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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Recently I'm struggling to find free time to play some FM, so in meantime while traveling for work, I'm trying to plan a new tactics for my next adventure, that will see me most likely in some mid-table second tier team in England, Italy or Spain. I'm considering a counter-attacking 4-1-2-1-2.

My idea would be fluid, yet counter attacking style with rather high pressing and hard tackling.

The players' setup would be following. Goalkeeper on defend, unless I find someone good enough to do sweeper one. Two central defenders on defend, while side defenders would be wing-backs on attack duty. The DMC would be defensive deep laying play-maker. My biggest doubt/question is about the two MC, so far in my mind I see them as two box-to-box, is that a good idea, or a combination of one box-to-box and one ball-winner on support might be working better? AMC I plan to be attacking midfielder on support, while in attack a couple of deep lying forward (or a defensive one, depending on players available) on support, and a poacher.

I'm eager to hear your opinion, do you think about such formation, can it actually work?

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Here's a stupid question. How do you score from corners? I'm 25 games into my season and I don't think I've won a single header, let alone score from a corner. Any help would be much appreciated.

Get a good corner taker and get some guys good in the air (remembering that mental stats are just as important as jumping, balance & heading).

I leave everything on default and get a decent return, roughly in line with reality.

There was a corner 'bug' in previous FM's that meant you could get loads of corner goals, I believe this has been fixed? At any rate, leaving the settings on default and getting decent players for the task normally works well.

Recently I'm struggling to find free time to play some FM, so in meantime while traveling for work, I'm trying to plan a new tactics for my next adventure, that will see me most likely in some mid-table second tier team in England, Italy or Spain. I'm considering a counter-attacking 4-1-2-1-2.

My idea would be fluid, yet counter attacking style with rather high pressing and hard tackling.

The players' setup would be following. Goalkeeper on defend, unless I find someone good enough to do sweeper one. Two central defenders on defend, while side defenders would be wing-backs on attack duty. The DMC would be defensive deep laying play-maker. My biggest doubt/question is about the two MC, so far in my mind I see them as two box-to-box, is that a good idea, or a combination of one box-to-box and one ball-winner on support might be working better? AMC I plan to be attacking midfielder on support, while in attack a couple of deep lying forward (or a defensive one, depending on players available) on support, and a poacher.

I'm eager to hear your opinion, do you think about such formation, can it actually work?

Sounds like a decent, logical plan. I like the sound of a B2B and a BWM in midfield, you can afford the BWM to go chasing around the pitch because you have players around him.

With the right players it sounds like it'll work well. I'm not sure the formation is naturally suited to counter attacks but will happily be proved wrong.

Good luck with it when you find time again!

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I have a powerfull target man who's jumping and strength is very good for the league im playing in (BSN). I want my wingers who are on attack duty to cross it into him. But i cant get them to cross the ball in. They either:

a) knock it back to the full back who in turn plays it in field to a midfielder

b) play it to the corner of the 18 yard box for a midfielder

c) try and cut inside into the 18 yard box

Their instructions are on default so they have RwB often, cross often, cross from byline and cross to my target man.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Sounds like a decent, logical plan. I like the sound of a B2B and a BWM in midfield, you can afford the BWM to go chasing around the pitch because you have players around him.

With the right players it sounds like it'll work well. I'm not sure the formation is naturally suited to counter attacks but will happily be proved wrong.

Good luck with it when you find time again!

Thank you! Hopefully next week the things will get back to normal, so I will have some more time to try and post some feedback :-)

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Definitly it seems to be the best place for my questions. It's about competence for the new staff..

I mean until now we knew which attributes to look for to get a goog scout, a good GK prep etc...

Well I was wondering which attributes should I look for with the 13 new roles?

I mean how to get a good youth team responsable or the scouting responsable (not sur about terms as I am French) for exeample?

I know first we need to check the personnality, prefered formation... I'm just wondering about attributes to check to know "in a glance" if I should offer a contract or not.

Thanks in advance

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Okay I have some questions about managing inferior teams. At the moment I'm playing in the Czech 2. league and doing all right, I was predicted 6th and am sitting pretty at 2nd but I don't want to loose the grip of it and also want to continue to improve, as well as improve my knowledge.

What types of tactics should I be using with less gifted players ? Should I be going Balanced/Standard or maybe leaning more towards Rigid and a mentality more focused on if I'm favorite playing at home or what.

At the moment I'm using a 4231-wide with a Rigid/Standard and everything on default except Creative Freedom as "More Disciplined" - now it has been working all good, but is there any types of settings I should try and stay away from whilst trying to build my team with maybe one or two more technically gifted players and the rest just having the odd good attribute ?

Is Rigid better for that or just Standard ? Basically just any hints and tips about managing lower and less talented teams, also any hints to assigning roles. Just ANY hints regarding the tactics aspect when trying to build a good team from the lower league in a country that isn't really good in Europe either. Know this might be repetitive but just trying to get some help

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Okay I have some questions about managing inferior teams. At the moment I'm playing in the Czech 2. league and doing all right, I was predicted 6th and am sitting pretty at 2nd but I don't want to loose the grip of it and also want to continue to improve, as well as improve my knowledge.

What types of tactics should I be using with less gifted players ? Should I be going Balanced/Standard or maybe leaning more towards Rigid and a mentality more focused on if I'm favorite playing at home or what.

At the moment I'm using a 4231-wide with a Rigid/Standard and everything on default except Creative Freedom as "More Disciplined" - now it has been working all good, but is there any types of settings I should try and stay away from whilst trying to build my team with maybe one or two more technically gifted players and the rest just having the odd good attribute ?

Is Rigid better for that or just Standard ? Basically just any hints and tips about managing lower and less talented teams, also any hints to assigning roles. Just ANY hints regarding the tactics aspect when trying to build a good team from the lower league in a country that isn't really good in Europe either. Know this might be repetitive but just trying to get some help

To me, you need to see the decision and the collective of the team (more globaly the mental attributes )to see which approach to choose. Watch it indiviually and the average difference beetween players with differents tasks (support, attack etc)

Usually for lower and less talented teams with high "average decision gradients" , rigid can be better...But you also told that everything is working well until now so why change?

If it seems to you that opponents scores too much, too often...well by choosen a rigid approach you'll get a more cohesive team...and then a more solid defensive aspect as in a offensive phase your players will just play one phase. Then each one will not be too quickly out of his defensive position.

If it seems to you that you don't score enough..change the strategy more than the approch as the more fluid is the approach the less the decision gradient should be high, the best should be the collective, decision and position attibutes of each players should be. As well as the endurance, as the players will have to go more up and down on all the pitch.

About the creativity, the best is to make individual changes. Use the pass rating. the shoots statistics to make an opinion. Don't forget to change mentality and pass length as well.

Hope I had been clear enough as I am not a native english speaker.

have a nice time

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Yeah that's a really good answer - like I said I know things are going well I just want to know what to tinker with if things start to go worse or when I get promoted and maybe start to struggle and such.

I haven't played with this type of team since 2009 and just wanted to know what things I should be looking for in players and stuff. I'll keep playing and giving input here.

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I'm not sure if this has been asked but is there a way to get the goalkeeper to pass short to my full-backs from a goal-kick?

I've noticed that the AI use this set-up alot and was wondering if it could be replicated?

My keeper's kicking rating is only 9 and my usual starting midfield and attack are not very good headers of the ball either so it's basically gifting the opposition possession.

Thanks in advance :thup:

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I'm not sure if this has been asked but is there a way to get the goalkeeper to pass short to my full-backs from a goal-kick?

I've noticed that the AI use this set-up alot and was wondering if it could be replicated?

My keeper's kicking rating is only 9 and my usual starting midfield and attack are not very good headers of the ball either so it's basically gifting the opposition possession.

Thanks in advance :thup:

There's an option (in player instructions I think) to distribute to a player, just select who you want.

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In last year's version, there was a screen that showed all players needing a rest and also a recommendation of the physio on how long this rest should be. Is this still available and where can I find it?
I asked this question the other day and got no answer, i did manage to find it though, drop down the menu on your club and choose 'Overview' then there's an option 'Players' (somewhere top right of the page)and it lists all players that need a rest/sending on holiday :thup:
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Here's a stupid question but one which I have been asking since the creation of the TC: does switching strategies in the match (say control to counter) actually affect performance? I train my three basic formations at standard then shift around during a game, but I've never known if the same level of familiarity is there for the players.

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Here's a stupid question but one which I have been asking since the creation of the TC: does switching strategies in the match (say control to counter) actually affect performance? I train my three basic formations at standard then shift around during a game, but I've never known if the same level of familiarity is there for the players.

The familiarity does go down, how much effect that actually has who can say. You should probably train your three tactics with different strategies, that way you can switch between strategies for a tactic without losing so much familiarity.

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The familiarity does go down, how much effect that actually has who can say. You should probably train your three tactics with different strategies, that way you can switch between strategies for a tactic without losing so much familiarity.

Thanks for clearing that up. I haven't noticed having a whole lot of effect, and quite honestly, it shouldn't be much. I am still playing the same basic tactic, just changing the outlook and emphasis a bit. I used to train three versions of the same formation, but then wanted two other formation options to deal with injuries, fatigue, opponent formations etc., and didn't find that I lost much performance-wise in so doing.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I haven't noticed having a whole lot of effect, and quite honestly, it shouldn't be much. I am still playing the same basic tactic, just changing the outlook and emphasis a bit. I used to train three versions of the same formation, but then wanted two other formation options to deal with injuries, fatigue, opponent formations etc., and didn't find that I lost much performance-wise in so doing.

I agree. Majority of the time I only have 1 base formation learned and I change strategy maybe 5 times plus in a game and my results have no downside effects at all.

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I will add that usually I change a lot of strategy during the match...usually it's give better effects than any downside effect due to unfimaliarity.

By changing the strategy; you make a lot on changes in team and indivdual instructions just by one click.

Moreover, if your tactic is quite well balanced...then you keep it easier than by making changes one by one.

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I posted this in another thread, but it this is probably a more appropriate place for the question. Training for youth players is the subject. I have been, in FM12, giving most or all of my youth players a strength focus because they are all so pitifully weak when they first come up from the junior ranks. I have read some conflicting stuff on this forum about what is best for youths, and I am curious as to whether strength focus is the right way to go if it indeed naturally increases with age and general training. Instead, I have seen it suggested that quickness focus reaps better dividends before the age of 18 or 19. Would I be better off moving to a quickness focus for most of my youths, then switching over to strength at 18 or so?

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I posted this in another thread, but it this is probably a more appropriate place for the question. Training for youth players is the subject. I have been, in FM12, giving most or all of my youth players a strength focus because they are all so pitifully weak when they first come up from the junior ranks. I have read some conflicting stuff on this forum about what is best for youths, and I am curious as to whether strength focus is the right way to go if it indeed naturally increases with age and general training. Instead, I have seen it suggested that quickness focus reaps better dividends before the age of 18 or 19. Would I be better off moving to a quickness focus for most of my youths, then switching over to strength at 18 or so?

Is this a FM12 question? I know you mention FM12 but wasn't sure which version the question was relevant to.

If it's FM12 I did a thread on youth development which can be found here Youth Development - The Guide

If it's FM13 which I don't think your question is about, then now because training as changed I use individual focus to work on the individual attribute I think is lowest for the role he'll be playing for me. So I keep swapping every 3 months to really boost the weaker attributes and then around the age of 20 I put them on an invidual focus for the role they'll be playing. I'm having greate results with this method so far.

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I would need some help with defending corner kicks. I have played 4 league matches with my Modena team in the Italian Serie B, so far I have conceded 4 goals, of which 3 were from corner kick. Once it was my defender to put a nice header into his own net.

My corner-defending setup is following:

One striker stays forward, while the other one is closing down the corner. One midfielder is closing down the outside of area. Then I have one player standing on first post, 3 players (2 DCs and DR) to man mark, and another 3 players are "stay back" which I suppose -according to the in-game image - is meant like zonal marking.

Do you think there is something wrong with my system, or I just need to be patient, work on defending set-pieces in match preparation, and maybe try to get more suited players?

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I would need some help with defending corner kicks. I have played 4 league matches with my Modena team in the Italian Serie B, so far I have conceded 4 goals, of which 3 were from corner kick. Once it was my defender to put a nice header into his own net.

My corner-defending setup is following:

One striker stays forward, while the other one is closing down the corner. One midfielder is closing down the outside of area. Then I have one player standing on first post, 3 players (2 DCs and DR) to man mark, and another 3 players are "stay back" which I suppose -according to the in-game image - is meant like zonal marking.

Do you think there is something wrong with my system, or I just need to be patient, work on defending set-pieces in match preparation, and maybe try to get more suited players?

I will suggest using man-marking unless all your players have poor marking attributes. My setup as follows...

2 players with best marking, jumping and heading to mark tall.

The next 3 players with the best in marking, jumping and heading to man-mark.

1 player with poor marking but good jumping and heading to close down.

2 players to mark the near and far post

2 players forward to counter. Preferably players with the poorest heading and marking but fast.

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I have won the prem and Europe so I know my tactics aren't bad (not amazing though!) but I need some advice on how to improve my defending please!

I started to watch more highlights to see why I was conceding goals. When the opposition is attacking my centrebacks often don't mark any players or spot a run. They sometimes run backwards and watch a striker run between them and score. They don't spot runners and track them. Its as though they turn into Sunday League players.

I try and buy players with good attributes. One of the weaknesses is my left full back isn't that quick but has high tackling, marking attributes etc. I know I need to address this but my problem is players easily pass or walk past my centrebacks.

FBR Defend (marking 14, tackling 17, positioning 14, acceleration 14, pace 13)

FBL Defend (marking 17, tackling 18, positioning 18, acceleration 11, pace 11)

DCL Ball Playing Defender Stopper (marking 17, tackling 17, positioning 16, acceleration 15, pace 14)

DCR Ball Playing Defender Defend (marking 17, tackling 15, positioning 17, Acceleration 14, pace 14)

Team instruction is man marking, closing down and press more, tackling is default. I changed tackling from harder to default after giving away a stupid number of pens.

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@hamilton81, try zonal marking for the whole team. Man-marking maybe dragging your players all over the place.

Cheers, I'll give it a go. My only worry is if my defenders cant stick to a man or track a run whilst man marking what the hell are they going to be like on zonal?!

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How can I close the player's opponent? My assistant always writes to me about it.

for example:

"Gael Clichy is getting too much space for his crosses, if we don't close him down better...."


"Javier Pastore is getting too much space on the edge of the area, we need to close him down..."


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How can I close the player's opponent? My assistant always writes to me about it.

for example:

"Gael Clichy is getting too much space for his crosses, if we don't close him down better...."


"Javier Pastore is getting too much space on the edge of the area, we need to close him down..."


Try Opponent Instructions (OI's). You can instruct to close down heavily on a specific player, or put him onto a specific/weaker leg, or hard tackle and some other stuff.

Of course, taking your assistant's advice as gospel is risky in itself :)

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Cheers, I'll give it a go. My only worry is if my defenders cant stick to a man or track a run whilst man marking what the hell are they going to be like on zonal?!

Man marking isn't easier than zonal, they are just different. Some players will be good at zonal marking and rubbish at man-marking (and vice versa of course).

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I have a player with 'important matches' listed as a specific weakness. What I'd like to know is whether or not this will become less of an issue as he becomes more experienced (he's 23yo now) and if that weakness can be passed on through tutoring?

Thanks in advance.

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Recently I'm struggling to find free time to play some FM, so in meantime while traveling for work, I'm trying to plan a new tactics for my next adventure, that will see me most likely in some mid-table second tier team in England, Italy or Spain. I'm considering a counter-attacking 4-1-2-1-2.

My idea would be fluid, yet counter attacking style with rather high pressing and hard tackling.

The players' setup would be following. Goalkeeper on defend, unless I find someone good enough to do sweeper one. Two central defenders on defend, while side defenders would be wing-backs on attack duty. The DMC would be defensive deep laying play-maker. My biggest doubt/question is about the two MC, so far in my mind I see them as two box-to-box, is that a good idea, or a combination of one box-to-box and one ball-winner on support might be working better? AMC I plan to be attacking midfielder on support, while in attack a couple of deep lying forward (or a defensive one, depending on players available) on support, and a poacher.

I'm eager to hear your opinion, do you think about such formation, can it actually work?

I have finally started my game, I play with Modena in Italy, in the Serie B. Things are not going that well however, I seem to concede rather a lot, mostly I have troubles while facing either much better, or much worse teams, most points I managed to make when playing against equal teams. Also in attack my team is not as successful I would have liked. Does anyone have some suggestions?

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OK I haven't really looked up much about FM13 and I got it today so I have some questions that have probably been asked before(22 pages though!) and I apologise for how stupid they will be...

The training system... No more schedules? Is there anyway to train a player in a specific way or do you just use the player roles bit and the individual attribute training?

Also I tick the box for my assistant to do 'match training' but he still brings it upto me in the news thing and I can still change it on the training bit, if I just leave it all will he do it still or is that part just broke?

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OK I haven't really looked up much about FM13 and I got it today so I have some questions that have probably been asked before(22 pages though!) and I apologise for how stupid they will be...

The training system... No more schedules? Is there anyway to train a player in a specific way or do you just use the player roles bit and the individual attribute training?

Also I tick the box for my assistant to do 'match training' but he still brings it upto me in the news thing and I can still change it on the training bit, if I just leave it all will he do it still or is that part just broke?

This explains the new training module http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/320547-FM13-The-Basic-Guide-to-Training-and-Match-Preparation

As for the 2nd part of the question, he's just letting you know that's all but he still takes control of it.

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1. If a youth with a determination of 15 is tutored by an older player with a determination stat of 12, does the youth's stat tend to decrease or will he just improve on other stats (such as bravery, composure etc) that the older tutor is better at (and his PPMs)?

2. This may sound silly but what is the difference between a DC's setting

(a) on zonal marking & no tight marking & closing down set to often (let's say the extreme, all the way to the right) ?

(b) on zonal marking & tight marking & closing down rarely (all the way to the left) ?

© on zonal marking & tight marking & closing down set all the way to the right ?

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1. If a youth with a determination of 15 is tutored by an older player with a determination stat of 12, does the youth's stat tend to decrease or will he just improve on other stats (such as bravery, composure etc) that the older tutor is better at (and his PPMs)?

2. This may sound silly but what is the difference between a DC's setting

(a) on zonal marking & no tight marking & closing down set to often (let's say the extreme, all the way to the right) ?

(b) on zonal marking & tight marking & closing down rarely (all the way to the left) ?

© on zonal marking & tight marking & closing down set all the way to the right ?

1. His determination will likely go down, but maybe only by one point (it's possible not at all). If the tutor is better at others things then, yes, they will rise even if determination falls, similarly, any attribs the tutor is worse at the tutee may fall in. It's a simple as you think, higher and they rise, lower and they lower. The strength of the pairing determines how much (I think it's normally only a point or 2, maybe a little more, I can't be sure with the hidden ones but I've only noticed a couple of points going on determination and rarely noted much of a fall, usually only 1 point).

If he's young enough you can always do another round of tutoring to raise the determination back up if you have a suitable tutor.

2. a) he'll mark the zone and aggressively close down anyone in that zone.

b) he'll mark the zone and when someone enters that zone he'll get tight to them, he just won't rush too it.

c) he'll mark the zone, rush to close the guy down and stick to him.

What I'm not sure on is how quickly a DC will move to mark a guy without the ball. Closing down tends to refer to closing someone down when they have the ball, but obviously marking means marking someone without the ball. In theory tight marking will mean when they pick up a mark they'll get nice and tight and make things difficult for them at the risk of getting beaten in behind or by skill, closing down should refer more to how quickly they'll close the guy down when he receives the ball, if they are tight already they'll just be more urgent to engage and stifle that opponent (again, at the risk of being 'over-enthusiastic' and getting beaten).

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What I'm not sure on is how quickly a DC will move to mark a guy without the ball. Closing down tends to refer to closing someone down when they have the ball, but obviously marking means marking someone without the ball. In theory tight marking will mean when they pick up a mark they'll get nice and tight and make things difficult for them at the risk of getting beaten in behind or by skill, closing down should refer more to how quickly they'll close the guy down when he receives the ball, if they are tight already they'll just be more urgent to engage and stifle that opponent (again, at the risk of being 'over-enthusiastic' and getting beaten).

so I assume if I want to do a Terry/Ferdinand combo, it would be zonal, tight & high closing down for the Terry role (ball winning defender) and zonal & no tight marking & low closing down on the Ferdinand role (cover up role)? what do you think?

big thanks for the reply too. cheers

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so I assume if I want to do a Terry/Ferdinand combo, it would be zonal, tight & high closing down for the Terry role (ball winning defender) and zonal & no tight marking & low closing down on the Ferdinand role (cover up role)? what do you think?

big thanks for the reply too. cheers

I'm not an expert on split central defenders but it sounds alright, I'd just be very worried that the high closing down guy would race out and leave a big gap to be exploited by canny strikers (this is always a potential problem with stopper/cover). Have a look at the TC defaults for a stopper/cover combo. I would think the Terry/Ferdinand combo would of been an example the TC defaults probably look to emulate.

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Is encouraging to play more direct football and at a slower tempo a good solution for a side with technically incapable players?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for a slightly rubbish answer:

It all depends on how they are technically incapable. Lump it and see sounds good for those who are physical but not technical but it's all relative. If your players are rubbish, but the opposition are also rubbish, then you might get away with more adventurous stuff even if, ordinarily, you wouldn't assume it would suit your guys.

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Sorry for a slightly rubbish answer:

It all depends on how they are technically incapable. Lump it and see sounds good for those who are physical but not technical but it's all relative. If your players are rubbish, but the opposition are also rubbish, then you might get away with more adventurous stuff even if, ordinarily, you wouldn't assume it would suit your guys.

That's actually a good answer because otherwise the game would be unplayable at the lower levels. I have always tried the more adventurous styles even at levels 7 & 8 in England, because even though my players don't do a lot really well, the opponents don't either. You can get away with a clever passing game at that level with adequate passers because the defenders are not necessarily able to stop it. I would always say go for it, Bartek. The worst that can happen is it doesn't work, and you can revert to a simple more direct style.

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Sorry for a slightly rubbish answer:

It all depends on how they are technically incapable. Lump it and see sounds good for those who are physical but not technical but it's all relative. If your players are rubbish, but the opposition are also rubbish, then you might get away with more adventurous stuff even if, ordinarily, you wouldn't assume it would suit your guys.

That's actually a good answer because otherwise the game would be unplayable at the lower levels. I have always tried the more adventurous styles even at levels 7 & 8 in England, because even though my players don't do a lot really well, the opponents don't either. You can get away with a clever passing game at that level with adequate passers because the defenders are not necessarily able to stop it. I would always say go for it, Bartek. The worst that can happen is it doesn't work, and you can revert to a simple more direct style.

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I have a couple of questions, that are more in general, rather than specifics.

1) I have tactics, that work for a certain part of season, let's say 10 matches in a row. And then out of nothing it stops working, what could be the causes? Team talks, players fitness, opponents approaching matches against me in a different way after a good run of results. Some other possibilities?

2) When things don't go well, it's for me hard to find out, whether the problem is the system, formation & tactics, or it's just individual problem of certain players (being simply weak, having some very wrong key attributes), or just a path of bad luck. Any tips for that?

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