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So let's just say, hypothetically, that both of your strikers go on international duty for a month and you aren't able to pick one up on loan... :D

What are some good formations for teams without strikers? I normally run a 4-1-2-3 DM Wide, to give you an idea of the players I have; I also have a couple of players who can play as AM©s. My thinking was that I would put in a AM© instead of a striker, but there are other spots I could put players, such as in central midfield, central defensive midfield and central defense. Any advice? *crosses fingers*

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I am playing a 4-4-1-1, Attacking mentality, slightly deeper.

Wing backs automatic, ML-MR attacking, DLPsup, BWMsup, APsup,CFsup.

I m using a stopper-cover combo in my DCs and i was wondering where should i put the fastest one.

Should i use him in a stopper role or use his speed/accelaration to provide cover?

Team's got 4 DCs, 3 of them have 11-13 pace and 10-14 acceleration

and my star DC has 16 pace 16 acceleration

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I'm certain I've read this before from a few people when designing tactics and getting them all working as you think they should. About not making any changes (unless you really have to), for all your friendlies and roughly 3 competitive games. Can someone jog my memory if that is correct, I remember it being because it gives you time to make sure firstly that a player isn't just having a one off bad game or maybe even the team in general is having an off day. I think Cleon has said something like it before and then about watching the first 3 games back after the game so that you aren't worrying about the result which could make you jump to a conclusion to make changes based on the score.


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I would drop the striker back to an AMC and use a Shadow Striker role to have someone getting forward into the box often. It might not be quite as good depending on your personnel, but it should get you through a few games.

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It's not a rule but it is something I personally always do yeah :)

Thanks Cleon, I remember it being something you said you do. I will admit I'm probably my own worst nightmare when it comes to making changes too quickly or sometimes too late, so going to try and not change anything until I've seen it all back after a few games to make sure everything is performing how it should.

Wish my tactic was less reliant on the fullbacks. Any tips? http://i.imgur.com/Q08AFTH.png

I'm sure people will correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'd assume because you are using wing backs and IF, it will need them for the width as your IF will cut inside so they will rely on the full backs for that reason alone, maybe to mix it up you could change one of the wing backs and IF to a different role, but it could move the balance out of your formation which you might not want to do. The tactic looks fairly balanced though so I wouldn't worry about it if it isn't causing you a problem.

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Can a player with attributes like Klaas Jan Huntelaar be successful playing as a lone striker with a role other than AF or Poacher? I'm considering selling him in the 1st window to bring in a more complete striker.

If you surround him with support, he doesn't need to be a great passer and can potentially get on the end of more give-and-go moves.

Wish my tactic was less reliant on the fullbacks. Any tips? http://i.imgur.com/Q08AFTH.png

Use support duties at MLR/AMLR. The movement of attack duty wingers is rather one-dimensional at the moment.

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Toying with a 3-3-3-1 formation, 3 CDs, 2 x CWB & Regista, Advanced Forward up top, Flat 3 in midfield, central winger flanked by... 2 BWMs? Or 2 B2B? Or 2 CM(s)?

I'm thinking BWMs. I want them to be dynamic but not be too cavalier and of course to offer some cover for the wingbacks that bomb on.


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Toying with a 3-3-3-1 formation, 3 CDs, 2 x CWB & Regista, Advanced Forward up top, Flat 3 in midfield, central winger flanked by... 2 BWMs? Or 2 B2B? Or 2 CM(s)?

I'm thinking BWMs. I want them to be dynamic but not be too cavalier and of course to offer some cover for the wingbacks that bomb on.


It's a stock answer but the best thing to do is to try it. It sounds as though you've got an idea of how you want to play so there's your starting point.

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What's the best way to set up an inside forward to cross the ball when he's close to the byline instead of taking pointless shots EVERY SINGLE TIME? I don't want to mess with my tactical instructions because they're getting him in that position in the first place. I can't see any of the player set ups that make the player sit narrower and cross more often. All I want is for him to square the ball instead of shooting, is that too much to ask?

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What's the best way to set up an inside forward to cross the ball when he's close to the byline instead of taking pointless shots EVERY SINGLE TIME? I don't want to mess with my tactical instructions because they're getting him in that position in the first place. I can't see any of the player set ups that make the player sit narrower and cross more often. All I want is for him to square the ball instead of shooting, is that too much to ask?

If you want a hybrid W/IF, then you should opt for a W (a) role and use PPM "Cuts Inside"

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If you want a hybrid W/IF, then you should opt for a W (a) role and use PPM "Cuts Inside"

I'm looking for his starting position to be narrow, I don't want him cutting in from the wing.

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What's the best way to set up an inside forward to cross the ball when he's close to the byline instead of taking pointless shots EVERY SINGLE TIME? I don't want to mess with my tactical instructions because they're getting him in that position in the first place. I can't see any of the player set ups that make the player sit narrower and cross more often. All I want is for him to square the ball instead of shooting, is that too much to ask?

Teach him the looks for pass rather than shot PPM?

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Teach him the looks for pass rather than shot PPM?

Doesn't work. Markovic already has that and still shoots instead of passing. He also has cuts inside. I know it's probably something to do with my tactical set up, maybe work ball into box, but it's really annoying to see players shooting from ridiculously acute angles when they just wouldn't do that in real life. At least not with the regularity I see in FM.

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My board wants me to play direct football so I thought it would be a good idea to make a 4231 attacking mentality direct tactic. Im doing poorly as most teams sit deep and are defensive and the good teams overpower me. The board also dont recognise my style as direct football, can I not play this way and be direct? Does the board only percieve direct football as a long ball defensive game. Can I continue playing like this and be successful even though i'm struggling to break down defensive sides?

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My board wants me to play direct football so I thought it would be a good idea to make a 4231 attacking mentality direct tactic. Im doing poorly as most teams sit deep and are defensive and the good teams overpower me. The board also dont recognise my style as direct football, can I not play this way and be direct? Does the board only percieve direct football as a long ball defensive game. Can I continue playing like this and be successful even though i'm struggling to break down defensive sides?

this was the tactic i was using before i rage resigned I've since left Liverpool ...n6UL0tt.pngSLldxQ8.png

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I am playing a 4-4-1-1, Attacking mentality, slightly deeper.

Wing backs automatic, ML-MR attacking, DLPsup, BWMsup, APsup,CFsup.

I m using a stopper-cover combo in my DCs and i was wondering where should i put the fastest one.

Should i use him in a stopper role or use his speed/accelaration to provide cover?

Team's got 4 DCs, 3 of them have 11-13 pace and 10-14 acceleration

and my star DC has 16 pace 16 acceleration

Guys, anyone?

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Guys, anyone?

I'd be more concerned with the lack of defensive protection from your midfield and 2 attack minded fullbacks (automatic + attacking mentality = attack duty) that sit behind 2 attacking wingers, than your central defensive pairing.

From the little information posted, it's a very aggressive setup.

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I'd be more concerned with the lack of defensive protection from your midfield and 2 attack minded fullbacks (automatic + attacking mentality = attack duty) that sit behind 2 attacking wingers, than your central defensive pairing.

From the little information posted, it's a very aggressive setup.

I concur :)

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Imo you would want the faster defender on a covering duty assuming he has good anticipation, for a stopper bravery, aggression and being good in the air I think would be important.

that's what i did and i think this is the way to go.

I'd be more concerned with the lack of defensive protection from your midfield and 2 attack minded fullbacks (automatic + attacking mentality = attack duty) that sit behind 2 attacking wingers, than your central defensive pairing.

From the little information posted, it's a very aggressive setup.

It is, but my fullbacks are rarely caught out of position and both my BWM and DLP give adequate cover because of their high work rate and general defensive attributes. Plus my AMC tracks back to help both as another body when we are defending and to help in transition when we regain possession.

thanks guys

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My board wants me to play direct football so I thought it would be a good idea to make a 4231 attacking mentality direct tactic. Im doing poorly as most teams sit deep and are defensive and the good teams overpower me. The board also dont recognise my style as direct football, can I not play this way and be direct? Does the board only percieve direct football as a long ball defensive game. Can I continue playing like this and be successful even though i'm struggling to break down defensive sides?

All it means is the board don't care about possession and want the ball to go from the front to the back fast. So if you are having a lot of possession due to not being able to break sides down then this is the reason why they're unhappy. Long ball and direct football are two different things btw don't confuse them.

Also how can you be successful if you're struggling to break sides down? I don't get how you can ask that? :D

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All it means is the board don't care about possession and want the ball to go from the front to the back fast. So if you are having a lot of possession due to not being able to break sides down then this is the reason why they're unhappy. Long ball and direct football are two different things btw don't confuse them.

Also how can you be successful if you're struggling to break sides down? I don't get how you can ask that? :D

Thanks for the reply, I think what I meant was am I able to meet the boards expectations and play direct attacking football using the tactic I currently use? or is my tactic illogical and not designed to be able to break sides down? Is my tactic one dimensional? Or maybe I need to give it time and get the right players in, build on their attributes and cohesion.

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Thanks for the reply, I think what I meant was am I able to meet the boards expectations and play direct attacking football using the tactic I currently use? or is my tactic illogical and not designed to be able to break sides down? Is my tactic one dimensional? Or maybe I need to give it time and get the right players in, build on their attributes and cohesion.

The board only take the stat into consideration, so for possession they expect over 50% possession. For attacking football they expect lots of shots, for direct football they just want fast attacks which boils down to not over doing it with possession.

As for the one dimensional stuff, what do you think when you watch games? Does it play out how you expect? Does play all come from the same player all the time? Only you can answer those types of questions :)

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Watching the Hammers this afternoon and seeing Andy Carroll manage a full 90 minutes without breaking a toenail I was wondering if it is at all possible to recreate in FM the move that got the three goals which was a cross to the far post?

Obvious first thoughts would be float crosses to the far post but I am sure it not that simple....

**Say if you generally wanted to play a possession game but wanted crosses to go in at the right moment how would you set it up?

**If you manage to get a consistent cross to the far post what role would benefit the striker because ok you can ask a winger to play a high cross to the far post but you can't ask a striker to stand at the far post to receive it.

**Aim at Target Man? Any benefits?

**One up front or two?

Generally would love to see how you would set this up because I have tried and miserably failed!!

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Obvious first thoughts would be float crosses to the far post but I am sure it not that simple....

The players movement you are aiming for is more important than the cross really because you need to be able to win the cross when it happens.

**Say if you generally wanted to play a possession game but wanted crosses to go in at the right moment how would you set it up?

Any type of crossing can work, whether it be from deep and whipped. Be sure to select the far post as the cross aim though.

**If you manage to get a consistent cross to the far post what role would benefit the striker because ok you can ask a winger to play a high cross to the far post but you can't ask a striker to stand at the far post to receive it.

Actually you kind of can make the striker more static and near the posts. You'd use a role that doesn't have moves into channels active, or if it does, remove it. Then he'll be more nearer the posts and a better target to aim for and be more dangerous. This is the key to it all here. Many want to create these type of things then use a striker role that roams about too much and takes the striker away from the areas he wants.

**Aim at Target Man? Any benefits?

Not at all unless you have a target man in the side..........

**One up front or two?

Preference really but both have pros and cons.

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Thanks Cleon. I know you dislike the TM role so if you had to use Andy Carroll how would you set him up? A DLF S/A with hold position ticked?

I'd use him different ways depending on what I wanted. If it was mainly getting on the end of crosses I'd use him as a DF/DLF A. If I wanted him to link play I'd use DLF S because he's a very good technical player and I think he offers more to the team than headed goals. His overall game is really strong. If I wanted a pure goalscorer I'd use him as a CF A or a Advanced forward. He suits almost anything really, so its a case of deciding what you want him to do then build the team around him so they provide him with the type of supply and support he needs.

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Hi all.

Does it make sense to use a structured shape in order to make the final third players have more space to play , mainly the dropping deeper striker?

That's complicating things severely imo. Just focus on the role and duty of the striker and surrounding players, that's more important than any team shape or setting for determining who has space etc.

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Is there anything in the Pairs and Combinations sticky that might stand out as not working so well in this version of FM. I was thinking of recreating the tactic template of the 41221 dm but it has 5 attack duties that I'm not sure might get murdered in this version of FM 16.

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What does the green wheel next to a player on the tactics screen mean?
how good he is -according to his attributes-to the role that you have assigned
Really? They change all the time for my players. I thought it was their form.
Hover your cursor over the wheel. You will get explanations for what it means.

I should also add that it has a potential ability attached to some of the roles too and it isn't just about the attributes he currently has. That's why you might have a good forward for example who is capable of being a complete forward yet the wheel might be orange. It's more apparent when you play in a division outside of the top tier though, it was added because you don't see that many complete forwards, treq's etc outside of the top leagues apparently..............

Roaming playmaker, Treq, Complete Forward are the roles off the top of my head that come with a PA modifier for the wheel feature.

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I'd use him different ways depending on what I wanted. If it was mainly getting on the end of crosses I'd use him as a DF/DLF A. If I wanted him to link play I'd use DLF S because he's a very good technical player and I think he offers more to the team than headed goals. His overall game is really strong. If I wanted a pure goalscorer I'd use him as a CF A or a Advanced forward. He suits almost anything really, so its a case of deciding what you want him to do then build the team around him so they provide him with the type of supply and support he needs.

Thanks Cleon. Played about with various settings all day yesterday and couldn't really get anything close. The cross settings are really strange as I was scoring more headers on low crosses than anything else!!

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How can I stop my fullbacks from closing down opposition fullbacks at the edge of my half, so their wingers don't just stroll behind and receive the ball uncontested?

I'm playing normal defensive line and close down more, but I tried deep defensive line and close down much less to no avail.

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Floated crosses benefit tall players, low crosses benefit quick speedy players, so do whipped crosses offer something in between?

Packed penalty areas when your attackers are very much outnumbered, so that there's little time to make a move to defend the cross. It's less accurate though. Great for attackers with Off The Ball ability, as well as obviously Heading. You can throw Anticipation in there too.

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If a tactic contains a single playmaker then I imagine that wherever possible the rest of the team would try to get the ball to him.

Would additional playmakers in a tactic either

(a) offer alternative options as the "primary" players to give the ball to


(b) confuse the rest of the team as they'd have to make a quick decision on who should get the ball i.e. The APM, the RPM or the DLP


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If a tactic contains a single playmaker then I imagine that wherever possible the rest of the team would try to get the ball to him.

Would additional playmakers in a tactic either

(a) offer alternative options as the "primary" players to give the ball to


(b) confuse the rest of the team as they'd have to make a quick decision on who should get the ball i.e. The APM, the RPM or the DLP


This was answered very recently.


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