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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Han anyone succeeded to make an Inside Forward your main scoring threat? Like getting 25-30 goals in a season? And if so, how did you do it? I am playing a 4231 formation, but I don't really know if it's really suited to field an inside forward. He just doesn't seem to run into the hole the DLF should create for him, and the APM/TREQ seems to be the one who runs in behind him, or are more willing to find my Winger on the right for a goal opportunity.

When my inside forward has the ball and runs towards goal with his great dribbling skills and good finishing, he is normally just tackled of the field, runs to the corner for a cross or just take a weak shot. What can be done to "fix" this?

I'll start with a caveat that my AMC Inside Forward is not my main goal scoring threat, but he is one of the top two on the team, last season knocking in 17 off the top of my head. I play him in the hole right behind the strikers, and he runs at the defence and gets into the box with regularity. Is your top 3 the narrow or the wide version?

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Thanks for the reply,

What i was trying to say his if we choose in the Tactic Creator, like you said, a shorter passing as my "Playing Style", like in the olders versions, it would affect widht and tempo, it was an option that wuold reflected in other aspects of the team overall play.

But moving one, my reall question was and still his if the option, in the fm 2014, of "more direct" or "shorter" passing affect others settings, or it has only an impact in the passing lenght of the overall players?

Again, im sorry if its confusing and if i cant make myself understandable, but its been a long time since i wrote in english.


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I'll start with a caveat that my AMC Inside Forward is not my main goal scoring threat, but he is one of the top two on the team, last season knocking in 17 off the top of my head. I play him in the hole right behind the strikers, and he runs at the defence and gets into the box with regularity. Is your top 3 the narrow or the wide version?

It's a wide version, with the AML as the inside forward, AMC as the TREQ or APM/A and AMR is Winger/support. My striker is DLF/A.

So you have the AMC as your inside forward, which is the Shadow Striker in FM 14? And you are playing two strikers?

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It's a wide version, with the AML as the inside forward, AMC as the TREQ or APM/A and AMR is Winger/support. My striker is DLF/A.

So you have the AMC as your inside forward, which is the Shadow Striker in FM 14? And you are playing two strikers?

Yes, my IF sits directly behind an AF (A) and a DLF (S). I think it would be equivalent to the Shadow Striker. I don't play FM14 as of yet (own it not installed it), and am still on 13 but I had him as an AM (A) and he just wasn't getting into the box enough and my attack was weak (I use a 4-1-2-1-2 narrow diamond, so wide play is not on). I read the role description for the IF and it fit what I wanted him to do. The main difference I think from what you have is that he is always central (even with roaming) and so never has to cut inside. He does often get into the space created by the DLF dropping off, but I never have much problem getting him into scoring positions.

You mentioned he *will* go for the goal, but gets stopped trying to run into the box with the ball. That is what the IF is designed to do in the role; it has run with ball often. You might tone down the running with ball to sometimes, and see if that gets you any joy.

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Can I in some way train my players to become better at "Teamwork" or "Courage", and how much does the language affect performance and tactical understanding for instance if some one dosent understand english in an english club?

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Can I in some way train my players to become better at "Teamwork" or "Courage",

As far as I have ever known, you can't train bravery (courage). It will sometimes improve a little bit as a player ages but I have never seen it go up by very much. I don't think (unless this has changed in FM14) Teamwork can be trained in and of itself, but you can do it as part of an individual training focus with some roles and positions and general training in Tactics will also work on teamwork.

EDIT: and now for a stupid question of my own. Can you set a different general training focus for the U18 team than the one used for the senior squad?

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Does playing Limited Defenders and Limited Fullbacks simultaneously create problems going forward? The reason I ask is that I'm trying a journeyman career, and being stuck in the Skrill South leads to problems finding decent attacking fullbacks. I'm playing them as just standard fullbacks with a support role at the moment but considering changing because I'm not getting anywhere.

My basic formation is 4-2-3-1, with the 2 being CMs and the 3 being AMR/C/Ls. At the moment the CBs are limited defenders, both defend roles, one CM is on a defend role, the other is support. The three AMs are all Attack roles as they all have above average pace for the division (it's the one strength I seem to have!) with the striker playing a supporting role, normally either a Target Man as a False 9. So on top of the above stupid question, if I go Limited Fullbacks, what changes in roles will I need for the rest of my team? I'd assume making the striker and one CM attack roles with the Wingers becoming supporting or wide midfielders rather than out and out attacking wingers. Cheers in advance!

Edit: I'll just add that I'm bottom of the league (took over a promoted team and only had about 12 players on the books to start) after 21 games, not cut adrift but it doesn't look great. Conceded the most goals but I've also scored the third highest in the division, which I think is largely down to the pace up front.

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I have a player with great Passing, Creativity, Pace, Acc, Workrate, Teamwork, Technique, First Touch, Composure, Decisions, Bravery, Off the ball.

His natural position is DR. He was innefectual for an MC, trained him and he already became awkward. Eventually he will learn the position.

The question is, when he learns it, i want to train him for AMR too. Will he loose the knowledge of MC?

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Hi I've just read Cleons Ajax thread for the last 30 minutes and could not see the answer. I believe my question is a stupid one so here goes.

After your teams fluidity is max after pre season. Is it advisable to tone the match training down to increase player development?

Yups and I do mention then quite a few times in the thread :)

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I know this isn't strictly tactics or training but it's still potentially a stupid question:

Is there anywhere that's tells me how many times I've scouted a player?

Ie- I want to tell how much I can trust a scouting report so if there was something that let me know I'd sent scouts to watch a certain player 3 times that would help greatly, rather than trusting a scouting report.

Does this function exist?

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I know this isn't strictly tactics or training but it's still potentially a stupid question:

Is there anywhere that's tells me how many times I've scouted a player?

Ie- I want to tell how much I can trust a scouting report so if there was something that let me know I'd sent scouts to watch a certain player 3 times that would help greatly, rather than trusting a scouting report.

Does this function exist?

Well, not exactly like you describe that I've found, but if you look at the scouting report for a player, if you've had more than one scout look at him they will appear in the drop down box on the right hand of the scree and you can access the different reports. If you've had the same scout look at him multiple times, I think all it shows is the most recent report from him.

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I am wondering if the Tactical Analysis information is flawed:

As part of match preparation I go through team report on next opponent, particularly the tactics analysis showing tactics used and tactics faced. For each tactic used/faced it gives sarted, minutes used and goals scored/conceded etc. I assumed that these reports correctly reflected changes to formation during games as the report for my last opponent indicated that they had played 4-2-2-2 formation for 167 minutes despite never having used this as a starting formation.

Having looked at my own teams equivalent tactical analysis I do not believe this to be the case.

I have trained 3 tactics, all fluid, with following formations:

4-2(CM) -3 -1

4-1-2(CM)-2(AMR/AML positions))-1

4-3(CM)-2(AMR/AML positions))-1

The tactic I have recently set when moving to pre match build up/team talk etc has always been 4-2(CM)-3-1 recently although I have moved the AMC player back into MC position during games so that the formation became 4-3(CM)-2-1.

In my last match I made this adjustment before starting the match and stuck with it throughout. However, when looking at tactical analysis ALL my last 5 matches show me exclusively using 4-2-3-1.

This does not seem a correct reflection of the tactical formations that I have been playing and presumably the analysis of my opponents formations is also incorrect.

Seems to be a bug or have I misinterpreted how formations are interpreted/reported by tactical analysis element of the game?

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I don't really want to sort through the whole forum or anything, I was just wondering if I could transfer my tactic from FM13 that was very successful and took me months to tweak and get it right. Am I able to transfer it successfully to FM14? I copied the roles, shape etc but it didn't work anywhere near as well.

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I often go to opposition managers information tab to see his view of me prior to pre match verbals. Several of them have tendencies shown with what look like up arrows or down arrows. I was wondering:

A) what do the arrows indicate

B) how to interpret tendencies information - are they of any use or just cosmetic

C) whether my manager profile screen will have tendencies added over time

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I often go to opposition managers information tab to see his view of me prior to pre match verbals. Several of them have tendencies shown with what look like up arrows or down arrows. I was wondering:

A) what do the arrows indicate

B) how to interpret tendencies information - are they of any use or just cosmetic

C) whether my manager profile screen will have tendencies added over time

This thread is for tactics and training questions only, it even states this in the title of the thread...

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How do I train a player to learn a new PPM... i'm being blind and cant seem to find it

In the player development screen right where you select individual training focuses and new position, there is a menu for "new preferred move." Unless it has dramatically changed layout-wise from FM13.

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I have been an avid player of FM since the 98/99 season - when it was known as CM, of course - but despite my years of experience, and quite frankly the ridiculous amount of hours I've clocked up, I have been unable to grasp the tactical side of the game - mainly because I have very little inclination after a hard day at work to wade through pages of forums trying to work out the games interpretation of tactics - and have relied on the geniuses that visit these forums for 'plug and play' tactics to build successful teams around. The grid tactic for FM12 was a particular favourite of mine.

My experience of FM suggests that it takes a couple of months after the game has been released for some beautiful, selfless person to come up with a mind blowingly effective, 'conquer all' tactic which would afford me hours of FM pleasure. However, despite trawling the internet for hours over the past few weeks (yes, I am well aware these hours could have been better spent wading through the pages of aforementioned forums and learning about FM tactics), I have been unable to locate such a tactic for FM14. Now this may be because I haven't been looking hard enough or my incompetence isn't allowing the various tactics I have tried to flourish - and, if that is the case, I apologise for wasting your time - but I have finally got to the stage where I feel I need to come cap in hand to the SI community and ask for direction to a tactic that will afford a numb-skull like me a few hours of FM enjoyment on a week night, rather than going to bed with the raging needle after nearly snapping my laptop in half.

I would therefore be eternally grateful to the person who can direct me to the 'plug and play' tactic currently doing the rounds at the moment. Only specifications on my part are that it wins me more games than it loses and doesn't require a tedious amount of tinkering.

Please feel free to vilify me for laziness/philistinism/ignorance before showing me the way.

Thanks for your time.

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I have been an avid player of FM since the 98/99 season - when it was known as CM, of course - but despite my years of experience, and quite frankly the ridiculous amount of hours I've clocked up, I have been unable to grasp the tactical side of the game - mainly because I have very little inclination after a hard day at work to wade through pages of forums trying to work out the games interpretation of tactics - and have relied on the geniuses that visit these forums for 'plug and play' tactics to build successful teams around. The grid tactic for FM12 was a particular favourite of mine.

My experience of FM suggests that it takes a couple of months after the game has been released for some beautiful, selfless person to come up with a mind blowingly effective, 'conquer all' tactic which would afford me hours of FM pleasure. However, despite trawling the internet for hours over the past few weeks (yes, I am well aware these hours could have been better spent wading through the pages of aforementioned forums and learning about FM tactics), I have been unable to locate such a tactic for FM14. Now this may be because I haven't been looking hard enough or my incompetence isn't allowing the various tactics I have tried to flourish - and, if that is the case, I apologise for wasting your time - but I have finally got to the stage where I feel I need to come cap in hand to the SI community and ask for direction to a tactic that will afford a numb-skull like me a few hours of FM enjoyment on a week night, rather than going to bed with the raging needle after nearly snapping my laptop in half.

I would therefore be eternally grateful to the person who can direct me to the 'plug and play' tactic currently doing the rounds at the moment. Only specifications on my part are that it wins me more games than it loses and doesn't require a tedious amount of tinkering.

Please feel free to vilify me for laziness/philistinism/ignorance before showing me the way.

Thanks for your time.

you're lazy, you ignorant philistine. (HEY, he said we could call him that!) http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/215-Tactics-Sharing-Centre-%28Upload-Download%29

(I mean, really, it's at the top of the Tactics forum...)

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I have a question:

Is there something in particular that determines if a player succeeds in learining a new PPM or is there a random factor involved as in the same player may sometimes learn the PPM and sometimes he won't. If I want a Player to learn "Comes Deep to get Ball" for example, I'm not really sure if there is something that could indicate he would be unsuited to learn that move (given of course he plays in a Position and in a way that PPM would be suitable for him).

Also, does it "cost" CA of the Player if he fails learning a PPM?

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I have a question:

1st of all i apologize as the question isn't really about tactics and training but none the less its still too stupid to be rewarded with it's own thread. It's to do with finances and the wage budget slider. In the past i noticed whilst adjusting this slider my clubs monthly balances would change considerably even though i hadn't changed anything else financially within the club ie bought new players/offered new contracts etc. So yea does the wage budget slider's setting have any direct impact on the clubs balances or was it just placebo?

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I have a question:

Is there something in particular that determines if a player succeeds in learining a new PPM or is there a random factor involved as in the same player may sometimes learn the PPM and sometimes he won't. If I want a Player to learn "Comes Deep to get Ball" for example, I'm not really sure if there is something that could indicate he would be unsuited to learn that move (given of course he plays in a Position and in a way that PPM would be suitable for him).

Also, does it "cost" CA of the Player if he fails learning a PPM?

The hidden attribute Versatility plays a part. Also PPM's don't cost CA unless its the train weaker foot one.

I have a question:

1st of all i apologize as the question isn't really about tactics and training but none the less its still too stupid to be rewarded with it's own thread. It's to do with finances and the wage budget slider. In the past i noticed whilst adjusting this slider my clubs monthly balances would change considerably even though i hadn't changed anything else financially within the club ie bought new players/offered new contracts etc. So yea does the wage budget slider's setting have any direct impact on the clubs balances or was it just placebo?

Wrong thread and wrong forum but you already knew this.....

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Does the 'Shorter Passing' team instruction reflect the passing length from previous versions or is it the same as the 'Pass to Feet' shout?

It just modifies the current passing length to something shorter. Pass to feet reduces through balls.

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Does this only happen to me with results that start great then just turn utter poop ? As you can see I was doing very well top of the league with a good tactic & I've had no real injuries or suspensions to change the way the tactic is being played, The only thing that changed was I turned it off for the evening then all of a sudden the results just died basically & my team just look awful.

I've changed tactics, tweaked & nothing seems to help.. is it just me?


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If you ask me the signs were always there. Take the 4 draws you had and the amount of goals you concede, these would be major worries for me. The draws could have gone either way and if the opposition had nicked the odd goal then it would read even worse. You let 17 goals in, in 14 games. Surely that was always a cause for concern? So for me it looks like those draws have no turned into losses. You seem to leak goals badly though.

No-one will be able to help without proper info though. You might want to read this;


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I have two stupid questions.

1. What is the main difference between "Exploit the flanks" and "Play wider"

2. Is it possible to play 4-2-3-1 formation with two CM(position, not role) and 3 AM(position, not role / in one line side-by-side behind striker), and still use one of the instruction above? Would that mean that two AM at each side play wider than usual or would they just try to pass it there? In that case would I be better to play with AMR player on that position instead of AMC?

Tactic( I'm still tweaking with roles, but would be open to suggestions)


My current instruction (will remove "Exploit the middle" if I choose to play wider)


Will appreciate any feedback! Cheers

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Exploit The Flanks bumps up the mentality of your fullbacks and / or wingbacks, and encourages them to run from deep and cross the ball more.

Any central midfielders will hold up the ball and look to play it on out wide to those wide men.

Play Wider sees players physically placed further apart when you are attacking, and will focus passing down the flanks.

There's no real reason why you couldn't use either, or indeed both, with your proposed tactic.

When you use both, it has to be because you're confident that you are better out wide than the AI.

I usually end up mixing these instructions, so Play Narrower and Exploit The Flanks if I'm outnumbered centrally, or Play Wider and Exploit The Middle if I have more men in the middle of the pitch.

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Thanks for quick replyes.

So what about players? Is it better to use AMR players on AMC position if I choose to play wider?

I wouldn't because whilst they will drift out into that flank whilst you attack, they will still more often than not be more central in defensive and early transitional play.

Your alternative is to use the wider 4-2-3-1 with AML/R and ask then to Play Narrow and Exploit the flanks. It's a Catch 22 situation and both systems have their merits, and in that second system you'd wonder whether to use AML/R players or AMC players out wide.

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Was wondering if anyone could help me make any minor tweaks to my tactic. I'm normally awful with tactics but after hours of studious reading here I managed to make myself one that was half decent and viable. It gives me a decent percentage of possession away and home, and we don't exactly ship goals conceded, its the scoring goals that is the problem. After trying my hardest myself to do my own tweaks, they failed miserably and I nearly fell into a relegation dogfight so I decided then to come here. My team (Red Bull Leipzig) has a pretty midtable quality team so I'm hoping if we just manage to score a few more we might start pushing for promotion. Basically I want to know if there is anything glaringly wrong with my tactic and how can I tweak it to score more without giving up too much possession or defensive solidity. Tactic is:

Balanced, Standard







TI: Retain Possession, Pass into Space, Play out of Defence, Work ball into box, hassle opponents, stay on feet.

PI: GK-Pass it Shorter, distribute to defenders.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm playing in the Norwegian Second Division and I don't have a Messi or Ronaldo. Neither have my opponents, lucky me. My problem is to get the ball to my strikers, I have limited full backs who hoof every ball towards the moon, even if I instruct them to short passes. My wide midfielders prefer to play the ball towards the corner-flag instead of the Target Man and my AMC runs around with no clue what to do. The problem is, every team I face pass around the ball from feet to feet and create at least changes. My goalie saves a lot, but I don't score goals.

Help. I don't want to relegate into oblivion. Screens are available if necessary

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The nature of any of the limited Roles is that they will aimlessly clear the ball - that is their brief.

Change them to standard full backs and your ball retention will immediately improve.

The fact that you are at a lowish level doesn't matter. Quality is relative and a full back who appears crap is only as crap as the oppositions' full back.

I advise you to start a new thread like steveneales did a few minutes ago outlining more details about all the Roles, Duties and Team Instructions - he's already had a fair amount of good responses.

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Oops, sorry!

Nothing to apologise for!

The best way to get advice specifically for the struggles you have is to start a thread of your own.

The more effort you put in, the more advice you get, and the more likely it is that some of the advice you get will help to improve your fortunes - good luck!

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