the opposite, some of them advising to keep it at very high throughout the season. Who's right? Is there any hard evidence what exactly does this setting do? Oo

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i have stupid question since long time :p

does anyone can make tiki taka possesion football( barca ) in TC version ??

coz all i get is they make it in classic version (always)


I told you before use the search or look in the download centre up top. There are many tactics in there that claim to be tika taka.

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Match preparation - some people claim, that once you reach fluid on everything, it can be set to very low, as the intensity doesn't have any influence on the match performance. Others tell the opposite, some of them advising to keep it at very high throughout the season. Who's right? Is there any hard evidence what exactly does this setting do? Oo

Who says keep it high throughout the season? Those people who claim this are wrong. It uses a massive amount of training % having it on high, meaning you'd be taking away valuable training time from the players.

Once you have everything fluid you can set it on very low if you wish to do so.

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Ok, that makes sense. Go check out the tactics upload/download section. Some of the 'master tacticians' there often stress, sometimes using a font this big, that it is crucial to keep the match preparation high for the tactic to work. I felt that's nonsense and thanks for reassuring me.

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Ok, that makes sense. Go check out the tactics upload/download section. Some of the 'master tacticians' there often stress, sometimes using a font this big, that it is crucial to keep the match preparation high for the tactic to work. I felt that's nonsense and thanks for reassuring me.

There not master tacticians if they tell people to do that :D

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I have one stupid question about the tactical setting of my "prima punta" (my poacher) in a Milanesque 4-2-1-1-2:

AF/DLF(a) P(a)



DMC(s) DMC(s)

FB(s) CD© CD(s) FB(s)

I sometimes play the AF/DLP on the left center position in attack (with roaming, moving into channels and high creative freedom) and the poacher in the center (with no roaming, no moving into channels, low creative freedom and mentality on maximum) while the AP/T (also put on roam from position and with high creative freedom but no moving into channels) is moved on the AMCR position.

The AF/DLP and the AP/T are working fine for me but i'm not sure what to do with the poacher.

Would it be better to put him to "move into channels" or should i make sure that he allways sticks to his center position?

I should probably also mention that my poacher is quite bad at passing/crossing and dribbling but he is fast, with good technique and is a good finisher with high flair and anticipation and high composure and determination with a fairly professional personality.

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I have a question and thought the best place to ask would be in here.

Is it possible to play a high line with a slow defence? I'm PSG in 1st season and they have slow defenders but mentally good.

Yups if the players are mentally good :)

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My 4-3-1-2 is not working the way I would like to, I'm wondering if you can give me some tips or ideas :-)

I have recently started game in Italy. I decided for 4-3-1-2 formation, the duties are following DR full-back support, DCs are limited, one stopper and one cover, DL is full-back attack The midfield trio consists of CM attacking, deep laying playmaker defend and Box to Box. Attacking midfielder is AM on attack and in attack I have Poacher and Trequartista.

Now to my problem, I keep on getting goals, usually out of nothing, matches that shots on target are 8-2 end in score 1-2 etc. What should I change / improve to get my defensive work better? Most of conceded goals come from a cross from one side to far post, where my defenders lose the header.

I forgot, I have both MCR and MCL on roam from position and tight marking, as I want them to help the full-back on doubling (or how to say raddoppiare).

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I am playing 4-3-1-2 but with 1 cm and 2 wingers. I can hardly beat much better opponents, but i feel quite goon with similar strengh opponents or a little stronger. My current setup is : 2 CD on defend duty; 2WB\FB depends on match; 1 dlp where mc should be, 2 wingers on attack duty, Poacher and target man\CF. I am always trying to exploit flanks whenether is possible and high tempo. So should i go to 4-2-3-1 instead or try 4-3-1-2 with 3 cm, will it bring increase in perfomance? And what is the best wing tactic?

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I am playing 4-3-1-2 but with 1 cm and 2 wingers. I can hardly beat much better opponents, but i feel quite goon with similar strengh opponents or a little stronger. My current setup is : 2 CD on defend duty; 2WB\FB depends on match; 1 dlp where mc should be, 2 wingers on attack duty, Poacher and target man\CF. I am always trying to exploit flanks whenether is possible and high tempo. So should i go to 4-2-3-1 instead or try 4-3-1-2 with 3 cm, will it bring increase in perfomance? And what is the best wing tactic?

There's a reason you can't regularly beat much better opposition: they're better than you! If you regularly beat them you'd be better than them.

Strengthen up your defences against stronger opposition, try and hit them on the counter or try to exploit any weakness they have (even the strongest team will have an area of weakness, it might not be obvious though) and you'll need some luck too.

Moving to 3 CM's will help you be stronger in the middle of the pitch (so long as you have the players for it) so sounds like a good idea to strengthen you up against the better teams. It's a different formation though so it might cause different problems for you.

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I'm trying to play a 4-3-3 with Wingers instead of forwards, but I keep getting the message that one of my players (David Bentley) is being played out of position, but he is an AMR and rated as a natural on the tactics screen. The strikers don't seem to work there either, unless they can play AMR or AML.

So, what type of player am I supposed to be playing there, with there being the top most left and right slots?

I'd like to come back to this, since I'm looking to set up a tactic that has wingers in the top left and top right corners and a Treq in the AMC position. I know when I put an AMR or AML in those top left or top right positions their circle on the tactics page is green, but are you saying that inspite of this you're getting "being played out of position" feedback from your AssMan? If so, it sounds like a bug, and also a problem.

Alternatively, do players still exist with FL or FR position indications? I thought that had gone by the wayside years ago....

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I have a question. I have a fast and agile couple of strikers, however they are not very good in the air. My full-backs keep on sending crosses in, that are in 99% of cases cleared by the defense. Now the question is, what do I want my full-backs to do instead of crossing?

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I have a question. I have a fast and agile couple of strikers, however they are not very good in the air. My full-backs keep on sending crosses in, that are in 99% of cases cleared by the defense. Now the question is, what do I want my full-backs to do instead of crossing?

First I'd look at the full backs. Can they pass well and/or run with ball well and/or cross well. If they're bad at something you can tell them to do it rarely. Similarly if crossing isn't working because your strikers are small you could tell them to cross rarely. If you tell them not to do something they'll do the other things more. If they're very good at something tell them to do it a lot. That's probably a decent rule of thumb for other players too.

Now think about your strikers. Because they're fast it makes sense to play deeper to give them space to run into. So unless your opponents are playing defensively you want to be playing through balls. So if your full-backs can pass you can tell them to play more through balls and that will reduce their crossing.

One more point. If your full back is good at running with the ball and crossing you could tell him to get to bye-line and drill crosses. Then he should fire in crosses to the near post and your small but fast strikers might do well from this type of cross.

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One more point. If your full back is good at running with the ball and crossing you could tell him to get to bye-line and drill crosses. Then he should fire in crosses to the near post and your small but fast strikers might do well from this type of cross.

Thank you very much for your response! I needed to "open my eyes" this way, I will try to adjust the crosses quantity for start, although also the drill crosses might be an idea!

One more thing/question, looking at their attributes, they are both at long distance shooting, if I encourage them to try long shots, will they start firing like crazy also from the line and other not really reasonable places?

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Now think about your strikers. Because they're fast it makes sense to play deeper to give them space to run into. So unless your opponents are playing defensively you want to be playing through balls. So if your full-backs can pass you can tell them to play more through balls and that will reduce their crossing.

I might also try the shouts "Pass into Space" and "Early Crosses" to take advantage of them beating the offside trap and outpacing the defense.

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How do I stop the opposition players simply waltzing round my players. Even with hassle opponents or closing down or get stuck in my players just seem to stand there and never even get close to the opposition.

If you find they are dribbling round your players I wouldnt close them down as much as they are obviously better techincally than your players. Id stand off a little bit and try to keep your shape and limit their options, rather than rush out too them, for your man to get taken on leaving him out of position and out of the game

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I thought I posted this a few days ago but I might just be going mad.

What's the difference between work loads on the match prep screen if any? ie very high on attacking set pieces, would I have a greater chance of scoring from set pieces?

cheers lads

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I thought I posted this a few days ago but I might just be going mad.

What's the difference between work loads on the match prep screen if any? ie very high on attacking set pieces, would I have a greater chance of scoring from set pieces?

cheers lads

Nope. It doesn't matter if it's set to very low or very high, it has the same effect so I would advise you to set it to very low.

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Thank you very much for your response! I needed to "open my eyes" this way, I will try to adjust the crosses quantity for start, although also the drill crosses might be an idea!

One more thing/question, looking at their attributes, they are both at long distance shooting, if I encourage them to try long shots, will they start firing like crazy also from the line and other not really reasonable places?

Well long shots is a whole new subject and I don't think I can help because I've never set any player, let alone my full-backs, to do a lot of long shots. My theory is that I want to create good quality chances so I usually (but not always) set long-shots to rarely. My gut says you should be brave enough to carry out your own experiment though. If you get into the habit of thinking of ideas and trying them out yourself you'll surely learn lots about the game.

Also, for what it's worth, I think flere-imsaho has given you better advice than I did :)

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EDIT: I see this has been asked about twice on the previous page. So I will do as suggested, seems a pain in the back side to have to start creating the tactics again from scratch.

I have a stupid question that has got me baffled.

I have got three tactics that I would like to switch between on the fly during a match to mix things up or counter a specific threat.

Now all three are set in my tactics overview. But one of them swaps my player positions.

For example, my Striker jumps to my Left Full Back position and my Full Back is in my center of defence and so on. Now if I drag those players to the correct positions and save the tactic, when I switch back to one of the other two tactics the players end up in the wrong positions on those two.

I have tried emptying the team and trying to move the player positions there, but that also does not work.

What have I done wrong? And how can I set it so that the base positions for each tactics are always occupied by the same player in all three tactics?

Been doing my head in for a few days now.

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Just as an update. I found a better way to do it.

If you alter the player positions in a match, then save the tactic. You can then import that tactic after the match and it will have remembered the new player positions.

It's annoying and it also tends to screw up the positions in the in-game widgets. I like to glance at them to see which units are working well together and it's always frustrating when one striker ends up in the middle while the other is at the bottom.

What I do is create my base tactic (e.g. 442) and select a team and save it (by selecting a team you'll see who moves where). Then I alter the tactic (e.g push the wingers up and one striker into AMC to give me 4231) and save the new formation. Then I load the original (442) and change it again (e.g to a 433 for example) and then save this 3rd tactic. Now I have 3 tactics with the players I want in the right positions. The only problem might be switching from the 2nd to the 3rd tactic as I can't be sure the transitions will make sense but I probably won't be doing that switch much anyway so it won't be too much of an issue.

It makes sense to do your transitions logically as well. For example, switching from a 442 to a 4231 is very simple as your wingers will normally be competent at AMR/AML and you can just drop your more creative striker into the AMC slot and as most truly creative STRs are capable at AMC you can often make the switch from 442 to 4231 in-game without changing personnel which can be pretty useful.

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Hey guys,

i am relativly new to the football manager series and the forum. Hopefully this is the right thread for my question. So far i have found a lot of interessting stuff around here. Now I am looking for some kind of guide, beside the TTF, which helps me to set up my own tactic. Maybe you could recommend one?

Greetings from Germany :)

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Hey guys,

i am relativly new to the football manager series and the forum. Hopefully this is the right thread for my question. So far i have found a lot of interessting stuff around here. Now I am looking for some kind of guide, beside the TTF, which helps me to set up my own tactic. Maybe you could recommend one?

Greetings from Germany :)

http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/292499-Tactics-Creating-your-own-tactic this thread should help you :)

http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/289528-The-SI-Sports-Centre-All-You-Need-To-Know-About-FM this one is more advanced more about how the game works.

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Something that has always bothed me is what overides what in the TC?

Does a target man need to be selected in he team instructions for wingers etc to follow their instuctions for crosses to be aimed at him? or does it work anyway with his role just set as a Target Man.

If another player was selected as a Target man would he be their new target instead of the Player set as one in his role?

Also looking to expand on the tactical side of FM. Any threads I should look in too? Mainly anything to do with getting a balance set-up, 4231 variants, indepth looks in to player roles or tactic options or anything which you think would be suitable.

Have read most the great SFraser threads and Cleon's SI Sports Center which are great so anything else would be great.

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Just the setting the player role to Targetman just sets up his sliders in a particular way (and might auto-select him as TM in the team instructions). You could call the role 'Big Striker' if you liked, all it does is create a set of slider settings. If you select someone else to be THE target-man in the team instructions then players will aim for him and not for your guy who has a role target-man. It's the targetman team instruction that sets the target of your team and not the role. It's perfectly plausible to have 2-3 targetmen roles and select no-one for team targetman, I regularly do this for playmaker but set it to none in the team instruction as I don't want the team biased towards playing through any 'particular' player.

Ticked instructions over-ride things in the TC. If you tick your width to be medium then the shouts and strategy selection won't alter that width from medium. In this manner you can actually customise your shouts somewhat (I understand that you can customise shouts in FM12 anyway?) if you're clever, which SFraser did in his Meet The System thread.

As for further reading I've got ZdlR's Art of Defending bookmarked as I'm not that hot on defending and there are lots of cracking little tips in there. I hate to mention my own thread but this one on my Brazilian adventure has lost of long-winded info on how I see the tactical instructions mixing with the players to produce your brand of football, a little bit different from your usual tactical thread (you'll have to do plenty of scrolling as it's fairly image heavy). Don't be afraid to have a look at ZonalMarking for some tactical inspiration as the articles on there are generally of a very high quality and have a heavy tactical slant.

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Just the setting the player role to Targetman just sets up his sliders in a particular way (and might auto-select him as TM in the team instructions). You could call the role 'Big Striker' if you liked, all it does is create a set of slider settings. If you select someone else to be THE target-man in the team instructions then players will aim for him and not for your guy who has a role target-man. It's the targetman team instruction that sets the target of your team and not the role. It's perfectly plausible to have 2-3 targetmen roles and select no-one for team targetman, I regularly do this for playmaker but set it to none in the team instruction as I don't want the team biased towards playing through any 'particular' player.

Ticked instructions over-ride things in the TC. If you tick your width to be medium then the shouts and strategy selection won't alter that width from medium. In this manner you can actually customise your shouts somewhat (I understand that you can customise shouts in FM12 anyway?) if you're clever, which SFraser did in his Meet The System thread.

As for further reading I've got ZdlR's Art of Defending bookmarked as I'm not that hot on defending and there are lots of cracking little tips in there. I hate to mention my own thread but this one on my Brazilian adventure has lost of long-winded info on how I see the tactical instructions mixing with the players to produce your brand of football, a little bit different from your usual tactical thread (you'll have to do plenty of scrolling as it's fairly image heavy). Don't be afraid to have a look at ZonalMarking for some tactical inspiration as the articles on there are generally of a very high quality and have a heavy tactical slant.


Spot on with how I want my ST to be target at certain times(crosses) and not making the other players think they have to aim for him all the time and force play too quick up the field. My ST has the Target man role but I have removed him from the TM in team instructions and done a few changes to his instructions so he plays on the periphery of the match but gets/is in the right positions to lay-off and in space to get clear chances so working well and how I want but he does get over looked when the cross(Likely wingers not picking to go for him based on decisions, which is not always a bad thing) is on sometimes which I guess the team instruction would fix/higher the chance(Could over do it). I could risk the team play for him to get a higher % of the crosses but don't think that would do much good overall and could be another way.

With the target man role being selected the cross aim has been adjusted for most of the other players to aim for the target man and as none is selected I might as well change it as it may confuse the players. For ML/MR and AML/RML would Center or Far post be best? I guess that Center would do a mix of cross types (Low and lofted) where as Far post would be mainly lofted? So would be down to the type of ST you have. Also what value of decisions would be adequate to go mix in people opinions?

Meet The System changed how I viewed and set-up tactics with that fact players will be players regardless and how to alter as a unit but keep the players set up how they are at there best which is why I follow SFraser approach of separating the instructions.

I'll read through you suggestion now which sound perfect.

Thanks again.

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I can set player X to man marking. I can target my opponent's player Y with OIs. But how do I set player X to mark player Y?

Is it possible to set individual training levels without having to set up a schedule for each player? In other words, can I set up a generic striker schedule then tailor each player just a little off that base?

If I want to, say, have my striker drop a little deeper, am I better off overriding his mentality or changing his role? I want to be able to rotate players into the same role and use shouts, but don't always want to change all the settings that changing a player's role will do.

I'm on FM11 if that makes a difference.

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For the role of Deep Lying Forward with duty of Attack, why are the player instructions identical to those of an Advanced Forward? (Apart from Hold up ball and Run with ball)

I can relate to the instructions for the Deep Lying Forward with a Support duty, with his lower attacking mentality making him drop deeper, but I don't understand how the role is still described as 'Deep Lying' if the player has the same attacking mentality and Runs from deep settings as an Advanced Forward. How does changing the Hold up ball to 'Yes' in the case of the Deep Lying Forward compared to the Advanced Forward change things?

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I can set player X to man marking. I can target my opponent's player Y with OIs. But how do I set player X to mark player Y?

Is it possible to set individual training levels without having to set up a schedule for each player? In other words, can I set up a generic striker schedule then tailor each player just a little off that base?

If I want to, say, have my striker drop a little deeper, am I better off overriding his mentality or changing his role? I want to be able to rotate players into the same role and use shouts, but don't always want to change all the settings that changing a player's role will do.

I'm on FM11 if that makes a difference.

On the matchday, go to player instructions and on marking you can choose a specific player.

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I was wondering if there are any tips on signing older players as tutors. I usually only sign youngsters and first team players, and now that I really want to focus on developing my youngsters, I realise I haven't the best of tutors. If I do sign a couple, I can't guarantee game time, and not sure what kind of effect it'll have and such. Any help will be much appreciated.

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Is it possible to set individual training levels without having to set up a schedule for each player? In other words, can I set up a generic striker schedule then tailor each player just a little off that base?

Of course, it's what I do. Just remember to:

A) having set a player to say "ST" schedule, call up "new schedule" and rename it for that player before changing any settings.

B) save your base schedules once done in case you forget to do "A".

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I'm really new to FM12 and so am not experienced with the private chat option. I just bought a player and when that player arrived I received messages from one of my staff that 4 players were unhappy or concerned due to there being too much competition for the same positions in the team. I have the option to have a private chat with every one of those 4 players but don't know what to say to them. I did run a test with one of the players and tried out different options during the chat but the end result was always the same, the player always ends up being somehow disappointed and his morale drops. What's the best thing to do?

Also, can I just ignore their concerns? Is it a temporary situation that over time will smooth itself out?

One other question regarding tutoring. When I'm chatting with a player and can ask him to be a tutor for someone else, I usually get two options for asking him whether he wants to tutor or not. Are there any differences between these two options? Does the tutoring method somehow differ depending on which option I choose?

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Struggling to get things going tactically, have read quite a few articles on here but still have some specific questions.

There tends to be a lot of space in behind my full backs, i want to use them as support for the attack but whenever they push up the pitch and we lose the ball the space in behind them seems easy to exploit. Is there a way to cover this without setting them to defensive?

Once again with my full backs but a more general thing. As the move up the pitch with the ball, they look indecisive on the match engine, then often dwell on the ball for long periods of time. Is this down to time wasting or something more specific to them?

Whats the best way to get the team to attack/defend as a unit? If i set up a more defensive system (2 deep midfielders and a playmaker) the striker seems isolated and the wingers seem unwilling to help him out?

Also looking to improve the quality of chances, but i think theres an article for that somewhere

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Struggling to get things going tactically, have read quite a few articles on here but still have some specific questions.

There tends to be a lot of space in behind my full backs, i want to use them as support for the attack but whenever they push up the pitch and we lose the ball the space in behind them seems easy to exploit. Is there a way to cover this without setting them to defensive?

Once again with my full backs but a more general thing. As the move up the pitch with the ball, they look indecisive on the match engine, then often dwell on the ball for long periods of time. Is this down to time wasting or something more specific to them?

Whats the best way to get the team to attack/defend as a unit? If i set up a more defensive system (2 deep midfielders and a playmaker) the striker seems isolated and the wingers seem unwilling to help him out?

Also looking to improve the quality of chances, but i think theres an article for that somewhere

First off, if your full backs are getting caught out up the pitch but still on a support duty then I'm guessing you play with a Control strategy or higher. A sacrifice would have to be made, either drop the full backs deeper or drop the mentality of the team as a whole. Maybe a defensive midfielder can cover with a high closing down setting but that's something I wouldn't do until you try reduce the mentality of either just the full backs or the team as a whole.

As for your full backs dwelling on the ball, what's their settings for run with ball and try through balls. If these are low and they find themselves in a space where a pass isn't available, then they will usually hold onto the ball and then lose possession. It might be a time wasting issue but if it was, it would be seen across the team.

If you want to attack and defend more as a unit, try using a fluid or very fluid philosophy. It will reduce the gap between the bands which I think will help you. If the striker seems isolated, give him a deep lying forward role, either attack or support (either works well)

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