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Attacking - Rigid

Go Route One

Pass Into Space

Drop Deeper


Get Stuck In


If i choose Run in Defence, which of my players will make more runs?

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Attacking - Rigid

Go Route One

Pass Into Space

Drop Deeper


Get Stuck In


If i choose Run in Defence, which of my players will make more runs?

Instructs all attacking players to run with the ball often. This does not include MC’s on attacking duty, only attacking midfielders.

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Is Retain Possession redundant on Control?

I'm trying to lessen the shots my team has but increase the quality of those shots (sick of having 20 shots, 5 on target with only 2 clear cut chances. Would much prefer 10 shots with 5 ccc's) so trying to encourage my players not to shoot at every opportunity and rather knock it about in the final third, looking for an opening.

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Is Retain Possession redundant on Control?

I'm trying to lessen the shots my team has but increase the quality of those shots (sick of having 20 shots, 5 on target with only 2 clear cut chances. Would much prefer 10 shots with 5 ccc's) so trying to encourage my players not to shoot at every opportunity and rather knock it about in the final third, looking for an opening.

Don't play control then. Control is quite fast paced and aggressive really despite the name control. You'd be better with counter/standard for what you are trying to achieve.

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Another question...

Is there any rule, when creating a tactic about where to place your attacking minded midfielder in relation to your attacking minded winger/inside forward?

What I mean is, if your left hand side inside forward is set to attack and you play with a advanced forward (set to attack) in midfield, is it better to have on the same side as the attacking inside forward to allow him to support the inside forward further up the pitch? Or is it better to play him on the opposite side of midfield (mcr in the case) to allow both players more space.

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No specific rule on where you play each. PPM's, philosophy and other players all contribute to how they interact as well. I tend to prefer space to overloads generally though. I also tend to base player positioning and duties primarily on defensive cover.

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What's your (all of you) approach on away games? Of course as you'd imagine the home team have the advantage and therefore certain aspects need to be looked at - do you try not to over think unless the home team are favorites? Do you prioritize OI's more? Change your strategy? If I could shore up my away results I'd walk away with the league.

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Whats the main consideration when assigning duties to wide players (AML/R)? I currently play with a Winger on the left and an Inside Forward on the right. I'm not sure which way the duties should be delegated? I don't properly understand what they actually influence. My right fullback will often be given an attack duty, whether it's a Wingback or Fullback.

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Not sure if this has been covered somewhere, but i have not seen it.

Based on what i have been reading recently, the different mentalities actually have "built in shouts" in them? Meaning that if you use certain mentality, it could conflict with some shouts and/or reinforce some shouts?

Is there an explanation anywhere about what the different mentalities actually do?

Meaning for example what does "Attacking" mentality do to your passing? D-line?

What happens when i change from "Attacking" to "Counter"?

And so on.

Then there are the diffrent fluidities to play with also... Very complicated, even though i have put a lot of hours in the game :D

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Whats the main consideration when assigning duties to wide players (AML/R)? I currently play with a Winger on the left and an Inside Forward on the right. I'm not sure which way the duties should be delegated? I don't properly understand what they actually influence. My right fullback will often be given an attack duty, whether it's a Wingback or Fullback.

Depends what you want to do. If you are committed to those Roles, do you want the Winger to quickly get round his man and ping a cross in (Support) or run with the ball and cross later (Attack).

Do you want the Inside Forward to be a consistent threat in the box (Attack), or to probe from deeper (Support).

My decision would be made based on what forward(s) I'm using. If I have a high reference point in there, such as an AF (A), I might hit the crosses early (Winger on Support). If I have more of a link man up front, I would probably set the Winger to Attack. (Disclaimer - I don't use Wingers at all!)

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Is there an explanation anywhere about what the different mentalities actually do?

In the simplest terms, the more Defensive the Mentality, the Deeper your Defensive Line, the lower the tempo, the narrower the width, the more you Stand Off and Stay on Feet. More Attacking is therefore Higher, Wider, Faster, More aggressive.

Mentalities also have built in passing structures. In general terms, more Defensive Mentalities have defend Duties playing direct to clear their lines, and attack Duties playing shorter to retain possession. Switch that to more Attacking Mentalities, and the defend Duties play short and attack Duties play direct. Standard mentality essentially has everyone on Mixed passing, unless their Roles oblige them to play differently.

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In the simplest terms, the more Defensive the Mentality, the Deeper your Defensive Line, the lower the tempo, the narrower the width, the more you Stand Off and Stay on Feet. More Attacking is therefore Higher, Wider, Faster, More aggressive.

Mentalities also have built in passing structures. In general terms, more Defensive Mentalities have defend Duties playing direct to clear their lines, and attack Duties playing shorter to retain possession. Switch that to more Attacking Mentalities, and the defend Duties play short and attack Duties play direct. Standard mentality essentially has everyone on Mixed passing, unless their Roles oblige them to play differently.

So, let' say i am playing counter mentality. That would drop my defense line without any extra shouts, right?

Then i set shout "much higher defensive line". Then it would rise the defensive line, but how much?

Or set "much deeper defensive line", then it would drop, but again, how much?

These are tricky to handle for me, because the tactics screen doesn't give any visual indication of the effects. Would be far easier to think about tactics, if the visualization on tactics screen would actually show what your changes do...

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So, let' say i am playing counter mentality. That would drop my defense line without any extra shouts, right?

Then i set shout "much higher defensive line". Then it would rise the defensive line, but how much?

Or set "much deeper defensive line", then it would drop, but again, how much?

These are tricky to handle for me, because the tactics screen doesn't give any visual indication of the effects. Would be far easier to think about tactics, if the visualization on tactics screen would actually show what your changes do...

Yes, being on Counter would automatically change your defensive line; deeper than Standard, but higher than Defensive.

The Team Instructions to alter defensive line then modify that line relative to your Mentality - Push Higher Up on Standard as an example is higher than Push Higher Up on Counter.

The question of "how much" doesn't really matter, until you understand if you actually need to change your line in the first place.

Imagine you were playing Counter. What would lead you to decide to increase or decrease your line?

Would you "just do it", or would you base it on what you were watching?

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Yes, being on Counter would automatically change your defensive line; deeper than Standard, but higher than Defensive.

The Team Instructions to alter defensive line then modify that line relative to your Mentality - Push Higher Up on Standard as an example is higher than Push Higher Up on Counter.

The question of "how much" doesn't really matter, until you understand if you actually need to change your line in the first place.

Imagine you were playing Counter. What would lead you to decide to increase or decrease your line?

Would you "just do it", or would you base it on what you were watching?

I have actually now been doing experiment on tactics by watching full matches.

The problem i seem to have every time is that although i am pretty solid on defense, i am struggling to get the ball to the attacking end.

And when we get it there, we end up losing it rather quickly.

So, problem is probably on midfield and/or attack, but i just can't figure out exactly what it is.

I created a thread about my tactics experiments, i will soon post the latest thing i have tried, so maybe you can see the problem there :)

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I have a 4-5-1 formation.. I am after advice on which side of the central midfield to utilize my most attacking midfielder (not wanting him to run into already congested space) currently it is *All players on default player instructions initially:

Left Full Back: FB(s) *PPMS: Dives Into Tackles

Right Full Back: WB(a) *PPMS: Gets Forward Whenever Possible, Plays Short Simple Passes

Left Midfielder: WM(a) *PPMS: Cuts Inside, Places Shots, Runs With Ball Often

Left Central Midfielder: CM(a) *PPMS: Run With Ball Often

Central/Defensive Midfielder: CM(d)/AM *PPMS: N/A

Right Central Midfielder: B2B *PPMS: Dives Into Tackles

Right Midfielder: WM(s) *PPMS: Cuts Inside

Forward: Treq *PPMS: Tries Killer Ball Often, Places Shots, Tries Long Range Passes, Shoots From Distance

Additionally i have a central defender who likes to 'Switch Ball To Other Flank', which side of the central Defence would he be best suited to use his PPM most effectively as possible

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Another stupid question.

Let's say that i have a tactic with "Counter" mentality.

During match i notice that it's not working and decide to switch mentality to "Attacking" for example.

The current tactic has been trained with "Counter", but not with "Attack" mentality, so the mentality switches to awkward in tactic familiarity.

Does it really work that way in matches, so if you change mentality to something you have not trained, it doesn't work?

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I'm trying to watch a full game back but the most I can watch is 'comprehensive' highlights. After a block of highlights I can't skip into the greyed out bits. Is there any way for me to see the full game?

I'm pretty sure that if you interrupt the timeline at the foot of the highlights, that it sort of forces the highlights to go to full match.

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Does this work, heavy physical training to mid-30 players whose pace/strength are dropping?

You can't stop decline, how fast a player declines is all down to his natural fitness and how well he's been looked after throughout his career i.e the correct personality, trained the right attributes, no big injuries etc.

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You can't stop decline, how fast a player declines is all down to his natural fitness and how well he's been looked after throughout his career i.e the correct personality, trained the right attributes, no big injuries etc.

Thanks, inevitable then it is.

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I've seen a couple of threads that talk about switching "through balls" on or off - I thought the option of telling your team / individuals to play more through balls wasn't there. In fact I'm sure I looked last night and it wasn't there. Am I being stupid? (gentle answers only please).

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I've seen a couple of threads that talk about switching "through balls" on or off - I thought the option of telling your team / individuals to play more through balls wasn't there. In fact I'm sure I looked last night and it wasn't there. Am I being stupid? (gentle answers only please).

Pass to feet is less through balls and pass to space is more through balls.

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Another stupid question.

Let's say that i have a tactic with "Counter" mentality.

During match i notice that it's not working and decide to switch mentality to "Attacking" for example.

The current tactic has been trained with "Counter", but not with "Attack" mentality, so the mentality switches to awkward in tactic familiarity.

Does it really work that way in matches, so if you change mentality to something you have not trained, it doesn't work?

I didn't realise you could see your team's familiarity with the current tactics during a game - how do you do that?

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Is there any crossing instructions for wide players (not including Inside Forwards obviously) that will encourage them to play whipped balls accross the box as opposed to shooting from a tight angle when breaking/countering?

My players do this occasionally but, more often than not, they will choose to shot rather than cross.

Is this simply all down to the player's decison making, creativity and team work or can i use player instructions to force this?

Tried having drilled crosses and Cross to centre but didn't notice a huge difference.


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Another question from me....

Is there a recommended mentality and fluidity setting for getting quick transitions? Trying to create something similar to how Borussia play and I'm struggling

So far I've tried Counter Rigid and Balanced and didn't get transitions quick enough. Then D'Glester Hardunkichudtried Rigid Attacking and didn't really get them either. This also seem to result in my def line gettig torn a sunder by even the most average teams.

Btw , I'm aware that my tactics play a big part in this so not looking for the exact way to do it but rather, is there a mentality and fluidity set up that is more suited for this?


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Would the PPMs, Runs with Ball through Centre, Dictates Tempo, Gets into Opposition Area, Gets forward whenever possible, be bad things for a IF(Support)?

You can play him as either Support or Attack, but he'll act more like a hybrid of the two with those PPMs. I wouldn't rely on him to be your main support player.

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Another stupid question.

Let's say that i have a tactic with "Counter" mentality.

During match i notice that it's not working and decide to switch mentality to "Attacking" for example.

The current tactic has been trained with "Counter", but not with "Attack" mentality, so the mentality switches to awkward in tactic familiarity.

Does it really work that way in matches, so if you change mentality to something you have not trained, it doesn't work?

It does indeed get awkward, in order to combat this, you use a "shadow" tactics, with settings you like to change to during a match. In this case make a copy of your main tactics and change mentality to attacking and set all the shouts to something different.

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Hi there, i have a training question regarding my reserves coaches.

Are they work both with my senior and young team as well? I dont even have a reserve team (at least it contains no players), so I would just use them as all-around coaches, providing quality training for both teams.


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Three questions from me -

1. Is there an option somewhere to only have one side overlap? An attacking full back overlapping my IF is what I want however with an attacking winger on the right a generic overlap on both sides is a bit pointless?

2. Has anyone noticed that when left in charge of training as Assistant always has it on Attacking ,movement? Seems to have been like this for ages.

3. Does anyone ever use "automatic" roles on players? All the tactics I see generally use just defend, support or attack.

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@Sussex Hammer

1. Not quite sure what you mean. If you only want an overlap on one side, then an attack Duty full back . wing back behind a support Duty IF will do it.

If on the other side you have an attacking winger, you should really only have a supporting Role behind, and they are unlikely to overlap.

To prohibit it altogether, try a defend Duty at the back.

2. Haven't noticed, but I use FMC and ignore training.

3. Automatic duties have their actual Duty set to Defend, Support or Attack depending on the Mentality you set at team level. It is relevant if you switch Mentality a lot in games, even then, seems like a bit of a weird option to me.

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I have a little question about defensive stability in tika-taka system.

So i manage Vitesse in Holland and use 4-6-0,4-3-3,and my asymetric system with AML on AMC.I use hassle opp with tight marking and high defensive line,but in some point of game (abotu 60 min) my players become tired.Also,i concede high proportion of goals on counter attack,corners (that is my fault). So here is my player roles :





--Wa---------T(a/in 460 sys)--IFs



short pass

retain poss

play out of defence

low tempo

exploit left flanke/middle

be more expressive

Sometimes I change DMd role to HB,but in my case i found that DMd work best for retainnig possesion.

I found very hard to defend deep,and in that case i concede high proportion of goals,and often found myself in high pressure of opp.So,i want to hear some advices from u.


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