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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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It looks OK, though perhaps I'd want the AP (S) to be closing down aggressively as I guess your DL has an Attack Duty? All you need to keep an eye on is the relationship between the AP (S) and the CF (S) just to make sure they don't often occupy the same spaces.


Yes, both fullbacks on attack duty to provide width. Ok i will see that. My other concern is that if i should change the AMC to (A) instead of (S) to have more presence in the box, but i think (S) will be fine.

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When I'm playing the full version of FM I tend to set team training intensity to low and individual training intensity to high so that the player focuses on whichever attribute or role I've set them to. However, I'm currently playing FMC and there is no option to control intensity for individual training, so I can't set it to high. In light of this, if I set team training to low will the game automatically set individual truing to high? Or will my players receive an inadequate amount of training?

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The wide-playmaker with support duty has a PI roam from position automaticaly active, but the PI Stick to Position is available. Is this correct ? And if correct, how does these two PI interact with each other ?

My understanding is the "Get Further Forward" and "Hold Position" modify forward run instructions, more like "Make offensive runs" and "don't make offensive runs". Once you think of them like that I think you will understand the difference.

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My understanding is the "Get Further Forward" and "Hold Position" modify forward run instructions, more like "Make offensive runs" and "don't make offensive runs". Once you think of them like that I think you will understand the difference.

:confused:Say again, I missed that, never mentioned Forward Runs but just roam from position active and stick to position available and, if this one selected by me, how can a player Roam and Stick at the same time ? :confused:

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:confused:Say again, I missed that, never mentioned Forward Runs but just roam from position active and stick to position available and, if this one selected by me, how can a player Roam and Stick at the same time ? :confused:

I mentioned Forward Runs because I think that's the difference, Get Further Forward and Hold Position modify the forward runs instruction whilst Roam From Position doesn't.

In old slider terms forward runs had 3 levels: "Rarely -> Sometimes -> Often" if a roles default is "Sometimes" then you can tell them to Hold Position to make it Rarely. If its Rarely then you can't go lower so the instruction is disabled.

Roam From Position gives the player permission to move in any direction from there position. Where ever they end up roaming they will then follow there instructions (creative freedom dependent).


This is just my theory though, some websites list those instructions as mentality modifiers but i'm not sure, positional maps as proof won't help. I can't see there being no instructions to modify forward runs so it has to be those two?!?

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I mentioned Forward Runs because I think that's the difference, Get Further Forward and Hold Position modify the forward runs instruction whilst Roam From Position doesn't.

In old slider terms forward runs had 3 levels: "Rarely -> Sometimes -> Often" if a roles default is "Sometimes" then you can tell them to Hold Position to make it Rarely. If its Rarely then you can't go lower so the instruction is disabled.

Roam From Position gives the player permission to move in any direction from there position. Where ever they end up roaming they will then follow there instructions (creative freedom dependent).

Ok, that is just fine, but not the point here. The Roam from Position PI is coded, automatically activated, but the Stick to Position is available, so it's not the point if the player roams or not, or neither if goes forward or inside. The point is that if I select Stick to Position and since the Roam from Position is activated, how can the player stick to his position and roam from his position at the same time ? Some new law of physics, maybe ?

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Yeah, trying to give to much detail and confusing the simple point.

Just checked Lines and Diamonds, the first place I go to check things and it agrees with me rather than what some other websites say the instructions do.

Get Further Forward encourages mobility by setting the forward runs instruction to the maximum setting.

Hold Position encourages the player to stay deep and be ready to consolidate quickly by setting the forward runs instruction to the minimum setting.

Roam from Position encourages mobility by allowing the player much greater freedom of movement across the pitch.

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How do you watch your matches?

Is "extended" good enough to understand and make tactical decisions? Or is anything less than "comprehensive" useless?

They are all useful depending. I watch mine in full for a the first few games with a new tactic just to make sure I am seeing what I need to see. After that, I watch about the first 15-20 mins of each game, then move to comprehensive. I never use less than that, though if you have a match well in hand and a tactic bedded in, extended would probably work. I'm always afraid I'll miss something important, though :)

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They are all useful depending. I watch mine in full for a the first few games with a new tactic just to make sure I am seeing what I need to see. After that, I watch about the first 15-20 mins of each game, then move to comprehensive. I never use less than that, though if you have a match well in hand and a tactic bedded in, extended would probably work. I'm always afraid I'll miss something important, though :)

Does it apply to all kind of matches? Even those where the win is in your pocket at halftime, for example?

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Does it apply to all kind of matches? Even those where the win is in your pocket at halftime, for example?

Well, that is just my personal preference- you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. If I have a game in the pocket at the half, I still use comprehensive because I have an unreasonable fear of the 3 or 4 goal collapse :D. You might feel good about extended or even less. All I would ever firmly recommend is the first part- watching full matches until I get a tactic worked out, and then the first 15-20 of a match to see if I need to make any adjustments.

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How do you watch your matches?

Is "extended" good enough to understand and make tactical decisions? Or is anything less than "comprehensive" useless?

It's not if extended is good enough etc it's if your understanding of the system you use is good enough. You can just watch key but it all depends on how well you understand what you use.

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Question about my striker Enner Valencia. Has been brilliant for me and scored plenty of goals as a CF A but he has this annoying tendency of shooting from distance which probably stops him bagging another 5-10 goals a season at least. The quandary is that some of them go in so what do you do?! Live with it, get him to unlearn his PPM of "shoots from distance" or focus his attention in training on composure, long shots or another attribute ? On FMC so haven't had too much success with training.

I did think of getting him to dribble more as this is the annoyance of his long shots. Most of them are in a race with the defender and he clearly has the pace to go on into the penalty area but instead he shoots before the area which is very frustrating, but "dribble more" is already a PI of the role. TI of "work ball into box" is over kill and I did try "shoot less" as a PI but that sends him too far the other way. "Shoot less" is actually brilliant on CM's as it helps them pass the ball more but on a striker it really is overkill.

So it's the balance I am looking for. I want him to continue to be prolific but at the same time reduce the occasions he gets a rush of blood!! Thoughts appreciated?

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How to play Short Passing from the back with 4-3-1-2 formation?

If goalkeeper distributes to centre backs. They hoof it long. And if he distributes to Full Backs, yeah thats right they also hoof it long. Is it because my players just dont have enough skill.

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How to play Short Passing from the back with 4-3-1-2 formation?

If goalkeeper distributes to centre backs. They hoof it long. And if he distributes to Full Backs, yeah thats right they also hoof it long. Is it because my players just dont have enough skill.

Try the TI play out of defence. If it's doesn't work to your liking, consider using 1 of your CM as DLP(D). The DLP will drop deep to collect the ball.

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Yes indeed it is a effective way. Until the full back gets the ball and smashes it straight to the opposition.

Then the issue probably lies with your Mentality or the passing options up field. In order to get held, we'd need to know all details of your system - Roles, Duties, Mentality, Team Shape and precisely what the 4-3-1-2 is - just a flat 4, a flat 3 in the MC line, an AM and two STs?

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Your issue is probably the Mentality. Defensive sees defenders play safe - which basically means low risk, direct passing. Play Out Of Defence will drop tempo and shorten passing length but won't affect the risk taking element. Your players are afraid of playing a short pass if they perceive it to be risky and so they will tend lump it.

I'd probably think about why you use that Mentality, and ways in which you can replicate the bits you like of that Mentality via another Mentality to avoid this.

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If I set someone to train as a Shadow Striker, "Dribbling" is not one of the attributes highlighted to train. Likewise, if I look at a player's profile and "Highlight key attibutes for role > Shadow Striker", Dribbling is also not highlighted.

However, looking at the PIs for a Shadow Striker, "Dribble More" is selected by default and can't be changed. I guess as the PI controls the player behaviour on the pitch, thus increasing his dribbling in a match, there is some sort of oversight in the player profile / training? So Dribbling should be a recommended attribute for a Shadow Striker?

Edit - Trequartista is the same. Any others? Seems kinda strange that we have at least (?) 2 roles where attributes are not trained / considered "relevant" yet they are included in default PI settings.

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Sorry if this isn't the place for this sort of question but I didn't feel like it warrants it's own thread just yet:

Has anyone taken a real concerted shot at replicating Jupp Heynckes approach in his 2012-13 treble-winning season with Bayern? I've searched this forum (and various others) and all the previous threads on the subject that I can find just sort of tail off before the discussion really gets going. If other people are interested in the idea we could start a new thread and get the discussion going anew.

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I have two questions:

1 - How important is rushing out attribute for a SK in a team who plays with high line?

2 - Is concentration vital for a central defender?

1- should be, but I am not convinced by the attribute, really. The keeper also has pace and acceleration stats, so I don't know which is more important in that regard. You'll see a rushing out of 15 and then a pace and acc of 6/6.

2- Very, especially as the game wears on. If you ship more late goals than you ought, this could be part of the problem; it was for me at one stage.

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Question about my striker Enner Valencia. Has been brilliant for me and scored plenty of goals as a CF A but he has this annoying tendency of shooting from distance which probably stops him bagging another 5-10 goals a season at least. The quandary is that some of them go in so what do you do?! Live with it, get him to unlearn his PPM of "shoots from distance" or focus his attention in training on composure, long shots or another attribute ? On FMC so haven't had too much success with training.

I did think of getting him to dribble more as this is the annoyance of his long shots. Most of them are in a race with the defender and he clearly has the pace to go on into the penalty area but instead he shoots before the area which is very frustrating, but "dribble more" is already a PI of the role. TI of "work ball into box" is over kill and I did try "shoot less" as a PI but that sends him too far the other way. "Shoot less" is actually brilliant on CM's as it helps them pass the ball more but on a striker it really is overkill.

So it's the balance I am looking for. I want him to continue to be prolific but at the same time reduce the occasions he gets a rush of blood!! Thoughts appreciated?


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I would try to unlearn the PPM if you can, but it might not work. The PPM is going to override anything else and he will still tend to do it. Alternatively you can try and balance it out with the PPM Runs with ball often. In that case I would think the decision stat and position with regards to defender would dictate which option he does. I don't know how well it would work, but it could do.

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Question about my striker Enner Valencia. Has been brilliant for me and scored plenty of goals as a CF A but he has this annoying tendency of shooting from distance which probably stops him bagging another 5-10 goals a season at least. The quandary is that some of them go in so what do you do?! Live with it, get him to unlearn his PPM of "shoots from distance" or focus his attention in training on composure, long shots or another attribute ? On FMC so haven't had too much success with training.

I did think of getting him to dribble more as this is the annoyance of his long shots. Most of them are in a race with the defender and he clearly has the pace to go on into the penalty area but instead he shoots before the area which is very frustrating, but "dribble more" is already a PI of the role. TI of "work ball into box" is over kill and I did try "shoot less" as a PI but that sends him too far the other way. "Shoot less" is actually brilliant on CM's as it helps them pass the ball more but on a striker it really is overkill.

So it's the balance I am looking for. I want him to continue to be prolific but at the same time reduce the occasions he gets a rush of blood!! Thoughts appreciated?

I personally don't mind long shots. I know people tend to use "work ball into the box" and I used to do the same but lately I'm tending to allow my players to shoot from distance if they want to. In general most bad long shots are not because a player thinks it's a good idea to take a shot but because he doesn't have any other options available. If he is racing a defender it can look like he can beat the visual representation might not show that he is losing a strength dual or is about to get tackled so it's hard to be sure that shooting isn't the best option for him at the moment. You can try to unlearn the ppm if you want, I'd personally try to work with it.

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I have a question concerning learning PPMs.

What do I have to keep an eye on when selecting a coach to carry out the training? Which attributes are important to ensure or at least improve the chance that the training will be successful? Or is it mentality?

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Thanks fellas, definitely food for thought, I'll try a few of your ideas. Maybe just getting him to train on long shots might work!!!

BTW rather than start up a new thread I thought I would quickly ask here. Watching the Hammers last night I noticed that they were pretty useful in counter attack mode. They played what seemed to be a 4231 with Payet and Moses wide. However both were fantastic in their defending with both tracking back into deep areas in and around West Ham's area.

Possible to replicate in any way in FM?!

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Thanks fellas, definitely food for thought, I'll try a few of your ideas. Maybe just getting him to train on long shots might work!!!

BTW rather than start up a new thread I thought I would quickly ask here. Watching the Hammers last night I noticed that they were pretty useful in counter attack mode. They played what seemed to be a 4231 with Payet and Moses wide. However both were fantastic in their defending with both tracking back into deep areas in and around West Ham's area.

Possible to replicate in any way in FM?!

You'd use a 4 defenders, 2 dmc, ML/MR, MC and a striker. That's how I'd set up to recreate any kind of real life 4231 and then the defending side of the tactic will be spot on.

I'm thinking of trying to play a fast breaking counter tactic, is it viable to choose Attacking as the mentality with drop much deeper and close down much less as TIs?

It is but remember what you are trying to achieve. If you play attacking even with dropping much deeper and close down less it's still going to be really aggressive and you'll still be very high up the pitch. Higher up the pitch you play the less space you have and it becomes more unlikely that you'll get the numbers advantage to start counter attacks regular. That's not to say it can't work sporadically but attacking isn't the best for building a counter attacking game.

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You'd use a 4 defenders, 2 dmc, ML/MR, MC and a striker. That's how I'd set up to recreate any kind of real life 4231 and then the defending side of the tactic will be spot on.

Thanks Cleon. I did try that format before as I do think it's more lifelike than having 3 AMC's but I found it very tough as an attacking threat, mind you I went with direct passing pretty much and since then I have thought that it is asking an awful lot on one striker if you just lump it forward. Is counter attack possible with shorter passing, play out of defence sort of TI's? Almost like pass, pass, pass, killer ball, rather than hoof and hope? Plus any solo striker is better on support in this set up yes?

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I found 15 year old DM who I think I can train to be an excellent sweeper (by Conference North standards at least) and even better, he's a Model Professional. I was going to tutor him but from what I found when looking for information on tutoring, it would only hurt him as his professionalism is so high already. Is this right? And if so, then pretty much all I can do to help him progress is give him playing time? Was thinking I'll start him out in the U18s for the first half of the season, maybe playing him in cup games and then move him up to U21s with occasional appearances in the senior team off the bench.

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I found 15 year old DM who I think I can train to be an excellent sweeper (by Conference North standards at least) and even better, he's a Model Professional. I was going to tutor him but from what I found when looking for information on tutoring, it would only hurt him as his professionalism is so high already. Is this right? And if so, then pretty much all I can do to help him progress is give him playing time? Was thinking I'll start him out in the U18s for the first half of the season, maybe playing him in cup games and then move him up to U21s with occasional appearances in the senior team off the bench.

I think you should keep him in the U18 until he's 17 and move him up to the U21 after that. I think you should also consider giving him some games in cup ties when he's 17 as well and then when he's 18, he should be playing week in and week out

As for tutoring, I really don't have much detail about your player to answer that. What are his other mental attributes? Who do you want to tutor him??

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I think you should keep him in the U18 until he's 17 and move him up to the U21 after that. I think you should also consider giving him some games in cup ties when he's 17 as well and then when he's 18, he should be playing week in and week out

As for tutoring, I really don't have much detail about your player to answer that. What are his other mental attributes? Who do you want to tutor him??


Model professional, average determination. Reserved in handling media. No leadership. I brought in a veteran central defender who is also a model professional and reserved with media with the idea of tutoring him.

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Eh..then I wouldn't tutor him...
What are his other mental attributes? Who do you want to tutor him??

Determination has nothing to do with youth development so not sure why you'd advise someone based on that stat alone not to tutor. Also not sure why his other mental attributes matter as they have nothing at all to do with tutoring and don't get altered. The only visible attribute that can change as a direct result of tutoring is determination but that doesn't mean it's important for youth development as its not.

Tecmo - Model professional is a good personality type to have but there are a lot better if you want to have a chance of him reaching his potential ever. A player needs professionalism and ambition to be able to achieve this, he needs both not one or the other but both. Here is a personality guide that should make the decision easier for you when selecting personality types;


If you want a player to develop then game time is the biggest single most important factor once they have a personality type with ambition and professionalism. Play them as much as you can, the age you play them from doesn't matter it can't really harm them unless you play them when injured or tired. More game time = better development and quicker.

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Thank you for the assistance, I think I have my head wrapped around it better now. Probably won't tutor Hart unless I find someone I know has high professionalism and higher ambition than him. We'll go ahead and throw him into the fire as much as possible this season, we're pretty safely mid-table anyway although my first friendly forays with my sweeper tactic were a bit ugly.

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