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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Does anyone have any suggestions?

What sort of combination play do you want? It's a really hard question to answer without the context of the wider team.

Would you want the AMC(s?) to supply the front two, or are the AMC(s?) tasked with breaking into the box late to score?

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What sort of combination play do you want? It's a really hard question to answer without the context of the wider team.

Would you want the AMC(s?) to supply the front two, or are the AMC(s?) tasked with breaking into the box late to score?

I was really just looking for a general answer to build on, see what other people have had success with.

The formation is a weird one, I had loads of success with it last year that I'm trying to recreate.

It's like this:


If you like I can get some screenshots of my players, but they are: Mitrovic, Gallagher, Ward-Prowse, Schneiderlin, Wanyama, Lambert, Davis to name a few

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I used that same shape back on FM13.

We still really need the context of how the team plays, and that possibly warrants a thread in its own right if you're prepared to create it?

The reason is simple, we'd need to know how the rest of the team functions to know how that front three is intended to work.

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Since the winter transfer patch and match engine update, has anyone else noticed the insane amount of AI clear cut chances? I just played a game against Benfica, away, and they had 5 CCC's... I'm in my 3rd season with Arsenal, we've got a nasty squad, played on the counter with a relatively defensive formation. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what went wrong tactically (lost 1-0 on a lucky 90' min goal) but I can't really find anything. Everything seemed to be set up properly and simply.

I will not blame the match engine, or anything like that. But at times it does feel like the AI is doing something in a more effective manner than I am. It's like, trying to play a more "defensive" approach doesn't bear much fruit, whereas the AI can come to my stadium, park the bus, and get a point. You know?

Before the patch the number of CCC's was drastically lower. I mean 5 against my team is just insane. This has happened a few times now.

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Quick question

When the wide men cut inside,and the opposition fb mark them, my wb overlap to a free unprotected ready to cross zone,

But my wide men don't want to pass to them,they always pass to the mid, even though i use exploit the flank, play more risky/direct pass, and so on, any suggestion?


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Since the winter transfer patch and match engine update, has anyone else noticed the insane amount of AI clear cut chances? I just played a game against Benfica, away, and they had 5 CCC's... I'm in my 3rd season with Arsenal, we've got a nasty squad, played on the counter with a relatively defensive formation. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what went wrong tactically (lost 1-0 on a lucky 90' min goal) but I can't really find anything. Everything seemed to be set up properly and simply.

I will not blame the match engine, or anything like that. But at times it does feel like the AI is doing something in a more effective manner than I am. It's like, trying to play a more "defensive" approach doesn't bear much fruit, whereas the AI can come to my stadium, park the bus, and get a point. You know?

Before the patch the number of CCC's was drastically lower. I mean 5 against my team is just insane. This has happened a few times now.

Some shots actually have no chance to score but they are still counted as CCC's. Additionally, I think that overpowered through ball is another cause.

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Hey guys. May I ask in what match events could I see the effect of determination? Cleon said that this attribute has no effect on the players growth so I am wondering where else could I see it. Late goals, crucial last time tackles?

That sort of thing, yes. I read it as a players' commitment to make a tackle above all else, but it also applies to how committed they are to making a pass, taking a shot etc.

As a result, I feel it's a bit of a woolly attribute!

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I think a good way of thinking about it is imagine going a goal down and you need players with that extra added edge, then determination becomes vital imo and when its best utilised. It does other stuff too but for me that's when you really notice what determination does. It's hard to see what attributes do when you isolate them but this becomes noticeable in the above scenario.

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Thanks. The average determination of my team is 10, my striker has 4, so I think I will rather see more the negative impacts than the positive ones. Well, the first thing to assure is not going a goal down then :).

Well, it plays a part, but it's not as significant as all that. I used to value it above all things when building a team, and yeah they fought to the end, but more recently I have been after professionalism and ambition and not as concerned with determination. To be honest, while it may have cost me a few matches over the long term, I notice my team still fighting back from deficits. I think as long as you have a couple of high determination players on the pitch to "rally" the team, especially a captain, that should do you pretty well.

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Hello there!

is it right thinking that , in general as lower as the passing attribute for a player the best is to use direct passing, and as high as the passing attribute it is best to use short passing ?

There's more to it than looking at just the one attribute in isolation.

But, ignoring that, I'd say you should have people with good passing attributes on Mixed passing (i.e. not Shorter or More Direct) - if they can pass well, why limit them to one sort of passing style?

People with a low passing attribute should arguably pass shorter, as it is easier to pass over a short distance accurately, than it is to pass over a long distance.

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There's more to it than looking at just the one attribute in isolation.

But, ignoring that, I'd say you should have people with good passing attributes on Mixed passing (i.e. not Shorter or More Direct) - if they can pass well, why limit them to one sort of passing style?

People with a low passing attribute should arguably pass shorter, as it is easier to pass over a short distance accurately, than it is to pass over a long distance.

thank you!


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Just a question on developing youth players as they play in youth/reserve leagues, is there a rough amount of these games they should play (start?) in to keep their development ticking over? Is match practice at those non-senior levels even that important?

Set up I have at the moment is 24 reserve games a season and 24 youth games a season

After simulating some seasons, the youth players tend to start anywhere between 14-25 reserve and youth games a season (typical range being 18-23), with a couple of outliers in every youth team. Overall appearances (starts and subs appearances) is on the low end 20 games to the high end 40-50 games. I had the total number higher previously but players at lower levels were getting jaded too much.

So just trying to get an idea is this is an ok amount of matches for youth players.


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So just trying to get an idea is this is an ok amount of matches for youth players.


My general rule for this is to make sure they remain at match fitness. I haven't noticed any benefit beyond the minimum games needed to keep them match fit. As long as you avoid tiring out the youngsters ( a judicial use of the rest week for tired players is great), then keeping match fitness should be the goal. Any more than that and I feel as though I am doing a lot of micromanaging for little or no added benefit.

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A question about Positioning and Off the Ball attributes: is OtB just an offensive equivalent of (defensive) Positioning, and vice versa, or is there more to it? Over time I have read multiple (sometimes contradictory) explanations. How does it really work? I know that both are connected to Anticipation, Anticipation being a prime mental attribute...

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What to do when the opposition is pressing me really high up the pitch and I'm already using a deep defensive line, playing counter 4141?

Either the GK kicks it forward and we lose the ball immediately or he passes to defender who is then under pressure, misplaces a short pas or lumps it forward, in both cases resulting in us losing the ball again.

What to do tactically to carry the ball forward and exploit the space behind the pressing opposition?

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A question about Positioning and Off the Ball attributes: is OtB just an offensive equivalent of (defensive) Positioning, and vice versa, or is there more to it? Over time I have read multiple (sometimes contradictory) explanations. How does it really work? I know that both are connected to Anticipation, Anticipation being a prime mental attribute...

Off the Ball is as you say: the ability to make runs, move off the ball to get open for passes, and positioning is as you say also, the defensive version. Anticipation is defined as the ability to "read" the game or the play as it is developing. It would work with off the ball like so: player is good at losing his marker or timing his runs and can get into space, but if he's anticipated where the play is heading wrongly, he'll be in acres of space with no pass to receive :). Poor example, perhaps, but that is the essence of it.

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What to do when the opposition is pressing me really high up the pitch and I'm already using a deep defensive line, playing counter 4141?

Either the GK kicks it forward and we lose the ball immediately or he passes to defender who is then under pressure, misplaces a short pas or lumps it forward, in both cases resulting in us losing the ball again.

What to do tactically to carry the ball forward and exploit the space behind the pressing opposition?

Against what formation? I hate then teams do this, but I have had some joy setting the keeper to distribute to a fullback- the high press takes a little to get over to him often. YOu could also try clearing ball down the flanks, and passing into space. It's a bear to deal with, but those are few ideas that I have used with some success to get around it.

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Off the Ball is as you say: the ability to make runs, move off the ball to get open for passes, and positioning is as you say also, the defensive version. Anticipation is defined as the ability to "read" the game or the play as it is developing. It would work with off the ball like so: player is good at losing his marker or timing his runs and can get into space, but if he's anticipated where the play is heading wrongly, he'll be in acres of space with no pass to receive :). Poor example, perhaps, but that is the essence of it.

So, basically, Positioning is useless for players not involved in defending (pochers, advanced forwards, trequartistas, inside forwards, adv. playmakers. etc.), so is Off the Ball for Central defenders?

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It will increase his tendency to move into openings in wide areas when he's on the ball. "Cut Inside" and "Run Wide/Move Into Channels" don't directly affect off the ball movement. Off the Ball movement is controlled by a combination of duty, width and roaming.

Attack duty players will all cut in towards goal off the ball while support duty players will be more likely to drift wide to provide support on the flanks. Higher width encourages players to sit wider to stretch the defence while lower width encourages players to sit narrower to offer more avenues of penetration through the middle (keep in mind, however, that play narrower and play wider TIs will also encourage players to focus passing down the middle or along the flanks). Roaming gives players license to just go wherever there's space to be found.

Only saw this reply now. Thanks alot! Has boggled my for some time.

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So, basically, Positioning is useless for players not involved in defending (pochers, advanced forwards, trequartistas, inside forwards, adv. playmakers. etc.), so is Off the Ball for Central defenders?

Well, not entirely useless if you'd like them to help out on either offense or defense, but it's not a priority attribute for either.

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Looking to replace a DM I just sold. I can buy a potentially world class one, but I'm not sure about having someone who is 1.67m with 6 Jumping Reach. Is a DM that short worth it?

The old DM was decent in the air, the current first choice DM is so good in the air he could be a CB. The rest of the current midfield is decent in the air, but the youngsters coming through the ranks are all pretty short and awful in the air.

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My youth intake includes a 5 star potential 15 year old (just won Champions League so he should be really good) CB with great key attributes... except he's 5 foot 9 and has 6 for jumping reach. If I have him training jumping on high intensity is he every likely to reach something reasonable for a CB or should I just retrain him to a RB already...? I want him to be my future club captain so I am going to find a way to get him in the first XI!

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I'm playing with Colchester (or trying to, I keep deleting a few games into pre season because things don't "feel" right and I don't want to ruin match prep by constantly changing things around, I'm a strange person) and I don't really know how to set up my team. The team is rated as the fastest side in the league but, apart from Stamina, for everything else they're rated as bottom 4 standard. Thankfully, I'm not predicted to do too well (18th/24th), but I'm just wondering how to set up this side. Would I be better off starting a thread about it? Should I include screencaps of the players I have available if I start a thread?

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Does an Advanced Forward work with 2 Inside Forwards (1s & 1a) in a 4231 controlling formation? Using Spurs it seems that Bobby Soldado just doesnt get involved nearly enough and ends up getting about 10-12 touches a game. He has the PPM "likes to beat offside trap" so does this mean he's trying to play on the shoulder of a defensive line that is sitting too deep? Is the advanced forward more suitable to playing with a wide, high tempo attack featuring wingers, where he will get more lateral movement to tailor his runs in behind?

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Looking to replace a DM I just sold. I can buy a potentially world class one, but I'm not sure about having someone who is 1.67m with 6 Jumping Reach. Is a DM that short worth it?

The old DM was decent in the air, the current first choice DM is so good in the air he could be a CB. The rest of the current midfield is decent in the air, but the youngsters coming through the ranks are all pretty short and awful in the air.

Depends on how your DM plays and your system. I always like a little height, but its not essential

My youth intake includes a 5 star potential 15 year old (just won Champions League so he should be really good) CB with great key attributes... except he's 5 foot 9 and has 6 for jumping reach. If I have him training jumping on high intensity is he every likely to reach something reasonable for a CB or should I just retrain him to a RB already...? I want him to be my future club captain so I am going to find a way to get him in the first XI!

If he is quick you can pair him with a taller defensive partner. He won't be a massive aerial presence, but he should become ok enough - maybe a 10-12 if you are lucky.

I'm playing with Colchester (or trying to, I keep deleting a few games into pre season because things don't "feel" right and I don't want to ruin match prep by constantly changing things around, I'm a strange person) and I don't really know how to set up my team. The team is rated as the fastest side in the league but, apart from Stamina, for everything else they're rated as bottom 4 standard. Thankfully, I'm not predicted to do too well (18th/24th), but I'm just wondering how to set up this side. Would I be better off starting a thread about it? Should I include screencaps of the players I have available if I start a thread?

Spot on - get your thread up and we'll take a look. Best way of using raw pace is probably counter-attacking. But it depends on some other stuff too.

Does an Advanced Forward work with 2 Inside Forwards (1s & 1a) in a 4231 controlling formation? Using Spurs it seems that Bobby Soldado just doesnt get involved nearly enough and ends up getting about 10-12 touches a game. He has the PPM "likes to beat offside trap" so does this mean he's trying to play on the shoulder of a defensive line that is sitting too deep? Is the advanced forward more suitable to playing with a wide, high tempo attack featuring wingers, where he will get more lateral movement to tailor his runs in behind?

He can, make sure he pulls into channels though to create room for your IF(A)

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Depends on how your DM plays and your system. I always like a little height, but its not essential

I like him to help out defending set pieces, so being decent in the air is a bonus same reason I passed on a 1.59m FB. In the end I decided to buy a slightly lower potential ability DM who was a bit taller who I can hopefully train to get 10-12 Jumping Reach.

Mainly I was worried as my current crop of youngsters are all short and I'd end up with all the players in the middle of the park with 6-7 Jumping Reach.

I've got another stupid question. Is "a little disappointed but gain some insight in the mental aspect" the best result for tutoring? It is the only result I ever seem to get, the only difference is sometimes the tutoring ends earlier. So if the tutoring lasts a long time and I get that message is that the best possible result?

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Maybe they weren't right then, probably as I am trying to use the "best" Tutor personalities possible so the difference is maybe too big. I have just seen one end really badly for the first time, and I've had loads of flat out rejections.

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Corner kick set pieces have been drastically altered since the most recent patch / match engine update.

How are you all getting on with that aspect? I cannot score from corners to save my life. The AI tends to set up this gigantic wall on the 6 year box, which I cannot replicate through my own set piece tactics (I thought the AI couldn't do anything we can't do??)

I think that before the patch there were way too many corner kick goals, but now there seems to be way too few lol. I know it's hard to get things "just right" but still..

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i kind of need help with tactical analysis of opposition from the scout report.

First thing i do is check their weak attributes and select players accordingly - If it's Pace i select pacy wingers and direct passing with Run to defense..this kind of thing.

Then i check the most assists area and set passing accordingly.

I check their strikers attributes and determine if they're playing Target man so i'll push up defensive line or are they playing a fast striker so i'll drop deeper.

And yet i lose to Fulham 4-0 who are 13th on the table and 4-1 to Aston Villa who are freakin' 20th on the table :seagull: !!!!!!! AND I AM PLAYING WITH CHELSEA for heaven's sake.

this has happened to me twice.. I start out really well in the season with tactics training but after that they start screwing up in the middle of the season :'(

What am i doing wrong ? is it Match Preparation ? or am i missing something from the report or misinterpreting something ?

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Haha maybe !! Formation ? i used a 4-2-2-2 .. 2 cbs , 2 fullbacks ,1 BWM ,1 BBM,2 Wingers,1 Treq and 1 poacher :|

Trek cuz i have Alexsandro Dsouza who is although 35 has GODLIKE attributes except for pace and strength obviously :p

what do you have to say about this :/

as to the goals..well Kacanklic scored a hat-trick :| ..two from the box and one from a penalty :| .. i mean not like it was one on one..there were defenders too !

and the fourth goal was from a corner.

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I'm using SI's new Gibraltar database downloaded from the Steam Workshop and have picked Manchester 62. Some would argue they're the second best team in the country (at least on the game) but because all the players are amateur the tactical side of things kind of goes out the window.

I've looked at the type of players in the country and the majority have a CA/PA of no higher than 50 (with the odd exception), no PPM's and are basically all around rubbish. I also don't know if they actually exist in the real world or if they're all generated at the start of the game

So my questions is, for an amateur club what sort of tactic is best to go with? Standard 4-4-2 with minimal player/team instructions?

Appreciate this kind of breaches the LLM rules as such but I'm a bit stuck for what to do.


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Haha maybe !! Formation ? i used a 4-2-2-2 .. 2 cbs , 2 fullbacks ,1 BWM ,1 BBM,2 Wingers,1 Treq and 1 poacher :|

Trek cuz i have Alexsandro Dsouza who is although 35 has GODLIKE attributes except for pace and strength obviously :p

what do you have to say about this :/

as to the goals..well Kacanklic scored a hat-trick :| ..two from the box and one from a penalty :| .. i mean not like it was one on one..there were defenders too !

and the fourth goal was from a corner.

Even without an image, I can pretty confidently say that's a fairly dubious set up!

If you're using a 4-2-2-2 (I assume it's just a 4-4-2 with the ML/R pushed up to AML/R), then you need a more stable central MC partnership than you have. The Duties assigned to your wingers will also have determined how vulnerable you were on the flanks. In reality, it isn't always necessary to move players up from ML/R. It makes minimal attacking difference, but a marked defensive difference.

Check out llama3's Pairs and Combinations thread at the top of the forum to get an idea of a better balance to your midfield.

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Stupid question indeed but can someone help explain the team comparison screen to me? I'm playing as Man Utd (FM13, 3rd season) and my team is ranked really low on most criteria - often 17th to 20th in the entire league. How is this determined - is it taking my first team squad, entire squad, 25 registered players, or what? . Is there any easy way to see how my starting XI ranks against other teams?

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Hello, still several days away from my computer but have been thinking of making a new start and wondering if it is possible to make a solid tactic that is completely symmetrical? For example, a 4-1-2-2-1 with both left and right sides of the formation having the exact same duties and roles as its counterparts?

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Hello, still several days away from my computer but have been thinking of making a new start and wondering if it is possible to make a solid tactic that is completely symmetrical? For example, a 4-1-2-2-1 with both left and right sides of the formation having the exact same duties and roles as its counterparts?

It's possible. Whilst the stickied guides suggest that you start by mixing things up, they aren't strict rules that you have to adhere to.

I have had a successful 4-2-3-1 and 4-1-2-2-1 where both Complete Wing Backs were on Attack (no other Duty can be selected!), and the Inside Forwards were both on Support.

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It's possible. Whilst the stickied guides suggest that you start by mixing things up, they aren't strict rules that you have to adhere to.

I have had a successful 4-2-3-1 and 4-1-2-2-1 where both Complete Wing Backs were on Attack (no other Duty can be selected!), and the Inside Forwards were both on Support.

Thanks, nice to hear that! Can't wait to test some formations :D

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What would happen if you set up with the narrowest formation ever, sweeper, 2 CBs, 2DMs, 2CM2, 2AMs and a Poacher, and select exploit the flanks? Would the ball be cpassed wide when there is no one there?

Also - when looking at team reports, if the opposition biggest weakness is strength, is it good to use a target man? Similarly with weak at heading?

And if theyre slow, how do you maximise your attacks against them? Put your strikers on move into channels to encourage dragging them about?

And whats the best way to get a stiker over a goal drought? If nothing has changed, its incredibly frustsrating to see him go 10 games without a goal when he previously had a 1 in 1 ratio.

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What would happen if you set up with the narrowest formation ever, sweeper, 2 CBs, 2DMs, 2CM2, 2AMs and a Poacher, and select exploit the flanks? Would the ball be cpassed wide when there is no one there?

Also - when looking at team reports, if the opposition biggest weakness is strength, is it good to use a target man? Similarly with weak at heading?

And if theyre slow, how do you maximise your attacks against them? Put your strikers on move into channels to encourage dragging them about?

And whats the best way to get a stiker over a goal drought? If nothing has changed, its incredibly frustsrating to see him go 10 games without a goal when he previously had a 1 in 1 ratio.

If you use a narrow formation, CMs and AMs will move into channels to receive the ball. Exploit the flanks will then increase the likelihood that they receive the ball when they get there.

It depends on which opposition players are weak and the qualities of your forward. If they have short and weak defenders, and you have a big forward with limited technical ability, target man is a good option. If they have short and weak defenders, and you have a big forward who is good with the ball at his feet, Deep Lying Forward is a better option. If they have short and weak defenders, and you have a big forward with a good footballing brain and good technical ability, Complete Forward might be an even better option.

If the opposition defence is slow, you want to encourage them to push up if possible so you can exploit the depth behind their defence, but if they play with a defensive mentality, they may not give you this option.

In the past, I've found it helpful to drop the striker for high pressure matches and let him rebuild his confidence in cup/reserve/youth games before reintroducing him to the first XI. You can also keep him as a sub, and bring him on in matches where you've built up a good lead and everyone is feeling confident/relaxed.

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Remember though that lateral movement on FM is more a less none existent so the movement will be poor unless its vertical. Also worth noting move into channels doesn't mean out wide, its the space between centreback and fullback. A lot of users get this confused with the idea of a player moving into the wide areas, its not that at all. Some users seem to think its the space between the fullback and touch line but its not :)

As for exploiting the flanks it doesn't increase the likelihood of the players receiving the ball in those areas like THOG suggested as you have no wide players. What exploiting the flanks actually does is;

It gives the fullback/wingbacks and wingers more attacking and focuses the play down both flanks. It also tells them to run from deep and cross the ball more often. If you use central midfielders then it’ll tell them to hold up the ball.

So the only benefit you'd see is from the CM's holding the ball up in the shape you posted :)

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Guest El Payaso

Is it actually possible for players who are already turned 25 to reach good amount of their potential ability with training and good amount of game time in good league? I have Ravel Morrison and Tom Thorpe in my team and both of them had a 5 star PA before they turned 25 and now they are only 'Good Championship' -players and according to the coaches not going to improve. Morrison is 'ambitious' and Thorpe 'fairly loyal'.

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Stupid question indeed but can someone help explain the team comparison screen to me? I'm playing as Man Utd (FM13, 3rd season) and my team is ranked really low on most criteria - often 17th to 20th in the entire league. How is this determined - is it taking my first team squad, entire squad, 25 registered players, or what? . Is there any easy way to see how my starting XI ranks against other teams?

i have the same question as you, and i suspect it compares to the players you leave on your main squad (against opposition's main squads), and i think you should leave only key, first team and rotation players there... if you have hot prospects and backup players, leave them on their respective squads and don't let them play if you wish to use them on a first team match

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Is it actually possible for players who are already turned 25 to reach good amount of their potential ability with training and good amount of game time in good league? I have Ravel Morrison and Tom Thorpe in my team and both of them had a 5 star PA before they turned 25 and now they are only 'Good Championship' -players and according to the coaches not going to improve. Morrison is 'ambitious' and Thorpe 'fairly loyal'.

I believe they can improve at a slower rate but they will continue to improve... maybe if they have good professionalism, constantly high morale and not injuring... besides the conditions you already mentioned.

Maybe you had a recent past change of staff and now your coach have better club players' knowledge or changed them know and they don't have club players knowledge and their assessment changed.

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Remember though that lateral movement on FM is more a less none existent so the movement will be poor unless its vertical. Also worth noting move into channels doesn't mean out wide, its the space between centreback and fullback. A lot of users get this confused with the idea of a player moving into the wide areas, its not that at all. Some users seem to think its the space between the fullback and touch line but its not :)

As for exploiting the flanks it doesn't increase the likelihood of the players receiving the ball in those areas like THOG suggested as you have no wide players. What exploiting the flanks actually does is;

So the only benefit you'd see is from the CM's holding the ball up in the shape you posted :)

I've found lateral movement has been much improved in FM14. Here's a screenshot from a 3-2-2-2-1 in action. The only TIs I added were "Exploit the Flanks," "Stick to Positions" (to deactivate roaming) and "Drop Deeper":


The AMCL and MCL (Davis and Ward-Prowse) have drifted wide to receive the ball from the DCL. Once they do, they begin working it up together through the left side and the move eventually ends with a cross into the box. You're right that they typically won't go to the touchline and their forward runs have them going into a slightly more central position, but they do move wider and will have a greater tendency to work it through an outer third as opposed to playing it back to players in a more central position. Of course, this basically means you're going to be funneling build-up through 2 players working in a very narrow stretch of the pitch, and defensively, this formation is a disaster.

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