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Strikers set to swap position's

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Just wanted to know if anyone else is doing this and what results are you seeing from it?

I have recently set up my strikers Deeplying Forward (S) and Advanced Forward (A) but due to not have confidence in who should play where etc I decided to tick the option to have the strikers swap position. I am not sure how often they switch during the game and what makes them switch but I noticed that it started to get both strikers scoring rather than having only my advanced one scoring most of the goals.

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It works well against teams that man mark.

Also, if you have your formation window open whilst you play (the small one available from the top right menu whilst playing) then you can see when they switch.

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It works well against teams that man mark.

Also, if you have your formation window open whilst you play (the small one available from the top right menu whilst playing) then you can see when they switch.

how do you know if a team is man marking? Simply by watchig the game in full? I never seem to notice. I wanted to set up a system where my AMC/ST/ST all swapped position but alas SI havn't made that a possibility :(

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how do you know if a team is man marking? Simply by watchig the game in full? I never seem to notice. I wanted to set up a system where my AMC/ST/ST all swapped position but alas SI havn't made that a possibility :(

You can do that. Let's call them A, B and C.

Set A to swap with B, B with C and C with A. I've done it in the past. Providing the players have the right attributes, it does discombobulate the opposition's marking. I can see if the oppo is man marking on extended highlights, no need for 90 mins.

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You can do that. Let's call them A, B and C.

Set A to swap with B, B with C and C with A. I've done it in the past. Providing the players have the right attributes, it does discombobulate the opposition's marking. I can see if the oppo is man marking on extended highlights, no need for 90 mins.

I thought you could do it like that but once you've set A to swap with B you cannot set B to swap with another player as they are already swapping with A. (hope that makes sense) Ive got it set as my AMC swaps with 1 ST and the ST's swap, was pretty effective in the one game i managed to get in last night. I watched the extended highlights and im pretty sure they were man marking, I suppose it wouldn't be as effective against Zonal marking.

Cheers anyway :)

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