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Is it possible to keep a lone striker from being isolated if he doesn't have CAM playing directly behind him? For the life of me I can't get this to work....


-Shorter Passing

-Hassle Opp

-Be More Expressive

-Drill Crosses

-Lower Tempo

--------DLF (S)------

IF (A)-------------IF (A)

-----DLP (D)---AP (A)----

----------HB (D)---------

WB (S)---CB (X)--CB ©--WB (S)

----------GK (D)------------

My AP is just not getting forward. Combine that with my wide men being absolute boneheads and every attack breaks down in the final third. Funny enough, as soon as I bring my wide men inside behind the striker.... presto. He has all kinds of support and my wingers suddenly develop a brain. Any suggestions or should I just abandon the wing play all together? Before anyone suggests it... I'm not playing with two up top.

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Sorry to repeat the text but I really need some ideas on this

Ok, I have read the post and although I'm little more clarified, I'm still a bit confused... sorry, sometimes my CPU is slow :-)

So mark tighter keeps defensive shape because our players allow the opponent to come close, close down may be dangerous because it can open gaps in defence although our players press more the opponent with or without the ball (right ?), hassle opponents it's more like a man to man marking without specifying the man to mark.

If this is correct, how can I have always 2 or 3 players pressing wherever the ball is ????

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Sorry to repeat the text but I really need some ideas on this

Ok, I have read the post and although I'm little more clarified, I'm still a bit confused... sorry, sometimes my CPU is slow :-)

So mark tighter keeps defensive shape because our players allow the opponent to come close, close down may be dangerous because it can open gaps in defence although our players press more the opponent with or without the ball (right ?), hassle opponents it's more like a man to man marking without specifying the man to mark.

If this is correct, how can I have always 2 or 3 players pressing wherever the ball is ????

Zonal = keep shape

Zonal tight = follow men around a little bit more but main focus is the position

Man = stay close to the opponent inside your zone

Man tight = stay even closer to the opponent inside your zone, don't worry too much about defensive shape

Man specific = follow the specified player around wherever he goes and don't mind anything else

Whenever a player closes down an opponent, he is by definition not marking anyone else and so he has left his place in the formation. This is dangerous because the space he left in order to close down can be exploited.

Hassle opponents is a shout/instruction that increases Closing Down instructions. It is a team instruction so it affects all your players. It is useful to reduce the amount of time the opponent has on the ball to make trouble, which is a good idea if your defensive line is high and you are playing attacking football.

Edit: wait... is even the choice man/zonal in FM14?

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Zonal = keep shape

Zonal tight = follow men around a little bit more but main focus is the position

Man = stay close to the opponent inside your zone

Man tight = stay even closer to the opponent inside your zone, don't worry too much about defensive shape

Man specific = follow the specified player around wherever he goes and don't mind anything else

Whenever a player closes down an opponent, he is by definition not marking anyone else and so he has left his place in the formation. This is dangerous because the space he left in order to close down can be exploited.

Hassle opponents is a shout/instruction that increases Closing Down instructions. It is a team instruction so it affects all your players. It is useful to reduce the amount of time the opponent has on the ball to make trouble, which is a good idea if your defensive line is high and you are playing attacking football.

Edit: wait... is even the choice man/zonal in FM14?


I'm not having doubts between man or zonal, I've always played zonal. I'm just trying to find out if there is way to pressure the opponent that has the ball with more than a player, no matter he's a defender, a midfielder or an attacker. I want to increase pressing wherever the ball is in order to recover it to my possession.

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I'm not having doubts between man or zonal, I've always played zonal. I'm just trying to find out if there is way to pressure the opponent that has the ball with more than a player, no matter he's a defender, a midfielder or an attacker. I want to increase pressing wherever the ball is in order to recover it to my possession.

Then I suppose you'll need to overload the midfield, play a high defensive line, an attacking strategy and select Hassle. Max you can do is Overload, Hassle, Much higher Defensive Line, Get Stuck In (some of these may already be selected when you go Overload).

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Yes it is, but I suggest you overload the middle a bit more. The DL and one of the IF's on support should help out. if you'd want, you could change the attacker to Attack when using that system. That creates oven more space in midfield.

So that's not really helping...

Through 10 matches I've managed to score 5 goals. The wingers are to too dumb to do anything worthwhile. They're set to IFs but never cut inside. They simply head to the byline, then either kick it off a defender for a corner or drag it back to to the top of the box to be intercepted or have someone kick it miles high and wide. The striker is essentially getting no service at all. I'm at the point now where I'm just going to give up trying to play with a HB and move him up to CAM. The striker just isn't getting support up top on his own.

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Gene, an IF is best played on his opposite foot. If they can't cut inside then, there must be some other issues. I used that exact formation on at least a dozen different teams, when appropriate, and it worked. If this isn't helping, maybe you can create a new thread where you give some screenshots of your current tactic, team and describe the problems in some detail. You asked whether it's possible for a striker not to get isolated when not supported by an AM, I told you what I did and with some success. :)

It would be a pity you would dismiss a valid role because it's not working for you at the moment. ;)

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Gene, an IF is best played on his opposite foot. If they can't cut inside then, there must be some other issues. I used that exact formation on at least a dozen different teams, when appropriate, and it worked. If this isn't helping, maybe you can create a new thread where you give some screenshots of your current tactic, team and describe the problems in some detail. You asked whether it's possible for a striker not to get isolated when not supported by an AM, I told you what I did and with some success. :)

It would be a pity you would dismiss a valid role because it's not working for you at the moment. ;)

Well I'm finding it odd that I give a winger the instructions to sit narrow, and there's no discernible difference in their avg position than in matches where I don't tell them to sit narrow. It's almost as if the instructions I'm giving them don't really matter. I did however find a way to increase the support to the striker, I simply upped the tempo and suddenly he's involved.

Nathan Redmond is a real pain, he has conflicting PPMs. Runs with ball down the right and Cuts inside. Runs with the ball down right seems to take over and so far trying to get him to unlearn the PPM has been a failure. It's just rather frustrating that up until now I've always been able to create tactics that get my team playing exactly the way I want them and now on 14 I'm scrambling to figure anything out. I'm just glad I'm not the only one.

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Then I suppose you'll need to overload the midfield, play a high defensive line, an attacking strategy and select Hassle. Max you can do is Overload, Hassle, Much higher Defensive Line, Get Stuck In (some of these may already be selected when you go Overload).

I'm doing that :-) attacking strategy and higher defensive line, get stuck in

Hummm the strategy has a direct influence on how our team is pressing ? I can have more players pressing where the ball is with a higher strategy ?

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I'm doing that :-) attacking strategy and higher defensive line, get stuck in

Hummm the strategy has a direct influence on how our team is pressing ? I can have more players pressing where the ball is with a higher strategy ?

Yes Overload will make your players more aggressive, less concerned with balancing risk and rewards and push up higher. It might be that you are already doing this the maximum possible amount, though. Without sliders it is impossible to know for sure.

The strategy affects everything.

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I had some issues you're describing when playing with a non-gelled team that wasn't familiar yet with the tactic. Otherwise, players tend to do what I ask them so I have no real answer to this.

Two things though: all matches are different because of the players/formation and general tactic of the opposition. You can't really judge a players positioning from match to match that way because the situations are not the same. How is the 'footing' of your wide AM's compared to their position. Players tend to use their strong foot

Here's my tactic my tactic I used to field.

Her's an avarage result (had better, had worse but not by much)

So it can work, even at LLM teams.

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I had some issues you're describing when playing with a non-gelled team that wasn't familiar yet with the tactic. Otherwise, players tend to do what I ask them so I have no real answer to this.

Two things though: all matches are different because of the players/formation and general tactic of the opposition. You can't really judge a players positioning from match to match that way because the situations are not the same. How is the 'footing' of your wide AM's compared to their position. Players tend to use their strong foot

Here's my tactic my tactic I used to field.

Her's an avarage result (had better, had worse but not by much)

So it can work, even at LLM teams.

Oh I agree, and I'm probably being too hard on it. The familiarity issue is killing me, I'm tweaking as the season progresses, which isn't helping the familiarity, which leads to poor results, which leads to poor morale, which leads to worse results... etc. It looks like it may be starting to improve slightly however.

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Hi guys. I have a question and maybe it's more about FM13 than 14.

I'm sure some of you already used a tactic where your DMC was your designated playmaker? My question is, when he is your playmaker and you play against teams with an AMC or with a lot of players in the centre of the pitch, isn't a bad idea to have him as the designated playmaker as he may be marked?

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Hi guys. I have a question and maybe it's more about FM13 than 14.

I'm sure some of you already used a tactic where your DMC was your designated playmaker? My question is, when he is your playmaker and you play against teams with an AMC or with a lot of players in the centre of the pitch, isn't a bad idea to have him as the designated playmaker as he may be marked?

Every player on the pitch is normally marked to some extent though.

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Here it goes... wondering if retain possession and pass into space instructions are conflicting. The logic here is "guys keep passing the ball, but whenever it's possible break through with a killer pass". To these two, I would add play from defence and work ball into box. Does this have any logic ?

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So Cleon would you still have him as your designated playmaker under those conditions?

Yes I see it no different to a AMC who is being marked by a DMC/DC or a DLP in MC spot being marked by a MC. It's only an issue if you see something happening during the game and you feel he isn't being as influential as normal.

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Here it goes... wondering if retain possession and pass into space instructions are conflicting. The logic here is "guys keep passing the ball, but whenever it's possible break through with a killer pass". To these two, I would add play from defence and work ball into box. Does this have any logic ?

Pass into space encourages more through balls. So I guess it depends on which roles you choose and which players were doing the through balls.

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Does the 'allow rest after match' do anything? I have it ticked but I don't see the "rest" icon next to my players, nor they seem to recover their condition, which usually happens when I rest them manually.

All the players who play in the game get the day off.

Is it possible to set up multi-tutoring inFM14?

Have a player tutored several times at the same time? No. This has never been the case on FM.

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Is there an effective formation to combat a 4 2 2 2 box formation? I'm playing against Braga in the Europa League with a Welsh premier team and want to cause an upset :) Its clearly vulnerable down the flanks but the more players i have on the flanks the more vulnerable i am in the center!

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All the players who play in the game get the day off.

Have a player tutored several times at the same time? No. This has never been the case on FM.

So, is it ilogic or conflicting to combine possession team instructions with pass into space team instruction having a DLP (support) and an AP (attack) at MC positions ?

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i've got a few issues first


how can i make Şahin Argon lay it to Werner who's making a run instead of passing it to an irrelevent player on the other side of the pitch? what instruction if any? player or team?

second question is the same


how to make him pass to Vietto instead of shooting?(he doesn't have any instruction encouraging shooing nor does he have any PPM of that kind)

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The ball carrier is looking the wrong way in image one, and your preferred recipient is obstructed by a defender in the second image.

Pass Into Space will increase through balls when they are viable, and Player Instruction of Shoot Less combined with Team Instruction of Work Ball Into Box will reduce aimless shots, but in both cases, options need to be available or the through ball can't be played, and the shot will still happen.

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i have a problem in defence. my idea of defence is that central backs stick to their positions to keep the defence line while DM closes down the field, but it seems impossible in 2014. as there is on detail instrutions are no longer avalible. I always see my central backs abandon their positions to close down the ball, which leads to the breakdown of my defence line. How to aviod this? Or share some advise on buliding up a different style of defence. Thanks

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The ball carrier is looking the wrong way in image one, and your preferred recipient is obstructed by a defender in the second image.

Pass Into Space will increase through balls when they are viable, and Player Instruction of Shoot Less combined with Team Instruction of Work Ball Into Box will reduce aimless shots, but in both cases, options need to be available or the through ball can't be played, and the shot will still happen.

in the first case he actually wasNn't looking the wrong way he was dribbling the ball in the right direction but i took the screenshot a moment later and in the second i don't actually want him yo pass directly to him but a through ball,shoot less is applied to every possible player and work ball into box is chosen too

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in the first case he actually wasNn't looking the wrong way he was dribbling the ball in the right direction but i took the screenshot a moment later and in the second i don't actually want him yo pass directly to him but a through ball,shoot less is applied to every possible player and work ball into box is chosen too

There is no space for a through ball. He is on 7 meters! A shot is the correct decision there, but he could go pretty close to the goal and then either have the chance of a quick, short pass to Vietta or shoot. If he shot from there that is a poor decision. Trying a through-ball there would be a poorer decision, though.

@a.speirs: that is an ME problem that will hopefully be fixed in the next update.

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There is no space for a through ball. He is on 7 meters! A shot is the correct decision there, but he could go pretty close to the goal and then either have the chance of a quick, short pass to Vietta or shoot. If he shot from there that is a poor decision. Trying a through-ball there would be a poorer decision, though.

@a.speirs: that is an ME problem that will hopefully be fixed in the next update.

yeah i meant it like that he should've dribbled a bit and then pass(his decision is pretty good too),but that is just one screenshot i was able to take there are much more instances like that even better positions ,they are wasted though, simply because lack of a good pass, even when these pass happen (which is truly rare) and it's one on one, defender manages to make a perfect sliding tackle every time.

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How exactly do you close out tight games ?

I've found myself on the verge of attaining 2-1 ,3-2,1-0 victories but at the end my team just implodes.

I've used possession-oriented shouts that look to slow down the game but in one or two instances,(late in games where they are desperate) I've seen the opposition aggressively hunt the ball and because my playerss are looking to hold unto the ball a little longer and be a little indecisive on it, this has resulted in turnovers that have lead to dangerous counter attacks that have often been consequential.

How do I combat this?? I am managing Gladbach by the way.

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Hello, lads. I've been playing Football Manager since FM11 but mostly just with big teams. But now that I've taken more interest in developing youngsters/regens, I was wondering if there is a comprehensive tutoring manual or a "tutoring for dummies" thread/method that someone wants to share?

Just in case you were wondering, I did do a search and couldn't find what I was looking for.

Any help would be appreciated!

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can't see why he won't pass, tried everything

What Role does Vietto have?

It's always hard to tell from a screenshot what the context of the image is, but in that one, it does seem that a pass to the man on the right is "on", but the question is how much has the AI DCL moved since Viello took the shot? He could have been obstructing the runner when the ball was hit.

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What Role does Vietto have?

It's always hard to tell from a screenshot what the context of the image is, but in that one, it does seem that a pass to the man on the right is "on", but the question is how much has the AI DCL moved since Viello took the shot? He could have been obstructing the runner when the ball was hit.

It could also be PPM related or even low decisions or low creativity. If its low creativity he might not actually see the simple pass to his right.

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It could also be PPM related or even low decisions or low creativity. If its low creativity he might not actually see the simple pass to his right.

And Team Work. Doesn't low Team Work make players selfish?

... and Complacency/Nervousness. I have found that players who aren't properly focused tend to shoot early.

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What Role does Vietto have?

It's always hard to tell from a screenshot what the context of the image is, but in that one, it does seem that a pass to the man on the right is "on", but the question is how much has the AI DCL moved since Viello took the shot? He could have been obstructing the runner when the ball was hit.


actually it was even clearer

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It could also be PPM related or even low decisions or low creativity. If its low creativity he might not actually see the simple pass to his right.

his attributes


PPMs:Gets into opp are,shoots wtih power,likes to beat offside trap,plays one-twos

BTW what's your take on this tactic?


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actually it was even clearer

Hmm. What about Cleon's questions re attributes?

If his mental attributes are OK, and if he isn't in a selfish Role like a Poacher, this could be an issue worth raising.

Incidentally, what formation is the team in black using? Looks like a back four without a left back?

EDIT - seen you have posted the image now.

It's clearly not an attributes issue. I wonder if the Shoots With Power PPM overrides in this instance his visibility of the man to his right. If you think it is an issue, upload a .pkm from that game to the Bugs forum, mention the time of this shot, and support it with that image of his attributes.

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actually it was even clearer

I honestly don't think it is clearer. It actually looks like the man on the right is actually behind play so it's possible your player hasn't seen him appearing in the corner. Plus your player has low team work of 12 which means he's more inclined to shoot.

Add to this you instructed the players to run at defence which he has done, he then shoots. This doesn't help the situation because you are telling them to dribble which means head is down as they drive forward, which makes it harder to see passing options.

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This question seems a lot more stupid than the others... :)

On previous FMs there was a box thing at the bottom of the tactic overview where you could select playmaker, target man and whether to counter or not... has this gone or been moved anywhere? I would like to select what sort of target man I'm playing- although the game seems to automatically- but also turn counter on when not using a counter formation. Cheers guys.

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