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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Hi all

I used to be an avid FM player, but due to various things this is my first FM since FM12 and first one I've played much since FM10. One of the changes is now coaches teach PPMs rather than players doing it by themselves. Is there any methodology for choosing the right coach? Does the coach's personality make a difference to the success rate like tutoring?

Also a specific question Cleon: in your extremely helpful thread you define PPMs as 'CA free'. Is this also true for the PPM 'Tries to develop weaker foot' (which I think is missing from your list)? If so this seems like an incredibly useful PPM - anyone had much success with it?

Thanks in advance for any replies :)

I said in the PPM article that all are free with the exception of develops weaker foot, I'll edit it though and make the line where I mention it more near the top of the article rather than lower down like it currently is. :)

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I have a feeling my question is going to be answered with "try it out and see". But I wanted to get a few opinions before I do:)

my question is, is the False 9 Role in game actually the best interpretation of a real life false 9?

I ask this because I often see complaints about problems with the false 9, and how they drop too deep/don't score many/take a huge amount of longshots. Then it got me thinking, is False 9 the best role for a False 9? looking at players like Gotze, Totti and Messi who all play or have played false 9 in real life. They seem to play more like what a Treq plays on FM, with the Treq seemingly having much more of an eye for goal than the F9 role.

I know its a pretty vague question, but, if you were to rank the roles that best replicate a false 9 like the players above, where would false 9 rank? i'd consider a Treq, CF, DLF and maybe even a defensive forward? before a false 9 personally

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None of the roles in FM interpret their real life versions well imo especially when FM separates them into different roles compared to real life where in a country that calls a playmaker by a different name, FM add this as a new role. When in reality its the same just a countries different way of saying playmaker.

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I said in the PPM article that all are free with the exception of develops weaker foot, I'll edit it though and make the line where I mention it more near the top of the article rather than lower down like it currently is. :)

Thanks for that Cleon :) I'll read a bit more carefully next time! I assume the coach you choose to teach the PPM makes no difference then?

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Everytime my coaches praise a player's development to me, his attributes are declining thorugh training. Is this a bug in the game (it's been like this for the last three iteration at least), or is it down to my training? Why would he praise a player's training, when he is indeed not training well?

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Are the attributes declining over the course of the season? Or is it just the arrows that show 'recent attribute changes'?

If over the course of the season a player is improving then it's right to praise the player. Imo don't pay much attention to the arrows: they seem to fluctuate week-to-week.

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Are the attributes declining over the course of the season? Or is it just the arrows that show 'recent attribute changes'?

If over the course of the season a player is improving then it's right to praise the player. Imo don't pay much attention to the arrows: they seem to fluctuate week-to-week.

Thanks, mate. I was just wondering why he would highlight a player who at the moment isn't training well, when he is indeed touting him as doing just that. Thanks for the advice :)

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Not tactics or traing but stupid

When I want to watch someone else's match back, how do I watch the match in full?

ie Last week I downloaded Cleon's Arsenal - Man City game & was able to watch it in full. Then the weekend I downloaded the latest 2 games to watch & couldn't watch them in full. So, I went back to the Man City watch & couldn't watch that in full either

So either I'm being dumb or I've changed something :mad:

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Hey guys, wondering if anyone can provide any help/insights/tips on my formation:





GK (D)



High line

Short passing, low tempo

- i won promotion with Bolton in first season using it, and main striker - AF(A) - scored 40 goals.

First season in Prem and I'm 7th, and again AF(A) is getting a load of goals (17 in 19!) but some issues are starting to become apparent:

- AF(A) is often very isolated, and when he does receive the ball when we turn over possession, the support from midfield (the AM's and TQ) doesn't come fast enough. This stalls our play until they catch up, and by which time the opponent has regained their shape and it's hard to break through.

- the two AM(S) don't support the AF(A) enough and don't run past him. As a result they don't get many goals. They also seem to chronically suffer from low ratings (swapped personnel, but still get poor ratings).

- conceding a lot from crosses that are then struck (not headed) into the box.

Any hints, tips or observations would be very welcome! :)

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At the moment I am having great success with a "strikerless" formation. (below). As a tactical novice, what are the weaknesses in this formation that I need to watch out for.

-------------------- GK (D) -----------------


-FBR(Au)-CDRC(D) ------CDLC(D)-FBL(Au)


------------CM (D)------ CM (Au) ----------

IFR(S) -- T(A) -----------SS (A) ----IFL(S)


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Well.... this game is getting on top of me! Very impotent in attack...






Full backs dont get forward enough, they can be open and players dont pass... this is my preferred method as it stretches them and I have Leighton Baines...

It just lacks penetration and my CM(A) doesnt run beyond the CF(s).

Any suggestions as how I can adapt to this new game from FM13?

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Generally Standard Mentality.

Basically I would never use automatic as the role, because it will shift the roles as you change mentality. It's much better to have an idea what you want those fullbacks/CM doing, and choose the role and duty accordingly. That way, if you feel you need to play more adventurously or cautiously as the match calls for, your players will still behave the same way within your system. Automatic roles are IIRC: Contain and Defensive= defend, Counter and Standard= Support, and Attack and Overload= attack. As you can see, there will be vast difference in how they perform.

If you are playing mainly on standard and like what you are seeing, set those roles to support. If you do need to chase a goal late and go attacking, they will still interact with the rest of the team in a way you want.

Lastly, if I had to spot and apparent weakness, I would say it's down the middle. If you CM on automatic pushes up at all, a team with a strong middle will overload you there where you have one holding midfielder. Likewise, you might be vulnerable on the flanks to a quick counter if your IF on either side cuts inside and the FB behind him has pushed up.

Anyway, that is my thoughts, there. If you do one thing, though, it is ditch the automatic roles :)

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Basically I would never use automatic as the role, because it will shift the roles as you change mentality. It's much better to have an idea what you want those fullbacks/CM doing, and choose the role and duty accordingly. That way, if you feel you need to play more adventurously or cautiously as the match calls for, your players will still behave the same way within your system. Automatic roles are IIRC: Contain and Defensive= defend, Counter and Standard= Support, and Attack and Overload= attack. As you can see, there will be vast difference in how they perform.

If you are playing mainly on standard and like what you are seeing, set those roles to support. If you do need to chase a goal late and go attacking, they will still interact with the rest of the team in a way you want.

Lastly, if I had to spot and apparent weakness, I would say it's down the middle. If you CM on automatic pushes up at all, a team with a strong middle will overload you there where you have one holding midfielder. Likewise, you might be vulnerable on the flanks to a quick counter if your IF on either side cuts inside and the FB behind him has pushed up.

Anyway, that is my thoughts, there. If you do one thing, though, it is ditch the automatic roles :)

Cheers. I always wondered what auto did :). Support roles do seem to strike a good balance if that is what they do on standard mentality, so I will switch those now so the shape remains. Im still getting good results but will watch that centre midfield and flanks more closely and see if i can tighten anything up if necessary. So far I am in december and have played 26 won 23 drawn 2 lost 1 across Euro Super Cup, Premier League, Champions Cup and Capital One Cup. The match I lost was the Capital One Cup Quarter Final, and both goals against me came from set pieces, but I will definitely keep an eye on the centre. Thanks.

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Thought i would ask this here, since starting a thread about this would probably just lead to some non constructive discussion, and dont want to clock the forum with those.

The old chesnut of Keeper distribution....

Does anyone have a view of a setting/range of setting which gets your keeper to adhere to it most often? It is obviously bugged and has been for a while, but dont want to get into that discussion, just looking to see if people have had more success with one setting/range of settings.

It drives me insane, because i spent so much time on every little detail of tactic and club, but i cant get this to work even 80% of time. I had been using "Roll it out", "pass it shorter" and "distribute to centrebacks" but those give me around 75% at best success rate. Has anyone tried other combos?

NB - i dont expect 100% adherence from me keeper, i accept that sometimes there is no other option on, other than Launching it, but just looking to see if i can cut out this frustrating part of the game as much as possible, and use others experiences to help :)

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My keepers have around between 70-79% completion over 40+ games. I set them to shorter passing and distribute to defenders. But it's more or less impossible to get it higher it seems.

Cheers, probably just confirms my fear that i cant do anything more. Just have to live with it then.

Have you try distributing it to your fullbacks?

Yup, tend to vary it depending on which players i have in each position and how i expect my attacks to build. The sucess rate between fullback and CB distribution seemed negligible.

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In my current setup my keeper has an 84% passing success rate. The parts of my setup that may influence this are as follows:

TI's: pass shorter, play out of defence (Standard, very fluid)

He's a sweeper keeper with support duty and has distribute to full backs and distribute quickly. My fullbacks are wing backs with support duty on both flanks. Not sure if it helps with drawing markers but my DLPD (in the DM strata) is usually positioned between the DC's when the keeper has the ball. He also has a throwing of 16 and a kicking of 13 - the low kicking range may contribute to him playing it shorter

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I'd like to know is there's some TI hierarchy, this because if we set Play Wider players will have more width between them and will play more passes to the wings, but if simultaneously we use Exploit through the Middle the focus passing will be exactly this. So which TI has priority ?

The same thought can be aplied using Play Narrow / Exploit Both Flanks

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I'd like to know is there's some TI hierarchy, this because if we set Play Wider players will have more width between them and will play more passes to the wings, but if simultaneously we use Exploit through the Middle the focus passing will be exactly this. So which TI has priority ?

The same thought can be aplied using Play Narrow / Exploit Both Flanks

I don't think there's any hierarchy. If they conflict one will be redded out.

Play Wider and Exploit The Middle means your players will be spaced wider apart but still direct most of their passing down the middle. This should result in a lower pass complete rate and a higher chance of the opposition breaking through the yawning gap down your centre.

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I've noticed that if the AI really needs a goal or two, it often goes all aggressive on me - pushing up, playing fast, closing me down everywhere and giving my players absolutely no time on the ball. What's the best strategy to counter this? I feel kind of helpless against it, it seems I always concede no matter what I do.

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I've noticed that if the AI really needs a goal or two, it often goes all aggressive on me - pushing up, playing fast, closing me down everywhere and giving my players absolutely no time on the ball. What's the best strategy to counter this? I feel kind of helpless against it, it seems I always concede no matter what I do.

This is often a problem for me, in fact it was big problem for me. I found if you try & counter act by going more defensive you get murdered.

Best thing I've found is to Push Higher Up, your team will push up (obviously :D) putting pressure on your opponent & stop them playing, rather than letting them push you back & having a field day

Most games I only add the Push Higher or Drop Lower shouts

Drop Lower to create space in the final 3rd when the AI's defensive

Push Higher to ease them back when the AI's aggressive

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Two quick (and most probably stupid) questions.

1. On the Individual tab in Training how do I change the (currently) default Training Report feedback on a selected player (on the right of the screen) from one of my goalkeeping coaches - it doesnt make sense for this to be case for my outfield players. In a lot of cases it says "hasn't seen enough of the player....etc etc which i would expect to be correct!

2. How do I make the choice over a tutor instead of one of the suggestions made at the foot of the Players Training screen on the Development drop down menu?


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Maybe one of the greatest stupid question in FM history:

How do you find the weaknesses of the opponent and explore that? I'm having a hard time to find the weaknesses of the opponent on and off the field. Especially when I play Champions League it's very hard to find some weaknesses of the teams I play against.

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Two quick (and most probably stupid) questions.

1. On the Individual tab in Training how do I change the (currently) default Training Report feedback on a selected player (on the right of the screen) from one of my goalkeeping coaches - it doesnt make sense for this to be case for my outfield players. In a lot of cases it says "hasn't seen enough of the player....etc etc which i would expect to be correct!

2. How do I make the choice over a tutor instead of one of the suggestions made at the foot of the Players Training screen on the Development drop down menu?


1, Click on the coaches name, and it should give you a drop down list of all coaches to choose from.

2 - Annoyingly i dont think its now possible to choose from list. You can however go the opposite - way go into the tutors development screen and you will get a multiple list of tuttee's which might give you some different combos. Idiotic and highly unnecessary feature change IMO.

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2. How do I make the choice over a tutor instead of one of the suggestions made at the foot of the Players Training screen on the Development drop down menu?


2 - Annoyingly i dont think its now possible to choose from list. You can however go the opposite - way go into the tutors development screen and you will get a multiple list of tuttee's which might give you some different combos. Idiotic and highly unnecessary feature change IMO.

Go to the Player Screen of the person that you want to be the Tutor. Click Interaction > Request Tutoring. On the next screen you'll get a drop down list box of all players the game will let that player tutor. There is a chance it may not list the person you want to be tutored, but you should get a fair few listed.

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Maybe one of the greatest stupid question in FM history:

How do you find the weaknesses of the opponent and explore that? I'm having a hard time to find the weaknesses of the opponent on and off the field. Especially when I play Champions League it's very hard to find some weaknesses of the teams I play against.

You should have a scout giving you an opposition team report a couple of days before each game, that should give you all sorts of info to consider

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You should have a scout giving you an opposition team report a couple of days before each game, that should give you all sorts of info to consider

Yes, but the biggest problem is how do I use that info to my own tactic?

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Maybe one of the greatest stupid question in FM history:

How do you find the weaknesses of the opponent and explore that? I'm having a hard time to find the weaknesses of the opponent on and off the field. Especially when I play Champions League it's very hard to find some weaknesses of the teams I play against.

Beside the scout reports, you can also check the opposition teams out. For eg, if their leftback is poor defensively, you may want to use your best winger on the right side to exploit it.

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Maybe one of the greatest stupid question in FM history:

How do you find the weaknesses of the opponent and explore that? I'm having a hard time to find the weaknesses of the opponent on and off the field. Especially when I play Champions League it's very hard to find some weaknesses of the teams I play against.

I do it when on the OI screen before going to team talk. I check the pace of the forwards compared to my DCs, the pace of their DCs compared to my forward, and who has low bravery.

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Go to the Player Screen of the person that you want to be the Tutor. Click Interaction > Request Tutoring. On the next screen you'll get a drop down list box of all players the game will let that player tutor. There is a chance it may not list the person you want to be tutored, but you should get a fair few listed.

Hmm that is wierd, i only get that option on around half my players (when i go to the "interaction" menu). Yet other players where the option is not there, i can still go in via training and get the choice of 4 possible tuttees.

And the official game manual of course, says zero on the matter.......Help us out once in a while SI eh....

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1, Click on the coaches name, and it should give you a drop down list of all coaches to choose from.

On that screen it doesn't give an option to change the coach. From the individual player profile it does but not here. Why should the overview of my entire 1st team squad's training be coming from a goalkeeping coach??

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I don't think there's any hierarchy. If they conflict one will be redded out.

Play Wider and Exploit The Middle means your players will be spaced wider apart but still direct most of their passing down the middle. This should result in a lower pass complete rate and a higher chance of the opposition breaking through the yawning gap down your centre.

Thanks. I thought Play Wider, along with players spaced with more width, would focus passing both flanks, that's why it was confusing me when used with Exploit the Middle (set focus passing through the middle).

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Exploit the flanks for focusing passing down the flanks. With my lower league side having good wingers but poor passing, I use play narrow and exploit the flanks so the passes reach the wingers more easily.

Then, considering that Play Narrow sets focus passing through the middle, one can say that Exploit the Flanks overrules the Play Narrow instruction.

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Then, considering that Play Narrow sets focus passing through the middle, one can say that Exploit the Flanks overrules the Play Narrow instruction.

I'm not sure Playing Narrower focuses passing through the middle tbh I think it literally just means that your team plays narrower

Exploit the Flanks increases wide players' mentality & instructs central players to hold on to the ball to look for a pass out wide

Please, correct me if I'm wrong :)

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I'm not sure Playing Narrower focuses passing through the middle tbh I think it literally just means that your team plays narrower

Exploit the Flanks increases wide players' mentality & instructs central players to hold on to the ball to look for a pass out wide

Please, correct me if I'm wrong :)

Well, unless something has changed the old shout Play Narrower would change focus passing to be through the middle, if my memory still worth a pence :-)

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Well, unless something has changed the old shout Play Narrower would change focus passing to be through the middle, if my memory still worth a pence :-)

Haha! Same here, I'm going by memory which isn't the greatest! :D But just found this

Play Narrower

Your players will play with less width positioning themselves closer to teammates to their left & right

That's how I understood it & I use the TI game to game & don;t see my team playing through the middle

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It reduced width and focused passing through the middle, that's the two settings it changed when using that shout.

Thanks, that's why I asked if there's some sort of hierarchy because when using Play Narrower and Exploit the Flanks which focus passing over rules the other ? Play Narrower (which changes focus passing to the middle) or Exploit the Flanks (which changes focus passing to flanks) ?

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It did or still does?

It did, shouts are more complex now and change other things.

Thanks, that's why I asked if there's some sort of hierarchy because when using Play Narrower and Exploit the Flanks which focus passing over rules the other ? Play Narrower (which changes focus passing to the middle) or Exploit the Flanks (which changes focus passing to flanks) ?

On FM14 the last one added would cancel it out. So all the individual settings would change but the passing modifier ones would be cancelled out and would use whichever shouts you added last. On FM15 shouts work differently and stack now plus nearly all shouts now do something differently to how they used to work.

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It did, shouts are more complex now and change other things.

On FM14 the last one added would cancel it out. So all the individual settings would change but the passing modifier ones would be cancelled out and would use whichever shouts you added last. On FM15 shouts work differently and stack now plus nearly all shouts now do something differently to how they used to work.

Do you have a list like you used to?

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It did, shouts are more complex now and change other things.

On FM14 the last one added would cancel it out. So all the individual settings would change but the passing modifier ones would be cancelled out and would use whichever shouts you added last. On FM15 shouts work differently and stack now plus nearly all shouts now do something differently to how they used to work.

Great :thup:

so, just to clear things once for all if I activate Exploit both Flanks and next Play Narrower (the two TI would be active) where will the focus passing be set ?

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