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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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The Shadow Striker has a slightly higher mentality than the AM-A meaning he will generally play more aggressively (starting runs earlier, shooting more often, etc.), but both will get into the box consistently and neither is necessarily more effective than the other.

The mentality bar is the exact same size for both roles. Is the graphic lying (wouldn't be the first time)?

In-game all appearances suggest that a SS is just an AM-A with some mandatory instructions you could use with an AM-A anyway.

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Hey guys, can't find this anywhere...

When do attribute changes actually happens? On a daily base or monthly?

It happens when the CA increases, there is no 'specific' time it happens. It could be daily, weekly, monthly etc. It depends when he got the CA boost.

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Hey, could someone help me,

Im having so much trouble scoring goals, I only score 7% of my chances, but I have by far the most possession and completed passes in the league. im 17th place, with OM, in 28 games, nearly every game when I play vs teams above 5th place I just have 70% possession, so much shots on target (and clean chances) but im still losing those matches, im really out of options. I have 4 star coaches on attacking so I dont think that is the issue. I would really like to get a better striker but there is no money for it, and I cant hire any players anymore.

My team: http://nl.tinypic.com/r/2wgsjg9/9

Would love to get some help, even though im doing good in the cup and Europa League I still want to atleast get a decent place in the league.

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It happens when the CA increases, there is no 'specific' time it happens. It could be daily, weekly, monthly etc. It depends when he got the CA boost.

Hey Cleon, thanks for the reply.

Since it can happen at any time, is there a way to track it easily without checking every player? And how do you decide when to make changes in training?

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The mentality bar is the exact same size for both roles. Is the graphic lying (wouldn't be the first time)?

In-game all appearances suggest that a SS is just an AM-A with some mandatory instructions you could use with an AM-A anyway.

Good spot. It may be a graphical glitch or it could indicate that the instructions have been glitched. The formation graphic is also supposed to indicate relative mentality (to position) and the SS was designed to operate on a higher mentality than a standard AM (so he'd make decisions more like a goal-scorer than a build-up player). It appears some other roles that are supposed to have mentality differences (and had them in earlier 16 builds) also just have the same setting as every other role on their duty, so it looks like something that should be raised with SI.

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Good spot. It may be a graphical glitch or it could indicate that the instructions have been glitched. The formation graphic is also supposed to indicate relative mentality (to position) and the SS was designed to operate on a higher mentality than a standard AM (so he'd make decisions more like a goal-scorer than a build-up player). It appears some other roles that are supposed to have mentality differences (and had them in earlier 16 builds) also just have the same setting as every other role on their duty, so it looks like something that should be raised with SI.

It's a graphic glitch I reported it months ago along with some others.

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Is it possible to win the Premier League with any team, first season, no transfers?

I have this idea that a good enough tactic should be capable of beating everything and everyone, probably because I have played older CM's for too long. As a result I am constantly reviewing my tactics whenever I play a poor game. Should I just learn to accept defeat? Maybe losing away to the biggest clubs when playing as Aston Villa is unavoidable..?

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Is it possible to win the Premier League with any team, first season, no transfers?

I have this idea that a good enough tactic should be capable of beating everything and everyone, probably because I have played older CM's for too long. As a result I am constantly reviewing my tactics whenever I play a poor game. Should I just learn to accept defeat? Maybe losing away to the biggest clubs when playing as Aston Villa is unavoidable..?

Of course it is. However you will still lose games.

Away to the big clubs is where I pick up most of my points.

Guaranteed to lose at home to Watford, though.

Sounds like you have an issue with creating space and breaking sides down. Hence why away at the bigger sides you get results because they create the space for you naturally.

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I have this idea that a good enough tactic should be capable of beating everything and everyone,

The game is about managing players and their individual and collective strengths/weaknesses. Why would you want something that makes the players irrelevant? It would be like playing SimCity without buildings.

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Of course it is. However you will still lose games.

Why will I lose games? Besides the fact that I am useless at this game. Let's pretend I am not. :lol:

The game is about managing players and their individual and collective strengths/weaknesses. Why would you want something that makes the players irrelevant? It would be like playing SimCity without buildings.

Don't you like the idea of creating a truly unbeatable tactic? I do. Just to get the feeling of "I beat the game!". To each his own I guess. :)

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Sounds like you have an issue with creating space and breaking sides down. Hence why away at the bigger sides you get results because they create the space for you naturally.

Clearly. Defence first and pick up 30-40 points before Christmas.

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Hi guys,

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the Easter holidays (for those that celebrate it or benefit from it!)

I have a very simple question...how do I take advantage of the oppositions very low condition?

I currently manage in the Vanarama South and sometimes play two games in 2 days and as a result, the oppositions players are still struggling with their condition and start the game with 70 or so % which goes down to the 40's and 50's towards the end of the game, so how do I take advantage of this and implement it within my tactics and team instructions?

Cheers in advance!

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Don't you like the idea of creating a truly unbeatable tactic? I do. Just to get the feeling of "I beat the game!". To each his own I guess. :)

For me, the goal is to build a formidable team with complementary tactics. Plugging in a super tactic is like typing in a cheat code.

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so on my first save in 3rd season and have just turned my 5-1-2-2 team to fluid from flexible and what i notice is they seem to be more creative and fast with the passing so more Barcelona light but at the same time not quite so sturdy in defense, is there anything else this does that people think i'm missing?

and my midfielder seem to chip in with more goals now.


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For me, the goal is to build a formidable team with complementary tactics. Plugging in a super tactic is like typing in a cheat code.

I would never download a super tactic from someone else. There is no fun in that. However, building tactics and analysing things is fun. If I ever managed to build a monster tactic myself, of course I would use it. I play this game to win! :-)

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Hi guys,

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the Easter holidays (for those that celebrate it or benefit from it!)

I have a very simple question...how do I take advantage of the oppositions very low condition?

I currently manage in the Vanarama South and sometimes play two games in 2 days and as a result, the oppositions players are still struggling with their condition and start the game with 70 or so % which goes down to the 40's and 50's towards the end of the game, so how do I take advantage of this and implement it within my tactics and team instructions?

Cheers in advance!

Same as IRL if the opposition is tired make them run. Try to make the pitch as wide as possible. Get players to switch play if you can and attack quickly. try and get forwards running behind to stretch the game. Just make the pitch seem as big as you can so the opposition has to run. Once they get tired they should make mistakes.

The other option would be keep the ball and make them chase around but being in the conference your players have to be good enough to do this and make them chase you instead of them just tucking in and letting you keep the ball.

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i get there be an easy answer but do people think passing attribute is more important for long or short passing teams, i'd of thought short as there are more passes but then the passes are generally easier so i'm not 100% sure.

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Don't you like the idea of creating a truly unbeatable tactic? I do. Just to get the feeling of "I beat the game!". To each his own I guess. :)

I was like this back then. Went through anything to achieve something called a truly unbeatable tactic.

Depends on our interpretation of "truly unbeatable", but for me it was a tactic that can make even a lower league side to beat European Giant Sides. Basically a tactic that has a 0% chance to lose using whatever team agaisnt whatever team.

In the end, it is up to the squad u've been built. It is possible to be unbeatable for only God knows how long, but it is your team that is unbeatable, not your tactic. that is the lesson I got.

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i get there be an easy answer but do people think passing attribute is more important for long or short passing teams, i'd of thought short as there are more passes but then the passes are generally easier so i'm not 100% sure.

It's a players ability to pass the ball regardless, so it's important for all passing styles.

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i get there be an easy answer but do people think passing attribute is more important for long or short passing teams, i'd of thought short as there are more passes but then the passes are generally easier so i'm not 100% sure.

From a research perspective reliable short passers aren't required to have very high passing scores. Top ratings in the attribute indicate exceptional ability at the longest, most difficult passes.

But how risky the passes are is more important than the distance they travel. Good passers will be accurate enough to exploit tight gaps long or short, while poor passers will perhaps need to be limited to passes that allow them a few yards of leeway either side of their target.

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i play with a higher line and offside trap, but am i think it would be a good idea to have a centre back or two (i've 3) on cover.

my question is does anyone know if offside trap still works if you have CB's on cover or do they keep being caught out and it causes it big problem?

oh and would people go 2 cover and stopper or two cover and defend?


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i play with a higher line and offside trap, but am i think it would be a good idea to have a centre back or two (i've 3) on cover.

my question is does anyone know if offside trap still works if you have CB's on cover or do they keep being caught out and it causes it big problem?

oh and would people go 2 cover and stopper or two cover and defend?


If you're playing the offside trap you want all the defenders on the same page and playing as a unit. You don't really want one dropping deeper and playing the opposition onside when the others have stepped up. You're just asking for trouble playing that way. It really doesn't make much sense. You either play the offside game properly or you don't, there's no room for middle ground as that's when mistakes happen and the CB costs you games.

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Flexible seems to be making a big difference to alot more than movement,

so i though changing team shape from flexible to fluid would basically mean my defenders get more involved up front etc but not that much more, but in the few games i've scored it a WB nd 2 mid's have scored while on flexible as i've hd it on since start a couple of seasons my striker scored nearly all the goals. so this is obviously a good thing (gotta work out what the downside in this aspect is to balance it) (answers would be nice).

but what has suprised me is when i change it to fluid the player in the 3d match basically start to way cooler looking passed curling it round the defenders, quick one two, te few goals i've scored in fluid just look so much cooler, basically on flexible they mostly came from crosses from WB but with fluid (again short time) al sort of cool looking goals. again i need to work out the down side (i guess in this case it's losing the ball trying fancy football).

so if anyone could explain it'd be great, is all this fun football i'm watching the same as if i had creative freedom on or is that different again.


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If you're playing the offside trap you want all the defenders on the same page and playing as a unit. You don't really want one dropping deeper and playing the opposition onside when the others have stepped up. You're just asking for trouble playing that way. It really doesn't make much sense. You either play the offside game properly or you don't, there's no room for middle ground as that's when mistakes happen and the CB costs you games.

Thanks, that's what i originally thought i don't let in many goals so'l probably keep it.

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Flexible seems to be making a big difference to alot more than movement,

so i though changing team shape from flexible to fluid would basically mean my defenders get more involved up front etc but not that much more, but in the few games i've scored it a WB nd 2 mid's have scored while on flexible as i've hd it on since start a couple of seasons my striker scored nearly all the goals. so this is obviously a good thing (gotta work out what the downside in this aspect is to balance it) (answers would be nice).

but what has suprised me is when i change it to fluid the player in the 3d match basically start to way cooler looking passed curling it round the defenders, quick one two, te few goals i've scored in fluid just look so much cooler, basically on flexible they mostly came from crosses from WB but with fluid (again short time) al sort of cool looking goals. again i need to work out the down side (i guess in this case it's losing the ball trying fancy football).

so if anyone could explain it'd be great, is all this fun football i'm watching the same as if i had creative freedom on or is that different again.


More Fluid systems add individual player creativity, and make the team play in a more compact manner.

More Structured systems reduce individual player creativity, and spread the team out more.

Essentially that's all there is to Team Shape.

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More Fluid systems add individual player creativity, and make the team play in a more compact manner.

More Structured systems reduce individual player creativity, and spread the team out more.

Essentially that's all there is to Team Shape.

Thanks, wish said that in the descriptions? it makes it sound like fluid is similar to roam from positions.

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I have a brief question, I have this good goalkeeper with very low first touch. I put him on focused training to improve it, but he doesn't feel it's beneficial to him... He would be perfect sweeper keeper, if it wasn't for this one low attribute. So what should I do now?

- carry on, as it will improve, and devil may care about his unhappiness

- it's waste of time, better to train him on other area

- some other options, ideas?

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This is taken from Hands of God's Lines&Diamonds:

"Exploit the Flanks encourages wide defenders to provide mobility down the flanks by pushing up into midfield and attempting more forward runs. It also instrucs them to offer more penetration with frequent crosses. This is a quick means of targeting an exposed opposition fullback with a simple overload pattern."

So, if in my setup i have on the wings one Wb(a)+IF(s) what will this do to my players?

My Wb(a) already have default instructions to get further forward and cross more, so the exploit the flank instruction will have no affect?

And related with the rest of the players, manly the center midfielders, will they attempted to play wider?

And finally, will this instruction affect the way the IF(s) plays? Will they stay wider?77


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I am attempting to create a tactic for my West Ham side after stumbling upon seemingly the best way to get something out of Dmitri Payet. I found that his passing stats are fantastic as an AP A in the AML strata in a 433/451 whatever you like to call it. So I added a few roles and duties and tried a few team instructions out over the course of 10 games or so. What I found was certain roles and duties were consistent however some were the opposite. Defensively things are very good but no matter what I try with regards to roles/duties/TI's/Mentality and Team Shape I just cannot create enough chances and score goals.

Payet himself drifts inside and seems to dictate play, this in turn allows room for my left WB to attack. So far I have used a defensive minded player on the left side of central midfield because I don't want him attacking Payet's space, "unless" there is a way of getting him beyond Payet in an attacking role. This creates a bit of a quandary on the right because my IF A seems to be the source of goals but if I have a defensive minded CM on the left then I need an attacking minded CM on the right to get players into the box without invading my IF's space. I really feel that you need to get at least three players into the box as much as possible. However this would leave me with three attacking duties on the right thus weakening defensively. The striker is he main problem though because whatever role I use and whatever player I use I cannot get him scoring.

My role set up is this. Those listed are the consistent ones and I have listed the inconsistent ones with a question mark. I am just wondering what you would suggest the do's and dont's are with regard to roles in this set up?

(***I have tried using Payet as an IF S and also as an AP A on the left sided midfield in the CM strata but he doesn't perform as well. As an AP A in the AML position he is regularly getting 8.8 and above)


AP A____________________IF A


____________HB D_____________

WB A____CD D____CD D____WB A



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Why not use Payet as AP(s), and play a CM(a) on the left side of the Midfield?

I play like this with Benfica, having Gaitan as AP(s) on the left side and Talisca or Renato Sanches playing as CM(a) on the left side of the Midfield.

I have Grimaldo, or Eliseu, as WB(a) on the left side also.

What happen, is that Gaitan will drop deep, sometimes almost to play side by side with the my MCR, while my MCL and the WBL go up taking advantage of the space.

It's risky, because of course playing with a WB(a) and a CM(a) on the same side, you must have nice cover from your defensive midfielder, so i would change that to a DM(d) or even a Anchorman.







PS: My main doubt in this setup is also the role for the forward. I'm using a DLF(s) with PI move into channels, but not 100% happy with it.

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Why not use Payet as AP(s), and play a CM(a) on the left side of the Midfield?

I play like this with Benfica, having Gaitan as AP(s) on the left side and Talisca or Renato Sanches playing as CM(a) on the left side of the Midfield.

I have Grimaldo, or Eliseu, as WB(a) on the left side also.

What happen, is that Gaitan will drop deep, sometimes almost to play side by side with the my MCR, while my MCL and the WBL go up taking advantage of the space.

It's risky, because of course playing with a WB(a) and a CM(a) on the same side, you must have nice cover from your defensive midfielder, so i would change that to a DM(d) or even a Anchorman.

Mmmm food for thought thanks. I didn't get much out of Payet as an AP S but maybe an attacking role beside him may help. I play the HB because it seems to be the most defensively stable of the DM roles in this incarnation. Have tried both a DM and an Anchor and an Anchor especially seems to get bypassed and awful lot.

Re the forward I agree with you. No matter what role I use I get very little from the striker and it's always the wide players who get on the end of crosses. I score goals with two up top but never with a lone forward.

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Nope it has nothing to do with CA at all. Hidden attributes are free. Genie scout isn't always accurate btw with attribute gains and losses or predicted attributes. That's why it's not supported by SI. Genie doesn't understand or take into consideration certain elements so the predicted attributes one is always inaccurate.

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Sorry for giving my early post a bump, but i'm really curious about this.


This is taken from Hands of God's Lines&Diamonds:

"Exploit the Flanks encourages wide defenders to provide mobility down the flanks by pushing up into midfield and attempting more forward runs. It also instrucs them to offer more penetration with frequent crosses. This is a quick means of targeting an exposed opposition fullback with a simple overload pattern."

So, if in my setup i have on the wings one Wb(a)+IF(s) what will this do to my players?

My Wb(a) already have default instructions to get further forward and cross more, so the exploit the flank instruction will have no affect?

And related with the rest of the players, manly the center midfielders, will they attempted to play wider?

And finally, will this instruction affect the way the IF(s) plays? Will they stay wider?77


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So, if in my setup i have on the wings one Wb(a)+IF(s) what will this do to my players?

My Wb(a) already have default instructions to get further forward and cross more, so the exploit the flank instruction will have no affect?

The WB(A) should play slightly more aggressive and the team as a whole will try to get the ball out wide as often as possible.

And related with the rest of the players, manly the center midfielders, will they attempted to play wider?

And finally, will this instruction affect the way the IF(s) plays? Will they stay wider?77

No to both.

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