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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Never do anything just for the sake of it. You can use no instructions at all.

Yes absolutely! Currently my tactic starts all games with no shouts active. I've done all I want in the setup and roles/duties and use the shouts to adapt to match conditions.

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My mentality is set to standard and my question revolves around my team's tempo.

I am currently using the higher tempo and play wider TIs because I want my team to play with width and at a relatively high tempo. I was thinking about adding the shorter passing TI to the mix.

Now I know that the shorter passing TI also reduces width and tempo. I wanted to counteract the effect that shorter passing has on my team's tempo. Now would it make sense for me to think that the shorter passing TI's effect on tempo basically negates the effect that the higher tempo TI has on my team's tempo? Would it make sense for me to think that, by using the much higher tempo TI, I'd gain the tempo I'd lose by adding the shorter passing TI?

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Would appreciate it too if anyone can answer that question^

I still don't really understand how team instructions work together. As a quick example, I assume 'shorter passing' and 'retain possession' both tell the team to pass shorter. So if I use both of them, do the effects stack or does one take precedence over the other?

In 'slider terms', let's say shorter passing reduces passing by 5 notches and retain possession by 4, would using them both reduce it by 9?

(I know sliders are history but it helps to visualize what I mean)

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Right, I'd appreciate it if someone can clear this up for me so I don't get mixed up/confused.

What instructions are already set when you choose a mentality?

For example if I picked control, I'd feel the need to add some instructions to to try and maximize the philosophy. Which majority of the time ends up blagging my tactic right up.

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Right, I'd appreciate it if someone can clear this up for me so I don't get mixed up/confused.

What instructions are already set when you choose a mentality?

For example if I picked control, I'd feel the need to add some instructions to to try and maximize the philosophy. Which majority of the time ends up blagging my tactic right up.

Defensive Line, Width, Tempo and, of course, mentality

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I have a (stupid) question or, at least, I guess it has been discussed but this came out. This is some kind of thought but also an attempt to shed some light on this issue. So, let's consider TI and leave PI and OI:

Hassle Opponents - this is the instruction that tells our team to press hard on opponents, meaning that our players will leave their position and go after the opponent player with the ball.

Mark Tighter - it's a zonal marking telling the player to the mark the opponent (tighter) when he enters our player range of action / boundaries.

Now, considering these two descriptions, I'm wondering that these two instructions create a conflict when in use together: I'm telling my players some sort of "chase the ball wherever the ball is" (Hassle Opponents) and at the same time "when the opponent is inside your position bounds, mark him closer / tighter". How come this is not conflicting ??? I would guess the Mark Tighter should be use when not using Hassle Opponents.

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Another question, for some reason I can't see the 'dictates tempo' option available for one of my players to learn. Yet it is there for others. Anyone know why this might be? He is quite young, could that be it? Also has phenomenal technical attributes and high creativity/decisions/anticipation etc.

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Hassle Opponents actually sets Tight Marking as well, so they don't conflict.

Now I'm more confused :confused: can you elaborate on that ???

If Hassle sets TM as well, shouldn't be better Tight Marking become unavailable (red colour) at the TI menu ???

Also, what is asked to the players with these two instructions: is what I wrote at the post above correct ?

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Now I'm more confused :confused: can you elaborate on that ???

If Hassle sets TM as well, shouldn't be better Tight Marking become unavailable (red colour) at the TI menu ???

Also, what is asked to the players with these two instructions: is what I wrote at the post above correct ?

In an ideal world, the UI would "know" to disable Tight Marking where Hassle is set.

Hassle Opponents maxes Closing Down, applies Tight Marking and Increases Tempo.

Tight Marking is basically how close you mark a man. Default is a sort of loose zonal marking. Tight marking makes it, well, tighter :)

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In an ideal world, the UI would "know" to disable Tight Marking where Hassle is set.

Hassle Opponents maxes Closing Down, applies Tight Marking and Increases Tempo.

Tight Marking is basically how close you mark a man. Default is a sort of loose zonal marking. Tight marking makes it, well, tighter :)

Ok, that I understand. Nice :applause:

But my question is more about the movement of the players, I mean when telling players to Hassle / Close Down, this mean they are supposed to leave their positions and, well, hassle :-) right ?! But when telling them to Mark Tighter, I'm also telling them "wait until the opponent comes close to your range of action / positional boundary"... right ? One instruction tells the player to roam more (in defensive sense, closing down to regain possession), the other tells the player to hold more his ground... right ? :confused:

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Not really - players who are not closing down the opponent who is on the ball (ie those players who are not actively "Pressing" aka "Hassling") will mark others more tightly in a bid to further reduce available passing options for the player who is being hassled. So, no-one is "holding their ground" - they are either moving towards the ball to create the press or moving towards other opponents to prevent passes, thus forcing the opposition into a mistake and regain possession.

Remember as well this is all relative to the Mentality you are using - more attacking mentalities already have a heavier press than more defensive mentalities by default.

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Not really - players who are not closing down the opponent who is on the ball (ie those players who are not actively "Pressing" aka "Hassling") will mark others more tightly in a bid to further reduce available passing options for the player who is being hassled. So, no-one is "holding their ground" - they are either moving towards the ball to create the press or moving towards other opponents to prevent passes, thus forcing the opposition into a mistake and regain possession.

Remember as well this is all relative to the Mentality you are using - more attacking mentalities already have a heavier press than more defensive mentalities by default.

Ok, seeing some light now :-)

But, when using a TI to Hassle, I'm telling all my players to close down more and using also the TI Mark Tighter / Tighter Marking I'm also telling all my players to move towards the opponents. How will my players know what to do ? At the same time, I'm telling them to move towards the ball and at the same time to move towards the opponent (who might not have the ball).

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I'm experimenting with a cover/defend central defensive partnership right now. If one full back is attacking and other on support which CB (Cover/Defend) do you put on the same side as the full backs? I can see advantages and disadvantages of both eg cover behind an attacking full back leaves space in front whereas defend CB may leave space behind. Just wondering on peoples preference?

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Ok, seeing some light now :-)

But, when using a TI to Hassle, I'm telling all my players to close down more and using also the TI Mark Tighter / Tighter Marking I'm also telling all my players to move towards the opponents. How will my players know what to do ? At the same time, I'm telling them to move towards the ball and at the same time to move towards the opponent (who might not have the ball).

Yeh it can seem a little contradictory. However, you may be telling "all" your players to close down more, but in reality only the ones nearest the ball will do so - your striker won't be trying to close down the opposition's striker on the ball if they are 80 yards away with 15 other players between each other. It's the same with Mark Tighter - only players who are not closing down the ball will move towards an opposition player to mark.

TBH I'm not a fan of the Hassle Opposition TI as for me it drags too many players out of tactical shape leaving too many gaps - I also find it significantly increases yellow cards. Of course that could just be me ;). Personally, I prefer to specifically target the individual players who I actively want pressing through the use of PIs.

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Yeh it can seem a little contradictory. However, you may be telling "all" your players to close down more, but in reality only the ones nearest the ball will do so - your striker won't be trying to close down the opposition's striker on the ball if they are 80 yards away with 15 other players between each other. It's the same with Mark Tighter - only players who are not closing down the ball will move towards an opposition player to mark.

TBH I'm not a fan of the Hassle Opposition TI as for me it drags too many players out of tactical shape leaving too many gaps - I also find it significantly increases yellow cards. Of course that could just be me ;). Personally, I prefer to specifically target the individual players who I actively want pressing through the use of PIs.

Ok, the TI is not in fact a TI !

Now, I really must be complicating this issue but if you could tell one more thing to ease my mind. Let's say an opponent FB has the ball, I guess my Winger will close him down (move towards the ball)... or will go instead for the Mark Tighter (move towards the player), hummm, ok, he can do both, I guess. What about my striker ? What prevails ?: a) the striker closing down the FB ? b) the striker marking tighter a CD ? Or going for a) or b) depends on the mental attributes only ?

Yes, sometimes I have also the same problem, frequently my Central Defenders. So, using the PI means you also don't use OI ? I guess using also the OI might be risky and over ruling the PI you have set.

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Ok, the TI is not in fact a TI !

Now, I really must be complicating this issue but if you could tell one more thing to ease my mind. Let's say an opponent FB has the ball, I guess my Winger will close him down (move towards the ball)... or will go instead for the Mark Tighter (move towards the player), hummm, ok, he can do both, I guess. What about my striker ? What prevails ?: a) the striker closing down the FB ? b) the striker marking tighter a CD ? Or going for a) or b) depends on the mental attributes only ?

Yes, sometimes I have also the same problem, frequently my Central Defenders. So, using the PI means you also don't use OI ? I guess using also the OI might be risky and over ruling the PI you have set.

Well, yes it is a TI, because you are telling the entire team to behave that way when it is appropriate to do so. Keep in mind that all player behavior will be based on the decision stat, as to who does what when, instructions notwithstanding.

As to your next question, ff the striker is closer to the ball carrier than your winger, he will likely do the closing down. If you set your striker to tight mark the CB, are you asking what priority is given with the instructions? As I understand it, PI's override TI's.

As for the OI, you are setting specific players to do those jobs. If you select "always close down" an opposing winger, then whoever is closest to him will do it. The PI is what you want your player to do, the OI is what you want done to the opposing player, regardless of who is doing it. So for example, you could have your CB set to close down more, so he will close down faster when he is the nearest to the ball carrier.

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Well, yes it is a TI, because you are telling the entire team to behave that way when it is appropriate to do so. Keep in mind that all player behavior will be based on the decision stat, as to who does what when, instructions notwithstanding.

As to your next question, ff the striker is closer to the ball carrier than your winger, he will likely do the closing down. If you set your striker to tight mark the CB, are you asking what priority is given with the instructions? As I understand it, PI's override TI's.

As for the OI, you are setting specific players to do those jobs. If you select "always close down" an opposing winger, then whoever is closest to him will do it. The PI is what you want your player to do, the OI is what you want done to the opposing player, regardless of who is doing it. So for example, you could have your CB set to close down more, so he will close down faster when he is the nearest to the ball carrier.

Ok, closer to... I think the Striker has a default PI to Close Down More, so if:

a) I have a Hassle and Mark Tighter TI;


b) I have my striker with Mark Tighter PI;

The striker is more likely to ignore the Hassle TI and go for the Tighter Marking PI... unless he's closer to the ball carrier and if so the Close Down More PI turns to be more likely.... also, all this depending on the creative freedom that is set and the Decision attribute of the striker. Someday we'll need to have some degree on FM :)

If this is correct, I think I've got now. And thanks for all the help :applause:

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Well you would be correct in principle, that PIs take precedence over TIs. Yes, you've got it. But I did want to add that the Hassle TI also sets tight marking for the team, so that example isn't the best to judge. But essentially I agree that you got it :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys

In FM15 I have two quite similar tactics, both based on 4-1-4-1 formations. They have identical player roles and duties, except a few differences, the main difference is one is a control tactic, aimed at a more dominating approach, while the other is more defensive oriented. So the main differences between the two are that one is control and the other is standard, and then there are some differences in team instructions and with a few player instructions.

Now my question is wheter the differences are enough to warrant these taking two of the three tactic slots, or if the differences are minor enough for me to just train one, and then make the alterations at game time, without a major backlash in familiarity, and thus save a tactic slot?

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Now my question is wheter the differences are enough to warrant these taking two of the three tactic slots, or if the differences are minor enough for me to just train one, and then make the alterations at game time, without a major backlash in familiarity, and thus save a tactic slot?

Some do as you do, some don't. How's that for helpful? :lol: However, for myself, I don't bother training different variations of the same formation. I use the slots for three different shapes. I have never found that shifting from a standard to, say, counter during a match matters all that much. I think WWFan (if I recall from a long ago post) does the same thing. Some people who want to use one shape only though, will find a minor benefit to training three different mentalities. I prefer to have the different shape/style options available with high familiarity in case a particular opponent, or even a rash of injuries necessitates something different to my usual approach.

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Some do as you do, some don't. How's that for helpful? :lol: However, for myself, I don't bother training different variations of the same formation. I use the slots for three different shapes. I have never found that shifting from a standard to, say, counter during a match matters all that much. I think WWFan (if I recall from a long ago post) does the same thing. Some people who want to use one shape only though, will find a minor benefit to training three different mentalities. I prefer to have the different shape/style options available with high familiarity in case a particular opponent, or even a rash of injuries necessitates something different to my usual approach.

Haha cheers mate :) I can see your point about having more versatility with an extra formation, so I think I will go down that route. Thx for the insight!

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I don't have the FM15 beta yet, but in my mind I'm already planning the tactics for when I'll have it. I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about the Roaming Playmaker role. What's the biggest difference compared to regista? Is it possible to use also in the DM strata? Does it have both defensive and support duties? What are your first impressions of the role? Thank you in advance!!

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On defensive corners, does 'Man Mark Small Player' mark the smallest player available in the box, or the smallest of the players that are being man-marked?

If I selected my 3 biggest defenders as Man Mark Tall, Man Mark and Man Mark Small will that allow me to decide who picks the biggest threat, 2nd and 3rd, or is it likely to leave a second 'Tall' man free in the box?

On attacking corners is there a way to set a second man to lurk outside the box. IRL we always positioned two outside the penalty area to guard against counters, but I'm not sure how to replicate this in game.

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I don't have the FM15 beta yet, but in my mind I'm already planning the tactics for when I'll have it. I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about the Roaming Playmaker role. What's the biggest difference compared to regista? Is it possible to use also in the DM strata? Does it have both defensive and support duties? What are your first impressions of the role? Thank you in advance!!

Roaming Playmaker is Support Only but can be used in the DM position.

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From what I understand, an AP(A) is an AP(S) with "Dribble More" turned on. Try just going with an AP(S) if you don't want him making too many runs?

Not sure because looking into heat maps, the AP(a) positioning is higher than the AP(s) and I think there's also a difference in terms of mentality.

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i think looking into heat maps doesn't help a lot.

Better see the movement in the ground during match ( i see in 2D and it helped me a lot)

That's something I've discovered with this new FM, 2D gives us a lot better perspective of players and their positioning and movement :-) Ok,maybe the heat map wasn't the best example but as I can remember the mentality and creative freedom was different just by changing the duty. Wonder if this is still accurate ??? I just don't see the point of having to choose a different role or duty just because one simple PI :-(

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I have zero interest in using Super Teams. I am using St Pauli in the German league and first in the standings but I am fed up of replaying matches repeatedly. I need advice in purchasing players. Physical attributes seem to be a pointless as I got a 199cm 19 Jumping Reach Defender and still conceeded from corners. I cant buy a defender that will ask for a 300k a week salary either. For good defenders I need to know at least the top five attributes(I am guessing mental and technical). I can lead by 4 goals and lose by 9-4 which is just plain ridiculous. Below is a link to my pkms or whatever they are called


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Mildly silly question.

How do I improve my away performances?

I'm currently playing a 4-1-2-2-1 :-


DR(s) DC(d) DC(d) DL(s)


CM(a) CM(s)

AMR(a) AML(a)




Instructions :-

Lower Tempo

Be More Expressive

Get Stuck In

Use Tighter Marking

Drop Deeper

Play Wider

Look for Overlap

Shorter Passing

Whilst I'm doing well (3rd in Conference North with 4 games to go), since the patch I'm being completely battered away from home and I can't quite put my finger on why.

Any advice on where to look? Thank you :)

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