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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Hello all. Was wondering if you could perhaps assist me with my defence.

I'm in my 4th season with Eibar, in La Liga. We are the 3rd top scorers in the league (http://i.gyazo.com/a14ef4aefa0c8e5e0c05cbed274d527e.png) but have the 4th worst defence (http://i.gyazo.com/9fce5cde33e0e2fc0dbde520cdf933c8.png).

The tactic has remained the same, with minor role changes, since season 1, and has worked very succesfully, especially on the goalscoring front, with the ST, AMC, ML and MR all scoring 8 goals or more least season, while both the wingers and AMC hit double figures for assists.

The defence has always been relatively leaky. Last season I put it down to the player quality, but I revamped the defence completely this season, upgrading significantly on each position, but still we concede a lot of goals.




That is my main tactic and line up at the moment.

I'm about to try a couple of games with the LB/RB as LFB's and see how that goes, but is there anything fundamentally wrong with it?

P.S: Up until earlier this season I had one DC as CD© and one as CD(X) but changed recently.

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I also had a doubt with how to raise the youth players ?

Should i give them Individual role training or Specific attribute training ?

which way is better ?

Entirely depends.

If you know what exact Role you want them to play, then look at their key attributes.

If they are all consistently below where they need to be, the Role training is a decent idea.

If only one or two are below where they need to be, then rotating some specific attribute training in 3 month bursts is a good idea.

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Hello all. Was wondering if you could perhaps assist me with my defence.

I'm in my 4th season with Eibar, in La Liga. We are the 3rd top scorers in the league (http://i.gyazo.com/a14ef4aefa0c8e5e0c05cbed274d527e.png) but have the 4th worst defence (http://i.gyazo.com/9fce5cde33e0e2fc0dbde520cdf933c8.png).

The tactic has remained the same, with minor role changes, since season 1, and has worked very succesfully, especially on the goalscoring front, with the ST, AMC, ML and MR all scoring 8 goals or more least season, while both the wingers and AMC hit double figures for assists.

The defence has always been relatively leaky. Last season I put it down to the player quality, but I revamped the defence completely this season, upgrading significantly on each position, but still we concede a lot of goals.




That is my main tactic and line up at the moment.

I'm about to try a couple of games with the LB/RB as LFB's and see how that goes, but is there anything fundamentally wrong with it?

P.S: Up until earlier this season I had one DC as CD© and one as CD(X) but changed recently.

Good to hear you're scoring well.

My first thought would be that your defensive cover from midfield is fairly low. A BWM will always aggressively close players down and is fairly reckless in defensive positioning. Usually, a BWM would be coupled with a very disciplined defensive player to cover for his team mate's wanderings. Your DLP(s) is, I imagine, fairly helpful in linking defence and attack however won't offer as much defensively as you may need - especially with fairly attacking flanks.

I know you have your WB on support however they will still often join the midfield strata to compliment attacks which will leave you fairly vulnerable to an effective AMC/AML/AMR set up.

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Entirely depends.

If you know what exact Role you want them to play, then look at their key attributes.

If they are all consistently below where they need to be, the Role training is a decent idea.

If only one or two are below where they need to be, then rotating some specific attribute training in 3 month bursts is a good idea.

These kids are 15 and 16 year olds !!

so role training would be good ?

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These kids are 15 and 16 year olds !!

so role training would be good ?

Age doesn't matter, it's largely about how their attributes are distributed in the first case.

Read Cleon's link for a few ideas - it's the best training thread about.

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Derp-An Regarding your post showing your Chelsea line-up, could you start a new thread please?

This thread is just about short and snappy questions really, whereas you'll get more advice, from more people, if you start a thread for people to talk about your Chelsea tactic.

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Derp-An Regarding your post showing your Chelsea line-up, could you start a new thread please?

This thread is just about short and snappy questions really, whereas you'll get more advice, from more people, if you start a thread for people to talk about your Chelsea tactic.

Sure thing !!

i am new to this actually so sorry :/ :p

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Good to hear you're scoring well.

My first thought would be that your defensive cover from midfield is fairly low. A BWM will always aggressively close players down and is fairly reckless in defensive positioning. Usually, a BWM would be coupled with a very disciplined defensive player to cover for his team mate's wanderings. Your DLP(s) is, I imagine, fairly helpful in linking defence and attack however won't offer as much defensively as you may need - especially with fairly attacking flanks.

I know you have your WB on support however they will still often join the midfield strata to compliment attacks which will leave you fairly vulnerable to an effective AMC/AML/AMR set up.


I will switch he LB/RB to FB(s) for a bit and see how that works, while switching the RCM to CM(D).

Over the last few games I've also had the LM/RM as WM(A) working well, but might swap that to (S) also.

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I will switch he LB/RB to FB(s) for a bit and see how that works, while switching the RCM to CM(D).

Over the last few games I've also had the LM/RM as WM(A) working well, but might swap that to (S) also.

Keep us informed! Careful not to lose your attacking potency though, it sounds as if that is a real strong point for you? WB(s) in my experience have been a great role/duty for an attacking and defending balance.

If you'd like an increased defensive presence in the middle of the park - try a Defensive Winger. You can ask them to play narrower and essentially operate as another central midfielder. Especially useful if you have a CM on one side who you'd like to put in a very attacking position. It may help bolster your defensive capability.

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Looking OK at the moment. Scoring has slowed a bit cause my main striker is out, but have only conceded 5 goals in the last 8 games, as many as I conceded in 1 game vs Barcelona prior to that run.


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it might be a little offtopic but Has anyone here asked their captain to help with a teammate Happiness ?

One of the player is unhappy cuz i fined him and so i asked the captain to help me with it...Does it really work ?

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Well my tactic at the moment looks like so:


Having been in 12th place when I asked for help yesterday, I finished the season in 4th place, getting 37 out of 51 points after the January transfer window, conceding only 14 goals in the same 17 game period, while scoring 39 goals. Previous to this I had conceded 46 in 21 games.

Here are the final stats of the squad as well. In the past couple of seasons there had been a more even spread of goals and assists, but Lasogga stepped it up bigtime and has played phenomenally.


Here's to a successful full season under this tactic!

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Does the PPM "Tries one-twos"mean that they will initiate the one-two move (ie pass and then receive) or be the man bumping the ball off (ie receive and then pass)? I'm playing FM13 if that makes any difference. I imagine the PPM does both but just wanted to check before committing 6 months of game time to someone to learn it.

PS perhaps this thread should be stickied, I thought it used to be but it took me about 15 mins to find.

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ok,i dont get it, whats the difference between them.. looks like the same instructions :p

Much Higher Defensive Line:

Instructs your players to adopt a much higher position on the pitch, closer to the halfway line, in a bid to compress the space in which the opposition can play whilst remaining close to their midfield team-mates.

Push Higher Up:

Instructs your players to play higher up the pitch, starting with the line the defence holds, which should be close to the halfway line if this option is chosen.

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Stupid Question:

Am I really rubbish at FM 13 & 14 despite being, if you don't mind me saying, had been rather good on the older FM series OR has FM 13 & 14 been developed to be really, really difficult to play! Even managing a big team...

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What is the most common way to ensure your team don't concede for fun?

You would think have 4 at the back, with two CM's - one of them ball-winning and the other box-to-box would suffice if you manage a big team....

Also, mentality attacking but rigid philosophy..

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Stupid Question:

Am I really rubbish at FM 13 & 14 despite being, if you don't mind me saying, had been rather good on the older FM series OR has FM 13 & 14 been developed to be really, really difficult to play! Even managing a big team...

The game has moved on in a couple of significant ways in that time period, with a new Match Engine (which tightened some old ME bugs that made earlier games "easier"), plus the new tactical interface this year, which takes some time getting used to if you weren't familiar with the Tactics Creator already.

If you want some specific advice, feel free to start a new thread and we'll see what we can do. Reading the stickied threads by wwfan and llama3 is a great way to get the basics right.

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What is the most common way to ensure your team don't concede for fun?

You would think have 4 at the back, with two CM's - one of them ball-winning and the other box-to-box would suffice if you manage a big team....

Also, mentality attacking but rigid philosophy..

Even that small glimpse into how you are set up, implies that you could have some Role / Duty selection issues.

Here's the thread from llama3 I mentioned in the last post. Look into the midfield pairings bit:


If you play an Attacking Mentality, you are playing very high up field and therefore leaving huge gaps at the back.....

Such an aggressive Mentality can work, but needs to be well balanced, and probably reined in from game to game.

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How does finishing works? I have strikers with 15 and 13 finishing yet they miss almost every chance they get! They get enough CCC and normal chances every game.

The whole area of "finishing" is far more than just a couple of attributes.

There are more attributes to consider, but there's also a mountain more than attributes to the game.

Clear Cut Chances aren't always as Clear as they might sound, and even when they are, you need to imagine what sort of pass has he received? Is it straight to feet, is it on his weak side, is there a defender near, what are the conditions?

There are a load of variables which affect everything within the game, so in the same way as Passing doesn't just rely on Passing and Technique, and defending doesn't just rely on Anticipation and Tackling, then Finishing isn't just a case of attribute A plus attribute B should equal "Goal".

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I think getting a lone striker to score is a nightmare in this game. Through balls through the middle seems to have been toned down so much it rarely happens even with CM's with direct passing.

Question - Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this and it may be partial cause for a struggle to score goals from open play certainly in my case. In Comprehensive or Extended highlights no matter what philosophy I play, attacking, defensive, counter when I am attacking the opposition always seem to be camped around their area hence making it difficult to score. Rarely do I see a counter attacking ball with the opposition pushed up they always seem to be defending deep when my attacking moves are shown, possibly showing why balls through the centre to a striker don't seem to happen?!

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Firstly, Direct passing doesn't necessarily increase through balls, just the pace and often length of a pass. If you really want to increase through balls, then Pass Into Space is the Team Instruction to use.

Secondly, a lone striker by default is going to be a tricky one to pick out with a through ball. He's almost certainly got two DCs covering him unless someone is up in support with him. In order for a through ball to him to succeed, you need a midfielder with time to pick a pass, and he'll usually only make that pass if the intended target has a realistic chance of getting onto it. If he doesn't see that, he'll play a pass to a "safer" target.

In my experience, through balls to a lone striker can and do work. I more often find the through ball coming from wide midfield Roles rather than central ones because the angles are a bit better for the pass. All of your threads seem to have focused on lone strikers. Have you experimented much with two strikers? It's arguably easier to create the right space and opportunities for a through ball with two; get one to drop deep and pull a defender out of place, one to stay high and stretch play. A 4-3-1-2 ro narrow 4-4-2 diamond can suit this very well where the AMC is a creative, playmaking Role.

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RT's put in a good shift here! You're looking jaded and in need of a rest... Take a few weeks off. :brock:

Seriously, though, Sussex what roles are you using here? I've certainly had success with a lone striker scoring. One's CMs can quite easily be heavily marked or hassled to restrict their time/space to pass so that would reinforce your point and RT's.

I have often found my lone striker struggling for space and being crowded out if I try and push too high up. I have had success with dropping deeper therefore increasing the playing area. I've also had an AMC there to help with potentially being marked out of the game - as RT has said.

You've got to look at it not as a single action independent of anything else but as a result of several other things happening. It is never as simple as 'my CF is being marked out of the game'. It is likely that is happening because you aren't stretching the defence, your wide players aren't keeping the full backs stretched which will probably mean the opp's CBs are content to sit in the middle and mark your centre forward. Further to that, runs from deep are often paramount. If the opposition is using one/two DMs you need penetration from deep (ha ha!) otherwise attacks will just continue to falter.

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Thanks fellas.

First season was fine. My DLF was getting on the end of things in a 433/451 I posted on my thread but then the dreaded fall from grace happened and the whole thing stopped working despite numerous tweaks. I have tried ever forward role possible intertwined with every midfield wide role possible including ML/MR - AML/AMR and a lone striker is very difficult to get right in the Giroud or Dzeko role. With my two Carroll and Boriello (also just bought Jordan Rhodes) it's been a pain. Both good in the air but crosses are woeful. AMR and AML just tend to shoot even when told not too and I struggle to get a flat midfield strata to get advanced enough even with such instructions as get forward more etc.

I have tried a 442 and in one game Carroll scored a hat trick of headers but with a weaker team 442 or 4411 is tough to get right defensively because I think you need two world class players in the centre of midfield. I managed to get Matic on loan and brought Scott Parker back (for nostalgia purposes) but any two of Parker, Matic, Diame, Nolan or Noble are never going to come up trumps against a three in the middle. I ended up drawing that game 3-3 after being 3 up!!

Maybe more risky passes on a central midfielder might help but here is the problem. Apart from roles and the odd personal instruction you can't dictate on who you really want to be creative like you could with creative freedom. You can ask a team to be more expressive or more disciplined but there isn't that option as a personal instruction. I might want my wide men to be creative but the rest of the team disciplined but I am not sure how to do that with instructions/fluidity etc. It's a shame you can't just say to one player "be more expressive".

The TC is a learning curve for me though as I always used the sliders up until this year when I had to change but I actually find the TC MORE confusing!!

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Does the tone you use really matter in press conferences and team talks? Does it change much if I am aggressive, assertive or calm with my players? Or is it just a way to filter possible responses?

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I shout on my dudes all the time, throw shoes at them and all that, and they still love me... Stockholm syndrome I guess. Always fired-up, then delighted.

Another question: Is there any way to get rid of the constant Scout Update spam in my Inbox? I don't want them to keep updating me on their new 3-star findings every week, can I get rid of those messages in any way that doesn't include firing all scouts from their jobs?

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Two more questions :

1. Is there any way to make an individual player more or less creative (ie creative freedom) rather than just what is inbuilt in the roles and duties? The reason I ask is that team instructions have a more disciplined and more expressive setting but an individual instruction doesn't which is frustrating. I mean if you choose a DLP or a Regista for instance by then choosing a team instruction of more disciplined would that make the playmaker less creative freedom wise? Or if you only want one individual to have that creative freedom then do you just set one as say a playmaker then set all other players as basic roles eg limited defender etc? Very annoying not to have an individual instruction for an individual.

2. Would certain roles be better or worse with certain philosophies? This is something I have been thinking about. For instance if you play an attacking philosophy with a high line and high closing down plus get stuck in and offside would you be better off choosing roles like a Regista, Defensive Forward or any attacking role for a forward, BWM, Stopper Roles for defenders etc IE every aggressive role possible.

At the other end of the scale if you are defending deep, standing off, with a defensive or possibly counter strategy would roles like a DLF, Anchor Man, Cover Defenders, any defensive role be a better bet?

The reason I ask is that I was actually thinking about an attacking philosophy with an Anchor Man. He just sits back so if the opposition get past your midfield this suy is just sitting there where maybe a more aggressive role for an aggressive strategy would be more prudent?

Hope you see what I mean? Thoughts?

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Two more questions :

1. Is there any way to make an individual player more or less creative (ie creative freedom) rather than just what is inbuilt in the roles and duties? The reason I ask is that team instructions have a more disciplined and more expressive setting but an individual instruction doesn't which is frustrating. I mean if you choose a DLP or a Regista for instance by then choosing a team instruction of more disciplined would that make the playmaker less creative freedom wise? Or if you only want one individual to have that creative freedom then do you just set one as say a playmaker then set all other players as basic roles eg limited defender etc? Very annoying not to have an individual instruction for an individual.

2. Would certain roles be better or worse with certain philosophies? This is something I have been thinking about. For instance if you play an attacking philosophy with a high line and high closing down plus get stuck in and offside would you be better off choosing roles like a Regista, Defensive Forward or any attacking role for a forward, BWM, Stopper Roles for defenders etc IE every aggressive role possible.

At the other end of the scale if you are defending deep, standing off, with a defensive or possibly counter strategy would roles like a DLF, Anchor Man, Cover Defenders, any defensive role be a better bet?

The reason I ask is that I was actually thinking about an attacking philosophy with an Anchor Man. He just sits back so if the opposition get past your midfield this suy is just sitting there where maybe a more aggressive role for an aggressive strategy would be more prudent?

Hope you see what I mean? Thoughts?

1 -- That is the point of the FM14 tactics engine. If you want to have someone in the DM strata who doesn't make plays, and simply covers the defense he is an Anchor Man, not a Playmaker (DLP) with his creativity stripped away. The idea behind it is that you choose your roles and formations based on how you want the players to play, not just choose roles willy-nilly and then tweak them to something else entirely. Does that make sense? Some of these tactics threads end up with crazy LOOKING tactics, but that is because the creator is making role CHOICES to execute a play style. Pick one of the uber teams (Bayern, Chelsea, Barcelona, Real Madrid) and start playing around!

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A few questions regarding strikers and pa.

I play with a 4-3-2-1 with one striker up front. My striker has excellent finishing,dribbling and off the ball

But because he is a lone striker I don't want to give him a attack duty. I'm thinking between CF(S) and DLF(S). What are the biggest differences between both of these roles? Does the DLF drop deeper and mainly create chances? Would this be the better role even though my striker has 9 creativity and 10 decisions?

Do certain attributes have a maximum value for some playwrs? For example I have a very attacking wing back who I want to train long shots. He is 21 years old and can still improve. If I train him a year on long shots can he improve drastically or is it set to a maximum? Another example: I have a 17 year old amc who has a very good technique, dribbling, pace and creativity. He is a born playmaker. His finishing though is very low(10 under other things I said). Is this set to a maximum or can I improve this by a lot?

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The Ramsey role. Hey guys finally after calling this forum home last few weeks (damn u FM14) I'm finally starting well with Arsenal, an dI feel the B2B isn't doing

much in offense (btw I think the same for all b2b in game), so here is my set up:

4-2-3-1 fluid control

short pass

work ball into box

run at def

narrower (thinking about removing it)

higher up



stay on feet

offside line

be more expressive

sk: distribute 2 def

rwb\s: cross by line

rcb\d: nothing

lcb\d : pass short

lwb\s : nothing

b2b: mark tight, get f foward, shoot less

dlp\d: fewer risky passes, close down more, mark tight

if\a : get futher foward, pass short (that's walcott on the right side)

t\a : nothing

ap\s: sit narrow (that's Cazorla on the aml)

cf\s: hold position, move in channels, fewer risky passes

now or would it be any lack of ppms like get foward whenever possible or get into the box or any other player instruction

(ooo long post)

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The Ramsey role. Hey guys finally after calling this forum home last few weeks (damn u FM14) I'm finally starting well with Arsenal, an dI feel the B2B isn't doing

much in offense (btw I think the same for all b2b in game), so here is my set up:

4-2-3-1 fluid control

short pass

work ball into box

run at def

narrower (thinking about removing it)

higher up



stay on feet

offside line

be more expressive

sk: distribute 2 def

rwb\s: cross by line

rcb\d: nothing

lcb\d : pass short

lwb\s : nothing

b2b: mark tight, get f foward, shoot less

dlp\d: fewer risky passes, close down more, mark tight

if\a : get futher foward, pass short (that's walcott on the right side)

t\a : nothing

ap\s: sit narrow (that's Cazorla on the aml)

cf\s: hold position, move in channels, fewer risky passes

now or would it be any lack of ppms like get foward whenever possible or get into the box or any other player instruction

(ooo long post)

It looks like the room in front of him is very congested (an AP, T & IF all in the space he wants to exploit) - so more width may help. You may also find that having him set to roam may give him the freedom of movement to pop up in space. Ramsey did that very well for me in my recent away game at Liverpool - it also made Ozil play better due to improved combination play.

How can I change the training report from other coaches coz now giving me advice is fitness coach:(

You can get individual reports on individual players from any member of staff. Is your fitness coach your most senior coach perhaps?

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I have the tiniest team in the entire league, if not the world, team Tyrion basically. How do I ever score from corners?

You could try a short corner routine. They don't usually work particularly well but it might be worth trying to set up if you think you have little chance of scoring from corners that are just crossed straight into the box.

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It looks like the room in front of him is very congested (an AP, T & IF all in the space he wants to exploit) - so more width may help. You may also find that having him set to roam may give him the freedom of movement to pop up in space. Ramsey did that very well for me in my recent away game at Liverpool - it also made Ozil play better due to improved combination play.

Thank you very much, trying to find inspirtion in this year's good side of Arsenal

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Ok, so at the first of january I'm sitting top of the table, 12 points clear of second place. Won 20, drawn 2 and lost one. Now the AI is adapting to my game and I'm just dropping point after point. I'm clueless on how to adapt. Do I go more attacking? Do I go more defensive? Anyone able to give me some tips or things to watch out for so I can get out if this slump?

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Ok, so at the first of january I'm sitting top of the table, 12 points clear of second place. Won 20, drawn 2 and lost one. Now the AI is adapting to my game and I'm just dropping point after point. I'm clueless on how to adapt. Do I go more attacking? Do I go more defensive? Anyone able to give me some tips or things to watch out for so I can get out if this slump?

Well there are loads of aspects. Are you being hit on the break, and finding it harder to play through your opponents? It is a common issue, if so learning to be more patient, draw your opponents our by sitting a touch deeper is important. Keep confidence up, but obviously don't let complacency in either. Just prepare well on your opponents too so you know what to expect.

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Well for example, if you are holding onto the ball, trying to play your way through a packed defence, you can drop deeper, and retain possession, your frustrated/ill-disciplined/poorer opponents may then decide to come further forward to win the ball - once they have come further forward they will open up space between their lines, suddenly giving you space to exploit.

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