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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Hi guys, I've read that if you play on a controlled mentality then your team will automatically look to retain possession and pass shorter, so if you also select those two specific instructions in your Team Instructions then it could be detrimental to your team, is this true?

No. The tempo is fairly high in Control. Passing length is a little shorter at the back and more direct up front, but it definitely does not have a Retain Possession characteristic, not does it encourage your team to pass shorter.

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Hey guys, I was wondering something that I have always questioned for years but never seeked an answer to regarding individual training....

Lets take Kelechi for example, who is currently working on his composure.


Now I know if I wanted to train him in multiple areas, I can chose a role for him to focus on like poacher which will make him focus on Finishing, First Touch, Composure etc... But is it possible to select which attributes I want myself? Let me use this gif to explain further


If i do the above (select multiple attributes and click off the screen), will that actually train the attributes I selected? or is the selection purely for progress tracking purposes? If it doesn't do the former, is it possible to do what I was attempting?

Thanks in advance :)

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Hey guys, I was wondering something that I have always questioned for years but never seeked an answer to regarding individual training....

Lets take Kelechi for example, who is currently working on his composure.


Now I know if I wanted to train him in multiple areas, I can chose a role for him to focus on like poacher which will make him focus on Finishing, First Touch, Composure etc... But is it possible to select which attributes I want myself? Let me use this gif to explain further


If i do the above (select multiple attributes and click off the screen), will that actually train the attributes I selected? or is the selection purely for progress tracking purposes? If it doesn't do the former, is it possible to do what I was attempting?

Thanks in advance :)

What your doing in the GIF doesn't actually train attributes I'm afraid mate, it is purely for tracking purposes. You can do it, but you will just have to train them on a rotational basis til you see the growth you are happy with. It is probably worth using the notes in game.

Choose attribute one - make a note of it in the players notes section - then set a reminder for a few month - then if it has improved rotate to the next attribute... Rinse and repeat :)

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Notes are massively underused IMO, all I do is go to the players notes, make a list of the players attributes I'm going to target, add the value current to the attribute I'm targeting first so you know where your starting. Decide on a time frame, add the reminder, it will pop up in your messages and then go back to the notes and add the value of the attribute next to the name of it and set the reminder again. Underrated really :)

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Hey there guys.

Recently finished University for the summer and thought I'd give FM 2015 another run out before 16. I have all of the tactical guides on this forum which might I say are freaking awesome however, still having trouble creating a tactic which creates explosive high tempo football which promotes interplay and 1,2's. Basically my conundrum lies with my inability to get players to play how I want and translate it into the game.

In a sense the style I am going for is one which almost disregards dribbling but rather focuses on short quick passes around the opponents box whilst limiting longshots as well as limiting crosses. I feel I can handle the pressing side of the game engine okay enough but what I really struggle to do is make my attack focus on short and snappy passing around the box but at the same time transition quickly if that opportunity arises. Another issue I have is roles, despite reading the excellent guides on here when It comes to roles I feel that one person says one thing and another says another. I was curious as whether someone could perhaps point me in the right direction as opposed to telling me what to do rather, it would be awesome if someone could tell me whether or not 2 AP on the wings is a bad idea, or whether a DLF still offer dynamic movement and play neat 1-2s around the area.

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Hi Pete- first off, there are some differing opinions here on what works best, even though I believe that all the great tactical thinkers are on the same basic page. Roles are interesting because the way they perform are quite often down to the individual players in them. PPMs, attributes, and interplay with other roles all affect what you see out there, so mileage will vary. No, an Anchorman will never play like a Trequartista, true, but within reason you get a lot of different behaviors. As to your larger question, a thread on your formation, choices, and observations about what is happening is the best way to get detailed help with what you are trying to achieve. There could be dozens of reasons your are getting what you want out of your side. In terms of the specific roles you ask about, having 2 AP on the wings could work, though I probably wouldn't do it. Just keep in mind that they are ball magnets of sorts, so you will see lots of passes out to them (they might even try to pass it between them if they can), and this can be fine of they have good options in the middle to lay the ball off to- with two wing APs you will be basically putting the attack through the middle when you get down to scoring time. DLF will do dynamic movement, dependent on the player. If you have have a CM or AM that is surging past him, for example, he will play nice passes. As with all the roles, though, as I mentioned, they depend on the player, the team setup, and the roles/players around them, so it is not so very cut and dried.

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If you don't want crosses but lots of one-twos around the area, why play men on the wings in the first place?

Sounds to me like you want a lot of bodies in the central area to overload the defence, giving passing options and stopping players from having to resort to long shots.

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Hello guys.

Does off the ball attribute becomes more important with roaming instruction or it still as important in any attacking player that doesn't roam?

Thank you.

In a nutshell, yes - it's more important for players who roam. This attribute tells you how good the player will be in finding space when not on the ball.

It's more important to consider the impact the roaming has on the rest of your team though; it would probably not be sensible to allow roaming for too many players just because they have a high OtB value.

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I have a very good inside forward (18 OTB i think) and i basically want him to be there to cut in and score goals and i feel that having him with roaming it's not a very good idea for that

That sounds right. If your attack needs a player to stay in a consistent location in order to perform a specific task, then a roaming instruction will interfere.

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hi.I'm playing using stoke city. I'm using target man,so put striker beside him,in 4-4-2 formation to receive flick on.

one of my best player,arnautovic ,cant play on middle areas so I'm using 2 wide midfilder as winger instead of 4 central midfield formation in middle.

my stoke team isnt get a good result lately.and my assistant manager keep complains about outnumbered in midfield, while It seems because my opponents using 3 or more central midfield.

what is the best way to encounter midfield outnumbered problem without change my formation?

currently I just try those

1.Ask my left wide midfilder to sit narrower

2.team instruction play narrower

3.sometimes ask 1 or 2 full backs to become inverted wing backs

4.ask my striker,one of them ,usualy bojan or diouf,to man marking oponent deepest midfilder

seems its not work well. any tought?

I'm also want to ask about attacking set pieces. , I put 3 player respectively to chalenge keeper,attack near post, attack far post. 3 another is stay back if needed. 1 is corner kick takers. so I still have 3 another outfield player,which usually 2 of them are good in the air as well.

how is the best way to made use many player who good in the air? I set my corner aim to mixed because I got many player good in the air already,so let the corner takers choose where he will aim the corner kick.

and I almost never scored from set pieces.. from 45 corner I get, only got 1 goal.

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Stupid question: If I have a player who has 20 in all relevant attributes for the position he is playing - for example AP-A and 1s for all other attributes, will the player actually be amazing as an AP-A?

Still have to depend on how you set up your tactics.

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Stupid question: If I have a player who has 20 in all relevant attributes for the position he is playing - for example AP-A and 1s for all other attributes, will the player actually be amazing as an AP-A?

1. Will only happen if you edit the player, so it's highly unlikely in normal scenarios

2. vasilli07 is right - he needs to still be in the right system and it depends on how the AI are dealing with him

3. Key attributes aren't the be all and end all of what you need from a player. Personally, I wouldn't want a player with attributes distributed as 20's for Key and 1's for the rest - he'd be a really imbalanced footballer

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Just wanna recheck something from my bad memory

will a central midfielder support in a very fluid team shape+standart mentality get exactly the same mentality setting with a central midfielder support in a flexible team shape+standart mentality assuming both aren't instructed to go further forward ? Like 10 clicks on old slider maybe..

Second question is almost the same but now the role is attacking midfielder support. If I remember correctly it should be yes, but again I forgot things n now wanna clarify that. Thanks

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hi.I'm playing using stoke city. I'm using target man,so put striker beside him,in 4-4-2 formation to receive flick on.

one of my best player,arnautovic ,cant play on middle areas so I'm using 2 wide midfilder as winger instead of 4 central midfield formation in middle.

my stoke team isnt get a good result lately.and my assistant manager keep complains about outnumbered in midfield, while It seems because my opponents using 3 or more central midfield.

what is the best way to encounter midfield outnumbered problem without change my formation?

currently I just try those

1.Ask my left wide midfilder to sit narrower

2.team instruction play narrower

3.sometimes ask 1 or 2 full backs to become inverted wing backs

4.ask my striker,one of them ,usualy bojan or diouf,to man marking oponent deepest midfilder

seems its not work well. any tought?

I'm also want to ask about attacking set pieces. , I put 3 player respectively to chalenge keeper,attack near post, attack far post. 3 another is stay back if needed. 1 is corner kick takers. so I still have 3 another outfield player,which usually 2 of them are good in the air as well.

how is the best way to made use many player who good in the air? I set my corner aim to mixed because I got many player good in the air already,so let the corner takers choose where he will aim the corner kick.

and I almost never scored from set pieces.. from 45 corner I get, only got 1 goal.

would anybody answer my question please?thank you ..

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The real question is what does 10 clicks on the old slider look like in game? Simple check and watch the game to see how it works?

Back then when sliders were still used we can set the value of mentality up to 20. 10 clicks (9 clicks actually since one need to click 19 times on the slider to get from 0 value to 20 value n vice versa, my bad) means standart mentality setting. 0 means contain n 20 means overload, if I remember correctly

What it does in game, well exactly like what standart mentality does now. Balancing risk n reward on player's decision making. What I need to now is the value of those roles I mentioned in 2 different team shapes since I recall the mentality setting of CM(s) in both flexible team shape n very fluid team shape is 10 (9 clicks on the old slider). The difference is just their creative freedom setting. Cm(s) in a very fluid team shape get more creative freedom.

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Just wanna recheck something from my bad memory

will a central midfielder support in a very fluid team shape+standart mentality get exactly the same mentality setting with a central midfielder support in a flexible team shape+standart mentality assuming both aren't instructed to go further forward ? Like 10 clicks on old slider maybe..

Second question is almost the same but now the role is attacking midfielder support. If I remember correctly it should be yes, but again I forgot things n now wanna clarify that. Thanks

Back then when sliders were still used we can set the value of mentality up to 20. 10 clicks (9 clicks actually since one need to click 19 times on the slider to get from 0 value to 20 value n vice versa, my bad) means standart mentality setting. 0 means contain n 20 means overload, if I remember correctly

What it does in game, well exactly like what standart mentality does now. Balancing risk n reward on player's decision making. What I need to now is the value of those roles I mentioned in 2 different team shapes since I recall the mentality setting of CM(s) in both flexible team shape n very fluid team shape is 10 (9 clicks on the old slider). The difference is just their creative freedom setting. Cm(s) in a very fluid team shape get more creative freedom.

Honestly - posts like these are exactly why you need to forget about sliders.

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would anybody answer my question please?thank you ..

Simply put, if you are numerically outnumbered in the middle, then you may need to compromise with your formation. All of the approaches you have taken are sensible ones, and if they aren't working then you need to do something more significant - but only if it actually matters. Just because the Assistant highlights this fact, doesn't mean that it is necessarily a problem. Stoke City aren't the best team in the league, so you will struggle.

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Simply put, if you are numerically outnumbered in the middle, then you may need to compromise with your formation. All of the approaches you have taken are sensible ones, and if they aren't working then you need to do something more significant - but only if it actually matters. Just because the Assistant highlights this fact, doesn't mean that it is necessarily a problem. Stoke City aren't the best team in the league, so you will struggle.

I'd like to add to this. Why do you have to change things? Why can't you just focus on what you are doing instead and how you are causing the opposition issues? Make them think more about adapting rather than yourself having to adapt? I think a lot of times people get too hung up on what the opposition is doing rather than focusing on your own strengths and what you are doing. If you lack the numbers in the centre then somewhere else on the pitch you have the advantage.

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Simply put, if you are numerically outnumbered in the middle, then you may need to compromise with your formation. All of the approaches you have taken are sensible ones, and if they aren't working then you need to do something more significant - but only if it actually matters. Just because the Assistant highlights this fact, doesn't mean that it is necessarily a problem. Stoke City aren't the best team in the league, so you will struggle.

What is better way to use formation 4-4-2, which most opponent will have advantage againt us, in midfield?

My team struggle is ok,but the problem is when my player start to concern,it seems too bad..

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What is better way to use formation 4-4-2, which most opponent will have advantage againt us, in midfield?

My team struggle is ok,but the problem is when my player start to concern,it seems too bad..

It's impossible to answer because it entirely depends on the AI system and how they have their own midfield set up. A key part of a 4-4-2 is the way your MCs are set up. What Roles / Duties do you use?

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I'm playing a 3-1-4-2 possession system. Control and structured mentality. I want to play out of defence and work the ball into the box with a low tempo. When trying to cope with high pressure I've tried to clear the ball to the flanks and try to penetrate through flanks, but I still don't seem to get the ball into the final third and create something. Got defensive wingers, a deeplying playmaker and a CM with attacking duty with free roaming PI, as I want him to be dynamic. Up front I play with a false nine which link up with my midfielders and a poacher.

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I can't figure this out -- what determines which coach gives you the default feedback on a player's individual training (e.g., player has made some improvement over last two months, should be put on an individual training regime to improve xxx)? (I know there is a drop down where you can get feedback from any of your coaches, but what causes one coach to give the default feedback as opposed to other coaches)

I assumed would be the coach who you assign for training advice on the staff/responsibilities/backroom advice screen, but that's not the case.

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It's impossible to answer because it entirely depends on the AI system and how they have their own midfield set up. A key part of a 4-4-2 is the way your MCs are set up. What Roles / Duties do you use?

I'm using 2 CM. one will be holding midfilder. sometimes I'm using DLP,sometimes I'm Using CM. The partner, I'm still not yet decide. Most of the time I use RPM,because this is best role for charlie adam. but when using another player ,palacios,sidwell, I put them as ball winning midfield.

I also expect one of my striker do 2 things just like Ezequiel Lavezi did, at PSG, when beckham is starting againts barcelona. At defence,he will help press busquet, and while attacking, he's quickly become flick on option for ibrahimovic

In fm ,I try to use Diouf as defensife forward, or Bojan as false nine, both with PI close down much more but they never help my midfield at defence..

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I'd like to add to this. Why do you have to change things? Why can't you just focus on what you are doing instead and how you are causing the opposition issues? Make them think more about adapting rather than yourself having to adapt? I think a lot of times people get too hung up on what the opposition is doing rather than focusing on your own strengths and what you are doing. If you lack the numbers in the centre then somewhere else on the pitch you have the advantage.

My team is Losing.Team morale is drop. So I think something need to change a bit from my tactics. while not change formation,since 4-4-2 ,is most suit for my team. crouch play bad when become deep lying forward, and I'm also short of AMC option aside stephen ireland

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I'm playing a 3-1-4-2 possession system. Control and structured mentality. I want to play out of defence and work the ball into the box with a low tempo. When trying to cope with high pressure I've tried to clear the ball to the flanks and try to penetrate through flanks, but I still don't seem to get the ball into the final third and create something. Got defensive wingers, a deeplying playmaker and a CM with attacking duty with free roaming PI, as I want him to be dynamic. Up front I play with a false nine which link up with my midfielders and a poacher.

And have you always failed to create chances, or has it changed recently? What is the DM Role?

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I'm using 2 CM. one will be holding midfilder. sometimes I'm using DLP,sometimes I'm Using CM. The partner, I'm still not yet decide. Most of the time I use RPM,because this is best role for charlie adam. but when using another player ,palacios,sidwell, I put them as ball winning midfield.

OK. So think about this a bit. You play a system with a two man central midfield, and in the examples I have quoted, you always have one in a "holding" role - I assume you mean he has Defend Duty? That's OK - but look at the other Roles you use. A Roaming Playmaker who is very mobile and advances way up field, and a Ball Winning Midfielder, who will close down the opposition aggressively. You are basically leaving your "holding" player on his own a lot of the time.

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OK. So think about this a bit. You play a system with a two man central midfield, and in the examples I have quoted, you always have one in a "holding" role - I assume you mean he has Defend Duty? That's OK - but look at the other Roles you use. A Roaming Playmaker who is very mobile and advances way up field, and a Ball Winning Midfielder, who will close down the opposition aggressively. You are basically leaving your "holding" player on his own a lot of the time.

thanks. it seems that when one of my central midfield out of position, I got hard time. So I made one of them cm support, better protection for defending..

how about the strikers. How to made one of the striker could play 2 role. midfilder when defending,atacker while attack? So I can get help in midfield in defend,as well as getting flick on option when attacking?

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thanks. it seems that when one of my central midfield out of position, I got hard time. So I made one of them cm support, better protection for defending..

how about the strikers. How to made one of the striker could play 2 role. midfilder when defending,atacker while attack? So I can get help in midfield in defend,as well as getting flick on option when attacking?

You probably are not going to get a striker to play deep enough to act like a midfielder. You do have a couple of options: move a striker to the AMC position with an attack duty which will see him play deeper when you don't have the ball or, a defensive forward with a (D) role might be helpful for you- he will come back some on defense, but still be involved in the attack. Last, you could have a support striker set to man mark on of the opposition advanced midfield players if that seems viable.

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And have you always failed to create chances, or has it changed recently? What is the DM Role?

No, mostly against tougher opposition. When trying to cope with high pressure. Against similar or weaker opposition, I do create chances, but they just can't get the ball back in the net. So a lot 1-0 matches. It's still a win, but I would like to see more goals and be able to kill the match. I recently hired a new shooting coach, changed mentality from structured to flexible and changed my defensive midfielder into support. To see if that does it. Does that sound reasonable or do you got any other suggestions?

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No, mostly against tougher opposition. When trying to cope with high pressure. Against similar or weaker opposition, I do create chances, but they just can't get the ball back in the net. So a lot 1-0 matches. It's still a win, but I would like to see more goals and be able to kill the match. I recently hired a new shooting coach, changed mentality from structured to flexible and changed my defensive midfielder into support. To see if that does it. Does that sound reasonable or do you got any other suggestions?

Remember that it is perfectly normal to struggle more against better teams. If you play a low tempo, possession game, with Play Out Of Defence, you are holding onto the ball at the back which invites the opposition to pressurise you. Perhaps your approach in those matches should look to remove the tempo slowing settings, and instead play a more direct game to try to unlock the space behind an aggressive, "better" team. I know you said you had tried Clear Ball To Flanks, but that won't necessarily be a good idea unless your Defensive Wingers are far enough up field when those passes are played.

Also, a 3-1-4-2 will have a degree of weakness behind the DWs - try and see if it is that area that causes you issues against the big sides. Regarding the 1-0 scores, try to diagnose what the issue is. My guess is that the DWs stay wide and don't get too involved, which leaves your two strikers and the CM (A) as your only goal threats. Basically, I think you're in a situation where you have a system which is probably too patient. Against good sides that slow play means they can press you and dominate possession. Against weak sides the tempo is less of an issue, but the general cautiousness of the system means you can't create much.

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Remember that it is perfectly normal to struggle more against better teams. If you play a low tempo, possession game, with Play Out Of Defence, you are holding onto the ball at the back which invites the opposition to pressurise you. Perhaps your approach in those matches should look to remove the tempo slowing settings, and instead play a more direct game to try to unlock the space behind an aggressive, "better" team. I know you said you had tried Clear Ball To Flanks, but that won't necessarily be a good idea unless your Defensive Wingers are far enough up field when those passes are played.

Also, a 3-1-4-2 will have a degree of weakness behind the DWs - try and see if it is that area that causes you issues against the big sides. Regarding the 1-0 scores, try to diagnose what the issue is. My guess is that the DWs stay wide and don't get too involved, which leaves your two strikers and the CM (A) as your only goal threats. Basically, I think you're in a situation where you have a system which is probably too patient. Against good sides that slow play means they can press you and dominate possession. Against weak sides the tempo is less of an issue, but the general cautiousness of the system means you can't create much.

Sounds reasonable, I will try it out.

I think you're right, my system might be too patient from time to time. I recently added sit narrower PI to my DW, to see If they will get more involved in the attacking phase.

Thanks for your feedback so far, much appreciated.

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You probably are not going to get a striker to play deep enough to act like a midfielder. You do have a couple of options: move a striker to the AMC position with an attack duty which will see him play deeper when you don't have the ball or, a defensive forward with a (D) role might be helpful for you- he will come back some on defense, but still be involved in the attack. Last, you could have a support striker set to man mark on of the opposition advanced midfield players if that seems viable.

thanks for your advice.

so,aside peter crouch, his striker partner are either bojan or mame diouf.

Bojan arent good df. but decent trequarista. If I put him as trequarista in amc, and Peter Crouch in target man role, will he still be crouch striker partner, and become good regular option,for flick on ball still?

Diouf is a good df. But I dont know If DF are good role to connect midfield and forward, as I use 4-4-2 , I also need a striker, one of them,to link up between attack and midfield.

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It has been a long time since I played FM2015 and I know 2016 is due soon, however I have a question regarding starting a new career in which I start as an unemployed manager and therefore did the go on holiday and I'm at the stage in which I'm interviewing and have been looking at doing a Youth to Gold method mentioned on the FM Stories website.

The board has set these philosophies and would love to create a system based on this going forward is there any guides, advice or suggestions on how to go about creating a tactic on the following;


I would in future look to change to suit the organisation I'm managing.


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Hello guys.

Does it make sense to use a poacher as lone striker? Obviously with support from midfielders and amc.

Does any of you guys still use or used that role with success?

Thank you.

The poacher won't move about much, so without a strike partner to create space for him, he'll spend most of his time just occupying the central defenders. This can work with the right set-up; two examples:

1) A fast player against a high line being supplied by a playmaker in the AMC position. However, this depends a lot on your opponent, so you typically can't rely on this if you're playing as a larger side.

2) A strong player who can win balls in the area by outmuscling defenders. Basically, if you want a target man-type forward who won't be relied upon as an outlet for direct balls.

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Yes i agree with you.

The thing is, when you have a midfield full of movement and support, i think it's necessary someone always there on the shoulder, even if it's only for the purpose to push the defensive line back so the midfield can have space to play.

DL - FB attack

DC - CD defend

DR - FB support

MDC - Anchor man

MC - DLP defend

MCL - DLP support


AMC - AM attack

AML - IF support

STCR - Poacher

Thank you!

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I've got a question about the central defenders in a lower league, amateur side. I'm playing FM 14 in this save.

Here's my usual formation:

.......DLF/s AF/a........

W/a CM/d AdvP/s W/s

FB/s CD/d CD/d FB/a


Mentality is Defensive; Fluidity is Balanced.

I have the GK instructed to "Distribute To Defenders" and "Pass It Shorter," because I'd like to try to build from the back.

At this level, a D© with better than 4 in Passing is rare, and it's even more unusual to see one with higher than 6 or 7 for Composure or Decisions. However, if they're that "good" at these things, they almost always lack Pace. Our opponents' forwards usually do have good Pace, which seems to present a potential problem. I've got one D© whose attributes are decent enough to fill the role fairly well.

I'd like to play a pair of Central Defenders on Defend duty at center half. I would prefer they do something with the ball other than hoof it up the park every time. However, none of my D© seem nearly as well-suited to that role as they are to Limited Defender, which by definition will try to get the ball as far from the goal as quickly as possible every time they have possession.

Would I probably be better off playing with Limited Defenders and removing my GK's personal instructions? Or, will I be OK with my Central Defenders, since my opponents aren't world-class either?

Thanks in advance.

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thanks for your advice.

so,aside peter crouch, his striker partner are either bojan or mame diouf.

Bojan arent good df. but decent trequarista. If I put him as trequarista in amc, and Peter Crouch in target man role, will he still be crouch striker partner, and become good regular option,for flick on ball still?

Diouf is a good df. But I dont know If DF are good role to connect midfield and forward, as I use 4-4-2 , I also need a striker, one of them,to link up between attack and midfield.

Keep in mind players will still play their styles according to their attributes no matter the role. You could use someone at a DF, even if their attributes don't "match" what the game suggests for the role because what you are wanting is the positioning more than anything. The roles will set up limits to things like forward runs, movement off the ball, etc. If you use Crouch as a target man, remember that your Treq won't be doing a lot of flick ons because your midfield and wide men will be looking more to get the ball to Crouch. That is what the game does with the targetman role.

I used a 4-4-2 as my main formation for several season in my current save, and I used a DF a lot, because I liked how he dropped deeper off the ball. So, yes, you can use it as a link up role. A DLF on support would be the most logical one I think for a 4-4-2 to play the link up role. What you need to do, I think, is try some different roles with different players as they all will perform a little differently because of their attributes, and see how they move around. If you have time , arrange a friendly against a weak team where you can see a lot of the ball, and every 10-15 minutes move roles and players around an watch how they do.

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Can we alter the value of these hidden attributes for young player: consistency, important matches, n injury proneness? So when they reached 20+ old, those hidden attributes can reach a reasonable value. N if we can, how? Thx

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Can we alter the value of these hidden attributes for young player: consistency, important matches, n injury proneness? So when they reached 20+ old, those hidden attributes can reach a reasonable value. N if we can, how? Thx

Consistency can improve marginally over a player's career. Important Matches can increase/decrease based on certain events. For example, if a player does well in a cup final, he might have an Important Matches boost. To my knowledge, Injury Proneness cannot be altered.

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