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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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How to make a world class inside forward with poor decisions work? I know this may be too stupid even for this thread, but I always overlooked attributes like that one and I'm looking to get some more in-depth knowledge about the game.

Tactics: http://i.imgur.com/gCCsXRE.png

Player: http://i.imgur.com/Q0LofPY.png

Maybe a more rigid team mentality so that his CF can be reduced but of course this will affect your whole team CF. You may want to use more specialised roles to solve the lesser CF issue.

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Hello everyone,

what attributes should i pay attention for, when choosing more fluid shape and therefor give my players more creative freedom? I know about Teamwork, decisions, flair. But what about off the ball and work rate, for good covering? Something else?

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Hello everyone,

what attributes should i pay attention for, when choosing more fluid shape and therefor give my players more creative freedom? I know about Teamwork, decisions, flair. But what about off the ball and work rate, for good covering? Something else?

Anticipation is important for reading the game. Work-rate is mostly related to pressing/closing down players (could be bad to have too much in a system with a lot of freedom). Off The Ball is movement while your team is in possession (frequency as much as quality of runs).

If you're expecting your forward players to cover/contribute defensively then good defensive attributes (Positioning, Marking, Tackling etc.) could be important. And defenders might need good ball-playing or attacking attributes. You might want to focus on all-rounders rather than players that are great at only one specific area of play, but there's lots of ways Fluid systems can be organised. There's not one right answer.

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thanks for the great answer.

Could you also qualify, why to have too much pressing and closing down players are bad in fluid system. I understand, that there should be balance, but why it especially bad in fluid system?

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It isn't necessarily bad in a Fluid system, but because Fluid allows players more freedom it could be more of an issue than in a Structured approach, where players are expected to follow their instructions closely.

If pressing is what you are aiming for it shouldn't be an issue, but more defensive tactics with a deep defensive line could get exposed when one player charges after the ball.

Equally, if a player's Workrate is too low he could fail to close down when expected, allowing the opposition to easily escape pressure from teammates.

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Because this is the stupid questions thread, here goes one:

If you were playing with this tactic, what team shape would you choose?







Mentality: Control

TI's: D-Line Slightly Higher, More Closing Down, Stay on Feet, Exploit Left Flank, Exploit Right Flank, Whipped Crosses

Players with PI's:

SK(d): tackle harder, roll it out

WB(a): stay wider

CD(d): Mark Tighter

WB(s): stay wider, cross more often

RMP(s): more risky passes

CM(a): shoot less often, roam from position, pass it shorter, move into channels

DLF(s): move into channels

The Team Shape i'm using is Flexible, mainly because i once read someone said "in case of doubt, go with flexible" :D

I'm just curious to know, if you were playing with this tactic, what team shape would you choose.

In my current save, i'm playing with Benfica, and things are going pretty well.

First season, won the league and cup, and reach the first knockout phase in Champions league (lost to Arsenal).

Second season, mid December, currently first in the league and already qualify for the first knockout phase, first in my group (with Real Madrid, Monaco and Lazio).

I'm very happy with my team, playing nice football and winning most games (78% win ratio), so the question is not related with poor results, or not being happy with the football i see in the matches.

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Because this is the stupid questions thread, here goes one:

If you were playing with this tactic, what team shape would you choose?







Mentality: Control

TI's: D-Line Slightly Higher, More Closing Down, Stay on Feet, Exploit Left Flank, Exploit Right Flank, Whipped Crosses

Players with PI's:

SK(d): tackle harder, roll it out

WB(a): stay wider

CD(d): Mark Tighter

WB(s): stay wider, cross more often

RMP(s): more risky passes

CM(a): shoot less often, roam from position, pass it shorter, move into channels

DLF(s): move into channels

The Team Shape i'm using is Flexible, mainly because i once read someone said "in case of doubt, go with flexible" :D

I'm just curious to know, if you were playing with this tactic, what team shape would you choose.

In my current save, i'm playing with Benfica, and things are going pretty well.

First season, won the league and cup, and reach the first knockout phase in Champions league (lost to Arsenal).

Second season, mid December, currently first in the league and already qualify for the first knockout phase, first in my group (with Real Madrid, Monaco and Lazio).

I'm very happy with my team, playing nice football and winning most games (78% win ratio), so the question is not related with poor results, or not being happy with the football i see in the matches.

not an answer but another question is it okay to have two people on roam from positon in midfield, i have a box 2 box nd next to him a AP but since i don't like the fact the AP has shoot less on i was gonna change it to RP but though two roamers would lead to problems.

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not an answer but another question is it okay to have two people on roam from positon in midfield, i have a box 2 box nd next to him a AP but since i don't like the fact the AP has shoot less on i was gonna change it to RP but though two roamers would lead to problems.

I guess it depends on your tactic and the roles of the others players.

In my case, i don't have any problem having the CM(a) and the RPM roaming from position, because i have the DM(d) to hold the midfield and also, and perhaps the more important, my AP(s) will drop deep and cut inside, so he will play almost like another central midfielder.

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Here's my main question, i have Jordan Cousins who's good but now he's reached 24 this month nearly all his attributes went down 0.2? why is this surely he hasn't maxed out s early and if he has why the decrease?

Nothing to worry about- that is normal and happens over the course of the season. You will see times that most will go up a .1 or .2 also. After another training month or so you should see it stabilize. It reflects the effects of a season- a minor injury, fatigue etc. If you see some small drops at the same time you see an increase elsewhere in attributes, it likely means that he has reached his full ability so that when one something goes up, something must come down.

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Hello everyone,

after scouting a player all his attribute are not precise. What a reason of that? Lack of determination of scout? Lack of time? Both? Something else?

And another question, how to spectate another game, say, game of next opponent.

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Hello everyone,

after scouting a player all his attribute are not precise. What a reason of that? Lack of determination of scout? Lack of time? Both? Something else?

You've not scouted him enough, do it again.

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Nothing to worry about- that is normal and happens over the course of the season. You will see times that most will go up a .1 or .2 also. After another training month or so you should see it stabilize. It reflects the effects of a season- a minor injury, fatigue etc. If you see some small drops at the same time you see an increase elsewhere in attributes, it likely means that he has reached his full ability so that when one something goes up, something must come down.

yea is the player who i've overplayed due to not really having cover in his position, so that's probably it.


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Hi, is there a way to make sure a certain player get picked for my reserve and youth teams? for the youth team they seem to be factoring in (relative) experience or more likely age but basically playing players id' prefer not to be played. or i guess they are playing some player with a bit better current attributes when i know they aren't gonna' make it so i'd prefer them just to focus on high potential players.

part two relating to what i just asked i have a youth player who has good rating for his age but the coaches/scouts only rate him one and a half/ two for potential so not high enough in that regard but since he is young is there a chance of the potential star rating to increase significantly? or is it really just the high potential star player who have a chance of breakng through to the other side.

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Hi, is there a way to make sure a certain player get picked for my reserve and youth teams? for the youth team they seem to be factoring in (relative) experience or more likely age but basically playing players id' prefer not to be played. or i guess they are playing some player with a bit better current attributes when i know they aren't gonna' make it so i'd prefer them just to focus on high potential players.

Reduce the size of your Youth squad. Youth team managers can rotate players so that everyone gets game time, so the smaller your squad the more likely certain players are to play.

part two relating to what i just asked i have a youth player who has good rating for his age but the coaches/scouts only rate him one and a half/ two for potential so not high enough in that regard but since he is young is there a chance of the potential star rating to increase significantly? or is it really just the high potential star player who have a chance of breakng through to the other side.

That's the beauty of youth development - you're never quite sure what you're going to get. The only way to know for certain is to develop players, and if they don't achieve quite the heights you want, you sell them.

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2 questions:

1. everything else being equal, am I correct in thinking that a CM support theoretically guarantees a better defensive shape than a CM defend (whom has close down more by default), especially given a Fluid team shape?

2. can I get a lone striker (CFs) to consistently track back to form a 4-men cage with an AM and two CM without using man marking instructions?

For reference,


4-4-1-1 Asymmetric ST (CL)



Push Higher Up

Use Offside Trap


SKd (Roll it Out, Distribute to Centre Backs)

2 x CDd

2 x WBs (Stay Wider)


CMs (Hold Position, Dribble Less)

2 x WMa (Sit Narrower)



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What's considered a 'key pass'? By the me? And what do they indicate in terms of relating to an effective tactic

Key Pass is "the final pass or pass-cum-shot leading to the recipient of the ball having an attempt at goal without scoring. On their own as an isolated stat they tell you nothing about your system really.

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1. everything else being equal, am I correct in thinking that a CM support theoretically guarantees a better defensive shape than a CM defend (whom has close down more by default), especially given a Fluid team shape?

Why does it guarantee a better defensive shape? It depends what the player has to do during the game that will determine if he keeps his shape or not, it will be different every game based on the formations you play and the players he is responsible for marking. Just because he closes down more doesn't mean he will lose his shape because it depends in what shape you use him and whom he has to pick up during the game that will determine that.

2. can I get a lone striker (CFs) to consistently track back to form a 4-men cage with an AM and two CM without using man marking instructions?

Not when you play a high mentality and use a high line no. As you're instructing them to play higher up the pitch. If you want them deeper then use a lower mentality structure or think about going strikerless.

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language courses, a strange thing happened one of my players just completed the course to basic English but then my assistant told me o could send him on another one right away to get it better, what i don't get on the same day another player completed the course to basic but the option to send him on another course is not there?

Any one know why this is?


2 completely not related my first question but it seems to me that when i have it on slightly narrower rather than balanced or slightly wider i actually get alot more crosses in or atleast score from more, i'd guess it's due to more space opening up on the wings? So is this possible or does it sound unlikely?


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Why does it guarantee a better defensive shape? It depends what the player has to do during the game that will determine if he keeps his shape or not, it will be different every game based on the formations you play and the players he is responsible for marking. Just because he closes down more doesn't mean he will lose his shape because it depends in what shape you use him and whom he has to pick up during the game that will determine that.

First of all, thank you for taking the time to reply, it's greatly appreciated :)

See this video from 2:34 to 3:12:

EDIT: same video dubbed in English, from 14:50 to 15:30:

Ideally I want this kind of pressing, which has players forming an orderly line, keeping shape and taking turns to press in their zone rather than ganging up on the opponent ball carrier.

Now, I would play the asymmetric 4-4-1-1 described at the end of the previous post (or going strikerless as you suggested), unless up against an equal/better team using a trequartista (in which case I'd switch to 4-1-4-1 with the CMs withdrawn to HBd/AMd and the SSa to CMa).

Hence, *in theory*, the midfield pair would have to pick up another midfield pair (if up against a flat 3 midfield the SSa would have to man mark the third man), not someone between the lines. And, in this 2 vs 2, I don't want them to both close down on the same man, leaving the other one free. This is the defensive rationale (which might very well be flawed :p) for shunning the CMd and his "close down more", as I fear he'd do just that.

(I also find the CMd a bit too withdrawn when in possession, and that's why I originally switched to a CMs holding position, but that's beside the point here.)

I mean, from the friendlies I ran the tactic seems to work fine. But I'd love to understand if the theory behind it is solid too, or if it's just a fluke.

Not when you play a high mentality and use a high line no. As you're instructing them to play higher up the pitch. If you want them deeper then use a lower mentality structure or think about going strikerless.

Strikerless is a great call! Was thinking about it, but short on personnel. Do you reckon a TQa to be the best replacement for a CFs? Or an AMs modified to mimic the CFs role (sacrificing which one between "dribble more" and "hold up ball"?)?

Thanks again.

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Looking for some advice for my midfield trio in a 4-1-2-3 DM formation, I like to have the DMC sit in front of the DC to protect while the WB attack the wings, I also like to see an attacking threat from one of the MC the other I like to float around and offer himself as a passing option. Now the roles I am currently using are

AP(S) - CM(A)


Would people say these are the optimum roles or can better suggestions be offered? Thanks.

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Sometimes a basic one is enough but in other cases players might need to go on an extra course because they're struggling to adapt to the language and learn it.

so if the an extra language course is offered, he's probably adapting less then the other player on basic English who a second course isn't offered to?

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does height have any in game relevance on it's own or does it just effect the potential of jumping reach?

and is there a max for certain heights to a certain attribute as the players often seem to complain that it's a waist of time when i train them at jumping reach, and it generally seems like a hard attribute to raise.

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does height have any in game relevance on it's own or does it just effect the potential of jumping reach?

and is there a max for certain heights to a certain attribute as the players often seem to complain that it's a waist of time when i train them at jumping reach, and it generally seems like a hard attribute to raise.

A) Jumping reach is the highest point a player can get his head in the air.

B) If two players have the same "Jumping Reach" their heads can reach the same point in the air even if one is much shorter.

C) The player makes a decision during play if he needs to jump to reach an aerial ball, if he decides he does jumping reach is used, if not height is used.

D) A players jumping reach cannot exceed his height i.e Physical height limits how high the Jumping Reach attribute can be. An example, a 5'10" player can never have a Jumping Reach above 10, but a 6'9" player can get a maximum of 20.

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Looking for some advice for my midfield trio in a 4-1-2-3 DM formation, I like to have the DMC sit in front of the DC to protect while the WB attack the wings, I also like to see an attacking threat from one of the MC the other I like to float around and offer himself as a passing option. Now the roles I am currently using are

AP(S) - CM(A)


Would people say these are the optimum roles or can better suggestions be offered? Thanks.

There are no optimum settings because its all relative to what you are creating and the behaviors you want from the player. On paper majority of things look fine, the only way to really tell is to play a game and see how the players you have and their attributes play the roles given to them.

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There are no optimum settings because its all relative to what you are creating and the behaviors you want from the player. On paper majority of things look fine, the only way to really tell is to play a game and see how the players you have and their attributes play the roles given to them.

Thanks for reply.

Really dumb question now, but what is the difference from the DLP(S) and the AP(S)? I can see the DLP has hold position as a PI, hold position, so I assume that means he sits further back and doesn't venture that much forward, I've tried both roles and watching a game but I can't see any difference, I'm not blaming the game here I'm 100% certain it is my inability to spot these things.

Also CM(A) and BBM(S) pretty much same type of role but BBM(S) offers more defensive support?

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Does the team width setting affect shape with the ball, without the ball or both?

With the ball only. It does affect defending indirectly as it'll take a little longer for the wide men to come narrower and defend. It's not something I spend much time thinking about. It's on the ball that is directly affected.

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Team Shape??

i'm having trouble getting an understanding of team shape, it seems on fluid my strikers get abit isolated (i play 3-5-2) so they are in that half alone but i'd of thought from reading the description that fluid would get the midfielders and WB's to join in more? while on structured i don't seem to have this problem. basically on structured my strikers score nearly all the goals while on fluid every one chips in but the strikers get isolated, so can some one give me any explaination if this seems right or not?


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Team Shape??

i'm having trouble getting an understanding of team shape, it seems on fluid my strikers get abit isolated (i play 3-5-2) so they are in that half alone but i'd of thought from reading the description that fluid would get the midfielders and WB's to join in more? while on structured i don't seem to have this problem. basically on structured my strikers score nearly all the goals while on fluid every one chips in but the strikers get isolated, so can some one give me any explaination if this seems right or not?


Flexible seems to be making a big difference to alot more than movement,

so i though changing team shape from flexible to fluid would basically mean my defenders get more involved up front etc but not that much more, but in the few games i've scored it a WB nd 2 mid's have scored while on flexible as i've hd it on since start a couple of seasons my striker scored nearly all the goals. so this is obviously a good thing (gotta work out what the downside in this aspect is to balance it) (answers would be nice).

but what has suprised me is when i change it to fluid the player in the 3d match basically start to way cooler looking passed curling it round the defenders, quick one two, te few goals i've scored in fluid just look so much cooler, basically on flexible they mostly came from crosses from WB but with fluid (again short time) al sort of cool looking goals. again i need to work out the down side (i guess in this case it's losing the ball trying fancy football).

so if anyone could explain it'd be great, is all this fun football i'm watching the same as if i had creative freedom on or is that different again.


More Fluid systems add individual player creativity, and make the team play in a more compact manner.

More Structured systems reduce individual player creativity, and spread the team out more.

Essentially that's all there is to Team Shape.

Thanks, wish said that in the descriptions? it makes it sound like fluid is similar to roam from positions.

Already answered?

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What part of the description given in the game would make you think that?

Also have to consider that team shape is only one part of your overall system, get the role or player choices wrong & you could end up with behaviours that you didn't anticipate.

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I'm trying to make a "english style" football. I choice Aston Villa because of their targets mans (Gestede and Kozak).

Any tips to:

1. force my wingers to dribble more?

2. force wingers and fb to cross more?

My wingers avr dribble is around 3. Adama Traore who got PPM "Run with ball down right" got almost 5 avr. It's far away from my expectations. Im trying to make space for them by plying wide, and exploit the flanks. Is this good TI for this? or i misunderstand te "exploit the flanks" TI, and my team will build up play on the wings from deep?

About my 2 issue: I understand when I give up possesion, my opponents got more time with the ball and more chances to cross the ball, but its strange that a possesion based teams with lone striker without any jumping reach usually made more crosses than me. Any option to rise amount of crosses, without possesion?

3. what mentallity and shape will suit my goals best and why?

thanks for reply.

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I'm trying to make a "english style" football. I choice Aston Villa because of their targets mans (Gestede and Kozak).

Any tips to:

1. force my wingers to dribble more?

2. force wingers and fb to cross more?

My wingers avr dribble is around 3. Adama Traore who got PPM "Run with ball down right" got almost 5 avr. It's far away from my expectations. Im trying to make space for them by plying wide, and exploit the flanks. Is this good TI for this? or i misunderstand te "exploit the flanks" TI, and my team will build up play on the wings from deep?

About my 2 issue: I understand when I give up possesion, my opponents got more time with the ball and more chances to cross the ball, but its strange that a possesion based teams with lone striker without any jumping reach usually made more crosses than me. Any option to rise amount of crosses, without possesion?

3. what mentallity and shape will suit my goals best and why?

thanks for reply.

These are things you should be deciding in my opinion in regards to mentality and shape. What formation are you using as fundamentals? What player roles? You won't get the maximum effect of flank play if your formation and roles doesn't suit it.

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I tried also support roles for wingers and/or fullbacks

I think poacher is bad idea, because he's usually too high up the pitch, on the other side I don't want my "little man" to help us build up, I'd rather to see something like Heskey-Owen partnership; but anyway its not the main problem.

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does height have any in game relevance on it's own or does it just effect the potential of jumping reach?

and is there a max for certain heights to a certain attribute as the players often seem to complain that it's a waist of time when i train them at jumping reach, and it generally seems like a hard attribute to raise.

Height dictates whether a player will have chest, head or jump to head the ball when it's off the ground. Fellaini will take a First Touch on his chest what Leon Britton will have to use his Jumping Reach to get to.

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have i broken team talks?

this is my first save and i started team talks i would use calm, then that stopped working so used passionate now that stopped working nd used assertive and now that hardly get any effect but calm nd passionate still don't either (i'm near the end of year 3) so how do people keep their team talks having an effect and is their anything i can do or do i use cautios etc but then after a couple more years have 0 team talks work?

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Sounds like you've been trying to game the system by using what guides claim are the optimum teamtalk options, you shouldn't be using the same tone or content match after match. One match might require a calm approach while the very next match might be better to use an assertive tone bit had the previously match gone differently it could be better to go with any of the other tone options.

You've also skipped past my last post, why did you come the conclusion you did on fluid = more compact, if people can understand how you're reaching your conclusions it would really help in helping you but as I & others have mentioned before the best way to learn is to play FM, make mistakes, step back & attempt to come to your own conclusion where you might have gone wrong & think of a different approach for next time, rinse & repeat a number of times until to get better at managing a team or decide that after a couple of seasons it's time to seek help.

Personally I think you're placing far too much trust in various guides while not reading the in-game/on-line manual descriptions & are looking for immediate 100% guaranteed strategies when in truth none exist, everything is based on context & what works for a top of the table team in England might not work for a lower league club in Brazil so being able to learn from your own mistakes will be a huge help to you, at the very least when asking a question consider what you think is the answer & include that as a secondary question.

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i just thought i'd be a calm manager who'd use passion occasionally at the start but since they stopped having any effect i had to use assertive, after say 5 seasons surelly any team talk would do nothing?

for the last thing it just seems when i use fluid my strikers get worse ratings and involved less nd i can't work out why as since i play 5-3-2 (strikers on their own) 'd of though fluid would be a good idea. i'm having trouble what ever is seem to do my players seem to go route one to my strikers even with short passing play out of defence, low temp they still boot it up to them, i'm actually doing really well i just don't know why,

i agree i'm not vert patiant.

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i just thought i'd be a calm manager who'd use passion occasionally at the start but since they stopped having any effect i had to use assertive, after say 5 seasons surelly any team talk would do nothing?

for the last thing it just seems when i use fluid my strikers get worse ratings and involved less nd i can't work out why as since i play 5-3-2 (strikers on their own) 'd of though fluid would be a good idea. i'm having trouble what ever is seem to do my players seem to go route one to my strikers even with short passing play out of defence, low temp they still boot it up to them, i'm actually doing really well i just don't know why,

i agree i'm not vert patiant.

First part, there are too many variables to simply use the same team talk all of the time. Your personality and rep, player personalities, club expectations, your opponent, and so on. Even using the same (or similar) actual talk can have a negative effect as players will find repetitive phrases used uninteresting.

Second part, you'd need to post full details of your tactical system if you need help understanding why your players are going route one to strikers. Or you may just be using a Target Man.

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all i'm saying for season one i generally used calm then passionate for certain events, but now even after not using calm or passion for over a years i still get no response, so i'm asking in long term saves how do people get any response as it seems to me the club/team will be used to every option.

(hardly any of the players are the same as in season one but calm still get no response, basically new signing arrive with the condition of ressiliant to calm etc from over use when it's first team talk)

so if you are carful and mix calm, passionate, cautious and all the of them they still have an effect?

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all i'm saying for season one i generally used calm then passionate for certain events, but now even after not using calm or passion for over a years i still get no response, so i'm asking in long term saves how do people get any response as it seems to me the club/team will be used to every option.

(hardly any of the players are the same as in season one but calm still get no response, basically new signing arrive with the condition of ressiliant to calm etc from over use when it's first team talk)

so if you are carful and mix calm, passionate, cautious and all the of them they still have an effect?

As I said above, there are a lot of variables.

For example:

1) You set yourself as a Sunday League rep manager, managing Watford and you are bottom of the league after 15 games. Assertively telling players you expect a win against Chelsea might not get you a good reaction.

2) You set yourself as an ex-International footballer, managing Chelsea and you are top after 15 games. Cautiously telling the team to go out and enjoy themselves as nobody expects a win when you are playing bottom of the league Watford may also not get you a good reaction.

There are too many variables involved to say xyz talk and tone will work. You just need to apply a bit of common sense and logic when taking team talks, bearing in mind your own avatar, your players' opinions of you, who your team is, who they are playing, where you are in the league and so on. Experiment.

Or just employ somebody with high motivational skills and let them take your team talk for you*.

* Disclaimer: Results may vary, use at own risk.

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