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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Stupid Question

FM11 and before you used to get an end of season summary detailing best buys, worst buys, over and under achievers etc

Is this not in FM12 or have I just missed the news item?

You missed the news item. You can always find it at World > e.g. England > Season Summary.

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Hi fm-maniacs, i'm new to the game and i'm confused about roam from postion and move into channels.What is the difference and what is the advantages of each one?

Move into channels encourages players to move wide, but not too wide (wide players may also be encouraged to move in-field, but not too much). The channel is between DC & FB in a flat back 4. It is generally used for attackers, not sure it will have too much of an effect for central midfielders and it doesn't really seem to affect defenders at all (you can't get your 2 CB's to move wide when in possession as Barca - and others - employ in real-life).

Roam from position (or you might here it called a free role) will do what it says on the tin, it will encourage players to move away from their formational position. As the Run From Deep instruction works in the vertical plane it is safe to assume that the Roam From Position instruction works in the horizontal plane but it is more complex than this in reality. Players who are encouraged to roam may pop up anywhere although you won't usually see drastic moves from position (such as a midfield playmaker dropping right into the defensive line to collect the ball). You will see some pretty complex examples of unpredictability though, especially when linked with high creative freedom. My AMR will frequently line up next to my FC for example which is usually great.

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Move into channels encourages players to move wide, but not too wide (wide players may also be encouraged to move in-field, but not too much). The channel is between DC & FB in a flat back 4. It is generally used for attackers, not sure it will have too much of an effect for central midfielders and it doesn't really seem to affect defenders at all (you can't get your 2 CB's to move wide when in possession as Barca - and others - employ in real-life).

Roam from position (or you might here it called a free role) will do what it says on the tin, it will encourage players to move away from their formational position. As the Run From Deep instruction works in the vertical plane it is safe to assume that the Roam From Position instruction works in the horizontal plane but it is more complex than this in reality. Players who are encouraged to roam may pop up anywhere although you won't usually see drastic moves from position (such as a midfield playmaker dropping right into the defensive line to collect the ball). You will see some pretty complex examples of unpredictability though, especially when linked with high creative freedom. My AMR will frequently line up next to my FC for example which is usually great.

As far as I know creative freedom acts as a modifier to the flair attribute which, again, as far as I know has no impact on off the ball movement. So upping CF is most likely to affect

- passing length slider

- through ball setting

- long shots setting

....as far as I know (once more for the triple :D)

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As far as I know creative freedom acts as a modifier to the flair attribute which, again, as far as I know has no impact on off the ball movement. So upping CF is most likely to affect

- passing length slider

- through ball setting

- long shots setting

....as far as I know (once more for the triple :D)

Interesting viewpoint, and one I have heard before. But it implies that a tactical slider is affected by only one attribute which is highly unlikely. Flair is an odd attribute anyway. I might be wrong of course but my players with higher CF also exhibit greater movement away from formational position as well as it affecting everything you've said but I see it as a license to ignore tactical instructions rather than modify them. I've written a little more about it here (look for the picture with the circles around the players!).

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Anyone know why my scouts are not able to scout certain countries some of the time? I know that they can go to these countries because I can see in their scouting history.. Is there an enforced minimum wait between scouting the same country twice?


Hey, shameless bump of previous question! Just can't work this out - and I am sure it is a stupid question and therefore very much on-topic! Thanks in advance

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Question: Why is it that scouts who are assigned to scout a country he is very familiar with, only carry out the scouting assignment for 1 day? Is it because they are so awesome and familiar with the country that 1 day is all he takes? Seems unlikely because he will usually only generally a small number of reports e.g. 3 for England, and they are sometimes quite terrible. Is there someway to force a scout familiar with a country to carry out a full scouting assignment?

Thanks in advance!

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I have a question regarding loaning a young player out for experience.

In terms of improving stats would there be much of difference sending him to a Championship team rather than a League 1 team. To expand - will the said player's stats increase more by playing in a higher division if he plays pretty much the same amount of games, or does the league he plays in not really matter?

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The higher star rated the competition the better, the more games he plays the better, the higher ratings he gets the better.

Not all of these may be possible at the same time. He may get better ratings a level lower, it's up to you to judge if this balances against playing a lower standard of football. I'm not aware of any in-depth testing of ratings vs level of league as regards ability improvement.

EDIT : I forgot one, I've seen people suggesting that the loan club having a manager with a high "Working with youngsters" stat is also helpful, I don't know if that's true, but it sounds reasonable.

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First tutoring option teaches PPM's and the second one improves mental and hidden attributes?

I would like to know the answer to this as well.

Again, does this mean that a Senior team member needs to tutor a youngster twice, to get give the youngster both PPMs possessed and Mental/Hidden attributs improvements?

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Stupid question.

I like to play 442 and of my first choice midfielders, 1 has a preferred role of DLP and the two wingers (who play in the AMR/L positions) both have Advanced Playmaker as their preferred role. Should I play 1, 2 or all of them as 'playmakers' and what are the pro's and con's of this. My preference (rightly or wrongly) is for the DLP to have the role ans just move the wide players to Wingers.

Thoughts, help appreciated.

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I need help with many tactical issues but the one that I really need to sort is how to get my team to play balls through the opposition defence and have one of my strikers run in behind to tuck it away.

As I generally play as Celtic I suspect the problem is that the opposition tighten right up at the back which means my midfield can't pass the ball through but on the odd occassion that they do the forward doesn't bother his arse to move.


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I guess this is the right place for this, so...... How do I see the effects of training on FM12? There was a tick box on FM11 if I remember rightly but can not seem to find it on this version?

It's still in the same place on a players profile page in the top right.

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My (only) attacker, always, meets up with the teammate who takes the throw in. Really anoying as he should move on forward and on offensive throw ins be in the box, not out of it when the crosses comes.

Ive tried to set him on forward, outside of the box and on the rear post, but nothing makes any difference.

I already got three or four other players that meets up at the throw in, and there are players available, so he's not needed.

Help please.

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My question seems incredibly stupid so I guess this is the place to ask it.

I'm trying to download a tactic (Brobs 4-1-2-3 to be specific) but my computer apparently can't download it, something about not having the right program installed. What would I have to download/install/do differently to actually download any future tactics?


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My question seems incredibly stupid so I guess this is the place to ask it.

I'm trying to download a tactic (Brobs 4-1-2-3 to be specific) but my computer apparently can't download it, something about not having the right program installed. What would I have to download/install/do differently to actually download any future tactics?


It'll be a .tac file. You don't need to open it, just save it into your tactics folder then import via the game.

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A word of warning, the old tactic bug from FM11 is still here. Be careful when you swap to a new tactic, make sure you add it as a new one first, not simply replace the old one, or you might have wrong team/player instructions set!

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Hi, when i go to start a new game it always says performance rating is half a star! I have a decent laptop and can't understand why it says this, does anyone know a reason why it would be doing this?


Star system rating is flawed, so don't take it seriously.

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Should i tick ur untick the counter button, as I play a 4-5-1 with a low defensive line? One of the wingers is fast, but the other one and my attacker isn't (if this mathers).


That is pretty much your personal preference TBF. I always have it ticked on 'Yes'.

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guys i have 1 question for you!

if we have in team instruction selected using playmaker and then in playmaker box dont choose player, what a impact will this have in game??

i hope you understand what i mean!

The role a player plays and the "assign player as playmaker" option have absolutely nothing to do with one another. You can have a tactic with 5 players in a playmaking role and no player assigned as playmaker and it would work perfectly fine. You can also have one of them ticked as playmaker and the only difference would be that everyone will try to pass the ball to him more often which can give the assigned playmaker more possession.

I would only use the "assign playmaker" option in the team instructions when I have one player that is a lot better in the playmaking department (passing, creativity, technique, decisions) than the rest of the squad. The reason being that I want to feed the ball to him so he can start a move. If I have no stand out playmaker in the squad or several players all being very good in that area I won't assign a dedicated playmaker and instead keep all options open in terms of passing. This will make your play less one dimensional and less vulnerable (if the playmaker gets dominated your players will still try to feed the ball to him instead of trying other options).

Right now I have 3 or 4 players that have a "playmaker" role and I have non assigned as dedicated playmaker.

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How do I get my players to tackle the opponent instead of running around like headless chickens? The AI tackles plenty (successfully, I might add), whilst my players... not so much.

You can try a few different things. You can switch to hard tackling which will increase the amount of sliding tackles, play with a higher mentality so your players play more aggressively or increase closing down.

Tackling is not always a good thing by the way. If you tackle more and more aggressively this will give you more possession but it also leads to more cards and can lead to very dangerous situations when the tackle goes wrong or the opposing player dodges the tackle. For a solid defense it's often better to stay on your feet instead of taking a risk and going in for the tackle

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Got a question!

Is there a way to force cap the playing time of the game, like at an hour?

far too scared im going to get addicted and throw my degree out the window.

im still on the 2011 game


I don't think there is. Your best options would be setting an alarm or going into parental control on your PC or something (don't know if it exists but I seem to recollect something like this) in your configurations panel and setting a timer on the PC itself. This would probably just shut down your PC after an hour so not the most elegant option. It's probably best to set an alarm and reward yourself if you play less or something. Hope things work out with your degree!

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Got a question!

Is there a way to force cap the playing time of the game, like at an hour?

far too scared im going to get addicted and throw my degree out the window.

im still on the 2011 game


Try making a note with a reminder every two ingame days:


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