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Tutoring will not improve aggression. Tutoring affects the hidden personality stats and determination.

I have never found a way to improve aggression on purpose, maybe it is not possible. (It may be possible however to decrease it: in older versions, a player's aggression could decrease if you warned/fined him for yellow cards and such. Not sure about FM14 though.)

Wow, Lyssien - delighted to see an old legend return to the forum. You were one of the first forum analysts to get me so hooked on the game. Are we going to be seeing more of you?? :thup:

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Wow, Lyssien - delighted to see an old legend return to the forum. You were one of the first forum analysts to get me so hooked on the game. Are we going to be seeing more of you?? :thup:

Cheers, phnompenhandy! I will be around but I am not planning on doing any comprehensive research. Training has already been covered by Cleon's excellent work, so the only non-tactical part of the puzzle that is missing is a comprehensive work on team talks. But hopefully someone else will do it eventually so I won't have to do it.

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What's the best way to exploit the 4-2DM-3-1? Just played 0 - 0 against a lesser team and totally dominated them. I did get some good changes but missed them. Nevertheless it felt like I wasn't responding good enough to their defensive 4-2DM-3-1 set up. I started out playing 'exploit the flanks' with high tempo and adjusted to a lower tempo. Both didn't seem te bring me any results. Would a 'retain possession shout been a better option here?

Any advice?

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Keeping a tighter defence?

Personally shouts like stand off, easier tackling etc seem to be an open invitation for the opposition.

Just tried a higher line with all the back four and both an AMan and BWM S in the DM strata on tight marking and it worked ok. Just wondering peoples thoughts on an off side trap with the back four with tighter marking? Logic suggests it won't work as the whole point of off side is to let a player go so tighter marking would mean that a defender would go with the player rather than stepping up? However FM and logic don't seem to go hand in hand so has anyone tried off side with tighter marking?

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A situation I haven't been able to resolve. I'm playing in the Irish First Division with Finn Harps and generally play a 4-4-2 or 4-1-4-1. My entire back line is set to Limited Defender - Defend. In the 4-4-2 I also play a MC as DLP - Defend; in the 4-1-4-1 I have the DMC as defend. I've tried the DMC as either a Half Back or Anchor Man without much difference.

No matter what I've tried, opposition strikers or wingers always split between the DL/DC or DR/DC for a clear quality chance on goal. I've tried various types of team instructions, marking, you name it. I really I don't have a lot of quality on the team but there's got to be a way to close that gap. I thought playing narrower with a low defensive line would help but it always happens. It's either a bug or my players are dumb as bricks.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

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A situation I haven't been able to resolve. I'm playing in the Irish First Division with Finn Harps and generally play a 4-4-2 or 4-1-4-1. My entire back line is set to Limited Defender - Defend. In the 4-4-2 I also play a MC as DLP - Defend; in the 4-1-4-1 I have the DMC as defend. I've tried the DMC as either a Half Back or Anchor Man without much difference.

No matter what I've tried, opposition strikers or wingers always split between the DL/DC or DR/DC for a clear quality chance on goal. I've tried various types of team instructions, marking, you name it. I really I don't have a lot of quality on the team but there's got to be a way to close that gap. I thought playing narrower with a low defensive line would help but it always happens. It's either a bug or my players are dumb as bricks.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

What are your MCs roles?

I am not a tactical expert by any means, but I play a 4-1-4-1 as well and here are some things that have helped me with this problem:

- The fullback's positioning attribute won't solve the problem entirely, but it helps. Work on it through training or get fullbacks with good positioning. Concentration is important too. Possibly Anticipation helps as well, but in practical terms I am not sure on that one.

- I have found that the roles/mentalities of MCs are very important in order to deal with this. When my MC on the same side with the fullback has a more defensive role/mentality, I find that my fullback sits better and is more careful. Probably because he thinks that the space in front of him is covered, so he can focus on the purely defensive space.

- Having 2 limited fullbacks will generally not work in FM14. You have to make the opposition worried too, otherwise they will overload you and you are basically dead meat. Have one fullback more attacking (eg. FB(A)) and have the corresponding winger/WM to a non-attacking duty so that he covers when the fullback gets forward. This will keep the opposition honest, and give you more options in attack too. If you find that you are conceding too many because the FB(A) is caught out of position in counterattacks, play around with the role and duty of the corresponding MC as well.

- If the passes to the opposition Winger/IF usually come from a specific place, you can try to mark that guy out of the game. No passer, no problem. It is usually their TM that does that to me, so I use opposition or specific man marking instructions to take the TM out. In specific instructions, the choice of defender to do the marking is important too.

Other than that, in my game I find that DMCs are good with doubling on opposition wingers, while Anchors are really good against 4-4-2 in order to have a 3vs2 defense in central defense. But when I play against a lone striker with no AMC behind him, I change my Anchor into a DLP(D) to help with attack more.

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Would it be wise to retain possession against teams who stand off?

Not necessarily. If the AI are happy to Stand Off, then Retaining Possession, unless coupled with other pro-active instructions, is actually a pretty conservative instruction to use. It is better suited to winding down the clock when you have a lead in my opinion. I would rather Run At Defence or Pass Into Space.

Also would it be wise to pass into space against teams who mark man to man.

Pass Into Space increases through balls. It's a good thing to do if you have runners breaking beyond the defensive line, or in gaps in the AI setup.

If you are being tight marked, then you rely not only on the quality of the pass, but the quality of your players in anticipating that pass, and their physical attributes in evading their marker.

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A situation I haven't been able to resolve. I'm playing in the Irish First Division with Finn Harps and generally play a 4-4-2 or 4-1-4-1. My entire back line is set to Limited Defender - Defend. In the 4-4-2 I also play a MC as DLP - Defend; in the 4-1-4-1 I have the DMC as defend. I've tried the DMC as either a Half Back or Anchor Man without much difference.

No matter what I've tried, opposition strikers or wingers always split between the DL/DC or DR/DC for a clear quality chance on goal. I've tried various types of team instructions, marking, you name it. I really I don't have a lot of quality on the team but there's got to be a way to close that gap. I thought playing narrower with a low defensive line would help but it always happens. It's either a bug or my players are dumb as bricks.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

This seems to happen as a result of fullback Anticipation/Decisions lapses around the area. The best way to avoid it is to reduce the amount of time you spending defending deep by pushing up and encouraging your team to defend more aggressively in midfield. If you have to defend deep, I've found a third DC or SW helps a bit.

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This seems to happen as a result of fullback Anticipation/Decisions lapses around the area. The best way to avoid it is to reduce the amount of time you spending defending deep by pushing up and encouraging your team to defend more aggressively in midfield. If you have to defend deep, I've found a third DC or SW helps a bit.

To be fair it happens a lot when you defend high as well. I wouldn't say it's a bug but it's an clearly overpowered ME tactical move and to be fair it can happen "for" the user as well as against hence such high scoring wide players. It is however a frustration because good defending as a back four is quite difficult and if we have to use a third centre back just to stop this happening we may as well all give up.

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If I were to employ a formation with an attacking triangle (AM + 2 ST) what would be the best role to complement an Enganche and a Poacher?

I'm thinking of Mazzarri's Napoli. Hamsik as an Enganche, Cavani as a Poacher, and Lavezzi as a supporting striker. I don't want him to drop down to the AM's space though, I just want him to move around looking for space, dragging defenders and supporting the poacher.

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If I were to employ a formation with an attacking triangle (AM + 2 ST) what would be the best role to complement an Enganche and a Poacher?

I'm thinking of Mazzarri's Napoli. Hamsik as an Enganche, Cavani as a Poacher, and Lavezzi as a supporting striker. I don't want him to drop down to the AM's space though, I just want him to move around looking for space, dragging defenders and supporting the poacher.

Treq probably. A Treq will offer a good deal of lateral movement as well as moving forward to support your poacher. The Engache's movement will be more vertical and will stick to the middle of the pitch more, as will the poacher (the width of the box for the latter). You'd need someone with an excellent off the ball attribute to really have an effect.

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If I were to employ a formation with an attacking triangle (AM + 2 ST) what would be the best role to complement an Enganche and a Poacher?

I'm thinking of Mazzarri's Napoli. Hamsik as an Enganche, Cavani as a Poacher, and Lavezzi as a supporting striker. I don't want him to drop down to the AM's space though, I just want him to move around looking for space, dragging defenders and supporting the poacher.

As JOSEPH! said, treq is a good role for complementing the Enganche and Poacher, but I do not think Enganche and Poacher are the best roles for Mazzarri's Napoli. Hamsik is very mobile while Cavani was not averse to holding up the ball and bringing the other two into play.

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How do you get the best out of someone like Van Persie? I've had a lot success with strikers of a more physical nature (pacey + strong + decent technical attributes), but haven't really managed to make RvP run riot so far. What kind of football should I play, which formation, which role? I really want to make it work with him.

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How do you get the best out of someone like Van Persie? I've had a lot success with strikers of a more physical nature (pacey + strong + decent technical attributes), but haven't really managed to make RvP run riot so far. What kind of football should I play, which formation, which role? I really want to make it work with him.

It all depends on your whole team's set up and what type of play you want from him. Look at his stats and his place within your team and think about how he can contribute to your overall set up while still staying in line with your general approach.

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How do you get the best out of someone like Van Persie? I've had a lot success with strikers of a more physical nature (pacey + strong + decent technical attributes), but haven't really managed to make RvP run riot so far. What kind of football should I play, which formation, which role? I really want to make it work with him.

For a possession system, you can have a lone forward without a lot of strength or pace, but you'll want to play him as a treq or false nine so he drops off frequently and helps play in midfielders.

For a more attacking system, you'll want him playing off another ST or an aggressive AMC. Alongside a powerful centre forward, he can play well as an AF, though alongside someone like Rooney or Welbeck, you'd again want a creative role like the trequartista or false nine.

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As JOSEPH! said, treq is a good role for complementing the Enganche and Poacher, but I do not think Enganche and Poacher are the best roles for Mazzarri's Napoli. Hamsik is very mobile while Cavani was not averse to holding up the ball and bringing the other two into play.

Seconded. Assuming Hamsik and Lavezzi are in the AMC position with Cavani up front:

Hamsik: T

Cavani: CF(s)

Lavezzi: SS

Assuming they are all in the CF stratum:

Hamsik: DLF(s) - just a thought: Defensive forward? It would mean he would be mobile and in touch with the midfield however not sure of how accurately it replicates his role in Walter's Napoli (we are on first name terms... :D)

Cavani: CF(s)

Lavezzi: AF


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The point is that I'm willing to shape my whole team around him. I don't need him to fit into a general approach or an overall setup, I would be more than happy to build those around him.

Like I've said, I've been good with all-round strikers with great physique (think Mitrovic a few years into the game) but am clueless at the moment as to how to get the best out of someone like Van Persie. His stats are obvious enough to everybody, I guess; he's got outrageously good technical and mental stats. His first touch, finishing, technique and movement are the highlights for me (18+ all of them). His physical stats are okay, but nothing to write home about.

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Ah OK - fair enough.

I'd follow THoG's advice then. If you're playing him with someone like Rooney/Welbeck then RvP would flourish in a creative role. Assuming you are United, try him as F9/Treq/DLF(s) up front with Rooney arriving in the box from the AMC slot.

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I sold that disloyal, money grubbing, overrated fat face (=rooney) the first chance I got. :o

Welbeck has been doing all right for me so far, but then that's not surprising as he is the type of striker I usually have success with. When RvP was out injured, I played to Danny's strengths by employing a fast, direct, almost gung-ho attacking game. I don't imagine that would work with RvP though. I mean it probably would to a cerain extent but then what I want is RvP to flourish and be the main man.

I've been experimenting with Kagawa, Mata and Januzaj behind Van Persie in the (A)ML/R and AMC positions. Trouble is, I cannot get my wide players (be it AML/R or simply ML/R) to play how I want them to. The idea would be to play a short-passing game with lots of movement from the front 4, focussing on the quality rather than the quantity of chances.

Whatever settings I apply, however, wide players act dumb. From the ML/R strata, their passing is horrendous; even if I instruct them to play a shorter passing game and to play fewer risky passes, they'll still try to play idiotic long balls and through balls when there are at least 2 or 3 simple options on. With them gifting the opposition possession all the time, it's really difficult to play decent football. From the AML/R strata, they refuse to do any defensive work which leaves me very vulnerable on the flanks.

Also, I just can't seem to get the right kind of movement from Van Persie. Whatever role I give him, he's all over the place unless I apply the hold position PI. But if I do that, he seems to stop making any runs altogether.

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I sold that disloyal, money grubbing, overrated fat face (=rooney) the first chance I got. :o

Welbeck has been doing all right for me so far, but then that's not surprising as he is the type of striker I usually have success with. When RvP was out injured, I played to Danny's strengths by employing a fast, direct, almost gung-ho attacking game. I don't imagine that would work with RvP though. I mean it probably would to a cerain extent but then what I want is RvP to flourish and be the main man.

I've been experimenting with Kagawa, Mata and Januzaj behind Van Persie in the (A)ML/R and AMC positions. Trouble is, I cannot get my wide players (be it AML/R or simply ML/R) to play how I want them to. The idea would be to play a short-passing game with lots of movement from the front 4, focussing on the quality rather than the quantity of chances.

Whatever settings I apply, however, wide players act dumb. From the ML/R strata, their passing is horrendous; even if I instruct them to play a shorter passing game and to play fewer risky passes, they'll still try to play idiotic long balls and through balls when there are at least 2 or 3 simple options on. With them gifting the opposition possession all the time, it's really difficult to play decent football. From the AML/R strata, they refuse to do any defensive work which leaves me very vulnerable on the flanks.

Also, I just can't seem to get the right kind of movement from Van Persie. Whatever role I give him, he's all over the place unless I apply the hold position PI. But if I do that, he seems to stop making any runs altogether.

Haha! Bold made me smile.

Have you thought of starting a new thread addressing these queries? None of them are stupid but all are tactically interesting. If you have the time, get some screen shots together and put it in its own thread - I'm sure you'll get a much better response that way.

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I just signed a new coach but when I go to the training => Coaches page he doesn't come up on the screen. All my other coaches show and have the assigned tasks (Fitness, General or goalkeeping). When I go to my staff page his name is listed though. Anyone have a solution? Right now I have a coach on my payroll who isn't training anyone...

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As JOSEPH! said, treq is a good role for complementing the Enganche and Poacher, but I do not think Enganche and Poacher are the best roles for Mazzarri's Napoli. Hamsik is very mobile while Cavani was not averse to holding up the ball and bringing the other two into play.
I'm not managing Napoli it was just the first attacking trio that came to my mind. If I were to name players to fit what I'm thinking I'd say: Aimar (Enganche), Cassano (Treq), and Falcao (Poacher).
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How do I get wingers to try and actually dribble? For some reason, my wingers refuse to do so, even with 'run at defence' ticked. I'm not sure what else I can as I don't have any more options in that regard through player instructions. However, the AI seems to be able to get their wingers to run with the ball, so I'm figure there's a way.

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@THoG This really is a stupid question but what does it mean when a player is said to be 'mobile'? To me that suggests someone who moves around a lot but what attributes would reflect that in FM? Work Rate? Pace/Off the ball?

I think that's about right. I'd add dribbling as well.

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@THoG This really is a stupid question but what does it mean when a player is said to be 'mobile'? To me that suggests someone who moves around a lot but what attributes would reflect that in FM? Work Rate? Pace/Off the ball?
I think that's about right. I'd add dribbling as well.

I would say Agility too?

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Is there any way to improve a player's aggression?
Tutoring will not improve aggression. Tutoring affects the hidden personality stats and determination.

I have never found a way to improve aggression on purpose, maybe it is not possible. (It may be possible however to decrease it: in older versions, a player's aggression could decrease if you warned/fined him for yellow cards and such. Not sure about FM14 though.)

Edit: Also, does "use tighter marking" only apply to defenders? The tool-tip seems to suggest so, I want my players to press high so I figure this would be useful

Tight marking applies to all players in "defensive situations", so not just defenders. If you are Pressing high up the pitch, this won't necessarily impact because if you are closing down a player in their own half, it won't be recognised as a "defensive situation". I read "Tighter Marking" as kicking in at set pieces or defensive phases in your defensive third.

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Thanks. I assume it's the same for bravery? Being as far into the game as I am something I've noticed is that there is a distinct lack of regens with decent levels of aggression, at least among the good players. Also attributes like flair and teamwork are quite hard to find

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Just reply to this as you said this was equivalent to "Press More".

I'm now confused, because I thought press more = hassle opponents.

If I'm wrong, what does "Hassle Opponents" mean?

Hassle sets the individual closing down setting to maximum and activates tight marking for every player. In football terms, you're telling the team to disregard shape and just restrict opponents' time on the ball without hesitation.

Stand-off has the opposite effect and tells the players to hold shape as much as possible.

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Hassle sets the individual closing down setting to maximum and activates tight marking for every player. In football terms, you're telling the team to disregard shape and just restrict opponents' time on the ball without hesitation.

Stand-off has the opposite effect and tells the players to hold shape as much as possible.

Thanks for this THOG - this is something that is not really clear in-game so thank you.

A follow-up question if that's ok?

From what you've then said, how is it that I can use "stand off" AND "tight marking" together - it seems to me they should conflict?

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Thanks for this THOG - this is something that is not really clear in-game so thank you.

A follow-up question if that's ok?

From what you've then said, how is it that I can use "stand off" AND "tight marking" together - it seems to me they should conflict?

Some TIs will override aspects of others so it's possible you can get minimal closing down combined with tight marking, but it's not altogether clear which TIs override others.

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What exactly does the shout 'Hassle Opponents' do?

I always thought it made my attacking mids and forwards close down opponents while my midfielders maintained a higher line up the pitch. But on closely observing my matches, I came across an odd thing. I play a 4-2 (CMs)-3-1 system. When the opponent's central attacking mid goes past my 2 CMs, it draws one of my DCs onto him which is expected. But when the DC loses his challenge, my other DC (who is now 10-15m away and is marking a forward) senselessly rushes out to close down the opponent attacking mid. Now he has no chance of reaching the opponent on time and leaves the forward unmarked. This leads to a simple through ball to the forward bringing him 1 on 1 with my goalie. Now, the sensible thing would be for the DC (marking the striker) to run back with the striker, hoping that one of his teammates recovers in time to put a tackle in.

NOTE: More often than not, I have closing down instructions for closing down the opponent's playmakers.

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What exactly does the shout 'Hassle Opponents' do?

It does three things:

1) It sets "Closing Down" to the maximum setting for all players. In effect, this means every player will break position to close down a player who comes into their zone at any time. This is why Hassle makes DCs rush out from deep if the MCs get bypassed.

2) It activates "Tight Marking" for all players.

3) It increases tempo slightly. I'm not 100% sure how tempo relates to defensive phase decision-making though.

The basic idea of Hassle Opponents is that you're instructing the team to disregard defensive positioning and just focus on winning the ball back as quickly as possible, even if that means exposing gaps in your defensive shape.

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