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I'm sorry if this has been asked before but, how do you determine your team philosophy in classic mode?(rigid,balanced,fluid.etc) Usually I just start the tactic in the newer mode and change it there then proceed to go to classic mode but I've never actually known if that works.

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I'm sorry if this has been asked before but, how do you determine your team philosophy in classic mode?(rigid,balanced,fluid.etc) Usually I just start the tactic in the newer mode and change it there then proceed to go to classic mode but I've never actually known if that works.

Philosophy changes the settings to relative Mentalities and Creative Freedom - and puts Counter Attack on for some of the philosophies, other than that it doesn't do anything specific (unless it works a bit like the Playmaker Roles which sets a playmaker for you automatically, in that case there isn't a button of it.)

So if you want a fluid formation in classic you'd make your attackers less attacking and your defenders more attacking, while a rigid formation would have the defenders more defensive. Balanced would make the DC's defensive while the FB's would be more attacking etc

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In previous FM's you could see if a player was acting over confident in the warm up and tailor what you say to them depending on what was said (e.g you expect a performance from them), I can't seem to find this in FM2012. Anyone know if this is still in the game?

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In previous FM's you could see if a player was acting over confident in the warm up and tailor what you say to them depending on what was said (e.g you expect a performance from them), I can't seem to find this in FM2012. Anyone know if this is still in the game?

During a game you can see by using the tv view then clicking match day info and selecting squad motivation widget.

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Could someone explain what "run from deep" means, what positions is it wise to use this for and which is it a no no for?

It's just forward runs the players make without the ball but while your team has possession.

Runs from Deep

This slider controls how often your players make forward runs without the ball. ‘Often’ will see the player push into attacking positions and attempt to get by their marker – for wide players and full-backs this will increase the likelihood of overlapping runs. ‘Rarely’ will order the players to stand their ground and attempt to play their way through or around an opponent rather than going past them

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Could someone explain what "run from deep" means, what positions is it wise to use this for and which is it a no no for?

it all depends. If you're looking to overload the opposition, a lot of runs can be advisable. If you're building slowly, fewer runs can do the trick. You can mix and match according to your style and the skills of your players, or the lack of skill in certain areas of the opposition.

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So if you play a short control passing game, it would be wise to have fewer people who have have "forward runs" to "Often", so they stay back and participate ind the buildup.

And if you play more direct it would be wise to have more people set to "often" so they are higher up the field?

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So if you play a short control passing game, it would be wise to have fewer people who have have "forward runs" to "Often", so they stay back and participate ind the buildup.

And if you play more direct it would be wise to have more people set to "often" so they are higher up the field?

I was not referring to the passing game, though that is of slight importance too, but more your general strategy and style of play. But in general, you're right.

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I was not referring to the passing game, though that is of slight importance too, but more your general strategy and style of play. But in general, you're right.

Ok tanks, i have some major trouble with my wingers, maybe someone could help me with that, because i tried everything.

i play a 4-5-1- (DL-DC-DC-DR-DM-MCL-MCR-WGL-WGR-SC)as you can see my wingers just bombs forward and stay there and gets mark tight, so they are out of the build up


This is how i would like it to be, that way they can stil parcipitate in the buildup, but i trid using IF and normal wingers, stick to the edge of the field, and low creative freedom, bu they all end up like in the first picture.


Also how do you get your wingers(AMR/L) to get back when my team is not in possesion, they just stand up field and not pressing or anything

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You could have your wingers on support role (or manually tunde down their 'run from deep' instructions) this works best because your wingers will either be closed down less, or else have space to run into if the oppositions full backs do decide to close them down. Hug touchline seems something important for you to achieve wat you want, though I would use coutner strategy for them to actually beat the defensive line with a cross.

As for the defense, try to let them mark the oppositions full backs or wingers (dependign on the situation). You'll have to give them soecifick (in match) instrutions to do this. It helped me a lot with my 4231 formation.

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Is there any way to stop mail appearing between the overview and team selection clicks? I find it really irritating and I am one of those people who has to click them before moving on. For instance every other match I get a message from a coach reminding me that my match preparation is good/needs work/great (depending on the time in the season). Why does this have to pop up when I am already looking at the team selection screen?!

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Newbie Q: Understanding ability stars v average rating.

As a new player to the game I don't yet understand the relationship between star ratings for players and the numerical rating.

If I have a player with one star and a player with five stars and they both come off the field with a rating of 6.0 does this mean: (A) That they both played as well as each other or (B) that each played a 6 according to their own abilities such that Mr Five Star still radically outplayed Mr One Star?

I find both answers A & B to come with their own problems.

If A is correct, then I'm surprised by the ratings the players are getting: the lower starred players seem to be holding up very well against those players with supposedly far better skill.

If B is correct then clearly I have a lot of mental thought to apply when I look at my players average ratings, as I need to factor in their ability rather than just think "oh, OK, Smith with rating 7 is playing better than Jones with rating 5 this season".

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The number ratings are how well someone played.

The ability stars are just how well the staff at your club rate them in terms of potential and current ability.

A 1 star player can be as good as a 5 star player if he has the right attributes for how you are playing him.

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OK. So the answer is a definite (A).

Hmm. I am surprised. I don't see myself as in any way good enough at this game yet to make a one star play as well as a five star with any decisions I'm making! I guess I'm just lucky so far.

Edit: Whoops! I forgot to say "thank you". I was raised to know better.

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OK. So the answer is a definite (A).

Hmm. I am surprised. I don't see myself as in any way good enough at this game yet to make a one star play as well as a five star with any decisions I'm making! I guess I'm just lucky so far.

Edit: Whoops! I forgot to say "thank you". I was raised to know better.

The star ratings aren't really connected to playing though.

The ‘Position Strength’ sub-tab goes into greater detail for each playing position and lists everyone in your squad who can potentially play in a given position, again with their competency in the form of a star rating. The ‘Show Filters’ button allows you to streamline or increase the number of players who appear on these lists (for example, you can include youth and reserve team players).

Simply click on a position on the graphical pitch display to see who can play there in order of best fit. To change the member of staff who compiles this part of the report, navigate to the ‘Squad depth compiled by:’ drop-down menu and select accordingly from the list of available staff.

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OK. So the answer is a definite (A).

Hmm. I am surprised. I don't see myself as in any way good enough at this game yet to make a one star play as well as a five star with any decisions I'm making! I guess I'm just lucky so far.

Edit: Whoops! I forgot to say "thank you". I was raised to know better.

It would be rare that a 1 star player equals a 5 star player, unless he is developped with great care. the star rating is the opinion a member of your staff gives to a player based on two hidden attributes: Current Ability and Potential Ability. The first determines how many points a player has in all his attributes. The match engine only uses attributes though, so if a player has all the correct attributes for a given position, he will play better in given position and role than a player that doesn't. So, a badly developped 5 star player can be worse at playing somewhere than a less well rounded, better developped player. This is most common in defenders, where a 2 star player can be a very good Limited Defender.

You can make players with less CA play good, but you'll have to assign them to duties they 're best at, wich is more difficult than playing a player with higher ability.

It's nice to see some politeness amaongst forum members. ;)

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Not really a tactical question, but did not want to open a thread just for this.

What kind of players should you ask to become scouts, i just tried asking Gerrard and Carragher but they think i was wrong.

Ask in General mate, this thread is for tactics and training questions only.

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Oh, just remembered a question of my own. I took a player on a trial. But it tells me he is ineligible for the league and cup games I've had to play so far. Would he only be allowed to play in friendlies and reserve games? If so, I'm in mid-season and really don't want any friendlies and I have no reserve team. I guess I have made a silly mistake and should not have taken him on?

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Thanks, J. Hmmm. What is the best way out of this embarrassing situation? Just let the trial period lapse and instruct everyone at the club never to mention this happening? I feel rather sorry for the player. Is there any way to make things up to him? We haven't got much money... but just out of interest is it possible to just give a player £50 for no reason other than profound embarrassment. "Sorry kid, here's £50... please don't tell any journalists what an idiot I am."

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Thanks, J. Hmmm. What is the best way out of this embarrassing situation? Just let the trial period lapse and instruct everyone at the club never to mention this happening? I feel rather sorry for the player. Is there any way to make things up to him? We haven't got much money... but just out of interest is it possible to just give a player £50 for no reason other than profound embarrassment. "Sorry kid, here's £50... please don't tell any journalists what an idiot I am."

This is the tactics forum and this thread is for tactics and training questions only not random ones :)

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Hi. I'm not sure if this has been answered before, but I have not really seen an answer for this. If I play a tactic and then look at match preparation, then how well my players know the tactic depends on whether or not my default is set to counter , control, etc. Thus in order for my team to be fluid in a certain tactic in counter, control and attack, I have to have them train all three. But then I cannot have three sets of tactics for new formation, pressing etc, and train counter control and attack for that at the same time. How do you go about this problem? Does fluidity not matter for in match changes ?

Thanks in advance.

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Good Evening guys. My questions is regarding marking the forward which runs out wide. I play quite a high pressing game usually. So my fullbacks like to close down their winger early on, however what then happens is their striker comes out wide into the space vacated by my pressing right back, allowing the opposition a simple pass into him, in a dangerous area.

How best would you go about dealing with this. I like to enforce Zonal Marking as I don't really want players to be pulled out of position, but here when there is no one in the centre would it be wise to let the centre back go wide with the striker.

Not really sure how to deal with this issue.


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Hi. I'm not sure if this has been answered before, but I have not really seen an answer for this. If I play a tactic and then look at match preparation, then how well my players know the tactic depends on whether or not my default is set to counter , control, etc. Thus in order for my team to be fluid in a certain tactic in counter, control and attack, I have to have them train all three. But then I cannot have three sets of tactics for new formation, pressing etc, and train counter control and attack for that at the same time. How do you go about this problem? Does fluidity not matter for in match changes ?

Thanks in advance.

Changing strategy won't make much of a difference at all. If I've been playing predominantly with standard and control strategies for months and then switch to a defensive strategy (all with the same, fluid tactic) then sometimes I might see vague signs that the players aren't fully comfortable with the tactic but this quickly (very quickly) disappears and fluidity restores.

Keep your three slots for different formations as a rule of thumb. The only exception might be if you have 2 different tactics that use the same formation but are wildly different (for example, a 442 where the midfielders drop deep, the wingers cut in and the strikers both stay high up the pitch is wildly different from a standard 442 with wide wingers, a big man/small man combo up top and a creator/destroyer combo in midfield.

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Good Evening guys. My questions is regarding marking the forward which runs out wide. I play quite a high pressing game usually. So my fullbacks like to close down their winger early on, however what then happens is their striker comes out wide into the space vacated by my pressing right back, allowing the opposition a simple pass into him, in a dangerous area.

How best would you go about dealing with this. I like to enforce Zonal Marking as I don't really want players to be pulled out of position, but here when there is no one in the centre would it be wise to let the centre back go wide with the striker.

Not really sure how to deal with this issue.


If the striker is hurting you then just drop the mentality of the FBs to eliminate that threat and find a different way to attack. There will be plenty of situations where the opposition won't want their strikers moving into those positions so you can push your FBs back up then.

If your FB is moving a long way forward (and thus leaving space) then you need to think of a way of shortening that gap. Either make your wide midfielders (if you use them) more defensive so they do some leg work or push your d-line up so your FBs have less far to travel (and expose less space).

Even with man-marking your CB won't (and shouldn't) drag wide to follow a wandering striker out wide. The CB's job is to tidy up when that striker moves himself or the ball back centrally. You either need your wide players to deal with the wide threat or have an extra man in midfield who can be free to follow threats over the pitch (such as a covering DM).

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How do I make a striker drop deep? Reduce mentality or RFD?

Reducing mentality works best for me. Be aware that reducing mentality also alters different aspects (other than just position) of how you're asking a player to perform.

Reducing RFD won't make players drop deeper but it will stop them from being so eager to advance - the difference here is subtle but can be critical to know, a player dropping deep will actively move to collect the ball or occupy space whereas a player who doesn't move forward so quickly will hold his space while other players move forward, the critical bit here is that he'll need space in the first place and you'll need other players to actually be moving forward.

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How can I get my strikers to make more runs? He stands on the last line but doesn't seem to move, anything I can do? I've got him set to 'forward runs often' already.

If you're meaning move forward then he can't if he's on the last shoulder as he'll be offside. In order to increase that space behind the defence you'll need to entice them higher up the pitch i.e. playing this way with a very high playing mentality and high d-line yourself isn't going to work. If you get the oppo d-line to push higher up the pitch (by playing more conservatively and deeper yourself) then you'll increase the space your man has to work with - give him space and the right player will start to make more runs.

If you mean runs to find space (rather than to become a direct goal threat) then try increasing creative freedom and giving him a free role (roaming). If he has the mental ability to spot space then tactically you've allowed him to use his smarts.

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Thank you. He was just stood there without attempting to beat the offside trap or anything, I'll try altering the creative freedom :)

See if you can get him to learn the PPM 'likes to beat offside trap', my guy with that PPM really looks to play in behind (note though that my usual tactic plays fairly deep so there is usually space in behind). He gets called offside plenty but he also tries what you're after plenty too.

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Question :

So is it possible to built a "1-0,2-0" tactic, without having 70% possesion?

I mean whats the best settings to have a great defence when you DONT have the ball?

And will those setting work in the current ME AND the upcoming?

1. Avoid those "cheat" through balls where the defenders sleep...

2. Avoid those easy crosses who goes to the head of the opponent and your Gioda (Aggressive, Tall) stopper lose the header so easily...


I ve managed myself to built one, but it depends on high possesion...When for some reason the other team takes 45% of the possesion, doesnt work...

And one "request"...Please SI, make a stable ME...No changes every few months...We dont have time we have family and family too :)...Its frustrating trying all the time to find the every single ME secrets...

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Question :

So is it possible to built a "1-0,2-0" tactic, without having 70% possesion?

I mean whats the best settings to have a great defence when you DONT have the ball?

And will those setting work in the current ME AND the upcoming?

1. Avoid those "cheat" through balls where the defenders sleep...

2. Avoid those easy crosses who goes to the head of the opponent and your Gioda (Aggressive, Tall) stopper lose the header so easily...


I ve managed myself to built one, but it depends on high possesion...When for some reason the other team takes 45% of the possesion, doesnt work...

And one "request"...Please SI, make a stable ME...No changes every few months...We dont have time we have family and family too :)...Its frustrating trying all the time to find the every single ME secrets...

It's not had any real changes for 2 years now. Not sure why you are led to believe that changes are made every few months.

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@Cleon I ve came up to this by trying good FM 11.3 tactics this year and not working...

The same goes for 11.2 good tactics not working in 11.3 or in 11.1 etc...

And it goes back...

I am not judjing you badly its just benevolent "request"...

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Can the captain tutor players of any position?

My current captain is a defensive midfielder (accomplished midfielder) and i just notice he had wingers and strikers to tutor that weren't accomplished midfielders, they didn't have any positions in common.

I don't think so as my defenders can't be tutuored by my striker who is captain. Maybe the players in question for you have attributes hidden that suggest they could play midfield? Or maybe your captain does?

@Cleon I ve came up to this by trying good FM 11.3 tactics this year and not working...

The same goes for 11.2 good tactics not working in 11.3 or in 11.1 etc...

And it goes back...

I am not judjing you badly its just benevolent "request"...

Well the ME is morealess exactly the same so.....

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Quick tactics question about the "counter attack" option under "team instructions" on the tactics screen.

Are there any real downsides to having it ticked? I just don't understand why you wouldn't want your side to seize an opportunity to counter-attack. Is its effectiveness related in any way to tempo, i.e. it works better when you play at a higher tempo or use a more direct passing style?

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I don't think so as my defenders can't be tutuored by my striker who is captain. Maybe the players in question for you have attributes hidden that suggest they could play midfield? Or maybe your captain does?

The Captain still has to play in a similar position to the tutoree to be able to tutor, remember :)

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The Captain still has to play in a similar position to the tutoree to be able to tutor, remember :)

Which is what my reply was saying. As if you read the bit I quoted someone said they had their DMC tutoring wingers and strikers :)

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Quick tactics question about the "counter attack" option under "team instructions" on the tactics screen. Are there any real downsides to having it ticked? I just don't understand why you wouldn't want your side to seize an opportunity to counter-attack.

I'm a newbie to this game so my answer is liable to be wrong and is more to be seen as an invitation to those that know better to tell us both a better answer.

But my ignorant guess would be that having 'counter' switched on risks tiring your players out with all the extra running. I'm probably on even dodgier ground when I extend myself to saying that perhaps it's not a useful strategy unless your players out-pace or at least match the pace of players of those they're trying to run against.

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Quick tactics question about the "counter attack" option under "team instructions" on the tactics screen.

Are there any real downsides to having it ticked? I just don't understand why you wouldn't want your side to seize an opportunity to counter-attack. Is its effectiveness related in any way to tempo, i.e. it works better when you play at a higher tempo or use a more direct passing style?

I think it just encourages your players to get the ball forward quickly in counter attack situations, if you're 2-0 and wanting to control the ball you might not want to do that. In fact, any tactic where your aim is to control the ball probably don't want to hastily playing it forward unless it's seriously on, in which case good players will recognise that and get it forward quickly on the counter anyway.

Not ticking it doesn't mean that your team doesn't ever counter-attack, just that you're not specifically encouraging them to. Conversely, by ticking it you are encouraging them to counter-attack even if the situation isn't 100% favourable for a counter. In a way it helps to regulate how quickly your team look to attack when regaining possession - with counter on they'll look to attack immediately more often, with counter off they might take their time when regaining possession before launching a dedicated attack.

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I don't think so as my defenders can't be tutuored by my striker who is captain. Maybe the players in question for you have attributes hidden that suggest they could play midfield? Or maybe your captain does?

It could be that he is my best player by far and could arguably play on other positions:


I'll see if those players are available to tutor again when he's done tutoring.

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