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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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I'm really new to FM12 and so am not experienced with the private chat option. I just bought a player and when that player arrived I received messages from one of my staff that 4 players were unhappy or concerned due to there being too much competition for the same positions in the team. I have the option to have a private chat with every one of those 4 players but don't know what to say to them. I did run a test with one of the players and tried out different options during the chat but the end result was always the same, the player always ends up being somehow disappointed and his morale drops. What's the best thing to do?

Also, can I just ignore their concerns? Is it a temporary situation that over time will smooth itself out?

One other question regarding tutoring. When I'm chatting with a player and can ask him to be a tutor for someone else, I usually get two options for asking him whether he wants to tutor or not. Are there any differences between these two options? Does the tutoring method somehow differ depending on which option I choose?

I haven't run into the first problem, so can't help there.

I haven't seen or read about any difference between the tutoring options. There must be some (or why would they be there) but apparently they're negligible at best.

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I have this young regen with a PA of 180. He is 19 now, and I have Goran Pandev tutoring him at the moment. I'm trying to play him at every opportunity with the first team. Is there anyway that I could burn him out?

He could actually become worse from the tutoring, I have only seen determination drop, but if he doesn't get along with Goran then there will be a bit of a personnel issue, nothing long lasting, but the positive impact of tutoring will be minimal. Don't train him in a new position, working on a specific attribute and learning a preferred move, their overall attribute gain will be minimal! When he is 28-40 and you have won everything he may ask for a new challenge, but thats 10 years down the line!

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So you would say that the player should have high CF? And how would I go about making room?

Does the player have good creativity and decision making, other wise don't give him too much freedom! Think about it. As for making room for the winger, if there are other players making runs that will tend to open up space. If a player (FB) runs on the outside the defender will move outside, meaning there is more space centrally. So either the forward closest to them making a forward run, a supporting midfielder who joins the attack, or even the fullback joining in will make the defenders move and tend to open up space. Easy :)

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I'm a bit confused about what roaming actually does...In the tactics screen where you choose roaming the description says something about how much the player leaves his position and moves into space but then the defining attribute for that is creativity...I would think that off the ball would be a more proper attribute for movement in space. So I went and checked the online manual and it states that roaming is what free role used to be for previous versions of the game. With all that in mind am i right in assuming:

1. Roaming is basically giving a player free role to do what's in his head (preffered moves mostly)

2. Movement in space is defined either by run from deep (horizontally) or move into channels, hug touchline, normal and cut inside (vertically)?


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Hi, my question should be in this thread ballpark, specially on the stupid side :D

I am on the 21st may in game time, i played the last game of the season for the first team, now remains only a reserve game on 28th. I played that week looking for regens, scouting, not reallly paying attention to the players as the season was over.. and in that week i had 6 injuries in training, 4 of them short, 2 long injuries, and i'll be honest i think i will reload as this seems highly unrealistic and pretty harsh.. the players should be on holiday, nothing to come and yet i find myself loosing 2 first team players for 6 months, no thank you.

So my question is: what do you do in that last week of may if you don't have any games? Should i force the player to stop training by giving them a week of resting until they go on holiday? Or do you create a special schedule?

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Sometimes when it comes to FM I don't think logically when the answer is simple lol but anyways my question is, can you play the offiside trap with a cover/stopper CB pairing? I'm assuming not though but just wanted to make sure.

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Sometimes when it comes to FM I don't think logically when the answer is simple lol but anyways my question is, can you play the offiside trap with a cover/stopper CB pairing? I'm assuming not though but just wanted to make sure.

I do not think it would work as your Centre-backs would not be in line with each other so it will be harder to catch the opposition striker offside. Also, your covering defender would play an opposing striker offside often. In fact, I think that if you set your CB's to cover/stopper, the TC turns off the offside trap by default.

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I do not think it would work as your Centre-backs would not be in line with each other so it will be harder to catch the opposition striker offside. Also, your covering defender would play an opposing striker offside often. In fact, I think that if you set your CB's to cover/stopper, the TC turns off the offside trap by default.

Cheers. Yeah, just as I thought really as playing offside with that system wouldn't make sense but I just wanted to make 100% sure :thup:

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Another silly question about tutoring:

When asking a player to tutor a youngster, is there a difference between the two options available? That is, 'help improve tutee game' and 'take under wing and mentor off pitch'. I assume the first is to have the youngster learn the tutor's PPM, and the other is to change personality and mental attributes, or am I wrong?

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Another silly question about tutoring:

When asking a player to tutor a youngster, is there a difference between the two options available? That is, 'help improve tutee game' and 'take under wing and mentor off pitch'. I assume the first is to have the youngster learn the tutor's PPM, and the other is to change personality and mental attributes, or am I wrong?

The 1st option is both PPM's and personality/mentals and the 2nd option is only personality/mentals.

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The 1st option is both PPM's and personality/mentals and the 2nd option is only personality/mentals.

Ah, sweet! Thanks for that. I have a 19 year old Model Professional, and I only wanted him to learn a senior player's PPM, but didn't want to risk changing his personality. I've always used the second, so that explains why some youngster state they gained little even though their personalities changed. Thanks again.

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The 2 options for tutoring end up doing the same thing. It's more a case of how the tutor responds to the question. That's why there are 2 options but both do the exact same thing. Unless it changed for FM12 and no-one told me, but I'm pretty confident it's not changed.

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It has definitely changed. The second option does not make the tutee learn the tutor's PPMs. I used the second option dozens of times as I am not a big fan of PPMs or the tutor always has some I don't want the tutee to learn. It has always worked for me so far.

The only thing that has been affected by the second option is determination and personality/hidden attributes.

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One thing I've been curious about in terms of width in the team instructions settings is that when you use a more attacking mentality, the width increases as well. I'm wondering as to whether that would be beneficial to a tactic using Inside Forwards instead of wingers since they're looking to cut inside. Is it better to just narrow it manually instead of leaving it alone, or would the width help out in other ways with fullbacks and defensive shape for it to be beneficial to just leave it at the default settings? I generally play a standard mentality with the 4-5-1 with both inside forwards with the width narrowed by a couple of ticks, but I'm unsure as to whether I'm helping or hurting the tactic.

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I play FM11, but I fix my defensive line, width and tempo, and allow changes in mentality to alter everything else, closing down, passing, but most important for me is that the teams mentality changes, but not the width of the team, the general position of the d-line, or the tempo. I can alter those separately, of course, but I don't do that in game, I will do that if I think opposition are adapting to my tactics, and just alter it slightly, a little deeper line, a little faster tempo, that kind of thing.

The additional width would probably mean there is more space to work in, for your inside forwards, but they would be more isolated as well. I think of narrow width as benefitting my teams defense, and a wider formation benefits my attacking game, so I would never want to be too extreme on either of those. Who needs the added benefit on offense if it means there is a gap a mile wide between CBs?

One thing I've been curious about in terms of width in the team instructions settings is that when you use a more attacking mentality, the width increases as well. I'm wondering as to whether that would be beneficial to a tactic using Inside Forwards instead of wingers since they're looking to cut inside. Is it better to just narrow it manually instead of leaving it alone, or would the width help out in other ways with fullbacks and defensive shape for it to be beneficial to just leave it at the default settings? I generally play a standard mentality with the 4-5-1 with both inside forwards with the width narrowed by a couple of ticks, but I'm unsure as to whether I'm helping or hurting the tactic.
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One thing I've been curious about in terms of width in the team instructions settings is that when you use a more attacking mentality, the width increases as well. I'm wondering as to whether that would be beneficial to a tactic using Inside Forwards instead of wingers since they're looking to cut inside. Is it better to just narrow it manually instead of leaving it alone, or would the width help out in other ways with fullbacks and defensive shape for it to be beneficial to just leave it at the default settings? I generally play a standard mentality with the 4-5-1 with both inside forwards with the width narrowed by a couple of ticks, but I'm unsure as to whether I'm helping or hurting the tactic.

A lot of people tend to manually set the width but really, generic attacking play should be wider. The key reason is thus:

Depth creates space between the lines, width creates it within the line.

Meaning that if your players start wider the opposition naturally have to shift wider themselves to cover you or leave your wide players with loads of space to hurt them. As the defence shifts wider to cover your wider formation so space appears between each defender for your players to exploit.

Your inside forwards can't attack the channels if the CB and FB are holding hands. If you want to attack that space with inside forwards then you have to make space somehow. One way might be to have a Messi or Van Persie drop deeper from a central position to pull a CB out of line; a simpler way that doesn't rely on absolute quality players is to play wider.

This becomes even more important if you are further cramping the space by pushing your d-line higher which is a generic attacking ploy too.

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hello.. am playing with leeds. and i wonder if someone can tell me what Team instructions and playing style to get a 4-4-2 to work?

thanks in advice,,

Hell of a question there!!

Check out the stickies at the top of the forum, Cleon's SI Sports Center is chock-full of useful info. Grab a download of the Tactical Theorems & Frameworks, don't worry that its old (I think it was written for FM10), the important bits are largely the same and theory is just the same - there will be plenty of info on the 442 in there.

At a push I'd say:

Leave the team instructions on default. Balanced is probably the easiest to understand to get going with and start on standard strategy before shifting to attacking and defending as you see fit. Unless you particularly want more/less creative freedom or pressing etc (use your real-life knowledge) leave it all in the middle for now and let the Tactics Creator move things as you change strategy.

For a bog-standard traditional English-style 442 you can't go far wrong with:

DL - FB - Supp

DCl - CB - Def

DCr - CB - Def

DR - FB - Supp

ML - Winger - Att

MCl - CM - Def

MCr - Adv.PM or Box-to-Box - Supp

MR - Winger - Att

FCl - Deep-Lying Forward - Supp

FCr - Advanced Forward - Att

I'm pretty sure this is almost identical to the Tactics Creator default 442. It's a solid base to start tinkering from. You might want to change to Complete Forward/Supp - Poacher/Att or maybe Targetman/Supp - Adv.For/Att or maybe Deep-LyingForward/Supp - TargetMan/Att up front for starters (each of these are either big-man/small-man combo or creator/finisher combo). You might want to change your midfield to different roles too but keep the Def/Supp combo. Or maybe you want both midfielders to sit deeper. The possibilities are near endless.

But read the stickies for more info, just about everything you need for a general question like this.

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A lot of people tend to manually set the width but really, generic attacking play should be wider. The key reason is thus:

Depth creates space between the lines, width creates it within the line.

Meaning that if your players start wider the opposition naturally have to shift wider themselves to cover you or leave your wide players with loads of space to hurt them. As the defence shifts wider to cover your wider formation so space appears between each defender for your players to exploit.

Your inside forwards can't attack the channels if the CB and FB are holding hands. If you want to attack that space with inside forwards then you have to make space somehow. One way might be to have a Messi or Van Persie drop deeper from a central position to pull a CB out of line; a simpler way that doesn't rely on absolute quality players is to play wider.

This becomes even more important if you are further cramping the space by pushing your d-line higher which is a generic attacking ploy too.

I hadn't thought about how my width would affect the way other teams set up against me, and probably explains why I sometimes run into a brick wall on attacks. Thanks for the advice, and looks like I'll have to try to find my preferred width before I look at manually setting it.

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I've just noticed something that i can't quite understand the reasoning behind it, on a 433/451 if i use a box-to-box midfielder which will have roam from position it means both wingers will turn roam from position off, i just don't see the connection for this to happen.

Just because my B2B will roam from position on a central means my wingers stop doing it?

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I'm trying to find a good assistant manager to take care of team talks as this area of the game pretty much makes little if any sense to me. Anyway, I haven't been able to find a definitive answer as to what attributes are important for an assistant to give good team talks. In some threads I've read that the "man management" attribute is important but then in other threads I read that the "motivating" attribute is more important. So which of these is the most important or are they both equally important? And are there any other additional attributes that I should be on the lookout for for good team talks?

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I'm trying to find a good assistant manager to take care of team talks as this area of the game pretty much makes little if any sense to me. Anyway, I haven't been able to find a definitive answer as to what attributes are important for an assistant to give good team talks. In some threads I've read that the "man management" attribute is important but then in other threads I read that the "motivating" attribute is more important. So which of these is the most important or are they both equally important? And are there any other additional attributes that I should be on the lookout for for good team talks?

For a coach, motivating generally means that a player will give more effort but it has a negative affect on their morale, man management, in contrast, raises the morale back up. Which is why a 'club psychologist' with good man management skills is pretty useful to have at every training session. Not that this particularly helps your question.

I wouldn't trust my AssMan to motivate my players. I guess a good one won't get it wrong very often but it's unlikely they'll get it right either. A human player can do some really pretty impressive things with motivation but it's pretty hard to get right with consistency and requires a really attentive eye for how your squad interacts with different situations. I don't think the AI can do this with any regularity (unless you get really lucky with the personality makeup of your squad) regardless of the attributes of your AssMan.

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Is it possible to get a tactic working which includes a lone DLF and a AP/CM(a) or would they occupy the same space?

It's should be perfectly possible, try fiddling with the wide play and roaming instructions to get them moving around.

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A balanced set up is one that has players in attacking, defending and supporting roles. Period. You want your forwards and wingers to attack generally, midfielders and fullbacks to support, and defenders to focus on defending. Balanced means you won't commit too many players forward, hence you won't be caught out on the counter as much, but your attack will be built up using fewer players. Whats wrong with experimenting a bit?

hello.. i wonder if there any good standard balanced setup for a 4-4-2? i mean just a simple one in the tactic creator? i play with Leeds. if any could help me i really would appreciate it.
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hello.. i wonder if there any good standard balanced setup for a 4-4-2? i mean just a simple one in the tactic creator? i play with Leeds. if any could help me i really would appreciate it.

The standard 442 is a good balanced one!! And simple!

Or use the setup I described above in response to your earlier query.

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Might've been asked before, but I don't want to read through 19 pages of posts to find it. Anyways, I have a couple of players in my squad who are "unhappy with their training schedules" but it doesn't say in what way. Sometimes it is specified, like "thinks he should be working more on his shooting" or whatever, but these are just "unhappy". Is it because there are several things they are unhappy about or what?

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Hi guys, hope you have the time to discuss answer my question's

Just a quick brief way on how I approach the game. Passing is very short, simple football, try and get pass percentages up above 80% in all areas. Btw i do watch matches on full most of the time so I have tried to fix these issues myself!

1. I hate losing easy possession and one of the way my team's seem to do this is when we have a freekick in our own half. They always seem to pump it long, even though the setting is set to short. Not sure how to change this. Any ideas?

2. Defensive marking from opposition throw ins? My team is set to man mark tight all over, in order to win the ball back quickly. However always from throw ins the opposition have a spare man. This happens in whatever tactic I choose! There isn't a defensive set-piece option for thrown ins like the other set pieces so anyone know how to make sure every prospective receiver of the ball is marked from throw ins?

3. Pretty sure a lot of people get this one. Our team has a corner, it gets whipped in, headed clear, comes to one of my back players, who precedes to fire it out to my corner taker who clearly is about 10 yards offsides! Any suggestions.

4. Kicking in to touch. Too many times my players who get the ball in a risky-ish area boot the ball out of play before looking for a viable option. I don't mind it when its absolutely necessary, but to many times they do it needlessly.

Thanks to anyone who responds, I know its quite a lengthy post!!

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Hi guys, hope you have the time to discuss answer my question's

Just a quick brief way on how I approach the game. Passing is very short, simple football, try and get pass percentages up above 80% in all areas. Btw i do watch matches on full most of the time so I have tried to fix these issues myself!

1. I hate losing easy possession and one of the way my team's seem to do this is when we have a freekick in our own half. They always seem to pump it long, even though the setting is set to short. Not sure how to change this. Any ideas?

2. Defensive marking from opposition throw ins? My team is set to man mark tight all over, in order to win the ball back quickly. However always from throw ins the opposition have a spare man. This happens in whatever tactic I choose! There isn't a defensive set-piece option for thrown ins like the other set pieces so anyone know how to make sure every prospective receiver of the ball is marked from throw ins?

3. Pretty sure a lot of people get this one. Our team has a corner, it gets whipped in, headed clear, comes to one of my back players, who precedes to fire it out to my corner taker who clearly is about 10 yards offsides! Any suggestions.

4. Kicking in to touch. Too many times my players who get the ball in a risky-ish area boot the ball out of play before looking for a viable option. I don't mind it when its absolutely necessary, but to many times they do it needlessly.

Thanks to anyone who responds, I know its quite a lengthy post!!

Hi Timothy,

I've found that 'silly' mistakes tend to diminish dramatically with a) better players (particularly mentally good players) and b) squad gelling/tactical familiarity. 3 used to annoy the hell out of me (I didn't notice 4 so much) but as I got better players it's disappeared entirely (it has nothing to do with a patch or update or anything - been patched up the whole save!). As for 1 and 2, not sure what you could do tactically beyond what you've tried (or been unable to try), hopefully a rise in standard will help here as well. Of course, if you already have top quality players then maybe it's a squad gelling/tactical familiarity issue which is easily solved over time.

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If I'm running a semi-pro team, and loan a part-time player to a professional team whose players and staff are all full-time, will my part-time player get full-time training while he's on loan?

Thanks in advance,


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is jose mourinho is the best manager on football manager?

when i see his games on team real madrid he win 11:0 and stuff , its amazing.

Yes, came to an under performing Liverpool side on my Blackburn save. Won everything first season

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Quick question about tutoring, if my youngster have already awsome determination and professional personality theres no point in tutoring? as the only stats affected by tutoring are determination and hidden personality stats? Is that right?

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Quick question about tutoring, if my youngster have already awsome determination and professional personality theres no point in tutoring? as the only stats affected by tutoring are determination and hidden personality stats? Is that right?

Yeah, if he has a good personality already and good determination then there isn't much point in tutoring the player unless you want him to learn a PPM from the tutor.

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I have two questions.

1. Why at Barcelona \Real Madrid there is a lot of star youth (homebrew) and at English clubs isn't present? Though youth bases of world level.

2. I am the first season in club and the assistant tells me that some players can't play under my management. How to learn what these are players? I feel Villas Boas. :(

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How does training work if you have a squad that's made up of pro and semi-pro players, and pro and semi-pro coaches?

I got promotion to the SPL this season and after I signed a load of new players, my club decided to go professional. As it stands, I have about half a dozen pro players and the rest are still semi-pro (either because they just signed contracts and don't want a new one yet, or because I'm already over my wage limit and I can't afford some players' demands).

I have about 10 coaches in all, three of them are now full time.

Will these three coaches work with by half a dozen full time players and the other coaches with my semi-pro players?

Should I have the full time coaches covering all the bases, or can I keep them focussed on one area so I can boost the star rating? (I'm worried that if, say, my three full time coaches are focussed on shooting, ball control and tactics, my full time players won't get attention in any other areas -- particularly worrying as one of those is a keeper!)

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No, all coaches will train both player full and 1/2 time. The only difference it's the total volume available. For half time player, it will be very lower than full time player.

For dispatching coaches, you need to boost star rating so the must is to have one coach for each workshop. Don't hesitate to ask to your boss, each 6 months for example to extend number of coaches if you don't have enough.

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I have two questions.

1. Why at Barcelona \Real Madrid there is a lot of star youth (homebrew) and at English clubs isn't present? Though youth bases of world level.

2. I am the first season in club and the assistant tells me that some players can't play under my management. How to learn what these are players? I feel Villas Boas. :(

I can't give you an answer to 1 but for 2. what was your starting experience? i.e semi-pro, pro, all-star (can't remember the exact names). If you start off as an with amateur or semi-pro experience then it means your reputation starts off very low. High rep players will be less likely to listen to you as they don't value your experience (yet), some professional high reppers will but anyone with a bit of character won't have it so you need to build your reputation - quickest way is by winning things.

As for dealing with a hostile squad... get rid is and rebuild is good in real-life and FM. Failing that just be very careful with criticism - praise players into liking you and then you have more scope to deal with them. Did I mention keep winning? :)

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