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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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I have a vaguely tactic-related question; How do you upload goals & highlights to youtube? I can't seem to find any social networking related settings, or any options to upload highlights.

Much appreciated if someone could help me out, cheers.

Edit: Nvm, found it!

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What is the difference between advanced playmaker vs attacking midfielder? The former is responsible for creating chances, the latter one just bomb the penalty area?

It depends on the duty. An Attacking Midfielder (Support) is primarily concerned with creating chances, but his style of play will be different from that of an Advanced Playmaker (Support). Namely, he'll operate as more of a link-up player, setting up combinations and playing tidy, pinpoint balls to the forward whereas the AP will be quick to attempt the killer/Hollywood pass.

An Attacking Midfielder (Attack) is more focused on making runs into the area whereas the AP(A) will tend to stay deeper until he gets the ball at his feet (at which point, he's more inclined to dribble forward and try to lure a defender onto him before attempting that aforementioned killer pass).

And as Double0Seven noted, the AP's teammates will look to feed him the ball as much as possible and the AP will drop off slightly more often to receive it. The AM, on the other hand, will usually be given more time off the ball to find space and won't necessarily be the fulcrum in build-up play.

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Not really a stupid question, more like a stupidly late observation, but the performance of a formation/tactic is really way more variable depending on the players in your squad than a new FM player might think. I've been using the same tactic in three different saves (a 4-1-4-1 DM) and in each save, different positions have the most goals (WM/A, WM/S, CM/A) and different positions are excelling in ratings between the saves. Player performance is hugely affected by the performance and playing style of those around them. Problems I thought may lie in the tactic itself may just be chemistry problems between players themselves.

An important point to keep in mind is that tactical instructions are not the be-all, end-all of player decision-making. Their own abilities, tendencies and self-belief play an important part, and ultimately, the pivotal question for any player at any given moment is "Can I do this?" Attributes will alter the yes/no threshold and this will influence the effective style of play.

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Just have a quick role question. Is there a particular role that would fit in for my lone striker in this setup, or is it something I should think about depending on the players I have available?



----- BBM(S) CM(A) WP(S)

RMD(A) ------ ------ ------


My initial instincts were something with a Support duty, which led me to DLF, F9, DF or CF, but I'm not sure whether one will be inherently better than the other for this kind of formation.

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I'd worry about the balance of the MC line in that system, especially given that both full backs are set to attack.

In general terms, Support Duty players are easier to get working well in a lone striker system which has no AMC behind. You should always base Role selection on the qualities of the player(s) available. If the player available only suits one type of Role that isn't compatible with the system, sell him or train him.

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I'd worry about the balance of the MC line in that system, especially given that both full backs are set to attack.

In general terms, Support Duty players are easier to get working well in a lone striker system which has no AMC behind. You should always base Role selection on the qualities of the player(s) available. If the player available only suits one type of Role that isn't compatible with the system, sell him or train him.

I'll tell you what I'm more worried about, the fact I've only listed 10 players! Here's the ACTUAL set up:




----- BBM(S) CM(A) WP(S)

RMD(A) ------ ------ ------


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Ha! I thought you were wondering about the AML and ST Roles :D

Asymmetry isn't something I can ever really get my head round. The challenge you have is getting the right balance, given the movement of the CM (A) in particular. I'm currently using a 4-1-2-3 DM which has similar Roles to you, in the sense that I have a CM (A) alongside another (less) mobile MC (a CM (S) for me), and a lone striker. In my system, I elected for a False Nine because he links well with my AML/R (an IF (A) and W (S)) and seems to function OK with the CM (A) in behind.

I'd recommend watching a few matches in full in pre-season, to see how a DLF, CF and False Nine work in the system. You then need to decide if the issue is too much depth from the striker, or too much running from deep from midfield.

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With this in mind, what's the difference between the defensive duties of the FB and the WB?

Probably not enough to warrant having separate Roles.

The only thing that will be tangibly different is Mentality, with the higher Mentality for the wing back meaning he'll possibly get back in position later than a full back on Defend, on the assumption that he will stray further up field than the full back.

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How do you guys normally counter the AI's 4-3-3 they switch too when losing? Whatever formation I play, I always conceded 2+ goals when the AI switches to this formation at half time. No matter how dominating my tactic was of the team at the start, as soon as they switch to this I nose dive. lol.

Any ideas?

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Probably not enough to warrant having separate Roles.

The only thing that will be tangibly different is Mentality, with the higher Mentality for the wing back meaning he'll possibly get back in position later than a full back on Defend, on the assumption that he will stray further up field than the full back.

Thanks. I was thinking of a WB-d behind a WM-s, but that might be too light to attack through the flanks. Would a FB-s work well with a WM-s?
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Thanks. I was thinking of a WB-d behind a WM-s, but that might be too light to attack through the flanks. Would a FB-s work well with a WM-s?

It will be solid defensively on that side, and will ensure that the FB (S) is often available as a passing outlet. You just need to make sure the WM (S) does enough from an attacking perspective (if you want him to).

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After trawling different threads on here for months I'm left with a stupid question. I've seen that when using fluid and very fluid on a tactic apparently it's inadvisable to use certain roles i.e ones with specific duties like box to box midfielder or ball winning midfielder can anyone tell me whether this is definitely the case and also why exactly it is the case? Furthermore, is, say, a central midfielder best suited to a deep lying playmaker role on defensive duty perfectly suited to being a cm (d) in a fluid system?

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Hey, really stupid questions here (FM2015).

1) Can a player's current ability exceed his potential ability?

i.e. can a player that a JPA20, JPP20 coach/scout judges to be a "good premier league player in the future" become world-class in the future?

2) When a youth player is rated as, say, 2 gold stars by a JPP20 coach, can his potential rating increase as he gets older?

meaning, if I look through my U21 side, should I bin all of my low rating youth players?

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1) A player's potential is the maximum he can achieve

2) I'd only use the stars as a general guide, with attributes in all the right places even a 2 star rated player can be effective. It all depends on where you want him to play & you use him.

I remember back on FM08 I think it was one of the best players I ever had was a left winger from Charlton I think he was called Daniel Bierofka (sp). He only had a potential of 169 but all his high attributes were in the right places for an attacking left winger & that guy turned into a World beater

I have two questions/ requests, I'm looking for for two pieces of advice which I've seen on here before but can't find them so if someone had them to hand I'd be grateful if they could point me in the right direction

1) Shout Descriptions - I know there's a lot of obvious info but I'm looking for info like Retain Possession means to lower tempo, play narrower & pass shorter etc

2) AI Manager Style - Understanding the other's manager's style under their profile info like Playing Style: Cautious means he's plays a defensive style etc

I know I've seen them somewhere but just can't find them :confused:

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After trawling different threads on here for months I'm left with a stupid question. I've seen that when using fluid and very fluid on a tactic apparently it's inadvisable to use certain roles i.e ones with specific duties like box to box midfielder or ball winning midfielder can anyone tell me whether this is definitely the case and also why exactly it is the case? Furthermore, is, say, a central midfielder best suited to a deep lying playmaker role on defensive duty perfectly suited to being a cm (d) in a fluid system?

Simple answer: you can make anything work, just carefully weigh the risks and rewards.

Complex answer: there are a few different types of specialist role and this guideline mostly concerns what I'd call the playmakers and restricted specialists. In the case of playmakers, the idea is that you want runners ahead of them to provide consistent targets for their ambitious passes, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to tell everyone in forward positions to drop back and offer close support options. The idea of playmakers is that they drop off and spray passes to players ahead of them and a very fluid set-up counteracts that to some extent. In the case of restricted specialists, the idea is that it doesn't make a lot of sense to give a player a lot of restrictions on his style of play and then also give him a lot of tactical freedom to do as he sees fit.

Neither idea is intended to be a hard, inflexible rule. It's just a guideline to help people sort out the basic differences between role types and how that fits in with the purpose of the team shape options. You don't have to follow them.

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Hey, really stupid questions here (FM2015).

1) Can a player's current ability exceed his potential ability?

i.e. can a player that a JPA20, JPP20 coach/scout judges to be a "good premier league player in the future" become world-class in the future?

Coaches and scouts will only see a player's perceived potential ability and the star rating will be relative to the quality of your squad, so it's possible that a player's highest potential CA will exceed your coaches' predictions. However, CA cannot exceed the real PA.

2) When a youth player is rated as, say, 2 gold stars by a JPP20 coach, can his potential rating increase as he gets older?

meaning, if I look through my U21 side, should I bin all of my low rating youth players?

As above, yes. If you get better coaches or a better sense of his full potential, his star rating may increase. His star rating may also increase if your squad deteriorates (though this is unlikely under a human manager). However, his real potential rating is fixed.

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1) Shout Descriptions - I know there's a lot of obvious info but I'm looking for info like Retain Possession means to lower tempo, play narrower & pass shorter etc

Unfortunately, this is an area where the available documentation has fallen well behind the game itself. Retain Possession, for example, now reduces risky passing (in addition to tempo and passing range) while Work Ball Into Box now reduces crosses (in addition to long shots), and there are probably several other changes that no one outside of SI has been informed about.

2) AI Manager Style - Understanding the other's manager's style under their profile info like Playing Style: Cautious means he's plays a defensive style etc

It means his preference is to use the more defensive mentalities, though all AI managers switch mentalities based on the situation, often several times during a match.

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Thank you THOG, I've just spent lunch reading your 8 Steps of the Mentality ladder!

Unfortunately, this is an area where the available documentation has fallen well behind the game itself. Retain Possession, for example, now reduces risky passing (in addition to tempo, and passing range) while Work Ball Into Box now reduces crosses (in addition to long shots), and there are probably several other changes that no one outside of SI has been informed about.

Ah, that's a shame, would be handy to know that sort of stuff. I guess when you logically think about it, it makes sense but it would be nice to know what exactly changes instead of making a guess

It means his preference is to use the more defensive mentalities, though all AI managers switch mentalities based on the situation, often several times during a match.

So that would be Contain, Defensive (& Counter, maybe?) combined with more Defensive player roles? Yep, thanks, I'd noticed that a lot & seems to change at several points during the game based on the scoreline

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Unfortunately, this is an area where the available documentation has fallen well behind the game itself. Retain Possession, for example, now reduces risky passing (in addition to tempo and passing range) while Work Ball Into Box now reduces crosses (in addition to long shots), and there are probably several other changes that no one outside of SI has been informed about.

Do you mind revealing the other changes to the shouts?

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Know it's not tactics or training but not sure where else I could ask this?

Having some weird going on with transfers. Had a remaining budget of 3.5 million. Put a bid in for a player and managed to get an up front payment of 1.5 million with the rest in instalments for 48 months so the entire transfer cost would eventually reach around 5.5 M. The thing is the transfer wouldn't go through due to "lack of funds" and I couldn't adjust the budget. Seems odd as there was 3 odd million in there to cover the up front payment?

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How do people use mentality? I'm struggling to get it right, is it easier to stick with one mentality and change things up with shouts? If so how do you pick the starting mentality? Or if you are someone that changes it to match different oppositions and match situations how do you decide on that? I'm struggling to put together consistent results, I have read many posts and I feel I have a food combination of roles and duty's for my formation, I feel I just don't fully understand how the get the team as a whole on the right mentality per game.

Any feedback is welcome, I just want to understand the game well enough to make it fun again

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How do people use mentality? I'm struggling to get it right, is it easier to stick with one mentality and change things up with shouts? If so how do you pick the starting mentality? Or if you are someone that changes it to match different oppositions and match situations how do you decide on that? I'm struggling to put together consistent results, I have read many posts and I feel I have a food combination of roles and duty's for my formation, I feel I just don't fully understand how the get the team as a whole on the right mentality per game.

Any feedback is welcome, I just want to understand the game well enough to make it fun again

Any approach can work. I like to change mentality; depending on the where the AI is giving me space (it's usually in behind their high line or in front of their deep defence). Some people change shouts to exploit spaces.

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I just contracted 3 good 16 year olds who have a bright future ahead of them. I have 2 questions about it though.

1) Do I keep them in my U18 squad or directly to the U21's? They actually are decent backups for my current players so it makes sense to get them in the U21's.

2) Do I put them on 'role training' to get the best out of them or do I train technical attributes they are missing for the role they are playing in the team?

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Would a False 9 get in the way of a RPM charging in from midfield? I was wondeirng why Pogba had dropped his goalscoring but now I think it may have been when I changed my lone striker from a Treq to a F9. Formation is a wide 4-3-3.

It depends on how the players in question interpret the Roles. The easiest thing to do is just watch a match in Full and see how the players combine.

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And for another year i am struggling a lot in the game.

I think the game has developed a lot since previous years and i remained static downloading a "not conceed a lot" tactic and just enjoy the man management area of it. What i love is, buying favorite irl and in game youngsters and until they reach their potential my backup for success will be my (downloaded) solid tactic. I seek to build in the first two years. I dont care if i win the title i only care to be solid and crucial in front. I expect many draws but i demand narrow loses (1-0, 2-1). And i love when i see the "Lethal touch" in the critics after the game.

Unfortunatelly for me i think the game requires much more eye in the game and offcourse watching the game AT LEAST in extended highlights. I dont have that eye, i have never recognised in any game all those years when a team goes narrow or wider. Or if they press high or stand off. NEVER. I just set the tactic and enjoy the goals the defending and the stats plus analysis after match. I have to change this, i know.

Anyway, some questions.

1. Is there any guide that can learn us how to recognise opponents play (line,pressing,width etc etc)?

2. Is there a detailed guide of what every role do?

3. If a DR of mine has "runs with ball" and "get forward" ppms and i have him in Support duty will he follow no matter what his ppms or with support duty he will SOMETIMES react as he is in attack (because of ppms) and SOMETIMES follow his manager orders (being support)?

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I just contracted 3 good 16 year olds who have a bright future ahead of them. I have 2 questions about it though.

1) Do I keep them in my U18 squad or directly to the U21's? They actually are decent backups for my current players so it makes sense to get them in the U21's.

2) Do I put them on 'role training' to get the best out of them or do I train technical attributes they are missing for the role they are playing in the team?

See Cleon's thread here: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/380395-Ajax-When-Real-Life-Meets-Football-Manager-FM14

It has just about everything you want to know about developing youths.

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hello all

my question is really simple.. when i try to play in the lower league and setting up a 4-4-2 tactic am wonder what shouts are good to use there and should i use specific player instructions for evry player? am really confused about whats works and whats nots work in TI =( so if anyone can give some good advice i would love to here

Thanks in advice and happy gaming

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hello all

my question is really simple.. when i try to play in the lower league and setting up a 4-4-2 tactic am wonder what shouts are good to use there and should i use specific player instructions for evry player? am really confused about whats works and whats nots work in TI =( so if anyone can give some good advice i would love to here

Thanks in advice and happy gaming

Well that question is far too broad as everything works. It's all about what you're wanting to achieve, you should use shouts that compliment the style you are trying to achieve and PI's should be used to refine a players role if he isn't quite doing what you want. You don't necessarily have to use either TI's or PI's.

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How to stop shoots from free kicks?

I have about 7-8 shoots from free kicks per game, ranging from 20-30 meters. Almost 90% are off target. And I have very good free kick taker in Keisuke Honda. I have set it to best header. Don't know will it change if I set it to short, and I don't know how to set it up at all.

And my stats looks ridiculous because of that free kicks. Like 20 shoots per game, and only 5 on target.

My TI's are work ball into box, and all my players (the one who can) have shoot less often PI.


And I would like to ask one more question. How to stop players from being booked. In first 5 games I have 19 yellows and 1 red. And I play with stay on feet. Not one of my players has PI tackle harder. And they are not that aggressive either. If it helps, my mentality is control, and team shape is flexible.

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Anyone know who to stop defenders from rushing out like a maniac when there is absolutely no need to? Or, if not, anyway to make the fecking computer do this?

Tactic in screenshot below. Its not brilliant (still needs work) but i think it's solid enough.

That is until a opp midfielder who, is is covered by on of my midfielders, has the ball when my experienced CB decides that he wants his ball back and chases out, leaving a massive space in behind for which said opp midfielder plays the simplest of through balls.

Its so frustrating.


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How to stop shoots from free kicks?

I have about 7-8 shoots from free kicks per game, ranging from 20-30 meters. Almost 90% are off target. And I have very good free kick taker in Keisuke Honda. I have set it to best header. Don't know will it change if I set it to short, and I don't know how to set it up at all.

And my stats looks ridiculous because of that free kicks. Like 20 shoots per game, and only 5 on target.

My TI's are work ball into box, and all my players (the one who can) have shoot less often PI.


And I would like to ask one more question. How to stop players from being booked. In first 5 games I have 19 yellows and 1 red. And I play with stay on feet. Not one of my players has PI tackle harder. And they are not that aggressive either. If it helps, my mentality is control, and team shape is flexible.

Don't think you can stop players from shooting a direct freekick. You may want to put a player who is poor in heading and jumping to disrupt the wall.

Are you playing in Serie A? If yes, like irl, the refs there are stricter than the other leagues. They tend to give out 5 yellow cards per game.


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Ok, I will try your advice for distrupting the wall. But I think that free kicks should be more precise. I don't expect to score every one of them, but it would be nice just to shoot to the target once in a while.

Yes, I'm in Serie A, and I know about the refs, because I watch Serie A very much irl. But it's just to many, considering other teams. Napoli have only 4 in 6 matches.

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Anyone know who to stop defenders from rushing out like a maniac when there is absolutely no need to? Or, if not, anyway to make the fecking computer do this?

Tactic in screenshot below. Its not brilliant (still needs work) but i think it's solid enough.

That is until a opp midfielder who, is is covered by on of my midfielders, has the ball when my experienced CB decides that he wants his ball back and chases out, leaving a massive space in behind for which said opp midfielder plays the simplest of through balls.

Its so frustrating.


You could try giving the CD's the PI of Close Down Much Less

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Alas, you can't do that on FM14. The only defenders that can be set to Close Down Less is Limited Defenders.

You could try using the limited defender role, then shorten their passing through PI to get them playing more like the CD role, and use the less closing down.

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You could try using the limited defender role, then shorten their passing through PI to get them playing more like the CD role, and use the less closing down.

Hmmm interesting

Is that the only real difference with the Limited Defender? I tried to read tHoG brilliant Mentality framework but, i must confess, it was lost on me.

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Hmmm interesting

Is that the only real difference with the Limited Defender? I tried to read tHoG brilliant Mentality framework but, i must confess, it was lost on me.

The limited defender as far as I can see, is just about humping it long on clearances. While there may be some other small differences, personally speaking the passing length has been the only thing I really noticed. Using a limited role with short passing AND for good measure, try a play out of defence TI also if you like, and I don't feel you'll lose anything, but gain a closing down instruction that you want.

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I'm looking for for two pieces of advice which I've seen on here before but can't find them so if someone had them to hand I'd be grateful if they could point me in the right direction

1) Shout Descriptions - I know there's a lot of obvious info but I'm looking for info like Retain Possession means to lower tempo, play narrower & pass shorter etc

2) AI Manager Style - Understanding the other's manager's style under their profile info like Playing Style: Cautious means he's plays a defensive style etc

I know I've seen them somewhere but just can't find them :confused:

Found 1) A superb thread from Cleon


2) I still can't find, I'm sure there was guide to it but it's surely buried in the depths

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Having to play a flat 442 due to no decent DM's in the squad, and a lot of good attacking talent. I am getting ripped apart by teams as the CD's are closing down in the space between them and the midfield. As they come rushing out to close their man a quick one two is played, leaving a CCC every time. Even with a CM(d), how do I stop the defenders from rushing to close this space down?? Thanks!

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I struggle to get my lonely striker working in a 4-1-4-1. A DLF(S) drops too deep at times. They are times where he is deeper then my midfielders and defending. A DLF(A) doesn't drop deep(despite the name). He tends to try to run on through balls and doesn't defend properly. A T(A) or F9 drift wide too much, roams around and there is no real player up front to receive a pass. A CF(S) doesn't seem to do much else than a DLF(S). What should I play up front?

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