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Can you edit the World Club Cup with normal editor?


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I was thinking of expanding it and qualifying the winners of the top 32 teams in the World and play it knockout style. Is this possible to do via the regular editor or at all? I'm basically bypassing the continental winners to do this and I didn't know if they screwed anything? THANKS

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You're best off making it inactive and creating a new one yourself.

I've did the same thing but for the champion of every nation in the world with the small nations champs starting in the 1st round and adding new nations each round until the 5th round when the top 16 nations were added. It can all be done using the continental rules, just make sure you set continent to world.

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I did something like this but can't get it to work. Yes, I used the Continental Rules, to set the continent to world, but when creating the actual competition itself, writing the new one, it won't let me select "world" as a continent and the file doesn't appear in the game.

What am I missing?

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For the not divisible by 2 error, it is explained by the Unknown Hacker very well in 1 of the threads.

Any let me narrate it to you.

Teams starting in this stage refers to the new teams entering the competition in that stage.

For example if in the FA Cup 16 teams enter in the 3rd round you will have to untick the box and enter 13.

And for number of matches it will be old teams thru to this stage + 16 /8. If in a round no new teams enter leave the box unticked but add the no of matches correctly.

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