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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Would teaching a full back "plays short simple passes" affect how often they would cross the ball?

Yes it could do. All PPM's are tendencies so it means the player will use his decision making to decide when to use it, regardless of what instructions you have taught him.

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Pressing and higher tempo is fine in a defensive strategy, it just depends on what you are wanting. I play defensive and use higher tempo, push higher up at times. Have a read of this;


I'm currently writing about defensive football atm.

thanx for that question though could i play defensive with structured, very high press, very high temp, closing down max on PI , tight marking, very high defensive line?

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Does much lower tempo TI increase time wasting too?


thanx for that question though could i play defensive with structured, very high press, very high temp, closing down max on PI , tight marking, very high defensive line?

Please stop asking the same question more than once. You've been told about this before and received a ban for the same thing already.

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i cant find your guide on this..

It doesn't mean you have to ask the same question 3 times in the same thread. How many times do you have to be told before you listen?

To answer your question, why would you want to play that way using defensive? I told you above, you can but it depends what you are wanting. There are many ways to play defensive football. However playing a very high line with max closing down will leave gaps and cause your players to be out of position, which doesn't make much sense if you want to be defensive does it? I use push up and close down more at times but not all the time, its very situational and you need to understand how this changes a defensive set up. First you need to understand what it is you want to create and why.

Instead of asking if you can play a certain way ask yourself why you want to play that way instead.

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Here's my stupid question:

When training players, what is the actual difference between training a role e.g. Complete Forward (All duties) and training each category individually? Is it just a case of focus ie it takes longer to increase Shooting for example if you use the role training?

How often should you change around role training, or specific attribute training?


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Here's my stupid question:

When training players, what is the actual difference between training a role e.g. Complete Forward (All duties) and training each category individually? Is it just a case of focus ie it takes longer to increase Shooting for example if you use the role training?

How often should you change around role training, or specific attribute training?


This explains in more depth;


I guess yeah maybe i should sit back more and absorp pressure

Defensive isn't about absorbing pressure that's contain. But even so, why should you sit back and absorb? What makes you think that?You seem to jump around with what you want but have no clear vision of what you are wanting.

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This explains in more depth;


Defensive isn't about absorbing pressure that's contain. But even so, why should you sit back and absorb? What makes you think that?You seem to jump around with what you want but have no clear vision of what you are wanting.

I know i just dont want to conceed so many goals all the time but dont know how to line up.

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Hello guys, still on FM14. I've read somewhere that when selecting the Individual Instructions, it overrides the Team's. How about Team Instructions and Mentality? Since Mentality is also sets of instructions, if I opted for a Control Mentality and a Push Higher Up/Close Down More TI's, will they override the Mentality instructions or simply 'add on'?

Also, when using Roam/Stick To Positions TI, what does it do actually? I'm guessing when playing a high pressure strategy, the players will most definitely leave their positions, so how does ticking Roam work here? Or does it only apply for when you're attacking?

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Can I just clarify (after 15 years of playing I know!) that play narrower adjusts "attacking width" not "defensive width". Arguably I guess the wider you attack the longer it could take players to get back into defensive positions but generally a defensive width is standard across the board.

The reason I ask is that I am tinkering about with a more defensive tactic to use when I am ahead or playing against stronger teams away and it is easy to assume that a "play narrower" shout will compact the defence whereas if it definitely only effects attacking width you could limit your options on any counter attack.

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Correct :thup:

Thanks RT. I asked because I was trying out my 4132 but with supporting wing backs and a defensive strategy. Using narrow I didn't defend well and didn't get forward. Took narrow off after remembering and scored three goals on defensive but also defended far better,. Learn a new thing every day¬!

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Remember "transition" width though.

Whilst it is "purely" an attacking/possession instruction, it will still impact defending to some extent. You ask your players to play wider in possession, when they lose possession and a quick transition occurs, the same players will be in a wider position (now defending) than they would have been without that instruction.

Its not a huge effect, but its worth considering.

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Remember "transition" width though.

Whilst it is "purely" an attacking/possession instruction, it will still impact defending to some extent. You ask your players to play wider in possession, when they lose possession and a quick transition occurs, the same players will be in a wider position (now defending) than they would have been without that instruction.

Its not a huge effect, but its worth considering.

Yes very much so. I don't play wide just standard anyway but it's worth considering depending on what formation you play against.

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Remember "transition" width though.

Whilst it is "purely" an attacking/possession instruction, it will still impact defending to some extent. You ask your players to play wider in possession, when they lose possession and a quick transition occurs, the same players will be in a wider position (now defending) than they would have been without that instruction.

Its not a huge effect, but its worth considering.

What about the defensive instruction ? PIs ?

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I have often wondered why we dont have an instruction for being narrow when defensive. You do see teams in real "tucking the fullbacks in" to go very narrow back 4 and force teams round the outside. I realise OI might somewhat allow this, but its not really the same?

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Hey fellas, after much digging and reading, I've finally answered my own questions above!

However, I've been watching games much more closely and I can't understand the differences between a player on defensive midfielder/anchorman role. I know you could achieve the anchorman role with a defensive midfielder with a set of instructions. But I don't quite understand what they do. In my 451 formation, my anchorman always goes down the line to close the opposition's winger instead of his role, sitting in front of the defense and sweep up loose balls or the random AMC.

I have my TI on Control/Push Higher Up/Hassle Opposition. The anchorman doesn't do what it's supposed to on the tin!

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Hey fellas, after much digging and reading, I've finally answered my own questions above!

However, I've been watching games much more closely and I can't understand the differences between a player on defensive midfielder/anchorman role. I know you could achieve the anchorman role with a defensive midfielder with a set of instructions. But I don't quite understand what they do. In my 451 formation, my anchorman always goes down the line to close the opposition's winger instead of his role, sitting in front of the defense and sweep up loose balls or the random AMC.

I have my TI on Control/Push Higher Up/Hassle Opposition. The anchorman doesn't do what it's supposed to on the tin!

Your TI's push higher up and Hassle opposition are increasing the closing down of all players including your anchorman, if you want him to be even more defensive and act as a third dc, then you can elect to use halfback as a role, that way you can push your fullbacks up higher

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yes, considering Play Narrowe TI is mostly an offensive instruction I was wondering about the defensive one :-)
? since when? Play narrower reduces and compresses space, it may be used in an offensive setting, but it requires you to be aware of the limitations, hence why so many people find it easier to use it defensively.
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The board (Stade Rennes) wants me to play a possession game. I like this kind of football too, but to implend it in FM15 I have some questions ;

1. How does the board in FM decide if our team plays a possession tactic, or not?

2. What are they key instructions and player roles you need, to play a possession game?

Anyone can help with this?

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Anyone can help with this?

I reckon it will just check to see if most of games are recording >50% possession. You can have a possession centric game through various means, depending on the quality of your squad, these Team Instructions will help:

1. Retain Possession

2. Short Passing

3. Work ball into box

4. Play out of defense

Generally these 3 Tis set you team up to play short passing to hold onto possession. Roles and their instructions are going to be totally dependant on your system, can't advise without knowing the systems you play

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Your TI's push higher up and Hassle opposition are increasing the closing down of all players including your anchorman, if you want him to be even more defensive and act as a third dc, then you can elect to use halfback as a role, that way you can push your fullbacks up higher

Hey rashidi1, thanks for that,

Would the DMC be a sweeper now right behind the centerbacks or slightly lower than an anchorman, still at the DMC strata?

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hey guys for a possession tactic how many team instructions is right?

atm i have like 14 you know closing down tight marking higher line lower tempo retain possession shorter passing work into box, play out of defense, stick to position, more disciplined, it just goes on and on. is that a over kill and if so how would u cut back as i want to press alot and patient possession play?

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The number doesn't matter so much as your understanding of what each one does. If it's not clear, you should start with a basic set-up, observe and add one at a time. This will make it much easier to make adjustments if necessary.

Also, I wouldn't consider "Stick to Position" to be a possession instruction. If you're looking to create chances with a possession style, encouraging player mobility is important.

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Can a tactic get me the title in Serie A and in Europa League in first season and then get me losing 4-1 to a weaker team in second season?

The tactics seems to have become simply bad as hell since we started the second season even if my players still the same. Is that really possible? How to change that? I mean, totally change the tactic or just some adjust would be right?

Something that may be important is that between the two season I installed the 15.3 update, don't know if it matters.

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Can a tactic get me the title in Serie A and in Europa League in first season and then get me losing 4-1 to a weaker team in second season?

The tactics seems to have become simply bad as hell since we started the second season even if my players still the same. Is that really possible? How to change that? I mean, totally change the tactic or just some adjust would be right?

Something that may be important is that between the two season I installed the 15.3 update, don't know if it matters.

Post 13, 17 and 18 all shed light on this.

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? since when? Play narrower reduces and compresses space, it may be used in an offensive setting, but it requires you to be aware of the limitations, hence why so many people find it easier to use it defensively.

Its the guidance we have always been given by mods in here? Play narrower only impacts your players when you are in possession (with the caveat around the knock on to transitions mentioned in earlier posts). Are you saying you dont believe that is the case and this instruction will encourage say fullbacks to tuck in when not in possession??

anyone? i hate training its hard

Its really not. But if it is, there are at least 3 threads on here focused on detailed approaches to it. Cleon's , Rashidi's and mine (i know you've seen mine as you've posted in it, so maybe try the other 2?

Also, look back to post #6132 where RTH responded to the same question which you asked, and i think that was the third or fourth time you have asked it in this thread?

I don't mean to get at you, but is there something that is stopping you from taking on the answers? Maybe your not putting your question across right and you are meaning to ask something different?

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but that doesnt reallly explain geenral training and how it works exactly and how it should be used?

Basically, general training eats into a player's PA. So to minimise this - assuming you have individual training plans in place for each player to shape exactly how you want them - it's advisable to set general training to Balanced / Low. That way more of a player's precious PA will get used up where you want it to go (ie., their individual training) than into this generalised training.

Read Cleon's Ajax thread for a full and complete description.

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so to confirm it would be ebtte to go lower intensity on general and high on each player indivual attribute?

You asked this same questions 4 days ago, then 3 days ago and now again. The answer hasn't changed. Please stop spamming threads and stop asking the same questions over and over when its been explained to you and people have provided you with links that fully explain your question. Start taking time to actually read them instead.

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Its the guidance we have always been given by mods in here? Play narrower only impacts your players when you are in possession (with the caveat around the knock on to transitions mentioned in earlier posts). Are you saying you dont believe that is the case and this instruction will encourage say fullbacks to tuck in when not in possession??

It doesn't make players do this, its only a in possession instruction. Although as you mentioned yesterday I think it was, playing wider can have a knock on effect when you go into a defensive transition due to the players end position in the move that happened before hand. However defenders do naturally tuck in and come narrower without the ball, they are programmed to do so.

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You asked this same questions 4 days ago, then 3 days ago and now again. The answer hasn't changed. Please stop spamming threads and stop asking the same questions over and over when its been explained to you and people have provided you with links that fully explain your question. Start taking time to actually read them instead.

ok iv read im going to do what u say

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