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Defensive mentality/tactic

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I know this may be impossible to answer, but i'll try anyway. Its not really a question either...

First; i'm no good at training or tactics. I make myself one tactic, and use that with adjustments. This year i have a 4-1-2-2-1, playing with Corby.

Nothing special, just have tried to set the sliders logical.

First season; promotion. Played often with "STANDARD" or "CONTROL" mentality at home, and counter-attack or standard at away games.

Second season, same..but with mixed result. Struggled, but had a lot of injuries.

Third season i was sure i had good enough team to at least get a play-off or middle, but struggled at bottom the whole season.

With 10 matches to go and pretty sure that i would be relegated, i decided to play Defensive-mentality all ten matches.

The effect was remarkable; took more points those 10 matches than the rest of the season. Beat Kidderminster 7-2 home (they were on 5. place).

7 goals! The most i have scored ever....and we were defensive. got to safe ground in the last minute!

Why? Why was the mentality adjustment that much more effective than counter-attack, or standard at home?

The formation is just the same, but i guess the mentality on the players are a bit different.

Any thoughts? Any other have success with laying very defensive, also at home-ground?

My thoughts are that next season i shall play defensively :)

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