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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Thanks to difran8 for the suggestions and a big thanks to falahk for taking the time to write all that information really appreciate It, It was very well written and made me understand it alot better now an will definitely be using this as a guide to set up my 4-3-1-2 tactic, I have even saved it to my wordpad as I know wis will help me out so thanks again!

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Hi guys I'm playing in the Blue Square North so low down. But I can't get my players to play through balls. I'm playing a 4-1-2-2-1 and neither the IF and wingers or the CM's ever try through balls. I've set them to often in the player instructions but they just never play my striker through. Can anybody help me with this?


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Not sure how stupid my questions are but I am sure I will find out now…

I am managing Leatherhead in the Isthmian leagues, I play a 4-2-3-1, using two defensive midfielders both playmakers one on support and one defensive. I then have an AM who is a trequartisa, and my question is what role should my striker playing be to make the most of my system, I currently have him as a deep lying stiker and out of all of my players I am struggling to get the most out of him. I have tried a few different strikers too, all who are suited to that role,

My second question is... on opposition instruction you always see more often than not in these lower leagues very tired players before the game has even started, what is the best way to take advantage of this?

Do you close him down or mark him tight? or nothing?

Many thanks for any help,

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Regarding OI: i always set tackling to hard on these tired players, hoping that they pick up a knock and lose even more fitness. I guess them being tired also affects their concentration, decisionmaking and composure so tight marking, manmarking or closing down might work too. But im still in the trying->failing->trying something else phase lol.

I think a DLF might work, especially on attack, he will fall back less than on support (correct me if i'm wrong) but still link up play while in theory Tq should linkup between the DMCs. I think you do need to play at least one of the AML/AMRs to make runs into the box when the DLF creates holes to receive throughballs.

Regarding the DMCs: it seems like they would need a fair amount of passing/decision/creativity to be effective because of the distance between them and the attacking part of your team, how are they doing? Wouldnt it be better to make them DMC-d, DMC-s? Just asking btw, maybe they are doing great already :D.

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Regarding OI: i always set tackling to hard on these tired players, hoping that they pick up a knock and lose even more fitness. I guess them being tired also affects their concentration, decisionmaking and composure so tight marking, manmarking or closing down might work too. But im still in the trying->failing->trying something else phase lol.

I think a DLF might work, especially on attack, he will fall back less than on support (correct me if i'm wrong) but still link up play while in theory Tq should linkup between the DMCs. I think you do need to play at least one of the AML/AMRs to make runs into the box when the DLF creates holes to receive throughballs.

Regarding the DMCs: it seems like they would need a fair amount of passing/decision/creativity to be effective because of the distance between them and the attacking part of your team, how are they doing? Wouldnt it be better to make them DMC-d, DMC-s? Just asking btw, maybe they are doing great already :D.

Do you find that setting tackling on hard on tired players work? I usally set closing down to yes on tired players at the start of the game, however I have had any noticable results on that but maybe i am not noticing them,

I have the DLF currently on support and to be fair my Treq plays very well and benefits the most from this system but i dont get enough goals out of my DLF. My AML and AMR are both on support and a winger and an inside forward and these two perform very wel in the system. The DMCs do have high stats on passing/decision and creativity as well as tackling, they do play well and i am happy with them and I think they will play better once i get better players in these positition but as part of the larger picture they do a good job so regarding forward play it is my DLF i would like to improve.

Appreciate your help!

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Do you find that setting tackling on hard on tired players work? I usally set closing down to yes on tired players at the start of the game, however I have had any noticable results on that but maybe i am not noticing them,

I have the DLF currently on support and to be fair my Treq plays very well and benefits the most from this system but i dont get enough goals out of my DLF. My AML and AMR are both on support and a winger and an inside forward and these two perform very wel in the system. The DMCs do have high stats on passing/decision and creativity as well as tackling, they do play well and i am happy with them and I think they will play better once i get better players in these positition but as part of the larger picture they do a good job so regarding forward play it is my DLF i would like to improve.

Appreciate your help!

Hmkay, playing with a striker with an attacking role might be better but i guess its something you can only find out by playing matches and looking at how your striker functions in combination with your midfield and how you want him to play. For example: assuming your TQ drops back does the DLF-s drop in the hole and if he does can he link up between midfield and the AML/AMR? Where does the TQ after that? He might run forward and congest that part of the pitch cause your striker is already there.

Also about your striker, if he is slow he might not have the pace to get back in the box fast enough to actually finish crosses/throughballs etc.

So yeah because all your front players are on support (except for TQ who drops a bit deeper anyway) you kinda create an encirclement around the box which might mean players can pass into the box rarely which might mean you get these stupid 'i have longshots on rarely, we use the play into box shout but i still shoot from 35 yards' situations. Well thats what happens to me a lot lol.

Btw im just giving suggestions im doing decent atm myself but nothing spectacular so Cleon or any other more experienced player can probably help you 100times better.

anyhow GLHF

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Wow, more than 2000 posts on here already, so i'm going to guess the question i have has already been asked. Wouldn't know how to start searching though, so here goes.

It's about player roles. If you have two forwards, for example a poacher and an advanced forward, then manually set the sliders to the same positions, do the roles still have any effect?

So if you set the advanced forward's sliders the same as the poachers, will the advanced forward then play as a poacher? Or does his original role mean he'll play in a different way?

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Wow, more than 2000 posts on here already, so i'm going to guess the question i have has already been asked. Wouldn't know how to start searching though, so here goes.

It's about player roles. If you have two forwards, for example a poacher and an advanced forward, then manually set the sliders to the same positions, do the roles still have any effect?

So if you set the advanced forward's sliders the same as the poachers, will the advanced forward then play as a poacher? Or does his original role mean he'll play in a different way?

Any manual changes overwrite everything. If you change the sliders then the description of what the player is becomes ineffective because you've changed it.

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Any manual changes overwrite everything. If you change the sliders then the description of what the player is becomes ineffective because you've changed it.

Needs to be prominently documented, ASAP. I've also seen a lot of users that aren't aware what the creator does, that is adjusting the sliders. A lot of people think the creator influences something out of your manual control, and that adjusting the sliders merely modifies what the TC creates a little here and there.

Two questions:

1) What are the exact differences between "man marking" and "zonal marking" - as they are implemented into FM, that is? After all, as both are zonal, the differences can be quite subtle to spot for most of the time. Apparently this is one hard to tackle even for the msot experienced, as I've never had a detailed answer on that. :-)

2) Is there any way to utilize height advantage, more specifically: Is there any specific crossing setting that influences the height of crosses in general, other than crossing to a single specific target man and feeding him "to head"?

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Needs to be prominently documented, ASAP. I've also seen a lot of users that aren't aware what the creator does, that is adjusting the sliders. A lot of people think the creator influences something out of your manual control, and that adjusting the sliders merely modifies what the TC creates a little here and there.

I've not seen any posts like that around here in all honesty. Can you link me to these threads/posts were you've seen people claim this please so I can take a look please.

And its documented throughout the forum/online manual that manual changes override everything....that's why so many people are told to leave the sliders alone until they know exactly what they do.

1) This is explained in here Zonal vs Man marking

2) Not really no. It all depends on teamwork, decisions and anticipation.

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I've not seen any posts like that around here in all honesty. Can you link me to these threads/posts were you've seen people claim this please so I can take a look please.

Off the top of my hat: On these forums I cannot remember any specific posts right now. However, in our biggest German community over at meistertrainerforum.de confusions regarding the TC are still quite common. Reason being that a lot of people probably won't read a manual, let alone an online manual - and it is only being provided in English. Personally I've got to admit that haven't taken a look at the online manual in ages, since the first edition seemed to pretty much a port job of the printed manual that shipped with FM up until about FM 2008 - with the same glaring error regarding the explanation of the counter attacking tick box for instance still left untouched to this very day.

1) This is explained in here Zonal vs Man marking

I know what you quoted from TT&F, which is the reason I wondered how for instance my defensive midfielder would pick up a man when set to "man marking", but actually lets go of him when the player starts drifting someplace else. If this post is correct, it is probably a better explanation, I guess? I assumed as much, that the player was likely more prone to sticking to his man when man marking until the attacking move was over. I was just confused how players would let go off their players just as well if they roamed, drifted or dropped deep before the move was actually over. In that way, man marking is much the same as zonal.

The real difference between man and zonal in FM to sum it up would then be:

In conclusion, the only difference between zonal marking and man marking comes down to how the players will react when his zone is overloaded.

Assuming a LB is set to man-mark and has picked up the opposition's AMR - due to the man marking he is more likely to stick to that AMR even when the opposition's RB is pushing forward and advancing into the LB's zone, right?

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Off the top of my hat: On this forums I cannot remember any specific posts. However, in our biggest German community over at meistertrainerforum.de confusions regarding the TC are still quite common.

Well its well documented on here, I can't control how it works on other sites. You should take your issue up with them.

Assuming a LB is set to man-mark and has picked up the opposition's AMR - due to the man marking he is more likely to stick to that AMR even when the opposition's RB is advancing into the LB's zone, correct?

Yeah unless he has very good decision making then he could choose to leave his man if he feels the other player is more of a threat.

He'd stick to the AMR if you've chosen specific man marking though.

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He'd stick to the AMR if you've chosen specific man marking though.

And like glue, all the time, no matter what. :-) This is traditional man marking, as I have documented in the thread linked to four posts above. It also cost me two games recently, but that is another story. FM's "specific" aka traditional man marking is this rigid, it makes players from about any position rush to their player right from the second the opposition (re)gains possession. No matter what - decision making never comes into play. It is arguably the only move in which FM players can be pulled like puppets on a string.

On a very stupid occassion, I had a DM set to specificly man-mark the opponent's AMC recently. The same DM also acted as one of but two covers during an attacking corner though, during which the AMC dropped back to defend that corner. What happened was this, then:

You'll notice the mechanics kicking in when the first opposing player gets ahold of the ball nicely. As soon as he touches it, the DM makes his run, inviting doom and misery.

I'm ashamed to admit, but I forgot to correct it and suffered the exact same error in the match that followed next. :D Specific man marking can be dangerous, and arguably as in real-life football, isn't an option across all the team. On FM, even that one player set to man mark specifically needs be choosen wisely. To me, the slight difference between "man" and "zonal" marking, which are both zonal, after all, are almost neglectible in comparison.

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Didn't want to create a thread in case there was an obvious reason.

I just subbed a player on the 60 minute mark for a poor performance (6.0 rating) and a few moments later i checked some player stats and noticed the subs rating had increased to 7.0, so my stupid question is, how did his rating increase ?

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Didn't want to create a thread in case there was an obvious reason.

I just subbed a player on the 60 minute mark for a poor performance (6.0 rating) and a few moments later i checked some player stats and noticed the subs rating had increased to 7.0, so my stupid question is, how did his rating increase ?

Unless I'm reading your post wrong, you're saying the player you brought on had a rating of 7? and the one you subbed was 6?

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Unless I'm reading your post wrong, you're saying the player you brought on had a rating of 7? and the one you subbed was 6?
No, i subbed a defender because he had a low rating (6.0) but checked a few moments later and that subbed defenders rating had shot up to a 7.0, i subbed him cause he was playing rubbish, but his final rating makes it look like he had a good game.

Hope that makes sense.

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No, i subbed a defender because he had a low rating (6.0) but checked a few moments later and that subbed defenders rating had shot up to a 7.0, i subbed him cause he was playing rubbish, but his final rating makes it look like he had a good game.

Hope that makes sense.

He must have done something between the time you did the sub request and the time he actually got subbed. Somewhere in between he must have been more involved.

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He must have done something between the time you did the sub request and the time he actually got subbed. Somewhere in between he must have been more involved.
Maybe so, i think it took about 2 or 3 game minutes to make the changes so i suppose what your saying makes sense, just seemed odd at the time. Ta.
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anyone got any fixes for the players trying to take on the world and score a worldie everytime they get the ball? Sometimes it seems like it's all what my players does. Tried so many different roles etc. but everybody seems to want to do it in the new patch. Turned off long shots a while ago, and even though there are options they just seem to blast it every oportunity.

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huge thread, sorry if this has been asked before:

what's the best role combination for 2 strikers? playing a simple but effective 442 with a DLF(S) and an AF(A) who sometimes is a P(A) depending on who plays. what i've understood is that at least one of them has to be a DLF right? for tactical balance sake? and the other striker can just play what role suits him better...? is this correct?

thanks in advance!

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huge thread, sorry if this has been asked before:

what's the best role combination for 2 strikers? playing a simple but effective 442 with a DLF(S) and an AF(A) who sometimes is a P(A) depending on who plays. what i've understood is that at least one of them has to be a DLF right? for tactical balance sake? and the other striker can just play what role suits him better...? is this correct?

thanks in advance!

I might be wrong but i believe the general idea is to have one on support and one on attack. The support player will link up with the midfield whilst the attacking player will push forwards. On my 4-4-2 i use Deep-Lying forward on support and an Advanced forward, but i've found that its the deep lying forward getting more of the goals. I suppose it also depends on how your midfield is set up to play.

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huge thread, sorry if this has been asked before:

what's the best role combination for 2 strikers? playing a simple but effective 442 with a DLF(S) and an AF(A) who sometimes is a P(A) depending on who plays. what i've understood is that at least one of them has to be a DLF right? for tactical balance sake? and the other striker can just play what role suits him better...? is this correct?

thanks in advance!

There aren't any concrete rules, plenty of different combos can work in different situations.

Most people prefer one deeper guy (DLF) and one high guy (AF / P) but other combos can work. Roy Hodgson traditionally likes 2 strikers pretty high up and Newcastle last year tried to play Ba/Cisse both pretty high.

It also depends what you have at your disposal. Looking at the 'usual' player combos you have creator/finisher or big man/small man. The creator/finisher would normally see the creator in a DLF or maybe CF role with support duty with the finisher higher up, AF, P or TGM with attack duty should do well. Big man / small man is a little harder because either could be the high point.

Of course if you were to modify the TC defaults to elicit slightly different movement then things change again. You could, for example, slightly lower mentality, set forward runs to rarely but push dribble to often (limit other creative options) which would result in a guy who drops deep but primarily runs at the opposition rather than passing or beating them with movement prior to receiving the ball. Suarez, for example, does this sort of role well and I would imagine this would work very well next to big, high target man type guy (would be even better in an attacking 3 with a creative AM behind).

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How would I go about getting my wingers to pass the ball instead of shooting. The picture below describes the the sort of situation I often find myself in.


Instead of attempting to find a team mate or even play it across the face of goal, the winger always shoots and 99% of the time will hit the side netting. I appreciate that in the above example there's no obvious pass but I'd be more satisfied if the winger attempted to play the ball as opposed to shooting.

Sorry if this has been mentioned before, I did a quick search but couldn't find anything.

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I am not going to embed these player screenshots so I don't overload the page. But I am guessing this is a tactics thing... but my stupid wingers just won't dribble considering all I read about is "how to deal with tricky wingers" and that dribbling got toned down in the last patch etc etc. Which is why I'm posting in here for help rather than anywhere else.

So the argument I'm going to use if from the game I just played where I lost due to their winger scoring a nice goal after a "wonderful" dribble, yet this player is worse than mine so Its not my player surely!

This is my winger - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/moustaphawinger.png/

This is the winger that scored against me - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/571/pedrodionsiowinger.png/

This is the goal that was scored against me...

They were playing 4-1(DM)2-2(AMR,AML)-1

and I am playing a flat 4-4-2 rigid on standard and my winger gets the instructions of you guessed it a winger, on both support and attack, no fidling with sliders... Its not any game either, they hardly ever impress. In fact my wingers were depressgin me so bad I got this guy in January and it hasn't made the slightest difference! But it obviously can be done.

Please help, Or please tell me its not me!

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This could be a stupid question, since I have not read the entire thread – but I am still hoping for somebody to help me

When training a new tactic I set up scheduling at the most “more match training” – and in match prep and match training I set it to tactics only.

I still think the team is to slow to learn the tactic – Is there anything I can do to speed up the training?

Would it go quicker if I only have one tactic at my tactics (in the tactics screen)?

Thanks :-)

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This could be a stupid question, since I have not read the entire thread – but I am still hoping for somebody to help me

When training a new tactic I set up scheduling at the most “more match training” – and in match prep and match training I set it to tactics only.

I still think the team is to slow to learn the tactic – Is there anything I can do to speed up the training?

Would it go quicker if I only have one tactic at my tactics (in the tactics screen)?

Thanks :-)

I don't think so. I believe the 3 tactics can be improved together at the same time.

I believe it kinda of help if the team old formation/tactic is similar to the one you are currently using.

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Just a quick question about Hold Up Ball instructions.

I am playing a 4-2-3-1, possession-style tactic when I'm playing against teams who will set-up very deep against my team. When I notice that I need more creativity from a deeper position/my CMs are finding a lot of time on the ball, I'll play one of my normal AMs as a DLP(s) in the CM position. Now, as the players I have for this are quite weak (i.e. David Silva or Samir Nasri), will HUB be a negative instruction for them (i.e. getting dispossessed easily)? Or would they be able to use their intelligence/agility/balance to hold onto the ball from deeper while looking for a dangerous pass?

I've been taking off the HUB instruction thus far, but was wondering if anyone had any input on using it with these sort of players/in this scenario.

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It happens a lot that I get young MC/AMCs like this:

- Good stats for creativity, passing, dribbling, technique

-terrible stats for tackling, marking

Now I usually play without an AMC but use 2 MCs. Imo they should at least have some kind of defensive stats, so at least at the start I train them as MCs (the role not the position). I was wondering how you guys do this. Would it be better to ignore that stuff and just go for full on AP/AMC/TQ?


Ive been thinking about using a control tactic with counter box ticked, anyone got experience with this? It seems like it gives the best of both worlds. It's still controlling but a bit wider, more aggressive when you have the ball, but still with the options of fast counters the regular countertactic has.


is the panenka penalty in this game? i just saw a player pass a penalty thru the middle. so soft it barely reached the goal. keeper held it. never seen before. :D

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Can i see something like a bar that shows how much my team is gelled or is it just the individual remarks the assman makes during games? Annoys the **** out of me not seeing that.

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Can i see something like a bar that shows how much my team is gelled or is it just the individual remarks the assman makes during games? Annoys the **** out of me not seeing that.

Squad Overview > last match > team talk feedback

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Squad Overview > last match > team talk feedback

Thanks I've literally been looking for it since I bought this game. This game has so much 'hidden' stuff I keep seeing new stuff I never new about.

edit: i even googled it :D

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Thanks I've literally been looking for it since I bought this game. This game has so much 'hidden' stuff I keep seeing new stuff I never new about.

edit: i even googled it :D

I've answered this a lot recently, so you're not alone :)

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  • SI Staff


Just a really stupid question...but I need my mind to be clear about that point. Do shouts have effect on non default sliders please?

Ex: I choose to give the numerical value of 13 to defensive line, do shouts like sit back have effect on it?

Thanks in advance

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Just a really stupid question...but I need my mind to be clear about that point. Do shouts have effect on non default sliders please?

Ex: I choose to give the numerical value of 13 to defensive line, do shouts like sit back have effect on it?

Thanks in advance

Any changes you manually make to sliders will cancel out the effect of the shout. So for example if you changes through balls to often for every single player then this shout wouldn't work;

Pass Into Feet – Reduces through ball’s for the players. This is good to use if you feel too many passes are been intercepted by the opposition or you feel too many passes are been misplaced. If you have slow players this is the type of passing you want rather than the pass into space one above.

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  • SI Staff

Thanks Cleon for such a quick answer.

So if we want to keep effect of shouts, we have to make no manual changes, isn't it? Is is the same about pressing? For example I use a Nike defense, and manually change pressing and mentality to make them suitable to the kind of defense I'd like to see.

So it means that when I use shout like "Reduce closing down" (not sure about translation, don't know the english version, is there any link about shouts in english way please?), this shouts don't reduce the closing down of my defenders but only the players with default sliders?

Sorry about this questions, just try to understand how it really works to explain it to other and make that notion clear.

edit: So if I get the idea well, it means that if we start to make manual changes, it means that we need to make any change ourselves manually during the match, to adapt it to the opposition and at a particular moment of the match?

Sorry about my relative limited english, hope everything clear enough.

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Thanks Cleon for such a quick answer.

So if we want to keep effect of shouts, we have to make no manual changes, isn't it? Is is the same about pressing? For example I use a Nike defense, and manually change pressing and mentality to make them suitable to the kind of defense I'd like to see.

So it means that when I use shout like "Reduce closing down" (not sure about translation, don't know the english version, is there any link about shouts in english way please?), this shouts don't reduce the closing down of my defenders but only the players with default sliders?

Sorry about this questions, just try to understand how it really works to explain it to other and make that notion clear.

Yups that's correct. Every manual you change you make means any shouts that changes whatever you have manually change won't work.

I explain what shouts do and what they change in this thread The Full 90 Minutes - What I Do

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Thanks once more. So now I'll be able to give better help. And it explains me some strange reaction of my players that I couldn't explain.

I'm going to read again your thread. Have a nice day

No worries mate, glad I could help :)

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I have a question on scouting. I only have the one scout who as JPA 12 and JPP 13 Level of displine 17 determination 15, i Play in the lower leagues, blue square south so the states i think are pretty awsome. I have been looking for players for my first team so my scout has been looking for chaps with current ability ratings.

I signed two guys who the scout had rated 5 stars. lucky for me both was on a free. Once they had joined my club my assistant manager rates them both on 2 and half stars current ability. now im i right in thinking my Assman is a fool, and he is wrong and the scout is right ?

My assman stats are:

Level of displine 10

determination 11



Or is any other reason why the player i signed drop stars when they join.

Thx for the help

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Anyone else seeing run with ball as overweighted in the ME? Whenever I swap players to be wingers they allways just run with the ball until they shoot. Once lowering RWB they don't and actually start playing footie.

They have anyone to pass to ? I found in the ME if you got to many attacking the box gets crowded which makes all your attackers easy to mark, then the guy with the ball has no option other to run with it or take a long shot.

try having a DLF set to hold ball up and move into channels and a ACM set to move into channels, it seem to make plenty of space thus lessinng the running with ball and long shots.

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  • SI Staff

Hello Cleon,

just some more question as we had a debate on a french forum about positionning on the pitch according to mentality. I mean, we know that the position is first due to the tactic slot..

The question i:

What does it makes exactly to give more attacking or defensive mentality to a player (without modyfying anything else than this)

Here's one of your citation,

If in your own tactics you want players to play deeper or higher up the pitch then you can see on this section of the tab if they are playing as you visualise in your head. During a game if you’re not happy with anything then you can pause the game and try and change things slightly and keep doing that until you are happy with the player position. If you just want to check out a specific player then click the selected only option under view. Then highlight the player and you’ll just be able to see that particular player’s average position.

About bolded part, what do you change for modifying individual positionning?

First I would try to see if the task, duty are ok, then the runs...

If it looks ok, then try to modify the mentality slider, to make a player retain or engage more (by that I mean going faster upper on the pitch during an offensive phase).

Are we right to think that modifying the mentality slots for several points can do so, without destroying the whole team structure?

Ie, to keep a player a few deeper on the pitch, what would you advice please?

Will you just modify task or duty, or just runs....because in that case it looks obvious to use shouts just for one player isn't it?


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