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Can players with Pace and Acceleration of say 7, still be effective as DLPs? I'm thinking of players aged 35+ with great mental stats, but horrible physical stats, and average technical.

Pace/acceleration is overrated and was toned down from FM13. If someone is mentally strong then there is less need for physical/technicals.

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Do player/team instructions "stack"? So If I tell my team to hassle opponents and then give a player "close down more" instructions, does he close down even more or how does that work? Same with "pass shorter" etc

No. Player Instructions override the Team Instructions.

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No. Player Instructions override the Team Instructions.

Thanks :thup:

I also have a kind of related question about how team instructions interact with overtall mentality. So for instance, a defensive team mentality will set your defensive line deeper than a standard or control one etc. How much do the team instructions then affect it? Would a defensive mentality with Pusher Higher Up TI line up higher than say a standard mentality would by default (without any TIs)?

I'm not sure if I articulated that very well or if there is any solid way of knowing for sure, but cheers anyway. I'm just trying to get an idea of how all these different instructions interract. I guess the best thing to do is just try it and watch what happens :lol:

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Thanks :thup:

I also have a kind of related question about how team instructions interact with overtall mentality. So for instance, a defensive team mentality will set your defensive line deeper than a standard or control one etc. How much do the team instructions then affect it? Would a defensive mentality with Pusher Higher Up TI line up higher than say a standard mentality would by default (without any TIs)?

I'm not sure if I articulated that very well or if there is any solid way of knowing for sure, but cheers anyway. I'm just trying to get an idea of how all these different instructions interract. I guess the best thing to do is just try it and watch what happens :lol:

You articulated it just fine :)

Furthermore - the bold bit is critical. It sounds so simple, but it really is important.

As a crude example, Standard Mentality has things like width, defensive line, tempo and other bits and bobs in neutral territory.

If you like the way a Standard Mentality plays, but feel you're vulnerable at the back, you might want to use the TI of Drop Deeper, so you drop your defensive line a bit (towards that of Counter Mentality), but don't alter your width, tempo etc.

TIs are basically modifiers to get the basic team templates (Mentalities) to your general satisfaction, and then you can use PIs to fine tune individual player behaviour within that general set up.

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Can young players only be tutored by players who's reputation matches their potential ability? I have a worldy regen coming through with 4.5 star potential, but only 1.5 star current ability, yet the game only offers me the opportunity of having him mentored by Erik Lamela (also 4.5 stars). I have other strikers that are far surpassing his current ability, and far more suited to teaching him PPMs, but I don't even get an explanation of why they cannot be used.

Also, and totally unrelated, is it possible to play a pressing, counter style? My A tactic is very Dortmund-esque, but my B and C tactics are less attacking and more disciplined, yet opponents carve though this less physical approach like a knife through butter. Given that one of these tactics is supposed to be for countering the top sides away, this is extremely frustrating.

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Their squad status should be the important part, as well as age.

The 2 concepts of pressing and counter are total opposites, however, you can replicate a similar style by taking aspects of each.

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Probably a stupid question but is 'Hassle Opponents' in FM14 the same as the closing down setting of 'Press More' in FM13 or is it the 'Hassle' shout in FM13 that maxed out pressing and made everyone tight mark? Or neither?

I've been using it as a 'Press More' instruction but i'm starting to thing that's wrong due to what i'm seeing.

Assuming I am wrong, How does pressing work in FM14? Is it now assumed that all teams play a pressing game so there is no need to have an instruction that everyone should do anyway? Or perhaps pressing is hard coded into mentalities so maybe Overload, Attack and Control have 'Press More' built into them, Standard and maybe Counter are 'Mixed' or 'Balanced' or whatever it used to be called and Defensive and Contain have 'Less Pressing'?

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Probably been asked before, but does in game performance affect player development? Either in terms of how well the player performs overall, or what he does during the game (eg a player who makes a lot of passes becoming better at passing)?

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Is there a possibility to make my own goalkicks less dangerous for my own team? I've set Smithies to distribute to defenders and pass short yet he always ignores those instructions and clearly can't kick the ball at all and rarely reaches even the half-way line and yet so often the defenders don't react to the situation at all and suddenly there is a striker through on goal.

This is usually caused by a few things.

-If your keeper is set to Sweeper Keeper and/or has high eccentricity, he's more likely to ignore your distribution instructions

-If your defenders are pushing too high up, you keeper is taking what he thinks IS the safer option, as you defenders are too close to the opposition and the keeper doesn't want to risk giving the ball straight to a forward instead (especially if the keeper has low kicking/throwing)

-If the opposition is pressing really high on your defenders, creating a similar situation to the above

The first is harder to deal with, but the later 2 is causing poor kicks because the keeper is trying to do as asked, but can't and so he's then making a panicky clearance instead. In these scenarios I find it better to stop the keeper from distributing to defenders. You'll then notice on Goal kicks and keeper punts your players will gather closer to the halfway line and the keeper will pick better long kicks and you'll pick up far more of the second balls. At the moment, because your team is not prepared for the long kick, you have less players nearby to win that second ball. Usually you can go a step further with this, as if the oppositions wide players are pushing high up on your fullbacks, you can clear to flanks to open men quite easily and get very easy possession from the keeper once more.

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Probably a stupid question but is 'Hassle Opponents' in FM14 the same as the closing down setting of 'Press More' in FM13 or is it the 'Hassle' shout in FM13 that maxed out pressing and made everyone tight mark? Or neither?

I've been using it as a 'Press More' instruction but i'm starting to thing that's wrong due to what i'm seeing.

Assuming I am wrong, How does pressing work in FM14? Is it now assumed that all teams play a pressing game so there is no need to have an instruction that everyone should do anyway? Or perhaps pressing is hard coded into mentalities so maybe Overload, Attack and Control have 'Press More' built into them, Standard and maybe Counter are 'Mixed' or 'Balanced' or whatever it used to be called and Defensive and Contain have 'Less Pressing'?

Hassle Opponents is "maximum" pressing. So simply push a slightly higher line if you wish, and you can increase closing down a little to match the line. A more attacking strategy will do similar to your D-line and Pressing too.

Probably been asked before, but does in game performance affect player development? Either in terms of how well the player performs overall, or what he does during the game (eg a player who makes a lot of passes becoming better at passing)?

Good performances will see a player improve quicker, although personality and training will also affect that. Training is what affects distribution of attributes - in-game performance does not. Although I have heard of a rare jump in stat caused by an in-game performance (like a composure increase by 1 after a hattrick - and in uncommon instances - not always).

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Does anyone have success with using a striker to tight mark a center half? I was thinking that it might be useful if you've pinpointed a certain defender to be a weaker link but I'm not sure if my logic makes sense. Say you have a slower CD, should you set your pacey striker to tight mark him, so he's close to him when you win the ball back and he can just zoom away? Or is it the exact opposite? Or if you have a shorter CD, definitely tight mark him with a big target-man in order to take advantage of the height difference? Thanks for any help in advance

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Does retraining a player to a new position use up CA points? I've seen this asked and debated a hundred times on various places around the web but I've never seen a definite answer.

No it doesn't.

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I dont use marking, but I do utilize opposition instructions on any of the central defenders or defensive mid's that I deem to have poor composure and technical skills, and it works a treat. I already play a high pressing game, so this additional pressure often sees the other team's hapless centre half run around inside his own box with the ball like a headless chicken trying to escape the attentions of my forwards, before either losing possession or smashing it out for a needless corner.

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Is there anywhere I can find a post/article/blog which tells me the effect of team instructions on my players? Eg 'run with ball' I assume in the world of sliders this effects all players with (A) to run with ball often...

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Is there anywhere I can find a post/article/blog which tells me the effect of team instructions on my players? Eg 'run with ball' I assume in the world of sliders this effects all players with (A) to run with ball often...

What specific Instruction do you mean? There's neither a TI or PI of "Run With Ball".

The best guide to TIs ever posted on here was by Cleon. The thread is linked below, and TIs are detailed from post #4 onwards.


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What specific Instruction do you mean? There's neither a TI or PI of "Run With Ball".

The best guide to TIs ever posted on here was by Cleon. The thread is linked below, and TIs are detailed from post #4 onwards.


I meant 'run at defence' what I'm wanting to know is what 'knock-on' effects selecting certain team instructions have on certain player roles.

That link is spot on thanks.

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What does Tutoring do besides affect personality?

The top option also gives a chance of transferring PPM's. Plus both tutoring options can raise/lower determination depending on how good/poor the tutors determination is.

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Hi guys,

I have a question regarding the player and opposition instructions.

In my current tactic I advise my wing backs to mark tighter - what happens if I choose "mark tighter" in the opposition instruction on opposition´s wingers?

Is my player confused because he either marks tighter his direct opponent (which also could be the opposite wing back) but also is requested to mark the attacking winger?

What is the best approach to achieve a good defensive for this?

Thanks a lot for your help and good night:-)

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How do you crack the opposition when you play a short passing game and the opposition are on you like a rash and close you down quicker than you can deal with the ball at your feet.

Increase tempo? Increase passing length?

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I would say increase tempo, and if your players do have the passing ability, increase the width, as this increases space between your players, thus making it harder to close down.

However I noticed you put that you play a 'short passing game', so in that case abandon the increase in width, and just increase the tempo.

What formation do you play?

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Also, when a team is closing down quickly, use it to your advantage.

High closing down leads to gaps in their defence. It is impossible to avoid. Maybe try making your striker drop deep, hold up ball, when the DC/marker attempts to close down, have your midfielders run in to the gap.

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What is people opinion of how to represent the positive attributes of how Paul Scholes played in his pump? Box to box mid with tries long range passes and arrives late? Started a new game with Everton, wanna do 442 so reckon Barkley is my Scholes in waiting.

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'tactical knowledge' attribute has any influence on players coaching or just for advices regarding ppm, in-game instructions or OI? also the 'tactical' coaching attribute has any influence on coaching except tactical coaching and increasing star rating for def and att coaching?

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A very stupid question but are some roles "broken"?! Eg Full Backs, any sort of DM, left sided winger or IF and most lone striker roles? The reason I ask is that full backs get caught out so much in this game whether you have closing down or low closing down on. Any sort of DM seems to offer very little offensively or defensively. A right sided W or IF regularly contributes but his opposite partner is always woeful and any sort of lone striker just doesn't score goals!!! Midway between a sarcastic and serious question this!!

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Another very stupid question:

I have to players who play in the AMR/AML strata, and i have choose te IF role for both (PPM´s get further forward, dribble more and cut inside), but i was wondering if one could use the PI "Stay wider" to reproduce the hug line of the wingers.

The idea beeing the IF out of possession outwide to stretch the field and when in the ball cutting in.

Or it is redudant because of the role and the PPMs?

Why can one not choose the get further forward for both AP (A) and DLP (s)? I can understand that AP already makes lots of runs from deep, but if one choose the MC (a) you can make im get even further...

The DLP isnt even an option, and from previous series the DLP had mixed runs, i think.

Thanks for the eventual reply.


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Hey guys!

Quick question: How should I train my potential world class striker?

I bought this dude because he has very high potential and was very cheap. I want him to play as a F9 in my 4-1def-3-2 system.

He is now 20 years old an has a 4 star CA rating and a 5 star PA (which is world class). Problem is: he has only 11 in creativity, I would prefer to train

him in the F9 role which also trains Teamwork (11). But as you see he has HEADING 20 but JUMPING REACH is only 5.

Would it make sense to train his Jumping Reach and make him a heading-monster?

Or should I focus on his creativity due to his F9 role? What would you guys do? :confused:


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A very stupid question but are some roles "broken"?! Eg Full Backs, any sort of DM, left sided winger or IF and most lone striker roles? The reason I ask is that full backs get caught out so much in this game whether you have closing down or low closing down on. Any sort of DM seems to offer very little offensively or defensively. A right sided W or IF regularly contributes but his opposite partner is always woeful and any sort of lone striker just doesn't score goals!!! Midway between a sarcastic and serious question this!!

No Roles are broken, but people seem to struggle to either get a balance defensively (or, they expect to concede a ridiculously low amount of goals).

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Hey guys!

Quick question: How should I train my potential world class striker?

I bought this dude because he has very high potential and was very cheap. I want him to play as a F9 in my 4-1def-3-2 system.

He is now 20 years old an has a 4 star CA rating and a 5 star PA (which is world class). Problem is: he has only 11 in creativity, I would prefer to train

him in the F9 role which also trains Teamwork (11). But as you see he has HEADING 20 but JUMPING REACH is only 5.

Would it make sense to train his Jumping Reach and make him a heading-monster?

Or should I focus on his creativity due to his F9 role? What would you guys do? :confused:


Jumping is hard to make big progress on, especially as he is 20 now. Physical stats improve easier as a player is young, but they can be hard to increase. Mental stats improve much easier as a player gets older, and it suits his role more. Would aim to get his creativity and teamwork improve - so maybe Trequartista training?

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No Roles are broken, but people seem to struggle to either get a balance defensively (or, they expect to concede a ridiculously low amount of goals).

I certainly think the ME needs to find a new way of this "working between the lines thing". It seems the norm to have a FB on support and one on attack to balance things out but really you should have options to have say both on support with both wingers on attack or all defenders purely on defend without losing a link from back to front. In this version only IMO full backs get caught out far to easily with diagonal balls.

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I certainly think the ME needs to find a new way of this "working between the lines thing". It seems the norm to have a FB on support and one on attack to balance things out but really you should have options to have say both on support with both wingers on attack or all defenders purely on defend without losing a link from back to front. In this version only IMO full backs get caught out far to easily with diagonal balls.

You can do that but then you need another duty in midfield that links the midfield to defence. I don't agree that fullbacks get caught out either, maybe they do in your set ups that you use but they don't for everyone.

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You can do that but then you need another duty in midfield that links the midfield to defence. I don't agree that fullbacks get caught out either, maybe they do in your set ups that you use but they don't for everyone.

Would you be ok using a 433/451 with a DM in there? Defend or Support??

The reason I ask this is that my W A always plays well but the IF S on the other side never gets involved. Vice versa if I swap things around and have an IF A they play very well but the winger support loses his penetration as he is a prime scorer of goals which is what the IF A becomes on an attack duty so in an ideal world both on attack might work.

RE Fullback since I have changed from attacking to standard they are far more solid (fairly obvious really!!!) It's really down to trying and getting the best out of my wide players.

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How would you suggest playing against the 4-2DM-3-1 formation. I had a lot of problems creating anything vs Bayer 04 Leverkusen away from home couldn't create anything worthwhile, I play with a 4-1-2-2-1 formation all the time, now would it of been better to attack the wings and cross it as the middle was over crowded. It seems they were happy to sit back and just let me pass it around. Any ideas would be great.

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Bouncing between new saves a bit. Couldn't deal with the foreigner restrictions in Russia so giving PSV another try. Its fairly similar to an Ajax save and quite fun. Always managing in the Netherlands but Ajax hasn't grabbed me in 2014 quite as it usually does. So I'm planning to use a 4-3-3 with a DM, 2 CMs, 2 IFs, and a lone striker. Been doing some reading and I have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to do tactically. Given the fairly young squad, I'd like to use some PPMs to help influence the way the side plays - one-two's for the midfielders, runs for the wingbacks and IFs. The forwards I have and the ones I'm eyeing to add are pretty decent all around types who doesn't have any particular standout skills. My plan is to use them as a CF-Support as that should bring them into the action with the IFs cutting inside and at least one of the CMs moving forward. Debating on giving the Comes Deep to Get Ball with the STs and wondering if that will help draw him into play more and create a better target for the CMs and IFs, or simply have him moving out of position, leaving no one up top. Thoughts?

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How would you suggest playing against the 4-2DM-3-1 formation. I had a lot of problems creating anything vs Bayer 04 Leverkusen away from home couldn't create anything worthwhile, I play with a 4-1-2-2-1 formation all the time, now would it of been better to attack the wings and cross it as the middle was over crowded. It seems they were happy to sit back and just let me pass it around. Any ideas would be great.

I play with a normal 4-2-3-1 usually, and I find that with my AML as an AP(S) and a T(A) in the middle, their movement can help create gaps and spaces. But generally, I just use a bit more width, try and draw them out, usually force a gap in the end.

Bouncing between new saves a bit. Couldn't deal with the foreigner restrictions in Russia so giving PSV another try. Its fairly similar to an Ajax save and quite fun. Always managing in the Netherlands but Ajax hasn't grabbed me in 2014 quite as it usually does. So I'm planning to use a 4-3-3 with a DM, 2 CMs, 2 IFs, and a lone striker. Been doing some reading and I have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to do tactically. Given the fairly young squad, I'd like to use some PPMs to help influence the way the side plays - one-two's for the midfielders, runs for the wingbacks and IFs. The forwards I have and the ones I'm eyeing to add are pretty decent all around types who doesn't have any particular standout skills. My plan is to use them as a CF-Support as that should bring them into the action with the IFs cutting inside and at least one of the CMs moving forward. Debating on giving the Comes Deep to Get Ball with the STs and wondering if that will help draw him into play more and create a better target for the CMs and IFs, or simply have him moving out of position, leaving no one up top. Thoughts?

A CF(S) coming deep with the IF(A)'s attacking that space is an excellent strategy. Your CF(S) should get involved well, and there should be enough good movement to see people always involved and making runs.

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CF (Support) is an excellent choice in a lone striker formation without an AM.

I use the same shape as you, and my AML/R are both Inside Forwards on Support. I find that the IFs are usually my top scorers, and with a Balanced Fluidity, they also contribute some sort of defensive effort.

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Thanks gents. The IFs on support is something I'll try, RTHerringbone. A touch worried on the Come Deep to get Ball leaving the CF too far out with the ball at his feet and having him lob 35-yard shots every time instead of linking up play. Guess I can always use other PPMs to offset if I see issues.

After reading the PASS thread, I’m thinking of setting the IFs to start further inside. The Fluidity is something I'm debating. Complete Wingbacks will likely work with the talent I have and give some nice overlap. Will likely have some specialized role in midfield. Thinking a trio using a DLP-D + Advanced Playmaker + B2B or Anchor + DLP + CM-S, depending on the players on the pitch. That would be enough specialization to make Balanced or even Rigid necessary, especially if I go with a Ball Playing Defender.

Got some testing to do.

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Thanks gents. The IFs on support is something I'll try, RTHerringbone. A touch worried on the Come Deep to get Ball leaving the CF too far out with the ball at his feet and having him lob 35-yard shots every time instead of linking up play. Guess I can always use other PPMs to offset if I see issues.

PPMs are only a tendency, rather than a hard and fast behaviour, so hopefully that PPM shouldn't see the movement of the CF affected too often.

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Hi every one.

what do you give more importace to when choosing your first eleven?

1. currant ability (stars)

2. form of last 5 games

Form but several things more important than that. Suitability to my set up, suitability to countering the opponents and also how they work with team mates.

A winger could have had five fantastic games recently but if he can't cross and I am playing my centre forward who is tall and can head the ball (playing because the opponent's centre backs are small and not as strong) then I will play a winger who may have had some poor form but his crossing ability is second to none.

Does that make sense? Just one example of my point.

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Okay so i started playing after almost a month

i want you guys to take a look at my team and set up cuz I AM ****ING LOSING to CHAMPIONSHIP sides and this is my freaking SECOND SEASON.




IF-Winger(both attack duties)

AF-TM(both attack Duties)

The formation being 4-2-2-2 with both Lbs with support duties

Shouts as -Run at Defence,Direct Passing,Pass into Space,Exploit the flanks,look for Overlap,Play Wide,Hassle Opp,Get Stuck in,Lower Tempo,More expressive

I am playing with Chelsea and in second season :|

I would've uploaded a pic but it doesn't let me :/ says 'undefined' :/

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