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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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can someone clear the air for me?

i have my ass man handling the training section. but the training intensity and focus and all that does not change although he is saying(in matches) 'we need to focus on defending set pieces in the new future' and stuff like that. is there a known issue of this ?

i was sure if you as the manager dispatch the training to your ass man he will get all the job done from changing focus to intensity as the opposition changes.

and another question is related to the to the throws in ... i got my set to short...and my two forwards set to near post and stay forward...but somehow when i'm attacking he comes deep and the thrower passes to him...what should i do ?

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Hello everyone again.

I have a couple of questions.

How to analyze the opponent to use his weaknesses? What tactics to use against your opponent and how to pick up. Perhaps there is what some article about it.

Scout and Team reports and how I use them.


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What's the best formation for a mid-table team. One that is defensive enough to not get battered all game, but also gives opportunities for attacking?

No such thing as the 'best'.

Any formation, for any side in any league can work aslong as you understand the strengths and weakness of the formation you use.

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No such thing as the 'best'.

Any formation, for any side in any league can work aslong as you understand the strengths and weakness of the formation you use.

Everything I try is failing. I must have a crap team then. Can't possibly be a crap manager in charge...

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I guess this is a "stupid" question, not really related to training and tactics but not sure where else to post it.

Simply, how do I watch other matches? By that I mean the world cup final, FA Cup final etc, or even a match where you want to see how a transfer target plays.

You used to be able and im sure you still can, but it seems a different way to do it now.

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It's an hidden attribute.

I reckoned so, as I have not been able to make a connection between visible stuff and when it happens. Now then, is there any way to know through personality clues or scout reports or is it just something you have to find out to your detriment after you've signed a player?

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I reckoned so, as I have not been able to make a connection between visible stuff and when it happens. Now then, is there any way to know through personality clues or scout reports or is it just something you have to find out to your detriment after you've signed a player?

Scout/coach reports should mention it as a weakness.

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Scout/coach reports should mention it as a weakness.

Would this be what "fairly lethargic player" means then? Because I've never really been able to connect that to stats- players with this trait often have good workrates, decent natural fitness, nothing that I would immediately class as lethargic. I notice that my guys that tend to turn off in matches where they are winning have this mentioned now that I look.

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How to defend crosses? I have tried many things, but nothing seems to work. I have conceded 9 goals from crosses in last 9 games. Last game I was completely in control, leading 0-2, and opponent won 3-2, scoring their every goal from cross. This is driving me crazy!

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Hi, I'm new to Football Manager and the Forum as well.

I wanted tom know if it's possible to have a youngsters assigned in the Senior Squad while still having him available to play for the U20 Squad. The thing is that my Senior Squad coaches are fantastic Working with Youngsters, so I was wondering if it's possible to have my best youngsters training in the Senior or Reserves Squads while still them being available for the U20 Team. I know this happens in real life but I don't know if it's possible in FM 2013.

Another thing until which age is important the Working with Youngsters coaching stat, U18, U20, U23? Because I'm wondering if it would be better having these coaches assigned to the U20 Squad instead of the Senior Squad.

This are the coaches in case you're wondering:





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Hi Guys, I'm trying to play posession with Liverpool and I am having problems playing the ball out of defence. Most of the times my defenders just launch it. Should I set my passing to be less short?

The player instructions of my CB's are 38bd73f0d2ef06368553afad5aea1d50.png

and Wing Backs are 2740bf582166977eadda9384eb030f32.png?1354410544

What do you guys think the problem is? My Ball Winning Central Midfielder Lucas has a PPM of dropping deep

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@Han_Li, try using the play out of defence shout, your defenders and dms will all be on passing of 1 which will encourage more short passes. And for it to be effective, don't forget to use the uncheck the passing box.

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1. Does low creative freedom mean that the players will follow exactly what you tell them to do and take less risk in overall play? On the other hand, does high creative freedom mean that the players will put aside your instructions and do whatever they wish to do at that given time? For example (let's talk about both extremes), if you give a player 0 CF and set his passing to 1 and long shots to rarely, would he almost definitely pass short to a nearby teammate (given that one is available) throughout the game and seldom have a pop at the goal from distance? Or, if you set him on max CF (20) and set his passing to 1 and long shots to rarely, does it mean that he doesn't necessarily follow those instructions and could still punt the ball or have a crack from distance whenever he pleases?

In a way I am trying to make my team (Newcastle in 1st season) to play a possession based game, simply passing short to a nearby teammate then move, simple pass and move, short pass and move continuously the way Swansea or Barca do to protect the back four and make the opposition chase the ball around. I don't want anybody to try anything fancy or tricky even for the likes of Ben Arfa and Wellington Nem. Am I better off with setting the whole team to a low creative freedom setting of perhaps 0 to 5 clicks so that they would follow exactly what I instruct them to do?

I have read around the forum where people generally complains that their players doesn't follow what is instructed to them (punting the ball instead of passing) even when their CF is set to the minimum value

2. How does roaming and creative freedom relate to each other? From my naive understanding, roaming means you give the player (suppose an AML) the freedom to move around the pitch to another position (let's assume to AMC or AMR or even to MC position). Given my goal of playing a pass and move football, would I be better off giving roaming instructions (players making more movements around and thus, options for others to pass to) with low creative freedom or less roaming (players sticking to their assigned positions) but higher creative freedom?

The formation is 4-2-3-1 with 1 DM (pivot triangle discussed in other threads) in classic mode of sliders.

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First of all bit of topic but hello everyone! (Posting from Sea on a internet connection that is so so slow & doesn't allow any social media)I just have a quick question on Training can i still do individual schedules for players like you uesd to in 12? Also how can i make it so my players are not very unhappy with training ot be honest this years training is just confusing me at the moment. Is the individual trianing just selecting Roles like Poacher/Advance target man in the training individual role bit? Any & all advice is welcome.& again hello to everyone! Back on land in the UK in May '13. When i can get amongst some hardcore FM!

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First of all bit of topic but hello everyone! (Posting from Sea on a internet connection that is so so slow & doesn't allow any social media)I just have a quick question on Training can i still do individual schedules for players like you uesd to in 12? Also how can i make it so my players are not very unhappy with training ot be honest this years training is just confusing me at the moment. Is the individual trianing just selecting Roles like Poacher/Advance target man in the training individual role bit? Any & all advice is welcome.& again hello to everyone! Back on land in the UK in May '13. When i can get amongst some hardcore FM!


Can try lowering their training intensity.

Yes, only preset training can be used now. Custom training schedules are scrapped.

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Looking for some advice and I feel stupid asking the question, so this looks like the right place to ask :)

I have a tactic in which I am creating numerous pure 1 on 1 chances with the goalkeeper, which I feel I am not converting enough of.

What attributes, PPMs and other information should I be looking to increase/obtain on my players to help convert the 1 on 1s?

Finishing and Composure are givens (I presume!), but what else?

Would 'Places Shots' help? 'Like To Round The Keeper'?

Decisions & Technique would also be a factor I presume, but am I missing anything else that I should have my attackers focus on for converting them?

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Looking for some advice and I feel stupid asking the question, so this looks like the right place to ask :)

I have a tactic in which I am creating numerous pure 1 on 1 chances with the goalkeeper, which I feel I am not converting enough of.

What attributes, PPMs and other information should I be looking to increase/obtain on my players to help convert the 1 on 1s?

Finishing and Composure are givens (I presume!), but what else?

Would 'Places Shots' help? 'Like To Round The Keeper'?

Decisions & Technique would also be a factor I presume, but am I missing anything else that I should have my attackers focus on for converting them?

Composure would be the big one here, but I am sure you know that. Even so, a point or two can make a significant difference over the long term, so you might look to train up those guys that are only adequate in that category. Of course, if it is high enough already it will be difficult to increase. I like those two PPms for the job, too.

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Why has my Director of football, all suddenly into pre season for 3rd season started to bring in transfers??? In the responsibilities list he is only in charge of bringing in new youth players and report on their progress. A couple of his targets have been about 18-19 years

old but his latest target is a 26 year old goalkeeper...

edit: silly me, go here if you are interested:


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Why has my Director of football, all suddenly into pre season for 3rd season started to bring in transfers??? In the responsibilities list he is only in charge of bringing in new youth players and report on their progress. A couple of his targets have been about 18-19 years

old but his latest target is a 26 year old goalkeeper...

This thread is for tactic and training questions only. Try the General section of the forums :)

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The 2 options for tutoring end up doing the same thing. It's more a case of how the tutor responds to the question. That's why there are 2 options but both do the exact same thing. Unless it changed for FM12 and no-one told me, but I'm pretty confident it's not changed.

A quick and mostly likely stupid question, hence the post in this thread :) Is the above (posted on page 19) still true for FM13?

Also, I've got decent newgen DM but I'm undecided on how to develop him further. Would it be best to ask in here or start another thread? Or is there already a thread for asking for player development advice?

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A quick and mostly likely stupid question, hence the post in this thread :) Is the above (posted on page 19) still true for FM13?

Also, I've got decent newgen DM but I'm undecided on how to develop him further. Would it be best to ask in here or start another thread? Or is there already a thread for asking for player development advice?

One of the options teaches PPM's and personality and one does just personality

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Cheers Cleon.

Stupid question alert!

Where do you go to see how well your team has gelled? I know where to see how they are reacting to the tactic being trained but cant fubnd where you see how well gelled the team is?

In terms of tactics you can left click on the blue "Familiarity" bar on the left hand side of the tactics screen to see how familiar they are to different aspects of your tactic.

In terms of squad unity and such, the only place I've seen is on the board confidence screen and there's a bar for "Squad Harmony".

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Stupid question alert!

Where do you go to see how well your team has gelled? I know where to see how they are reacting to the tactic being trained but cant fubnd where you see how well gelled the team is?

Under your assman, you look at teamtalk feedback, and he will tell you how he thinks are coming together.

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Why do my players drop their attributes at random times ? The team has good reputation , excellent facilities and coaches , the players are happy , play regularly and get good ratings . Suddenly and without any clue i get orange downwards attribute training arrows for about 10 days on some of the players . This probably is a very slight drop , but why does this happen ?

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Without trying to sound stupid, but what is actually classed as a "clear cut chance"? A one on one with their keeper?

As near as I can tell it is what you say, and it also appears to have to occur within or nearly within the 6 yard box. It's kind of a messed up system, as some of those close in shots are not really good chances, where some shots farther out are not classed as CCC's but are excellent scoring opportunities.

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Why do my players drop their attributes at random times ? The team has good reputation , excellent facilities and coaches , the players are happy , play regularly and get good ratings . Suddenly and without any clue i get orange downwards attribute training arrows for about 10 days on some of the players . This probably is a very slight drop , but why does this happen ?

Natural ebb and flow as players go through a season, if it's temporary (10 days is fine) then it's nothing to worry about. If it persists then it's most likely an indicator of either fatigue (rising jadedness) or poor morale - both can be awkward to fix and are best avoided before hand if possible.

Different players require different strategies to keep at their peak. Some can be sorted by changing up their schedule from time to time, others by making sure their contracts are reflective of their current status, others still by interactions with the player. If a player is lazy and/or unprofessional and/or undetermined (possibly) then you've got to expect that from time to time they aren't going to train well.

If an attribute is right on the boundary of where it switches (from, say, 12 to 13) then you might find that during these small dips/rises the player will actually lose/gain a point, but, again, its nothing to worry about and will sort itself in the long term.

Oh, I've found that some players will report poor training for the odd month but a rocket usually sorts them out. Of course, other players might be different so you have to try things and get a feel for each player in your squad.

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How do automatic duties (CM, WB, FB) actually work?

I'm currently working on 5-3-2/3-5-2 counter tactic in my save, so I would like to know all options for my WBs and CM. I think I know how defend, support, attack duties work, but I'm not sure about the automatic.

Does it change according to Mentality settings? If so, how does it work for Counter?


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As near as I can tell it is what you say, and it also appears to have to occur within or nearly within the 6 yard box. It's kind of a messed up system, as some of those close in shots are not really good chances, where some shots farther out are not classed as CCC's but are excellent scoring opportunities.

I completely just dominated a game against City, and from watching the extended highlights I'd honestly say I had over 8 CCC, but apparently the system says just the 1.


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Is it possible to get an emergency GK on loan ? i'm playing as Hull City in season 2 (got promoted) and my 1st and 2nd choice keepers are out for 3 months, only got a rubbish 18 year old who wouldn't be good enough for League 2 let alone the Prem.

So is it possible to get an emergency loan ? if so how ? i should say i don't have a penny of my transfer budget left and can only afford £900 a week wages :(

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Is it possible to get an emergency GK on loan ? i'm playing as Hull City in season 2 (got promoted) and my 1st and 2nd choice keepers are out for 3 months, only got a rubbish 18 year old who wouldn't be good enough for League 2 let alone the Prem.

So is it possible to get an emergency loan ? if so how ? i should say i don't have a penny of my transfer budget left and can only afford £900 a week wages :(

This thread is for Tactics and Training questions only...

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Is it possible to get an emergency GK on loan ? i'm playing as Hull City in season 2 (got promoted) and my 1st and 2nd choice keepers are out for 3 months, only got a rubbish 18 year old who wouldn't be good enough for League 2 let alone the Prem.

So is it possible to get an emergency loan ? if so how ? i should say i don't have a penny of my transfer budget left and can only afford £900 a week wages :(

Doubt so. You will probably get a grey-out gk instead.

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Natural ebb and flow as players go through a season, if it's temporary (10 days is fine) then it's nothing to worry about. If it persists then it's most likely an indicator of either fatigue (rising jadedness) or poor morale - both can be awkward to fix and are best avoided before hand if possible. (...)
It surely is not something alarming , but is somewhat frustrating watching your world class center-back , first team regular ,of professional personality + 20 determination , with superb morale and 7.50+ rating having a ton of orange arrows out of the blue . There are 24 of his stats with a decline arrow (!) lol
Already got a greyed out keeper, he won't last a game without conceding at least 3 goals, no idea what will happen if he's in goal for 3 months. Looks like my seasons down the toilet then :(
Place normal outfield player on GK position and program , there you go , solved
How do automatic duties (CM, WB, FB) actually work?

I'm currently working on 5-3-2/3-5-2 counter tactic in my save, so I would like to know all options for my WBs and CM. I think I know how defend, support, attack duties work, but I'm not sure about the automatic.

Does it change according to Mentality settings? If so, how does it work for Counter?Thanks.

Yes . that is , "automatic" changes the role according to the team's strategy setting . Just tested a WM on a balanced team philosophy : each different strategy changes his mentality accordingly . Most of his other settings are affected too : creative freedom , run from deep , through balls etc.
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It surely is not something alarming , but is somewhat frustrating watching your world class center-back , first team regular ,of professional personality + 20 determination , with superb morale and 7.50+ rating having a ton of orange arrows out of the blue . There are 24 of his stats with a decline arrow (!) lol

Don't forget that (I assume it's the same) the arrows show a decline in attributes on a 0-100 scale but the attribute list is only 1-20. So 24 down arrows might mean that there are 24 attributes who have all lost 0.1-0.9th of an attribute stat which all goes into add 1 attribute stat somewhere else.

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I cancelled a tutoring program between one of my seniors and one of my youths, as I wanted to instruct the senior player to mentor someone else. However, the Tutoring option is now greyed out on the interaction screen, saying that 'This option was used recently'.

How long do I have to wait before my tutor can tutor again? Sports Interactive, let my tutors tute!

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hello can someone clear the air for me?

i have my ass man handling the training section. but the training intensity and focus and all that does not change although he is saying(in matches) 'we need to focus on defending set pieces in the new future' and stuff like that. is there a known issue of this ?

i was sure if you as the manager dispatch the training to your ass man he will get all the job done from changing focus to intensity as the opposition changes. and another question is related to the to the throws in ... i got my set to short...and my two forwards set to near post and stay forward...but somehow when i'm attacking he comes deep and the thrower passes to him...what should i do ?

oh and another question... i set my ass man and coach to get my advices but i somehow dont see...no tactics advices no nada...i only get talk to press and other not so important ones...

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