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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Playing Luton in L2, I play a fairly conservative (usually rigid/standard) 4-5-1 & 4-3-3 short passing/retain possession style. I don't have the bravest midfield and after a very good run of 10 matches I'm finding the opposition ls targeting my midfield with pressing and hard tackling, which has taken us off our form. Any way to counter these shouts/opp instructions without buying new players?

The time you spend on the ball may be allowing the opposition to press more easily.

Consider increasing your Tempo and / or increasing your passing length.

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Is a player's ability at an Accomplished position equal to his ability at a Natural position (I know the stats matter but let's pretend his stats are the same)? Or is it best to try to train him to become Natural, or sell him and get a guy that is Natural at said position?

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I've read that the ai learn to counter your tactics much more on this version than previously but how does that work?

Do the ai "forget" about your tactics after you haven't used them for awhile or will they have counters to almost all ways of playing once you've played for a really long time?

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I've read that the ai learn to counter your tactics much more on this version than previously but how does that work?

Do the ai "forget" about your tactics after you haven't used them for awhile or will they have counters to almost all ways of playing once you've played for a really long time?

The AI doesn't counter your tactics.

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Then I have understood wrong. Seems to be many who think they do, is that simply your reputation increasing and the opposing teams playing more defensively as a result?

Yes, coupled with people who think any given tactic should work the exact same way in every match irrespective of squad selection, pitch/weather conditions, and the opposition's set-up.

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The time you spend on the ball may be allowing the opposition to press more easily.

Consider increasing your Tempo and / or increasing your passing length.

Thanks. Turning up the tempo worked well.
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If i have selected the TI play narrower, does it make sense to set a PI sit narrower ?

Not really. I always look at TIs as getting the whole team to do a certain thing, and PIs as a way to get individuals to do a certain thing.

As an example, if I don't want everyone to Close Down by using Hassle Opponents, I'll choose Roles that Close Down More, or I'll instruct specific players to Close Down More.

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hey guys,

when using "Exploiding the right flank" will that effect ONLY the WIDE players or will it also effect the RCM and RST?

i do want my RCM to run wide with ball and make a lot of forward runs, a little bit like real madrid played di maria last season over the left wing. so exploiding the right could add on to of the PI run wide, cant it?

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hey guys,

when using "Exploiding the right flank" will that effect ONLY the WIDE players or will it also effect the RCM and RST?

i do want my RCM to run wide with ball and make a lot of forward runs, a little bit like real madrid played di maria last season over the left wing. so exploiding the right could add on to of the PI run wide, cant it?

It affects the full back on that side and the MR or AMR, not the striker on the right.

It will also affect the behaviour of the RCM, who will be more inclined to hold the ball and wait for the full back on that side to make an attacking run.

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is there any way, to play target man striker ,without giving him target man role? I mean, like I want to play my deep lying forward or attacking midfield like target man.So I could still made use of "cross to target man" option.

btw "cross to far post" where it gone? to my another winger?

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I don't think my question deserves its own thread, so just posting it here to see if anyone can see any glaring errors with it (if you think it needs a thread then do let me know).

My team is currently a 7th-10th side in the Prem (hoping to finish 5th-7th this season). So the tactic is your standard 4-2-3-1 and will be my starting tactic against weaker sides, equal sides and marginally stronger sides (unless they have an obvious strong player I need to target):


Roles and Duty:

WBa; move up into the space left by the IFa, offer the width and gets crosses into the box

CDx2; your standard defenders

WBs; have him offering options from midfield but not attacking too high up the pitch

CMd; cover for the WBa, keeps possession, closes down and wins the ball

DLPs; defensively sound but offers a little more in the way of keeping possession and moving it on comfortably to the next phase of the attack

IFs; creative and direct. Can dribble pass and shoot. Vacates space for the WBa

APa; a critical link in the build-up. Expecting goals and assists

IFa; a more potent version of IFs. Hopefully see him venture into the box with or without the ball

CFs; strong guy with an eye for goal. Can drop deep to join link up, bringing the defender off his position for one of the other attacking trio to attack. Unsure when using a CFa would be a good idea

Mentality and Fluidity:

I've opted for Control so I can focus on quick attacks (especially on the counter) whilst not committing too much forward and leaving us exposed at the back. Fluid because "this creates a divided structure with a more aggressive, fluid attack backed by a significantly more cautious defence". Which is what I want.

Team Instructions:

Roam from positions; I want to encourage movement in the final third between my top 4. Will this cause my 2 central midfielders to roam in such a way it leads them to losing shape and potentially leaving a large gap between attack and defense?

Short Passing; encouraging short, snappy passes over a shorter distance

Higher Tempo; with the above reducing the tempo (and width) I'd like to keep up the quick intensity

Much Deeper; I want to give my opposition some space to attack so when we win the ball we will have space ourselves to manoeuvre into (as a quick, efficient counter attack)

Player Instructions:

GK; distribute to defenders - pretty standard, I don't really have an aerial threat to aim at

LCB; more direct passes - my LCB will generally be the better passer (well, only 11 for passing but 16 for decisions) and I don't want my team to continually pass conservatively around the back but to get it forward when the opportunity arises

DLPs; more direct passes - look for a forward pass as his first thought to get the ball into the attacking third (this is one I am sceptical on as I worry if they try to force the issue they could lose possession during the transition to attack phase leading to the opposition counter)

CMd; shoot less - all I want is to win the ball and recycle possession

APa; dribble less - I would rather he looked for the pass rather than attempt a mazy run. Would using 'Move into Channels' be of any benefit for this position or will the roaming from position TI be enough for him to find space/lose a marker?

AML; dribble more & more risky passes - dribble more to take advantage of his on the ball abilities and more risky passes in the hope he can unlock the defence (sceptical on more risky passes)

Any thoughts?

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Mikal, just a quick thought on looking this over, and it looks pretty well set up- you'll see after you play a few matches but I am curious if your DLP(S) and CM(D) will push up enough to support the middle on attack. With your AP(AP) it might not be an issue. As for moves into channels for him, I haven't noticed it doing much for central players. I had the same thought as you did but didn't see it work out as I was hoping. The roaming should do the movement you want, but again, to my first point, think about if he goes walkabout where that will leave the middle of your attack. I suspect a lot will depend on how well you see your IFs cutting inside. Anyway, just a couple of observations that might be of use

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is there any way, to play target man striker ,without giving him target man role? I mean, like I want to play my deep lying forward or attacking midfield like target man.So I could still made use of "cross to target man" option.

btw "cross to far post" where it gone? to my another winger?

You could put your deep lying forward as a target man with support duty, and it might give you what you are looking for. I've used that setup with good effect at times.

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I have a strikers, and box to box/ball winner in support duty. does 2 player enough to made cross to far post useful?

is there any way to prevent winger to come to the box,or at least,far enough,so when cross cme to him,its low already?

I am not quite clear what you are asking here in either case. In the first question, do you have two strikers or one? B2B midfielder on attack duty will get forward into the box if that's what you are asking. The BWM not so much. What do you want your winger to do? Get forward to receive a cross on the far post?

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Mikal, just a quick thought on looking this over, and it looks pretty well set up- you'll see after you play a few matches but I am curious if your DLP(S) and CM(D) will push up enough to support the middle on attack. With your AP(AP) it might not be an issue. As for moves into channels for him, I haven't noticed it doing much for central players. I had the same thought as you did but didn't see it work out as I was hoping. The roaming should do the movement you want, but again, to my first point, think about if he goes walkabout where that will leave the middle of your attack. I suspect a lot will depend on how well you see your IFs cutting inside. Anyway, just a couple of observations that might be of use

Thanks for the reply. I'll look out for the space between my central two and the attack as obviously this could be an issue. If there was large gaps between, woukd you recommend changing the DLPs I a standard CMs or a BBM? Of course defensive priorities have to come first, but I'll gauge this over a few games.

Yes that is an issue I thought about with the roam from positions for my APa. Naturally I want him to be in that AMC spot dictating play, putting in through balls etc. but I want him to roam should the opposition be targeting him/using a DMC. Does it make sense to leave it as it is, but should the opposition have no player at DMC give him the PI to hold position hoping to take advantage of the space left between their defence and mid without him venturing too far from his assigned area?

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As far as the player stats go, what constitutes a "Dribble"?

When on the ball, a player successfully runs past an opponent without losing possession.

Should you aim to have a certain amount of 'roam from position' PI in a tactic, and is it usually a bad idea to use it anywhere other than AM or FC strata?

Roam from Position is assigned to players automatically, so you don't necessarily need to use PIs. More aggressive mentalities have a higher roaming quota, though Roam PIs allocated automatically are not currently indicated in the interface (annoying, yes, but this will hopefully be fixed in FM15). To answer your questions, the ideal amount of roaming is entirely dependent on your style of play and what you're looking to achieve and there's nothing inherently wrong with the idea of using it in deeper positions. Several midfield positions, like the regista and box to box midfielder, will roam by default and take a roaming slot away from a more advanced player.

Is there any way to view the tactical instructions the ai use? I can't manage to create a tactic that even works decently despite playing for many hours every day for several weeks.

Watching how the ai sets up things would be very beneficial if it's possible to see in some way.

The AI often struggles to get teams like Manchester City and Liverpool into the top 6, so I don't think there's really much to learn from observing their tactics. In any case, you can look at an AI manager's profile to get a sense of the formation, mentality, defensive line and passing instructions they tend to use as a baseline, but the AI also makes changes based on circumstance and the quality of the opposition. That being the case, you're better off taking a minute or two at the start of each match to note how the opposition is playing in terms of positioning, passing and the depth of their defensive line.

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The AI often struggles to get teams like Manchester City and Liverpool into the top 6, so I don't think there's really much to learn from observing their tactics. In any case, you can look at an AI manager's profile to get a sense of the formation, mentality, defensive line and passing instructions they tend to use as a baseline, but the AI also makes changes based on circumstance and the quality of the opposition. That being the case, you're better off taking a minute or two at the start of each match to note how the opposition is playing in terms of positioning, passing and the depth of their defensive line.

While that's true, the big ai teams rarely gets absolutely smashed like I do frequently.

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I am not quite clear what you are asking here in either case. In the first question, do you have two strikers or one? B2B midfielder on attack duty will get forward into the box if that's what you are asking. The BWM not so much. What do you want your winger to do? Get forward to receive a cross on the far post?

well, actually I stil undecided, wheter to use 1 or 2 striker, as my best striker is could play either striker or AMC position. so I could either use 4-4-2 and 4-4-1-1

my winger is short,not good in the air.his jumping was bad. my expect is he just run down the side, and do crossing to my striker,or by attacking central midfield (either btb or bwm) .

So ,at open play, there would be 2 or 3 player who good in the air . (1 is my target man,who cannot play good in other role ,except target man, the another is my central midfield, which I could put as bwm or btb, could be 1 more, if I introduce my other striker late in the game)

my question is, at crossing, there are plenty option. I choose float crosses already. but still undecided wheter use cross to target man, or cross to far post. Because my player who should receive cross is not just the target man,but also my central midfield.

You could put your deep lying forward as a target man with support duty, and it might give you what you are looking for. I've used that setup with good effect at times.

my DLP 's stamina just 10 as he is 35. I wonder if put him from beggining would good for english priemer league. what do you think? should I introduce him on final 20 minute, or play him for 70 minute?

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Is it a misconception that counter attack strategy needs to have direct passing and high tempo? Should it be short passing or can either style work?

It's a misconception. Counter will automatically switch to a high tempo style if the opposition leaves itself exposed at the back, but in other circumstances, you can use it as the basis for a possession style or a cautious long ball style that tries to quickly pump the ball forward to your strikers.

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well, actually I stil undecided, wheter to use 1 or 2 striker, as my best striker is could play either striker or AMC position. so I could either use 4-4-2 and 4-4-1-1

my winger is short,not good in the air.his jumping was bad. my expect is he just run down the side, and do crossing to my striker,or by attacking central midfield (either btb or bwm) .

So ,at open play, there would be 2 or 3 player who good in the air . (1 is my target man,who cannot play good in other role ,except target man, the another is my central midfield, which I could put as bwm or btb, could be 1 more, if I introduce my other striker late in the game)

my question is, at crossing, there are plenty option. I choose float crosses already. but still undecided wheter use cross to target man, or cross to far post. Because my player who should receive cross is not just the target man,but also my central midfield.[/Quote]

If you want multiple targets, cross to far post- isn't there an option to cross to 6 yard box as well (don't have my game up, and I don't use wingers so haven't poked around in there in a while- but yes, you want to put the ball in an area not to a specific man in this. If you want that third man in the box to come from your midfield, the box to box is what you want, not the ball winner. The B2B gets in there pretty well, I've found.

my DLP 's stamina just 10 as he is 35. I wonder if put him from beggining would good for english priemer league. what do you think? should I introduce him on final 20 minute, or play him for 70 minute?

10 stamina is tough, but you might get most or even a whole game from him depending how much running he does. As a DLP, he'll naturally stay back and do a lot of passing, so might not run around enough to tire him out. Give him a start and see how he does. You'll notice that in lower lower leagues where the stamina ratings are terrible, a 10 stamina man will give you a whole game.

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Thanks for the reply. I'll look out for the space between my central two and the attack as obviously this could be an issue. If there was large gaps between, woukd you recommend changing the DLPs I a standard CMs or a BBM? Of course defensive priorities have to come first, but I'll gauge this over a few games.

Yes that is an issue I thought about with the roam from positions for my APa. Naturally I want him to be in that AMC spot dictating play, putting in through balls etc. but I want him to roam should the opposition be targeting him/using a DMC. Does it make sense to leave it as it is, but should the opposition have no player at DMC give him the PI to hold position hoping to take advantage of the space left between their defence and mid without him venturing too far from his assigned area?

If you like the DLP role (and I do) you could pair him with a CM(S) or even a CM(A) to mind the gaps if they happen. A BBM will get into the box when the play requires, so with a DLP you might see too much space in front him. What I've done with the AM in my 4-1-2-1-2 narrow diamond is as you wrote: put him on roam if there is a DM against him, to drag him out. Then I put a CM as a B2B to get forward into the space vacated by the AM. With no DMC, I wouldn't use hold position, because I don't think you'll see him ranging around too far with his normal settings.

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When on the ball, a player successfully runs past an opponent without losing possession.

I see. I don't suppose there's a stat for unsuccessful dribbles, or times dispossessed, is there?

Separately, it'd be cool to have stuff like the player radars used to visualize stats in websites like these: http://www.statsbomb.com/2014/04/new-radars-better-rigor-plus-the-average-player/

Almost all the stats are visible already (or can be easily calculated from what's visible), which is why I bring up unsuccessful dribbles.

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Hi, I am fan of Banik Ostrava (Czech republic) and I saw a interesting tactical element in last match. I would like to implement it into FM, but I dont know if it is possible. Banik has got a very good defender, who name is Frydrych. He is good in air and he played full back. But when the team had a possesion or when goalkeeper was kicking the ball - his position was around opponent's fullback. So he was WR at that moment. He almost always won ball in the air and the whole team benefits from it. When the team was defending, he was just usually fullback.

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Hi, I am fan of Banik Ostrava (Czech republic) and I saw a interesting tactical element in last match. I would like to implement it into FM, but I dont know if it is possible. Banik has got a very good defender, who name is Frydrych. He is good in air and he played full back. But when the team had a possesion or when goalkeeper was kicking the ball - his position was around opponent's fullback. So he was WR at that moment. He almost always won ball in the air and the whole team benefits from it. When the team was defending, he was just usually fullback.

This sounds like a very specific (unique, even) tactical nuance. It isn't replicable in FM, I'm afraid.

I guess the closest you could get is to use a Defensive Winger on the right, who you ask to specific man mark the AI ML or AML.

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I have a couple of questions regarding positional retraining for players. When you train a player to play a different position and after so long they become 'natural' in that position, do you have to continue training them in that position to keep it as natural? Also will retraining a player to play in a different position eat into any of their potential ability in the long run? Any advice on this as is much appreciated it's been bugging me for a while!

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I have question about choosing fullbacks. Im currently playing on sky bet league 1. I have 2 right full back. sam ricket and kevin doyle. I wanna upload screenshoot here,but I dont have any idea how to take screenshoot in fm

sam ricket weakness are anticipation, positioning (he got 11, doyle 13) tackling (he 13,doyle 14)

while doyle weakness is stamina (he got 13,ricket got 17 ) teamwork (he 12,ricket 13) concentration (he 11,ricket 12)

I read in http://www.guidetofootballmanager.com . i understand that for skybet league 1, 13 is good. so ricket would weak on anticipation and positioning.this was related, as anticipation would predict , and positioning would place him. then sam ricket would be defender with poor position, as his prediction and his place was bad.

doyle worse in concentration and teamwork.since I play lower league,teamwork would not that important right? but concentration really worry me, as he is defender

who should I choose? or is there any way to tweak them by PI for those mental attributes?

p.s they have equal decision making.


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I wouldn't worry about looking at the specifics of attributes in too much detail yet.

Your questions in a few threads show that you still need to commit yourself to a certain way of playing.

Once you have that figured out, then you can start to think about more detailed stuff like attributes.

As an example, you posted somewhere just now about using a lone Poacher, which generally isn't a terrific idea.

If you absorbed the suggestions in the Pairs & Combinations Thread, you'd know that and be committing to a system.

I think you are getting distracted by trying to take too much on board at once, and it is preventing you from getting started properly.

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I wouldn't worry about looking at the specifics of attributes in too much detail yet.

Your questions in a few threads show that you still need to commit yourself to a certain way of playing.

Once you have that figured out, then you can start to think about more detailed stuff like attributes.

As an example, you posted somewhere just now about using a lone Poacher, which generally isn't a terrific idea.

If you absorbed the suggestions in the Pairs & Combinations Thread, you'd know that and be committing to a system.

I think you are getting distracted by trying to take too much on board at once, and it is preventing you from getting started properly.

ok I would try to pay more attention on combination then.

according to your post, what I get is, I need to find how my team would play first, is that right?

I dont know what to do, because to knowhow my team play,seems I had to know my player ability. And maybe Im too detail thinking about player ability. so I should started with more common things?

should I started new thread, since I changed my teams?


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ok I would try to pay more attention on combination then.

according to your post, what I get is, I need to find how my team would play first, is that right?

I dont know what to do, because to knowhow my team play,seems I had to know my player ability. And maybe Im too detail thinking about player ability. so I should started with more common things?

should I started new thread, since I changed my teams?


My personal view is to not get bogged down in the detail too quickly.

If I start at a lower level with a side I don't know, I don't look at anything other than the make up of the squad.

As an example, there's no point in thinking about using wingers, if you don't have any in your squad and you have no transfer funds to buy any.

Work with what you have, irrespective of their quality. Don't fret too much about the qualities of one player over the other for the same slot in your team.

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My personal view is to not get bogged down in the detail too quickly.

If I start at a lower level with a side I don't know, I don't look at anything other than the make up of the squad.

As an example, there's no point in thinking about using wingers, if you don't have any in your squad and you have no transfer funds to buy any.

Work with what you have, irrespective of their quality. Don't fret too much about the qualities of one player over the other for the same slot in your team.

now Im playing with wolves. I dont have any idea how my team would play their best. Im kind of manager who love hard game, and try to made my wolves team like that. So ussing hassle oponents and get stuck in. but the rest, There are so many Team instruction,player instruction, etc. Then where I should start?

I feel awkhard to translate those thread's words to my game. I know Im a begginer,maybe little bit silly,but I hope the solution is not just stop playing football manager game..

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How big difference does an attribute 'point' make? I've always found the attributes pretty hard grasp in FM and this year it seems much more important with the increased difficulty.

How big would the difference be between 18 and 16 in passing for example? Is the difference very noticeable or just minor with a very small impact on the pitch?

Probably a very difficult question to answer though.

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