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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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I hope someone out there can help me. I am struggling putting together any sort of offensive attack. Once I get the ball into the opponents zone my AML/AMR's end up passing the ball back to my fullbacks who then pass to my midfielders who pass it back and forth for a while instead of trying to move it forward or even running through the gaps in the defense. Then they pass it to the DMC who passes it back out to a FB who passes it back to my goalie! I see this happen over and over. We get the ball to about 25-yards in front of the goal and then pass it backwards until eventually it is back to our goalie.

The other thing I see often is the AML and AMR run the ball down the sideline to the corner to just turn around and pass it backwards. Rarely attempting a cross (even when cross is set to often).

Also when the team attempts to bring it out of our zone they pass it up to the MC's who kick it about in the middle of the pitch rarely launching it forward and in most cases passing it backwards to a FB that is open.

I guess I am asking why the team always passes backwards?

All of these points seem to hint at a lack of movement up top i.e. there are no options for the pass, or, the pass is restricted for the options that do exist.

In my opinion (and it's just that) this formation setup isn't very good for short passing. It's very good at keeping possession at the back with short passing but it struggles to really threaten. Barcelona use this formation, and whilst they use short passing, they also use long raking passes to great effect at releasing their fast wingers. Arsenal always looked stagnant with short passing but looked far more threatening when they used longer passes when using this formation.

Some free roles and creative freedom helps to create the movement (you need the right players though) and default to long(ish) passing, through balls, creative freedom and the right player attributes can help to exploit gaps caused by that movement.

You don't have to play 'fast-and-loose' with this formation as it is a fantastic counter-attack formation but, in that case, you'll almost certainly want longer passing as well.

Your team seem very good at keeping possession, playing sensibly and probably frustrating the opposition but lack that thrust infront of goal. For me, a key difference between the way Barcelona and Spain attack is that Barca swap gear at lightning pace from slow, patient buildup to direct get-the-goal whereas Spain sometimes lack that second gear.

Check out the stickies, lots of good threads on creating and using space and breaking through stingy defences.

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Im after a dribbler, like cruijf and messi. I think ive found a poor man's choice in Lucas Andersen the dane. He's got what i think the optimal stats. With all of the following above 15, dribbling, first touch, technique, creativity, flair and agility. He lacks in balance but he's got a fair amount of acc and pace. And with his young age his mentals arent the best. But i think ive really got what i looked for here, and once his balance and mental stuffs gone up i think ive got myself a new cruijf?

How would the attribute play out when doing a dribble (like in cleon's big thread)? Any stat ive forgotten to include?

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What happens when you play 2 playmakers?

As far as I can remember, when you had 2, one overrode the other, but I see a lot of tactics that have both a DLP and an AP, so has something changed?

You can assign a chief playmaker. If u leave it blank, then they will just perform as normal players with no chief playmaker.

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What happens when you play 2 playmakers?

As far as I can remember, when you had 2, one overrode the other, but I see a lot of tactics that have both a DLP and an AP, so has something changed?

the primary playmaker thingy will get automaticaly be assigned to the most attacking playmaker role you have (keep in mind that the trequartista is also counted as a playmaker role for this)

unless ofcorse you override the primary playmaker instruction and assign a player of your own chose or set it to none

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All of these points seem to hint at a lack of movement up top i.e. there are no options for the pass, or, the pass is restricted for the options that do exist.

In my opinion (and it's just that) this formation setup isn't very good for short passing. It's very good at keeping possession at the back with short passing but it struggles to really threaten. Barcelona use this formation, and whilst they use short passing, they also use long raking passes to great effect at releasing their fast wingers. Arsenal always looked stagnant with short passing but looked far more threatening when they used longer passes when using this formation.

Some free roles and creative freedom helps to create the movement (you need the right players though) and default to long(ish) passing, through balls, creative freedom and the right player attributes can help to exploit gaps caused by that movement.

You don't have to play 'fast-and-loose' with this formation as it is a fantastic counter-attack formation but, in that case, you'll almost certainly want longer passing as well.

Your team seem very good at keeping possession, playing sensibly and probably frustrating the opposition but lack that thrust infront of goal. For me, a key difference between the way Barcelona and Spain attack is that Barca swap gear at lightning pace from slow, patient buildup to direct get-the-goal whereas Spain sometimes lack that second gear.

Check out the stickies, lots of good threads on creating and using space and breaking through stingy defences.

I'll try and take a look at my team again to see where I can make some adjustements. I have read so many threads on here that it can be overwhelming. And although I watch a lot of football I really don't know the tactics of the game very well to know how to create a tactic that really flows. Also I find it hard to understand how moving a slider a couple ticks up or down can make the world of difference or if I can even see it made a difference by watching the games in full.

Thanks for your response

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hello, what is the best way (by your opinion) to defend from corners, I just feel I concede too many goals from corners?

Thank you all for your opinion in advance...

I use default settings and do fine, just make sure you've got guys who can actually defend from corners (good in the air, good at marking, good anticipation etc).

If you've got a big FC who is good in the air you might want him back there and push forward someone else, Drogba & Carroll (probably loads of others) do this well.

If you find you're conceding from a specific place (i.e near post) then you might want to look at who is usually defending there and maybe swap in someone better.

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I use default settings and do fine, just make sure you've got guys who can actually defend from corners (good in the air, good at marking, good anticipation etc).

If you've got a big FC who is good in the air you might want him back there and push forward someone else, Drogba & Carroll (probably loads of others) do this well.

If you find you're conceding from a specific place (i.e near post) then you might want to look at who is usually defending there and maybe swap in someone better.

At first when I felt like conceding too many, I started exactly what you said, putting all good jumpers from team to defend and "mark tall player" but you just gave me another idea I will try to put it all again to default and try to realize position from where I concede and to double defence in that area. My DC-s are very good jumpers, at least they score a few goals also, but still I concede more then I score from corners. Maybe I will revert back to default and not "mark tall"...

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At first when I felt like conceding too many, I started exactly what you said, putting all good jumpers from team to defend and "mark tall player" but you just gave me another idea I will try to put it all again to default and try to realize position from where I concede and to double defence in that area. My DC-s are very good jumpers, at least they score a few goals also, but still I concede more then I score from corners. Maybe I will revert back to default and not "mark tall"...

Just check that they are also good at getting in the right position to use their jumping and heading ability. Marking, concentration, probably decisions and definitely anticipation are all pretty key as well (there are probably more that are important)

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This is a bit of a continuation from my earlier post where I cannot seem to generate any offense and my defenders constantly pass backwards to our goalkeeper. In an ttempt to follow some of the advice on so many threads and stickies here, I tried to move my wingers to drop back and help out to see if they would become a better passing option by changing thier mentality, however they still hang out to far up the pitch (and they are not on run from deep as 'often'). I am so frustrated watching my team pass the ball in the middle of the pitch only to blast it back to the goalkeeper. I counted 16 times one game. So here's my new questions and potentially where I have it all wrong:

1) I started using a defualt 4-4-2 tactic and made changes on it from there to try and suit it to my team. Would I be better off starting with the Tactics Creator?

2) Why, when my team is on a 2v1 and even a 3v1 break, does the player carrying the ball always run to the corner instead of just sliding over a simple pass to the open player who is runnining in front of the net for an easy tap in? I don't think you need high intellegence to realize than when you are on a 3v1 break that a simple pass over to the open man will result in a goal instead of carrying the ball into the corner just to lose it to the one defender who is back.

3) I recently played a game where I won 2-1 (shots were just 5-2). My opponent recieved two red cards in the match. While it was 11v9 for the last 15 minutes I failed to even attempt a shot on net. I had acres of space yet my team continued to boot the ball around and then kick it back to the goalie. I wasn't playing with high time-wasting.

4) In another game I lost 3-1, outshot 14-2. I had "pass to feet" clicked on and "play out of defense" yet my back line just tried hoofing it up deep the entire game just to lose possesion. I had just 32% possesion for the game. The opponent was many places under mine in the Table yet beat my like a drum.

I am not savy enough to post screen shots so I know my descriptions as to what is happening is quite vague. All I can say is that in general my team doesn't go forward. It doesn't attack when there are attacking options. Maybe my team is pure rubbish and I am lucky to have won any game so far. However, based on the player ratings for the League I am in I should be doing a lot better. Maybe I am a crap manager.

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Can no one help me from my last post???

I just played another game where my opponent only had 10-men for the last 81-minutes. I only registered 6 shots the entire game, 5 of those from outside the 18-yard box. I attempted one through ball into the box the entire game. I had a 61-39 possesion advantage. 85% pass completion. Yet my team did nothing. They pass and stand still. Pass again and stand still again. My fullbacks get the ball and stand there until they are closed down upon and lose the ball. No one moves. I won this game 3-1 and I hated it. It was boring. In fact my team is in 7th place and I would rather be in 15th if I could figure out why my team does nothing with the ball.

I have read all the stickies and the posts on this message board...so much so I think my brain will explode. Can anyone help me? Please?

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What's your team settings, formation and individual player roles whale? Who are you playing with? It sounds as if you are not giving your players any options, which can come about when some of your settings are conflicting, such as playing wide but with short passing. Hard to know though without knowing your overall setup.

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What's your team settings, formation and individual player roles whale? Who are you playing with? It sounds as if you are not giving your players any options, which can come about when some of your settings are conflicting, such as playing wide but with short passing. Hard to know though without knowing your overall setup.



DMCs (on DM)


AML (APa) AMR (Wa)

ST (Poach-a)

Sometimes my Striker is a DLP and somtimes the AML and AMR are on Support as well. Any of those settings and nothing changes

Passing is on default.

Crossing is on Float

Rigid Philosophy and Standard Strategy

I play as Walsall in League One. It is now 2016.

What else do you need? I watch all the games on full.

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Against 10 men I increase the width to 15 and focus pass down both flanks. That usualy stretches the opposition and gets me a goal.

Believe me, I tried that. It did nothing. I tried everything. I even had a 3v1 and my player with the ball just carried the ball to the corner and did nothing until a defender came over to him and took the ball away.

I just played another game...lost 4-0 at home versus a team much lower than me. Registered three shots...none on goal. I even had the ball in the 18-yard box only for my players to pass the ball back out instead of going to the clear path on goal.

I know I am not Real Madrid, Man United, or Barcelona, but certainly someone out there reading this could help me out? I am not asking for your tactic but just tell me what's wrong with mine because obviously something is wrong.

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I am not asking for your tactic but just tell me what's wrong with mine because obviously something is wrong.

Going off your previous post with your formation and roles I'd say there's a couple of things wrong with your setup:

-Isolated striker. Your lone striker won't be getting much of the ball playing off the shoulder of defenders with the poacher role. Depending on how you want him to play any of these, ranked from most creative to least, would be better with a support duty: CF, DLF, TM and DF. Attacking duties could also work, but you might have the same problems as with the poacher role. Give a few of those a try and then look at what works best for you.

-Little movement in midfield. I'm assuming that you have the DM on support duty with the defensive midfielder role, if not feel free to ignore part of this point. The roles you've selected for your two central midfielders mean that you're not committing men forward through the middle which adds to your stiker being isolated. I generally prefer to have at least one midfielder making runs forward in that formation, with the other playing slightly deeper. Central Midfielder (Attack) is the only midfield role which sets forward runs to "often", but several others set them to "mixed". I'd combine the CM (A) with one of those. While your two CMs currently don't have any forward runs, the defensive midfielder does, so I would change his role to something else.

I'm sure people will be able to give you much better advice than mine about your tactic and roles, but those things stood out for me as being potentially disruptive to your system and being the reasons for your lack of offensive intent. Hope it makes sense.

On another note, if your defenders are passing back to the goalkeeper you may want to set the defensive midfielder as the team's playmaker so that they pass the ball to him more often since he should mostly be free from markers. Avoid doing this when you're up against a team with an attacking midfielder.

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Going off your previous post with your formation and roles I'd say there's a couple of things wrong with your setup:

-Isolated striker. Your lone striker won't be getting much of the ball playing off the shoulder of defenders with the poacher role. Depending on how you want him to play any of these, ranked from most creative to least, would be better with a support duty: CF, DLF, TM and DF. Attacking duties could also work, but you might have the same problems as with the poacher role. Give a few of those a try and then look at what works best for you.

-Little movement in midfield. I'm assuming that you have the DM on support duty with the defensive midfielder role, if not feel free to ignore part of this point. The roles you've selected for your two central midfielders mean that you're not committing men forward through the middle which adds to your stiker being isolated. I generally prefer to have at least one midfielder making runs forward in that formation, with the other playing slightly deeper. Central Midfielder (Attack) is the only midfield role which sets forward runs to "often", but several others set them to "mixed". I'd combine the CM (A) with one of those. While your two CMs currently don't have any forward runs, the defensive midfielder does, so I would change his role to something else.

I'm sure people will be able to give you much better advice than mine about your tactic and roles, but those things stood out for me as being potentially disruptive to your system and being the reasons for your lack of offensive intent. Hope it makes sense.

On another note, if your defenders are passing back to the goalkeeper you may want to set the defensive midfielder as the team's playmaker so that they pass the ball to him more often since he should mostly be free from markers. Avoid doing this when you're up against a team with an attacking midfielder.

Thank you. I will give some of these a try I have played with the Striker as a DLF before and not too much happens any differenty than now. Same with one of the Midfielders as a CM(A). However, I will revisit those again to see if I can find the right mix.

Any thoughts on why players just run to the corner with the ball despite having a numerical advantage on the break?

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Any thoughts on why players just run to the corner with the ball despite having a numerical advantage on the break?

That's actually something that gets mentioned quite often in this forum. It might be a flaw of the match engine where they play too selfishly in such situations, but it may also depend on their instructions (having throughballs on rare and run with ball on often for example) and having a low teamwork attribute. A thing that I've read could help in this situation, though I'm happy to be corrected if this is wrong, is the PPM "prefers to pass rather than shoot".

The two things you could try are shouting "pass into space" to ensure that more throughballs are played, and buying players with higher teamwork attributes who will naturally look to play the ball to their teammates more often.

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That's actually something that gets mentioned quite often in this forum. It might be a flaw of the match engine where they play too selfishly in such situations, but it may also depend on their instructions (having throughballs on rare and run with ball on often for example) and having a low teamwork attribute. A thing that I've read could help in this situation, though I'm happy to be corrected if this is wrong, is the PPM "prefers to pass rather than shoot".

The two things you could try are shouting "pass into space" to ensure that more throughballs are played, and buying players with higher teamwork attributes who will naturally look to play the ball to their teammates more often.

Well I gave it a try, moving the MC's from what I had to a CM(a)/CM(s) rolls...along with changing the Striker off of Poacher to DLF (and CF some games)...at first I thought it was the answer with a 3-1 win away. But then I played three straight home matches and the results were:

0-2 Loss to 17th place team (only 8 shot attempts, 4 on target)

0-1 Loss to 22nd place team (10 shot attempts, 5 on target) maybe this game I was just unlucky

0-3 Loss to 24th place team (11 shot attempts, only 2 on target) I have almost everyone on "rarely" for shots from deep

So a a few more shots but no results. And losses to crap teams at home. In fact I have lost four straight at home to crap teams.

I am not going to say I have tried everything because that would be far from accurate but I can say I am stumped with how the tactics really work. Half of me thinks it doesn't matter what you do at the League One level because they are going to do whatever they want. I am fairly close to giving up.

Thanks for the help though Romanista, at least for one game I got to enjoy something that resembled football.

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I play a possession and passing game. My tactics are fine, although I'd like my playmaker to be making more passes. My wingbacks and anchorman are making more passes, what can I do to increase his passes per game?

If your WB's and Anchorman are getting plenty of passes it's likely that the ball moves forward, whereby there are limited passes available so your guys recycle possession through these outlets and you go again. Nothing wrong with that, its sensible most of the time but not very direct.

More movement up top can help and being more direct - not necessarily upping the mentality but Get Ball Forward, Pass Into Space, Play Wider can all help.

Won't help your PM get more passes though. Why isn't he passing much? Is he double-marked meaning he doesn't actually receive the ball? What's he doing when he's got the ball? Shooting, dribbling, getting closed down and losing it?

I'm probably not your best bet for an answer as I've never specifically chosen a PM because I find they tend to get marked heavily and you're stuck trying to pass to him when it isn't really on and you lose the ball. I'll use PM roles, plenty sometimes, but always set specific playmaker to none. Often my play 'flows' through one chap as if he was a specified playmaker but it's just that way because he is the best option for the pass, not because I've set it that way.

It could well be that your PM is marked and your other smart players don't pass to him (even though you've set that they should) because he isn't the best option. And it could also be that he isn't a player with incredible movement so you're a player light on creating movement so you have less options and default back to the safe option of DM or WB's.

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Since when does Determination drop during a player's injury?

I don't think it does. Did anything else happen that might of dropped his determination? (tutoring, can't think of anything else, maybe contract talks? lack of discipline? clutching here, det change without tutoring is rare)

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I don't think it does. Did anything else happen that might of dropped his determination? (tutoring, can't think of anything else, maybe contract talks? lack of discipline? clutching here, det change without tutoring is rare)

Nothing. I bought Chadli (22) at the beginning of the season and he got a 4 month injury. He comes back into light training and his determination has dropped from 15 to 14. No tutoring, contract talks or even private chats whilst he was injured.

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Nothing. I bought Chadli (22) at the beginning of the season and he got a 4 month injury. He comes back into light training and his determination has dropped from 15 to 14. No tutoring, contract talks or even private chats whilst he was injured.

Weird, maybe it's being in a different environment or that he was being tutored at his previous club and it was the residual effect of that tutoring?? A weird one. Not heard of it before.

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Weird, maybe it's being in a different environment or that he was being tutored at his previous club and it was the residual effect of that tutoring?? A weird one. Not heard of it before.

I had Sergio Busquets see his determination drop by one point as a result of injury as well. Just after having Xavi tutor him and increasing his determination by few points.

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Not sure if this is right place but here go's, Recently in my games my assistant manager always seems to suggest the opposition fullbacks are getting too much time and when i go to tactics and apply for them to be closed down it never seems to work, I'm playing a 442 and both my wingers have decent teamwork and work rate so im not sure what else to do only thing i can think to improve this is to get both my wingers to man mark both fullbacks although i don't think this is really the logic thing to do

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The offside trap. How does it work in FM? Does it affect how the defensive line positions itself throughout or is it just a trigger that makes players push up at certain/random points?

It just tells the defenders to push up as a unit. How successful that is though comes down to the individual attributes.

Not sure if this is right place but here go's, Recently in my games my assistant manager always seems to suggest the opposition fullbacks are getting too much time and when i go to tactics and apply for them to be closed down it never seems to work, I'm playing a 442 and both my wingers have decent teamwork and work rate so im not sure what else to do only thing i can think to improve this is to get both my wingers to man mark both fullbacks although i don't think this is really the logic thing to do

Are the fullbacks causing you any real danger? Or are they having a lot of the ball in their own half? This could explain the assistant's feedback.

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That's actually something that gets mentioned quite often in this forum. It might be a flaw of the match engine where they play too selfishly in such situations, but it may also depend on their instructions (having throughballs on rare and run with ball on often for example) and having a low teamwork attribute. A thing that I've read could help in this situation, though I'm happy to be corrected if this is wrong, is the PPM "prefers to pass rather than shoot".

The two things you could try are shouting "pass into space" to ensure that more throughballs are played, and buying players with higher teamwork attributes who will naturally look to play the ball to their teammates more often.

I dont think that makes a difference. Its clearly a flaw imo. Are you telling me IRL if you tell a player to always run with the ball and rarely play a through ball that they would still be stupid enough to run to the corner flag instead of play a through ball? Ive played as Barcelona and as low as Chippenham, and the results are the same. When im 3v1 ( me being the 3) and attacking, 99% of the time my player runs to the corner flag.

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It just tells the defenders to push up as a unit. How successful that is though comes down to the individual attributes.

Yeah, but what I meant is do they push up as a unit consistently i.e look to stay in line at all times or is it just something that triggers when they decide to 'trap' the other team? For example, if my team are constantly getting caught out because one defender decides to play offside on his own (you know, the way they sometimes like to run towards midfield at precisely the wrong moment creating a small ocean of space for the forward to run into) will enabling the trap help with that (presuming the individual attributes are of sufficient quality?)

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Yeah, but what I meant is do they push up as a unit consistently i.e look to stay in line at all times or is it just something that triggers when they decide to 'trap' the other team? For example, if my team are constantly getting caught out because one defender decides to play offside on his own (you know, the way they sometimes like to run towards midfield at precisely the wrong moment creating a small ocean of space for the forward to run into) will enabling the trap help with that (presuming the individual attributes are of sufficient quality?)

Like I said above, it all depends on the players attributes. The actual offside option tells the players to step up as a unit when a situation arises but how well that works and if the players stay inline, step up at the right time etc all comes down to attributes like positioning, team work, workrate, decisions, composure, concentration, anticipation etc.

If only 1 of your players is stepping up then either he has the wrong attributes or the other defenders do. The offside option just instructs all the defence to push up more and try and catch someone offside. But its risky and you need a certain type of player to do this successfully. All any setting does on FM is instruct the players to attempt it more often but like everything else how well its performed is down to the attributes, even things like staying inline and playing as a unit is controlled by these attributes and not the actual setting.

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It just tells the defenders to push up as a unit. How successful that is though comes down to the individual attributes.

Are the fullbacks causing you any real danger? Or are they having a lot of the ball in their own half? This could explain the assistant's feedback.

He always seems to say there accomplished crosser's and need closing down better

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Does it make sense to use striker with low Acceleration (de Camargo, Hanke) in counter-attacking, direct 4-2-3-1 deep or would fast striker improve team attacking performance by far? Also, is Trequartista role played by a technically good forward (Luuk de Jong) a good idea for central attacking mid, or should I go for AP or classic AM and choose someone with better playmaking attributes (not to mention Pace and Acceleration)?

Since I'm new here, I hope it's the right thread for this questions. I know I mention specific players, but it's the way my team should I'm concerned.

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I would say that tactically if you're using Inside Forwards out wide then you might be able to get away with a slow striker since the wide players will be looking to get the goals. If the wide players are your providers then you need someone fast enough to keep up with the counter attack when the team breaks.

Personally I don't mind a slow Trequartista. The TQ flutters around and generally does their job once they get the ball so technique and mental attributes would be the most important thing. An attacking mid/inside forward or APM on the other hand will be more involved in your team's general play. If you don't mind someone going missing then a TQ works, if you want that extra involvement then the APM might be your better option. But both of these answers are just my own personal ideas.

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Thanks a lot for your insight. I've began to write an answer to your post and, since I tried to show the bigger picture in it, it started to grow quite long. Therefore, I decided to make a separate thread with screens and everything, to show more precisely players I have at my disposal, present my ideas and concerns and hopefully get more feedback without making too much of a fool of myself :)


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We call them AssMen for a reason :lol:

Do you think the FB's are having too much time? Unless your AssMan is superb his advice can be sketchy, infact, it's sketchy even with the best assistant.

My assman is quite good to be fair :) and yeah there advice can be dodgy i know, but just on the off chance hes actually right what's best way to try counter this ?

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My assman is quite good to be fair :) and yeah there advice can be dodgy i know, but just on the off chance hes actually right what's best way to try counter this ?
Just as you have been really, man mark them with wide mids who can defend a bit and increase your closing down. The thing is that if the opposition are good enough to still evade your attentions then they'll get crosses away and your AssMan will say you're doing poorly. If you're closing them down and they are always crossing from deep (possibly too deep) then your wide mids are doing a decent job so there is no need to worry. As always with the advice, use it as advice - check it yourself and decide if it really needs attention.

Not much else you can do if it does need attention though.

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hi guys,

CML in CM-D , CMR in AP-S

this is my setup for midfield players against away and strong teams lets say liverpool. My settings are so complicated in the individual player settings too, my aim is to push their creative player by OI (tight marking - always) in order to push him not to play right hand side by (showing foot to left) (Their MR is Dirk Kuyt) other MC of liverpool is less creative defensive player. My plan is push them to pass more to this less creative defensive player to distribute the ball and make the play. But they swap with other midfielder to much in game.

my question how can I copy individual orders for each position because I want my defensive player meet in the midfield with their creative player. When I change to him CMR position my creative players individual settings stays its pain to chande every individual settings when they swap.

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Move the players into different position slots - so CMR into an AM slot, CML into a DM slot - and then into the now vacant position - AM into CML, DM into CMR.

This works because instead of swapping players into different roles, the game treats it as swapping instructions into different positions.

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