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I am currently playing a game with Chelsea (being a Chelsea fan) and am desperately wanting a player in the modric mould, i know tottenham are our rivals but is there anyway at all i will be able to sign him as when i agree a fee with tottenham modric wont even listen to my offer, same with bale and dawson. I have tried to interact with the players themselves and even Harry Redknapp but just dont get a chance to offer them a deal, some advice would be good.

Also. while i'm here, i'm having problems with conceding goals, i have tried a deep defensive line and a high line in a 4-3-3, fluid (also balanced, and very fluid) control (also attacking) slow tempo and fast tempo but concede goals mainly from set pieces left, right and centre, i put my match preparation on defending set pieces but majority of goals conceded come from set pieces, it's doing my nut in. same with long shots too, i have between 15/20 shots on goal with a good 12/14 sometimes from long range and off target, again i have tried slowing the tempo down, long shots on most players to 'rarely' but players like Meireles, ramires and couple of others still shot from ridiculous angles. i'm getting to the point where i'm thinking of going back to FM11 as i never had this problem in that game.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Go to the Chelsea thread here. Sorry but its not hard to search for it. Not exactly new to here are you?

He's only done 18 posts since signing up in 2008, so he rarely comes on here. So a bit harsh to have a go like that. Not everyone is a regular on here and knows how to do a "perfect" post Mr 1,327 post man.

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He's only done 18 posts since signing up in 2008, so he rarely comes on here. So a bit harsh to have a go like that. Not everyone is a regular on here and knows how to do a "perfect" post Mr 1,327 post man.

Sorry, didn't know we didn't follow forum rules these days. :rolleyes:

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Sorry, didn't know we didn't follow forum rules these days. :rolleyes:

The point I'm making is he wouldn't know all the forum rules would he? You point out he's not exactly new looking at his signing up date, but you conveniently forget to mention that his post was only his 18th post in over 3 years. It's all well and good saying to use the Chelsea thread out to help him so he knows next time, but there is absolutely no need to criticise him like you did. Unfortunately, some of us aren't PERFECT on this forum like you claim to be!

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Haha this is ridiculous, fair enough I posted this in the wrong section and you've told me where to post it (which I have done) but your continuing to go on about it, wouldn't it just be easier to A) help me with my enquiry or B) drop it and go to a different subject. In the meantime I promise not to break 'forum rules' haha

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Where did I claim I was perfect? :confused: And there is a sticky that is named Official Forum Rulebook - READ BEFORE POSTING, and what I mentioned is in there.

The fact you're telling everyone how to use this forum shows you are claiming to be perfect. Again, this poster wouldn't know there's a rulebook as he rarely comes on here. People like you on here who go around criticising and telling everyone how to do a post do my head in to be honest. Why can't this forum be relaxed with everyone being allowed to ask a simple question or ask for a simple bit of advice without being criticised saying they've done the post wrong, they must use a template, they must post screenie's etc? Some people just don't have the time and have lives outside of this forum and all these rules and regulations, on top of people like you who seem to love criticising if a post isn't done to their liking, makes it very intimidating to post and people then think "why bother" and this stops people wanting to come on here and contribute. In my opinion, people like yourself drive people like the OP away. Just put a sock in it, stop having a go at people and criticising and try and constructively help people when they try asking a simple question instead of the typical "you haven't included this so your post sucks", "you're posting in the wrong place", "the post isn't set out correctly, use a template".

To be honest, the title of this forum is misleading, it's titled "THE GOOD PLAYER AND TEAM GUIDE" and the OP has done a post asking for advice on how to SIGN PLAYERS FROM A RIVAL CLUB. Isn't this what you should expect on a good player and team guide forum? The fact the OP's post is judged "incorrect for this forum" is bizarre to say the least, perhaps the forum should be renamed to "GOOD PLAYER/TEAM PROFILES"? I mean all that's on this forum is threads about a player/team with screenie's/info on there and if you try and do a different post like the OP above, everyone says "use the Chelsea thread". Maybe this forum should be retitled and then a new forum can be set up for us less serious people who just want to ask a simple question without being shot down in flames?

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To be fair, I am kinda bored so argued on purpose. :p Guess I'll drop it! :)

Not much you can do about the set-pieces at the moment. Using the 'Work Ball into Box' shout in match may help, but if your players have a PPM abut shooting from range there won't be much you can do. Not really sure about the Modric type player as I used Arashvin/Wilshere in my Premiership games.

Hope that help you. :lol:

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At the end of the day, a lot of users come on here and tend to create new threads such as this when they arent sure exactly where to post. We will then help by linking them to the exact thread they require, and as I did, link them to the 'Official Forum Threads' if they are ever stuck in the future. This will be closed down as all threads like this are and it will disolve out of sight like the rest and will fall to the back page(s) of the GPTG. No harm done....I think we just like it looking as neat as possible.

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The fact you're telling everyone how to use this forum shows you are claiming to be perfect. Again, this poster wouldn't know there's a rulebook as he rarely comes on here. People like you on here who go around criticising and telling everyone how to do a post do my head in to be honest. Why can't this forum be relaxed with everyone being allowed to ask a simple question or ask for a simple bit of advice without being criticised saying they've done the post wrong, they must use a template, they must post screenie's etc? Some people just don't have the time and have lives outside of this forum and all these rules and regulations, on top of people like you who seem to love criticising if a post isn't done to their liking, makes it very intimidating to post and people then think "why bother" and this stops people wanting to come on here and contribute. In my opinion, people like yourself drive people like the OP away. Just put a sock in it, stop having a go at people and criticising and try and constructively help people when they try asking a simple question instead of the typical "you haven't included this so your post sucks", "you're posting in the wrong place", "the post isn't set out correctly, use a template".

To be honest, the title of this forum is misleading, it's titled "THE GOOD PLAYER AND TEAM GUIDE" and the OP has done a post asking for advice on how to SIGN PLAYERS FROM A RIVAL CLUB. Isn't this what you should expect on a good player and team guide forum? The fact the OP's post is judged "incorrect for this forum" is bizarre to say the least, perhaps the forum should be renamed to "GOOD PLAYER/TEAM PROFILES"? I mean all that's on this forum is threads about a player/team with screenie's/info on there and if you try and do a different post like the OP above, everyone says "use the Chelsea thread". Maybe this forum should be retitled and then a new forum can be set up for us less serious people who just want to ask a simple question without being shot down in flames?


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At the end of the day, a lot of users come on here and tend to create new threads such as this when they arent sure exactly where to post. We will then help by linking them to the exact thread they require, and as I did, link them to the 'Official Forum Threads' if they are ever stuck in the future. This will be closed down as all threads like this are and it will disolve out of sight like the rest and will fall to the back page(s) of the GPTG. No harm done....I think we just like it looking as neat as possible.

Exactly, just couldn't be bothered to explain myself. Thanks! :thup:

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At the end of the day, a lot of users come on here and tend to create new threads such as this when they arent sure exactly where to post. We will then help by linking them to the exact thread they require, and as I did, link them to the 'Official Forum Threads' if they are ever stuck in the future. This will be closed down as all threads like this are and it will disolve out of sight like the rest and will fall to the back page(s) of the GPTG. No harm done....I think we just like it looking as neat as possible.

I totally agree and I certainly wasn't having a go at you. You pointed the OP in the right direction and directed him to the Chelsea thread where he can get further help. I took offence at malikoi because of the way he had a go at the OP. There's no need to abuse fellow posters like that and malikoi even just admitted he argued on purpose, which is quite pathetic really, but I suppose every forum has it's minority of posters like that.

I understand you saying about keeping the forum neat, and although I do agree with this point, I also think there should also be a more relaxed atmosphere on here and some of the rules and regulations are over the top, but I appreciate this is just my opinion and if the majority of posters are happy with the way this forum is run and set out, it's all good.

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